Take him!

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Take him! Page 4

by Parejo, Sandra

  “Hello auntie!”

  “Hello Carla!”

  “I’m at Alexia’s, his brother’s friend came too. You know who I’m talking about? The cute boy who practices motocross.”

  “Yes, I remember him.”

  And Alvaro too, I think to myself.

  “I can’t talk now, I want to pay attention at what they’re doing.” She says.

  “And what are they doing?” I ask intrigued.

  “They’re playing on the Play Station, at a motorbike race game that seems very cool.”

  Poor niece of mine, she fell prey to Cupid. If she were eleven years older, twenty-five, which is my age, she wouldn’t let be fooled.

  “Auntie, are you listening to me? ―she says snapping me out of it.”

  “Yes, honey.”

  “I have to go, everything is okay. I love yoooooou.”

  And she hangs up.

  I start reading, I eat an apple for dinner and I go to bed.

  Tuesday is a continuation of Monday: no signs of Álvaro. I think that finally, he got the message.

  On Wednesday I start to understand it is not so easy to run into the same person in a district so big, so I’m much more relaxed. The girls decide to go to have lunch to one of the restaurants that are next to the park, very close to the school.

  We need to talk, it’s been days since the last time we did it. Besides, Emma seems worried.

  “What is it Emma? Why that face? ―I ask fed up with her long face.”

  “I had my first fight with Iván yesterday.

  Iván is her new boyfriend, the one with the parents who have a little house in Costa Brava.”

  “And why?” Angélica asks.

  “Because I want him to meet my parents and he gives me the runaround.” She says with a good girl tone.

  “If he doesn’t want to, don’t pressure him.” I defend the poor guy.

  “No, I want him to meet them.”

  “So he shows you this is a serious thing, right?” Lucía asks, who is also stubborn with guys.

  “No…” She add on the defensive.

  Then, when she sees our incredulous looks, she continues:

  “Well a bit, what’s wrong with that?” She defends herself again.

  “There’s nothing wrong with it, but if you want him to get involved more with you, you must tell him. Don’t try to see how he acts in a tricky situation to see if he’s totally in or not.” Angélica says.

  “I know, you’re right. I’ll think about it and I’ll call him later to meet and talk.”

  “That’s it.” The three of us say with a big smile.

  Lucía changes the subject to her only issue.

  “Girls, remember that on Friday it’s my bachelorette party. Some of my friends will come, you know some of them, and also some of Nestor’s male friends.”

  <> I didn’t remember it and I don’t feel like going at all. I have enough going to her wedding next week.

  We continue talking and tasting our food until it’s almost three. We have to run off or we won’t make it to our classes.

  The afternoon passes by quickly and at five I pick up everything to go back to my sweet home. But, to my surprise, I run into Álvaro at the door who is leaning on his car, looking at me. I’m paralyzed. What does he want now?

  He comes closer to where I am ―totally still ―, takes my bandaged hand and kisses me on it, as he’s used to doing every time he sees me. Next time I’ll be ready to move the hand away on time and tell him not to do it anymore, that I don’t like it. Even if it’s a lie.

  “Hello! I’m sorry I wasn’t able to come sooner to know how your hand is going. But I’ve been away on a business trip and as I don’t have your number, it’s been impossible to call you.” He looks at me like saying: see? I need it.

  “It’s much better, thank you. It doesn’t hurt me at all.” I tell him definitely.

  “We’ll see that now.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Yes, don’t you remember we have an appointment with Javier?”

  “At seven, right?” I ask ironically.

  “No, at quarter past five. So if you don’t want to be late, we’d better go right now.”

  Well, it seems he’s not mocking me this time.

  I get in the car through the backseat driver’s door which he’s holding with his serious look and when I’m sat, I curse for being here again. It seemed I was going to have a quiet week and then he shows up, willing to turn it upside down again.

