At about eleven Magda arrives with a lot of bags of groceries.
“But Magda, here again? And what is all this?”
“Hello, Miss Martina. Mister Álvaro asked me to come here today too and bring the necessary for lunch and dinner.”
“I see. I’ll talk to him…”
“But don’t tell him off, he only wants you to rest.”
I smile at Magda who doesn’t want me to tell Álvaro off, as if he didn’t know how to defend himself.
At about three in the afternoon he phones me.
“Hello! How are you?”
“Fine, but tell me, why did you send Magda here again?” I ask him a bit exasperated.
“Because you still have to rest.” He answers calmly.
“I know, but I don’t need her to come everyday.”
“Let someone else take care of you, I can’t be there.”
What is he telling me? I’m getting very nervous and that’s why I prefer to change the topic.
“How was your trip?, are you in Bilbao already?”
“Yes, I have my first meeting in a while.”
Then we start to talk about his trip and what he’s doing there as I get relaxed listening to him. Twenty minutes later, we say goodbye.
“Behave yourself, baby. Goodbye.”
Baby again. I have to stop this as soon as I can, this can’t continue.
The day ends quietly and I finally receive a message from him on my phone around ten at night.
I don’t answer.
On Thursday, at the same time as the previous day, Magda comes home. I don’t tell her anything, they both can do whatever they want.
At in the afternoon Álvaro calls.
“Hi! I have just landed in the city but I won’t have time to pick you up and go to Javier’s consultation. Can you take a taxi?”
“Why would I take a taxi? It’s very expensive, I can go by train.” I ask him as I can’t understand his obsession with me not taking the public transport.
“Take a taxi, I’ll be waiting at the entrance.” He says without explaining my previous question.
The bossy hangs up. I decide to say Magda goodbye, I don’t know why she’s polishing the bathroom.
“Thank you for everything Magda. I’m going to be discharged so I can go to work tomorrow.”
“I’ll stay here until five o’clock, if you don’t mind.”
“Of course not.”
After saying goodbye, I leave home and I go to the train station. I’m not going to do as that bossy told me and take a taxi, when I have plenty of time but not money.
When I get to the street where Javier’s consultation is, Álvaro is at the entrance, speaking on the phone. He grimaces when he sees I got there walking and I wait for him to end the call to go in with him.
“Hello!” He greets and kisses my bandaged hand, as always. Luckily, the bandage will be removed today and I hope he stops doing this, because I don’t know if I love it or not.
“Hello, shall we get in? I’m dying for being discharged.” I tell him eagerly.
He smiles, rolls his eyes and lets me go in first. When we’re inside, Javier’s assistant walks with us to his office. As always, the doctor gives me two kisses and hugs Álvaro.
“How are you, Martina?” Javier asks.
“Much better, to be honest, it barely hurts.”
“Are you sure?” He asks me as Álvaro brings a smile.
“Yes, sure. Are you ever going to believe me?” I say hurt.
“If it doesn’t hurt you anymore, I’ll remove your bandage and discharge you. If you want, you can stay on sick leave until Monday.”
“No, thank you. I want to go to work tomorrow.
Then he removes my bandage and after a conversation about paddel tennis that I don’t understand a thing, we say goodbye. Kisses and hugs as always.”
Then I think very excited that the time has come: bye bye, Javier. I hope not to see you again.
When we leave Álvaro tells me:
“Good! You’re better now.”
“Yes.” I smile happily.
“My car is in the underground parking lot.”
Then, I stop in the middle of the street and says:
“Álvaro, we agreed that if I was dischanged you wouldn’t be so annoying with me. So leave, I’m going home.”
“Can’t I even take you?”
“Don’t lose your time with me. Listen to me.”
He looks at me and says nothing.
“Thank you and goodbye.” I finally say.
I leave him alone, in the middle of the Street, looking how I walk away from him. I prefer to be sad for him now than for me in a while. It’s something I had to do, and it’s done.
On Friday, when I get up, I jump for joy. I’m finally going to work.
When I get to school, the kids jump on me. You can tell they missed me as much as I did during those three days.
When it’s lunch break, the girls come to get me. Lucia isn’t with us, as she has a day off because she’s getting married tomorrow.
Once we’re seated, Angélica starts her attack.
“Witch, tell us what’s your deal with Álvaro.”
“Listen, I prefer not to talk about him. Nothing happened between us and nothing is going to happen.” I defend myself.
“But, are you really so stupid? He’s crazy about you, and you’re going to let him go?” Emma adds.
“Girls, you don’t know him. He’s not interested in me, he felt he owed me because of the hand. Now that I’m okay, each one follows their way. Alright?” I say trying to end the topic.
“But why do you say he’s not interested in you?” Angélica asks.
“Lucia told me something and as far as I know, he doesn’t have any relations with other women. I don’t know the reason, I don’t care either. So, let’s leave it there.”
Emma, who quickly notices I’m getting angry, changes the topic focusing on Lucia’s wedding.
