“Yes, I can see that.” He says looking at his soaked trousers.
I bite my lip because it is true that you can’t tell by what I have just done to him but, in fact, he forced me to do it because he didn’t want me to come out to talk to me.
Suddenly, he notices my wound in my lip and asks:
“What happened to your lip?”
I try to change the subject.
“Thank you for everything, I had to tell you.”
He attacks again.
“I said tell me what happened to your lip!”
“I ran into Rubén.” I don’t know why I tell him the truth.
“Did that son of a bitch do that to you?” His face full of rage alarms me.
“I hit him too.” I defend myself and try to calm him down.
“And your hand?” He asks when he notices my bandage.
“Him too.”
“That bastard is going to pay for what he did.”
“He’s already arrested.”
“Did you fill a report?”
“Yes.” I lie.
He softens and takes my bandaged hand.
I think he’s about to do that thing I liked so much when I hurt myself when I bumped into him… kissing it. But he doesn’t do it. I’m sad and disappointed.
“Does it hurt a lot?”
I nod.
This time I exaggerate.
He makes a tender face, but five seconds later, he’s cold again and tells me:
“Is that all you have to tell me?”
I would tell him to forgive me, that I love him, that I miss him a lot. But my mouth is shut and says nothing. I only nod.
“Alright, I have to go back inside.”
And just like that, he leaves me there in the middle of the street and goes inside the restaurant,
I go in after him, look for the table where the girls are and watch how Álvaro tells his colleagues something and leaves.
In the afternoon, when I’m about to reach home, my phone goes off. I wish it were Álvaro, but it’s an unknown number.
“Martina? It’s Javier Ruiz. Do you remember me? I was the doctor who treated your hand.”
“Yes, Javier, of course I remember you.”
“I call you because I want you to come to see me and I can take a look at that hand. Álvaro told me it’s bandaged again.”
I’m surprised, I can’t understand Álvaro asked Javier to call me to check my hand.
“Thanks Javier, but my hand is better now.”
“But it would be better for you if you came and took a look at it, it would take just a moment.”
Being a bit rude to him because I’m annoyed at Álvaro, I tell him:
“Look Javier, tell Álvaro that I don’t need him to look for a doctor for me. And that if he wants to talk with me, he should call me.”
Angry, I hang up.
Ten minutes later, I receive another call. It’s Álvaro.
As I know what he wants I don’t answer. He insists several times. But I don’t answer.
Suddenly and while my phone goes off, someone knocks on my door.
With his phone on his hand and his serious face, I find Álvaro before me.
He comes in and goes to where my phone is directly. He hangs up his and the noise from mine stops.
“What?” I shout.
“Why can’t you go to see Javier? You told me your hand hurt this morning.”
I think: I told you to have your attention, not so you could send me a doctor. But I don’t tell him.
“Well, it doesn’t hurt me anymore.”
“You didn’t fill a report on Rubén “ Álvaro states, I don’t know how he found out.
“No.” I confess.
“Because it doesn’t matter what he did to me, it matters what he did to Maria.”
He says nothing.
“Why do you know about this?” I ask him.
“I asked my sister to take María’s case and I told her about your report. She didn’t find it, obviously.”
“You don’t have to ask your sister for anything, I’ll make sure Maria has a lawyer.”
Álvaro rolls his eyes and says:
“I’m not going to let you choose. My sister is very good and she’ll make that asshole pay for what he did to you.”
As I know it’s not worth to argue with him, I give in,.
He tells me off again as he is annoyed.
“Don’t interrupt me ever again in a work meeting, let alone, pour water on my crotch.”
“It’s not my intention to bother you ever again if you leave me alone.” I lie to defend myself from his scolding and I point at the door to invite him to leave.
But he doesn’t deign to look at the door, moreover, he seems relaxed and he sits on my couch.
I decide it can be a good time to give him an explanation about my flee from la Vall d’Arán and I tell him with caution:
“Álvaro, I think I owe you an explanation about what happened when we were at your parents’ home. Although I already know you’re aware.” I remember Angélica informed him.
“You don’t have to tell me anything.”
I’m surprised by that attitude, taking a risk, I say:
“Are you going to forgive me?”
And purring a bit, I get closer to him to make some wonderful peace, but the only thing I make is a fool of myself. Álvaro looks at me as if I were an alien and, as I see that attitude, I say:
“Are you going to kiss me?”
Is he telling me he’s not going to kiss me?
I can’t believe it so I ask him again.
“I told you I‘m not going to, Martina, what we have is fine as it is now.”
“It’s fine as it’s now?” I look stupid but I don’t understand that this is fine like that.
I go mute and nod.
I don’t want him to see what he’s telling me pisses me off.
He watches me and I think he has a roguish face, but he doesn’t let me see clearly with that mask he’s wearing.