  He doesn’t speak to me during the few streets which separate the school and the clinic, He parks in the underground parking lot and says:

  “Come on, we’re going to be late.”

  I decide not to answer him.

  When we get in Javier’s office, he repeats his ritual with us: he gives me two kisses and hugs Álvaro.

  “So, how is that hand?”

  “Much better, it almost doesn’t hurt.”

  “Almost?” Álvaro asks and adds “I thought it didn’t hurt at all.”

  He repeats my words from earlier.

  I look at him with a harsh face so he shuts up and Javier starts to smile at the situation, so I feel in the obligation of looking at him with the same face. Then, he gets serious and says:

  “Álvaro, you’re doomed.”

  “Believe me I know, my friend.” He says as if I weren’t there.

  This is incredible, I think.

  “Well, I’ll do some other X-ray films again and I’ll make sure everything is okay. Let’s go, Martina.”

  I go away from Javier’s office leaving Álvaro there.

  At the corridor, Javier asks me:

  “An exceptional guy, huh?” He says referring to Álvaro.

  “We could discuss that.”

  Javier laughs at my answer and we proceed with the X-ray films quietly, luckily for me.

  We go back to the office after a few minutes and we find Álvaro standing and looking through the window. To be honest, when he’s quiet, and from behind, the guy is more than okay. However, he quickly spoils it when he turns around and opens his mouth.

  “How is she, Javier?”

  “This looks better, although she must continue taking medication and she must still wear the bandage.”

  Then I remember the medication at that very moment. Where did I put it? who cares.

  Álvaro sighs in relief and I think he’s exaggerating.

  “Okay, the moment you feel it stops hurting, take off that bandage.” Javier tells me as he bandages my hand again. “And if the pain doesn’t stop, you must come back right away.”

  “Okay.” Álvaro says.

  I look at him thinking the doctor is talking to me and not to him.

  We say goodbye to Javier again, and I hope this is finally the last time I see him, so I’m happy when I feel his two goodbye kisses.

  We leave the consultation and I tell Álvaro:


  “To know you’re much better? Well, yes.”

  This dude is so annoying, he has answers for everything.

  “Thank you for everything.”

  “You’re welcome.”


  “Aren’t you going to let me take you home?”

  “You don’t have to, the train station is right there.”

  “I’d rather take you.”

  “And I’d rather leave now.”

  I turn around and I leave him there confused. Who does he think he is, my father to take me everywhere?

  On Thursday, when I get up, my hand hurts slightly. I’m angry about it and I say very pissed:

  “Why can’t you heal once for all damned hand so I can forget about annoying Álvaro?”

  I go to work and I only hope he doesn’t show up. At five, I leave and no signs of him. Even though, I run to the train station.

  On Friday, the hand hurts a bit when I get up. Finally, I decide to look for the pills the doctor gave me and I take one.

sp; At noon, as it still hurts, I have another. Luckily, it’s Friday and I’ll be able to rest over the weekend.

  At five, the girls and I leave the school together to decide at what time we’re meeting tonight. They finally convinced me to go to the dinner arranged for Lucia’s bachelorette party, but afterwards I’ll leave to go home using my hand as an excuse, so I can sleep placidly as the rest go to have some drinks.

  We’re meeting at nine at a trending restaurant located in the Eixample área in Barcelona. I decide to catch a taxi even if it costs a fortune, I don’t feel like going on the underground because of how I’m dressed. I’m wearing a Calvin Klein black dress with uncovered back that I bought online and some high-heeled sandals. I feel comfortable and even sexy, but when I see the bandage on my hand all the glamour fades away and I curse at Álvaro again.

  When I get in the establishment, Emma and Angélica ―who are gorgeous― show up with a champagne glass son their hands. They look at me euphorics and tell me I’m hot.

  Suddenly, Alberto, a colleague of Lucia’s future husband, shows up; and every time we’re at the same place, he becomes a leech.