Friday finishes as always, everyone is in a hurry. I get home delighted because I can rest.
Today, Saturday, I get up very early because it’s Lucia’s wedding and I have to do a thousand things before leaving. But what I really feel like doing before any other thing is go running to the Ciutadella Park. It’s been two weeks since last time and it’s always very relaxing.
After running for around more than one hour, I finally feel relieved and I decide to go visit my dear Carlos.
“Hi, Carlos!” I greet lively.
“So nice to see you here! Are you better?” He asks.
“Yes, it’s finally all under control.”
“Tell me your news.” And just like that, I tell him everything in great detail.
I like to vent with him. Even if he tells me the same as the other three witches I have for friends.
“Martina, this man is a gentleman, take him!”
I laugh at the sentence take him, but I say no again and, although he pulls a face, he doesn’t annoy me anymore.
Then he says:
“I have to tell you something.” And at that moment I know it’s something good because I can tell by his face.
“Spit it out, please.”
“My ex is coming back to Barcelona with my children. She broke up with her boyfriend and she’s moving here to his parents’.”
“Seriously? That’s great, you’ll be able to see them much more often.”
I jump on him and hug him. I’m very happy for the news.
“Did she call to tell you?”
“Yes, which pleasantly surprised me.”
“It’s great, Carlos. I’m looking forward to meeting them.”
“It seems that will happen soon.” He says with a happy face.
“Álvaro, sorry! I mean, Carlos…” Although I correct myself quickly, it’s too late and Carlos cracks up at my mistake.
“Aw, the subsconscious… it p
lays dirty tricks on us.” He mocks.
“No, it was a mistake, sorry. I was going to tell you I must leave now, Lucía is getting married this afternoon and I still have to prepare a thousand things.”
“Right! Enjoy yourself and give Lucía and her hubby a kiss from me.” He adds.
Then, we say goodbye until next Saturday.
After doing everything I had to do, I finally start to prepare myself. I have decided to wear a strapless red long dress and when I ‘m finally ready, I take a taxi to the Catedral del Mar.
When I arrive, everybody is already inside and I get in quickly looking for Angélica and Emma, who are at the front of the church, on the bride side.
The ceremony, as usual, is boring, but I feel a bit of envy to see how much in love Néstor and Lucía seem to be.
When the ceremony is over, we throw some rice and rose petals at them at the entrance of the catedral and, suddenly, I notice someone is touching my shoulder. I turn around quickly and I learn it’s Alberto, who is smiling at me.
“Hello, Alberto!”
“Hello, Martina!” He greets me and gives me two kisses.
“Maybe we’ll be next.” The naïf says.
I don’t know if I must laugh or cry at what he has just told me.
I try to ask for help to the girls with my gaze, when I see that Álvaro shows up. Then, he grabs my hand and moves me aside, although he greets Alberto first.
“Good afternoon, Alberto.”
And speaking much lower he tells me to my ear:
“I think you asked for help.”
God, he’s so handsome with that suit, it’s much fancier than those he wears everyday.
“You’re gorgeous with this dress.” He says again.
I’m still mute, I can’t soften up, I can’t.
“You too.” I finally open my mouth and I add afterwards. “But I have to go, Emma and Angélica are waiting for me.”
I run off, fleeing from him again.
The guests go to the restaurant located at the outskirts, near the beach. During the reception, I try to avoid Alberto and Álvaro at all cost. Later, I realize they both are sat at the same table, separated by the blonde girl who was at the bachelor party from last Friday and she keeps looking at Álvaro shamelessly. That woman pisses me off.
When it’s time for the first dance, Angélica and Emma are drunk enough to not care about anything, so I take the opportunity to say goodbye to Lucía.
“But stay a bit longer.” Lucia begs.
“Yes, I’m staying for a bit longer, but I’m saying goodbye now, just in case I don’t see you later.” I lie.
Luckily, some cousins of Lucía take her to dance, so she walks away from me. Then, I take the opportunity and I turn around to escape from there, when I collide with the trunk of a man. Just smelling him, I know it’s him.
“Are we leaving now?” He asks.
“I am, you can do want you want.” I answer.
“I’m leaving with you, we have to talk.” He says with his serious look.
I don’t like how that “we have to talk” sounds. I don’t complain because I know he’ll do whatever he wants and I don’t feel like making another show as the one at the bachelor party.
As I turn mute and still, he grabs my hand and drags me to his car. Once there, he opens the backseat driver’s door to get in.
After getting in the car with me he says:
“We’re going to my place. I need to be relaxed.”
“I don’t feel like going to your place.” I say a bit pissed.
“I’m asking you, please.”
I turn mute again. My head is spinning and my heart is racing.
I have no idea in which part of Barcelona he lives. It’s a surprise when we get to the district where we met, near my school.
We get to an underground parking lot and enter in an elevator. We’re in silence. I see he presses the button to the attic.