Suddenly, he stands up and says:
“I’m leaving. I’m going to take your sister some documents she must sign for the report on Rubén tomorrow and besides, I also want to say hello to Carla. Are you thinking about going to visit them?”
I nod.
“If you want, you can come with me.”
I nod again.
I’ll pick you up at nine in the morning.
And just like that, he goes to the door.
I feel sad, he says that what we have is fine like this. But I don’t like this at all and this doesn’t seem fine.
On Saturday, as punctual as always, Álvaro picks me up to go to the village where my sisters live.
It’s a bit hard to have the temptation so close and not being able to touch nor taste anything of him.
Firstly we visit Maria at the hospital and Álvaro makes her sign something his sister gave him.
Apparently, Claudia has already visited María in some occasion to talk about the report on Rubén.
Afterwards, we go to Lara´s home and spend the rest of the Saturday with my nephew and niece.
Carla is very happy with the company of Álvaro, and she even asks him, with a good girl face, to go with her to the library to pick up something. I know she really wants to show off her companion around the village.
She knows we’re not together anymore and besides, our behavior gives us away.
I’m surprised that she doesn’t tell me any comment about me being a stubborn, that I have to be back with him, etcetera. Maybe, she notices Álvaro doesn’t feel things for me as much as he did before.
We spend a really nice day, but before dinner we decide to go back to the city.
On our way home, I wish Álvaro proposes me to go to eat dinner. But this doesn
’t happen, he leaves me at my home’s door.
“We arrived “ He announces as if I hadn’t realized. The truth is that the way back home was in silence, I prayed to any god for him to invite me to dinner and he, perhaps, was thinking on his plans for later, which I have no idea what they are.
“Good night” He tells me as saying “get out of the car, now”.
I think sadly that I don’t want him to wish me good night, but I want him to make me have a good night.
Finally, I answer:
“Good night.” I say, and I leave the car without any affectionate gesture from him.
I go home and I get in the bed, I’m not hungry.
On Sunday I understand Álvaro is tired of me. Maybe the witch of his cousin and her friend were right and Álvaro only wanted a pastime.
Week 20
On Monday I decide to consider my life in another way or, otherwise, this pain in my stomach for the nerves that Álvaro provokes will never be over. So, I decide to accept Álvaro ignores me and I decide I must resume my quiet life from some months ago.
With this thought I survive on Monday, Tuesday and even Wednesday. But on Thursday, it deflates and I’m not so sure.
There’s no sign of Álvaro in the district and I think on some excuse to see him. But on Thursday I don’t come up with anything that is a good idea that doesn’t seem like a desperate plan. On Friday I don’t come up with any wonderful plan either.
The weekend is here and, as I’m so depressed, I decide not to go to visit my nephew and my niece; things are better and my company would depress anyone.
I know Maria is at Lara´s home, she’s stable and the doctor only checks her. So, I prefer to stay home resting.
On Saturday, dejected, I decide to go for a run and to see Carlos. We’ve been talking on the phone these days, as he was worried because he hadn’t seen me around there.
When he sees me, he is scared by how I am.
“Oh dear, your face!”
I tell him everything I have already told him on the phone but better and that I’m like this because I’m assuming Álvaro doesn’t want to be with me anymore.
“I don’t believe it, Álvaro can’t be tired of you, he was very in love with you and that doesn’t finish just like that. Look at me, despite all the regrets with Mónica, I’ve always been in love with her.” Carlos tells me.
After talking for a while about my heartbreak he tells me:
“This afternoon you’re coming home to meet my children.”
“I don’t want them to get scared by my face.”
“Don’t be silly.” And as I don’t have any other better plan, I decide to accept.
We spend an idyllic afternoon, the children and Mónica prepared a great cake that we eat for snack and the children are lovely.
What I like most is the piece of news they all four tell me.
“Martina, we have something to tell you.” Carlos announces.
By the faces they have I know it’s something good.
“What?” I ask intrigued.
“We’re going to have a little brother.” The little boy tells me.
“No, a little sister.” His sister corrects.
It seems like there are preferences.
“Ahhh!.” I scream, I start to jump for joy and I hug the four of them.
“This is not all.” Mónica says.
“Is there something else?” I ask a bit scared.
“Yes.” Carlos says. “I would like you to be the godmother of the boy or the girl that is coming.”
The battle between the two children continues.
And just like that I start crying like a stupid, but out of happiness.
I delightly accept.
Week 21
On Monday, when we go to eat lunch with the girls, I tell them the news about Carlos’ new baby.
“It’s a bit hurried, isn’t it?” Lucía says.
“It’s wonderful, babies always bring happiness.” Sweet Emma says.
“Is it Carlos’?” The rough Angélica asks.
Once we solve these questions, we agree to go to visit him to congratulate him.
When we leave the restaurant, as always we’re in a hurry to start classes at three, we see Álvaro walking with a stunning woman with long curly dark hair, wearing a beautiful red suit.
He notices we’re there and when they reach us they stop.