  “Woow… You’re as pretty as always.” Alberto tells me.

  “You're good too.” I lie.

  “Hey, what happened to your hand?” He asks worrily.

  “I tripped over, but I’m much better now.”

  “How’s life?” He starts a conversation.

  “Very good. I’m going to get something to drink, I’ll look for you in a while and we catch up.” I lie again. But his eyes light up and tells me:

  “I’ll be waiting for you.”

  When I’m smiling at him with one of my big smiles, a very fake smile, I see Alvaro is talking to Néstor, Lucia’s future husband, and he’s looking at me with his serious look. I don’t even greet him, I turn around and I see the three witches laughing at me.

  “So you knew Álvaro was coming and you didn’t tell me.” I say very angry.

  “If we had told you, you wouldn’t have come for sure.” Angélica answers.

  “And I wouldn’t have forgiven you for that.” Lucía adds.

  Suddenly, a hand brushes my back. I know there are three options: the first one is that it’s Néstor, but we’re not so intimate to touch me like that; the second one is that Alberto looked for me again, and the third one, it’s Alvaro. And by the feeling I’m having, I know it’s him.

  In front of everyone, he takes my bandaged hand and kisses on it as always. The people are watching and Néstor’s colleagues, join the dots and understand that I’m the guilty part for the chaos they lived the day he decided to stand some executives up.

  “Hi! What a pleasant surprise. I didn’t have any idea that Nestor’s fiancée was your colleague. It’s a nice coincidence, don’t you think?” He asks me.

  “No, I don’t think so.”

  He omits my answer and asks:

  “How is your hand? Please don’t lie…”

  “Fine, thank you.” I lie.

  “Are you sure?” He insists.


  “Do you want something to drink? Do you want me to go to get a drink with you?” He offers kindly.

  “You harmed my hand, not my legs. Do you remember?” I answer in a bad mood. He, however, seems impassible and I almost see him smile.

  A maître appears through the door and announces we should sit down for the dinner. I take the opportunity to escape, I look for the witches to sit down with them while Alberto looks for me to sit down with me.

  Once sitted, I look with my eyes where Álvaro is. I find him among some colleagues of Néstor and I see a blonde woman, who doesn’t stop laughing at something he said. I can’t imagine something funny can come out from Álvaro’s mouth.

  Lowly, so Alberto doesn’t hear, Angélica and Emma tell me:

  “Why are you so rude?” Angélica asks.

  “Excuse me?” I try to defend myself.

  “This guy is being charming to you and you don’t stop attacking him with aggresive comments.” Emma says.

  “Whatever happened to him being an snooty, arrogant and all those kind of things?” I tell them off.

  “He’s still all those things, but not with you. Don’t you realize?” Angélica says.

  At that moment, Alberto interrumps.

  “So it was you who the big boss bumped into.” Alberto affirms, as he doesn’t need to ask anything.

  “Yes, unfortunately.” I tell him.

  “You don’t know what happened that day at the office.”

  “I’ve been told about it. Do you want some wine?” I try to change the subject.

  The dinner finishes. It’s been a bit annoying because of Alberto’s company, who didn’t stop talking about all the trips he makes with his dear mother. Besides, Emma and Angélica haven’t helped me to get rid of him. On the other hand, Álvaro has been having a good time with the blonde, who wouldn’t stop touching his hair and he didn’t even look at me for one second.

  When the people stand up to leave the restaurant and go to the club where they are finishing the night, I take the opportunity to tell the witches:

  “Thanks a lot, my friends, to help me with Alberto during the dinner.” I tell them ironically.

  “It was a strategy to make the handsome boss of Néstor a bit jealous.” Angélica says.

  “Ha, ha! You’re so silly. Didn’t you see he was enjoying his time with the blonde?” I tell them.

  Suddenly, Lucia arrives, who is delighted with her party, and asks:

  “Girls, would you share a cab with some of Néstor’s friends from school?”