When I enter his home, I’m socked, it’s like those in a magazine. I think it’s beautiful, just looking no touching.
“Do you want to have a drink?” He asks.
“No.” I answer.
Then, he can’t take it anymore and explodes.
“Can you tell me what is going on with you? Why are you avoiding me?”
“Nothing is going on with me. You and I agreed you would leave me alone once I were discharged.”
“But, have I been so annoying? I tried to make you feel better.”
“But you don’t have to try to do anything.”
“Look, Martina, I like your company. I saw you’re different to the other women who try to get close to me and I haven’t thought on marrying you, although I thought about spending more time together. And believe me when I say that’s not usual in me.”
“When you talk about women who try to get close to you, do you mean the blonde who is always chasing after you at all the events?”
About the last thing he said about not being very usual in him, it must be about spending time with women that Lucía told me about, but I say nothing.
“Do you mean Silvia? She works at my company.”
“I don’t care.” I say on the defensive.
“So, why do you ask?” He says a bit desperate.
“Well, it doesn’t matter.” I try to change the topic. “This is your opinión, but maybe I don’t think the same, don’t you think? Maybe I don’t feel like spending time with you.” I say definitely.
“I haven’t notice you don’t like to be with me. I recognize that you run every time you can, and I accept it. You’re free and you can do whatever you want.”
“No, you don’t accept it.”
“I’m not going to argue. I told you I’m sorry. You tell me what we’re doing.”
“I already told you, you go your way and I go mine.”
“Alright. Come on, I’ll take you home.”
“You don’t have to, I’ll take a taxi.”
I run off from there, if I turn around, I’ll hug him… and I feel awful.
When I get home, I start crying, I’ll never get over my fears.
I spend the Sunday in my pijama and crying.
Week 6
On Monday I tell myself I have to switch gears, I must continue as I have lived for the last two years, it’s sure that doing it in my way, I’ve been happy. Besides, I have some friends now and everything is quiet.
Álvaro messed up everything and I’m not going to cry anymore. I just hope not to run into him and that he decides to do the same, please.
When Friday comes, I realize that I’ve had a very relaxing week. I’ve been with my kids and I’ve been substitute teacher in Lucía’s class, who is on her honey moon in Thailand. Besides, my hand doesn’t hurt at all.
However, I’m in a very bad mood, Emma nor Angélica come close to me in case I bite. But I can’t stand them either, they always reprimand that I’m letting the love of my life go, but they know nothing. I already had a love of my life once and it was so horrible that I don’t want to have another.
I’ve haven’t heard of Álvaro for five days, we haven’t ran into each other at the district where the school is either. I finish this Friday watching one of the movies he left at home and I think that, as soon as Lucia comes back, I’m going to give them to her so she gives them to her husband and he gives them to Álvaro.
On Saturday morning I go running and I go to see Carlos. I tell him the disaster after Lucía’s wedding and the sad week I have had.
He tries to comfort me, you can tell he’s been in a very good mood since he knew his children are coming back to town.
In the evening, I decide to go to buy some clothes, every time I’m a bit down I like to renew my wardrobe, although I can’t do it always.
I decide to walk through Portal del Angel Street, because there are different shops where I usually find things I like.
A while after I run out of money and as it’s early to go back home, I decide to go to a café and have a lat
te. Serious mistake.
When I’m seated, I notice how a guy who is seated at a table at the back is watching me with a surprised face. I think he’s a shameless person and I decide to ignore him. But after ordering a latte, he comes closer and asks:
“Excuse me, but you’re Martina, right?”
I don’t know what to answer. I finally nod.
“What a pleasant surprise! You don’t recognize it, right?”
I shake my head.
“I’m Lucas, Lucas Prats. We went to primary school together, until the last year, when my parents separated, I came to live here.”
“Are you Lucas?” I ask incredulous and I’m very happy. Lucas was a good friend, we lived very close to each other when we were kids and most of the days we always went and return from school together. We spent a lot of afternoons playing at the park.
He has changed a lot, he went from that chubby child to a tall and quite handsome boy.
“Yes, it’s me.” He confirms funnily.
We start talking about our lives and I omit the five years of relationship with my ex and I go directly to the moment where, after finishing my degree, and after my parents’ death, I moved to Barcelona. He tells me he’s a writer and that he shares an apartment with his friends from college.
A while after I try to leave, but he insists on going to have dinner, and I don’t know why I accept.
We go to a bar which is at the Plaza Real and we sit down at a small table. I’m happy to talk with him but I can’t stop thinking about Álvaro. It doesn’t make sense, but he’s stuck on my silly head.
“You know? I was always in love with you. When I moved to the city I missed you a lot.” He says as he caresses my hand.
But I’m not scared, because I realize that, even though I find him very handsome, I feel nothing at the contact.
I laugh and I remember when we were kids. I remember that my mother went out to give me some snack and gave me that usual kiss on my forehead.
Then, snapping me out of it, Lucas insists on going to Raval district to have some drinks.
Take him! Page 6