He looks at me for a second and says:
“Hi!” Emma, Lucía and Angélica say. I’m mute.
“Sofía… These are Lucía, Emma, Angélica…” he pauses for a bit, “and Martina.”
“Nice to meet you.” The stunning woman says.
“Likewise.” My friends lie and I continue in silence.
“We have to leave. See you.” Álvaro says with a satisfaction face. He’s a bastard, showing off a girl.
Emma breaks the silence that the appearance created.
“Who is that?”
“Don’t worry I’ll ask Néstor who is that bitch.” Our infiltrated in Álvaro’s office says, who is Lucía.
I don’t want to comment anything because if I speak, I’ll start crying.
I spend the afternoon badly and on Tuesday too.
Lucía tells me that Néstor told her the stunning woman was in Álvaro´s office for a long time, but he doesn’t know who she is and he thinks she doesn’t work in the company.
I know they’re some bad news, but this way I’ll really know this asshole ignores me.
On Wednesday I go to have lunch with the girls and Lucía tells us that she isn’t fine with Néstor since they got married.
We sort of knew it, she always tells us about the non-stop fights they have over stupid things, on my opinion. He doesn’t clean the kitchen, he falls asleep on the couch, they don’t make love so often…
The news makes me sad and I try to cheer her up, but I haven’t been the life of the party lately.
Suddenly, Angélica changes the subject:
“Do you want two tickets for Le Cirque du Soleil?”
“Not me, with my situation with Néstor, I’m not going with him even to our main door.” Lucía says a bit sad.
“And why aren’t you going? I was told this last show is beautiful and very romantic.” Emma says.
“Because Felix bought the tickets, but we’re going this weekend to Ibiza because he was hired to play music at a very good club, and it’s a great opportunity for him.”
And I, when I hear tickets, show and romantic, have an idea and say:
“I’ll have them.”
“You?” The three of them asks in shock as they know that, since I’m not with Álvaro, I’m back to my quiet weekends, or according to them, boring weekends.
“Yes, I’ll try to convince Álvaro to come with me.”
The three smile, they love the idea and they come closer to hear what I thought and help me to make my plan perfect.
At night, before starting the plan, I warn Carla so she can be my accomplice.
“Do you think he’ll accept?” I ask my nice for her opinion.
“I’m sure.” My little girl calms me down.
Afterwards, when I’m calm and sure, I decide to call Álvaro, but as he does lately, he doesn’t pick up the phone.
Maybe he’s busy with the beautiful Sofía. But after a while, he calls me back.
“Yes, Martina.”
“Hi Álvaro! It turns out… look…”
“Martina, what is it?”
”I had two tickets to go to Le Cirque du Soleil with Carla, but it turns out she can’t come…” I lie.
“And?” He asks.
“And I wonder if you’d like to come.”
Woof, I blow… There it is, I said it.
He keeps silence for a few seconds.
“Yes, I’d like to.”
Woof, I blow again… he accepted. I can’t believe it!
“It’s at
ten, this Friday.” I confirm.
“Alright, I’ll pick you up at your place at nine.”
And he hangs up.
He’s been bit dull, but I’m very happy.
On Thursday I’m happy and even more on Friday… I know that I had decided to accept Álvaro ignores me, but I’m giving myself this last chance.
At nine, punctual as always, Álvaro knocks on my door.
When I see him, I literally melt, he’s so handsome!
“Hi! Ready?” He asks.
I nod and we leave.
We watch the show and it is really true what Emma told us about how romantic and wonderful the show is.
Afterwards, when the performance is over, we go to eat dinner at a terrace of a hotel nearby and we eat some tapas.
If I touch him tonight would be perfect.
We talk about a little bit about everything, just like we did when we were together, until we decided to go back home.
I wish he took me to his place, that he told me that he loves me and he doesn’t want to be apart from me. But what really happens is very different.
He takes me home and he tells me as I’m with my poker face:
“Martina, I liked to see you and to be with you, but it’s better if we leave things as they are.”
I can’t take it anymore and say:
“I don’t think things are fine as they are. I want to change this. I want us to be fine as we were.”
“That can’t be possible, you’ll run away again.”
“I won’t… These days I’ve realized a lot of things and what I don’t want to do is running away.”
Álvaro looks at me with his sweet face… I wish he loosen himself and be back with me… I wish he kissed me.
“I’m sorry, it can’t be possible.” Álvaro says.
I sulk, he’s so stubborn that I know I won’t convince him.
Maybe he already has another girlfriend, maybe it’s Sofia.
So, angry, I leave the car and slam the door, but before that I say:
Thanks to this day I spend a sad, very sad weekend.
I think about everything about Álvaro and I start thinking that it’s possible he doesn’t want me because there is another person in his life. You know what’s said: one nail drives out another, and I think that it’s happening. Or perhaps, because he’s just tired of me.
Take him! Page 17