  I take the opportunity and say:

  “Lucia, you know I love you a lot, but I’m tired and I’m leaving now. You know my hand hurts and I’m on medication.”

  “Geez, Martina. Are you really leaving? Does it hurt so much?”

  I look at her with sorrow in my face and I say:

  “A lot.” I exaggerate, and then we fall into each other’s arms.

  I try to leave quickly so Alberto doesn’t see me.

  I get successfuly to the cloakroom in the restaurant to retrieve my coat. Suddenly, I feel the same hand than before on my back.

  “A little bird told me you’re leaving because your hand hurts.”

  “It doesn’t hurt, but I needed an excuse.”

  “I don’t believe you.” Álvaro says.

  “Are you going to take me to Javier’s consultation right now so he can subject me to the polygraph?” I ask pissed.

  “I’d like to, but I think it’s a bit late. Grab your things, I’ll take you home.”

  “No, thank you.”

  “Fine, so leave your things here. Let’s go!”

  “I mean you don’t have to take me, I didn’t drink or something like that.”

  “Let’s go!”

  But, what is he doing? Then it’s my turn and the girl gives me my coat. When I turn around, Álvaro is waiting for me so I go to the street quickly and I call the first taxi I see. Luckily, it’s free and it stops.

  “As you can see, I already have someone to take me home and I don’t need you to take me on your beautiful car. Kepp enjoying the night. Goodbye.”

  Victorious, I close he door in his face, but he gets inside through the other back door and he sits next to me.

  I look at him astonished. I don’t have words. He’s pissing me off, a lot.

  “6, Josep Tarradellas Street, please.” He says my address to the taxi driver.

  “Let’s go.” She other answers, unaware of the tension between us.

  Shocked by Alvaro’s attitude, I look through the window and I make out some colleagues that were at the dinner watching our little scene, and the witches at the back, waving at me with their evil hands.

  On the way, he looks at me out of the corner of his eye and I roll my eyes. I think he knows I’m very pissed and he’d better be quiet.

  When we get to my block, the taxi driver stops. Álvaro gives him
a bill and tells him to keep the change and I don’t even have time to open my purse.

  We leave the taxi and I say:

  “You shouldn’t let it go, cabs don’t usually come around here.”

  “Are you worried about me?”

  “Not at all, it’s only a comment.”

  “Well, I see you got home and I won’t tell you I’m thirsty because I don’t want you to give me another one liter and a half bottle of water.”

  “Ha, ha.” I laugh ironically. What’s his deal?, I think.

  “ome on, get in. Good night.” He says.

  He leans on some fences to see how I get into my building as I disappear through the door with a tachycardia.

  On Saturday, I get up late, going to bed very late ―although if it’s only to go to have dinner ―it’s not good for me.

  As I don’t go to the park, Carlos comes to visit me for a while.

  “How is your hand?”

  “It seemed better, but it hurt a bit more during these last two days.”

  “This is getting too long, isn’t it? Did you see the serious guy again?”

  And then I tell him about what happened on Wednesday and last night.

  “So, he goes home with you a Friday night, and you don’t let him go in? You’re mad as a hatter.”

  “But, what are you trying to do? You too? Okay, I invite him in and then… what? ―I say on the defensive.”

  “And then let whatever happens happen, stubborn.”

  We continue talking for a bit more, but not about Álvaro. It’s the weekend and I want to rest my body and mind. As I did last weekend: only resting, a lot.

  Week 5

  On Monday I start the day with the batteries charged but with more than a cramp in my hand. The morning is unbearable because it hurts a lot, the medication he gave me must be light because it doesn’t make any effect. Every time my hand brushes something I see stars and I grimace.

  During lunch with the girls, we talk about how amazing Lucía and Néstor’s party was. Time passes by until they can’t wait longer and they ask:

  “So, you have nothing to tell us?” Lucía is the first to talk.”


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