Plain Brown Wrapper: A Cruise to Remember

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Plain Brown Wrapper: A Cruise to Remember Page 2

by Michelle Hasker

  “Why not? I enjoy it. I’m good at it. It’s fun.” I plopped down on my stomach so that I faced the television. I lifted my feet up and down, bouncing them on my pillow.

  “Christ woman!” Gabe cursed and turned up the volume. “Can’t you sit still for one minute?”

  “No. My body is always in motion.” Something none of my previous boyfriends had ever complained about. I obviously needed to remind myself that Gabe wasn’t my boyfriend, nor was he likely to be one. Mr. Cranky Pants.

  “If you don’t lie still, I’m going to come over there and hold you down.”

  “Promises, promises.” I fluttered my eyelashes even though it was too dark for him to be able to see me. “And when you do, put that long, thick cock right in front of my mouth would ya, loverboy?”

  Gabe cursed and shut off the television. He tossed the remote on the floor and turned over so his back was to me. I heard the blankets ruffling again.

  “What’s got your panties in a twist, Gabe? You can’t take some simple teasing?”

  “Simple teasing?”

  I heard the rustling again and prepared myself for more of his temper. “Yeah, you know, teasing. Flirting.”

  “Honey, you go way past flirting into leering and lechery. You’re like a mother’s worst nightmare and a fraternity boy’s wet dream come true.”

  “I like sex. What’s wrong with that?”

  “Nothing except you’re sexually harassing a gay man.”

  “Teasing. I was teasing you.” I sighed and crawled under my blankets. I turned away from him and faced the wall. Did I really come across as a letch? I wasn’t like this with all guys, but there was something about him that set me on fire.

  I curled up in a ball and tried not to cry. Was I really sexually harassing him? The line was so thin these days.


  “What?” I sniffled.

  “I’m sorry, but you need to exert some self control, okay? I know I snapped about you moving around a lot, but your comments were really inappropriate.”

  “I’m sorry.” I closed my eyes and bit my lip, struggling not to give into the urge to cry.

  Gabe sighed and moved in his bed again.

  “I’m not like this with other guys, you know. There’s something about you that makes me do it. I like watching your face flush, and I like making you uncomfortable. I don’t know why.”

  “You don’t?”

  “You don’t have to sound so disbelieving.” I made as much noise as possible as I moved back and forth trying to find a comfortable position.

  “I know we originally agreed I’d only be with you for a month. Is that what’s bothering you?”

  I sighed and shook my head before I remembered it was dark and he couldn’t see me. “No. I enjoy having you in the apartment. It beats being alone.”

  “Even though I apparently drive all your boyfriends away?”

  “A few of them I was glad to see leave.” Suddenly, I wondered why he was still living with me. His apartment building had caught on fire and he’d told me it would be a one-month stay. But then it turned into several months, and then a year, and he was still living with me. “Why are you still living with me?”

  “I like living with you. Besides, they aren’t done. Because they thought it was arson, it took a while before they could clean the debris. Then the workers they hired were working half days instead of full days and progress was almost non-existent.”

  “Damn. The owner must be pissed.”

  “Beyond pissed.”

  The silence grew a little awkward until I couldn’t stand it anymore and had to speak. “Why haven’t you brought a boyfriend around? I mean you said you like me, so it can’t be that you don’t want me to meet them is it?”

  “Of course not. You know I haven’t been dating anyone. In fact, I’d ended a particularly bad relationship a few months before I moved in with you. For a while I wondered if the fire had been started to get back at me. But it was started by a vagrant who’d snuck into the basement and lit up a cigarette.”

  Listening to his deep voice turned me on so much that I wanted to climb in his bed and fuck him senseless, regardless of what he was saying. Instead I froze in bed trying to think of something to say or do, something to keep me from throwing myself at him. I needed to know for sure that he wasn’t gay. I mean, I knew he wasn’t, I just wanted a little more proof before I risked a rejection.

  I drew in a deep breath. “So, since we’re being all sociable now, would you do me a favor?”

  “Sure. What do you need?”

  “Tell me, what do you like a guy to do when he gives you a blow job. What does he do that really turns you on?”

  “I don’t really want to discuss this with you, Irene. Why are you doing this? Things were good between us until you started acting all crazy.”

  “I’m not acting crazy,” I protested. I just wanted to find out if he was gay or not, and if he was interested in me. I’d bet money he wanted to jump my bones, but I wasn’t willing to risk ruining our friendship until I knew without a shadow of a doubt.

  “Then why ask me something like that?”

  “Even though I love giving head, one of my boyfriends said that I wasn’t any good it. I was kind of hoping that you could give me a few pointers. I mean you’ve had to have given and received at least as many blow jobs as I’ve done. What feels good to you, and what do you do to your boyfriends?” I said a small prayer for forgiveness as I uttered that lie. I’d never had a man complain. It was a dick. You suck it, lick it, work it with your hands and mouth. Any inexperienced woman could give head, but my years of practice gave me the confidence to know I was doing it right. The imp in me wanted to see if I could convince Gabe to let me practice on him.

  “I’m going to sleep now, Irene.”

  I sighed and looked up at the dark ceiling. “Aren’t we like girlfriends or something?”

  “Hardly.” His snort made me angry.

  Damn it, I’m wrong! He doesn’t want me. “You know, right now you’re acting as if you can’t stand me. Am I making you nervous? Perhaps you’re thinking of things that you never thought about before? Maybe you want to know what it would be like with a woman?”

  “You know I’m gay, so why are you giving me a hard time about it? It didn’t bother you until this past week.”

  I sat up and looked over at him. Oh what the hell, it couldn’t possibly make things worse. I climbed out of bed and walked over to him. “Look at me, Gabe.”

  “No, you’re not dressed decently.”

  “I don’t have to be. You have no interest in my body. I can prance around in underwear and it won’t matter. I’d be completely safe from you, wouldn’t I? You have no interest in me or any other woman that way. Right?”


  I leaned down and knelt next to the bed. “So tell me why you can’t look at me? Do you find women repulsive?”

  “No!” In the darkness I could barely make out his face. With his eyes closed it was even harder. He hissed out a breath and rolled away from me.

  “I’m going to molest you now, Gabe.” I tugged at his covers. When he didn’t release them, I slid my hands under the comforter and slid them over his warm body. He was so warm and hard. Ridged muscles tightened under my touch as I glided my palm down his side to his boxers.

  He hadn’t protested yet, so I went further, and felt for his dick. Long, and very hard, his erection pulsed under my hands as I wrapped my fingers around him. Shame the cotton kept me from feeling his skin.

  Even though he stiffened under my touch, I heard and felt his moan. Gay, my ass. Bi-sexual was more like it. Hell, right now I didn’t even care what he was as long as he let me ride him all night long.

  Slowly, I stroked my hand up and down his length. He hissed out a breath again, the sound making me even hornier. All these months I’d thought he was off limits, and here it’d been a lie. Most likely it had been a pretense to keep my brother from unleashing a bunch of w
hoop ass karate on Gabe.

  “What are you doing, Irene?”

  “I’m trying to figure out why you have this, if you’re only attracted to men.” I slipped my fingers inside his boxers and stroked his silky length. His skin was warm and soft, and his dick was hard as a rock. At that moment I wanted nothing more than to take him deep in my mouth and pleasure him. Sucking cock was almost enough to bring me to orgasm, the act was so pleasurable for me.

  “Who said I liked it?” he asked on a harsh outdrawn breath.

  “You haven’t asked me to stop.” I licked my lips and leaned closer. “Can I?”

  “Stop?” From the gasping way he said the word, I knew he was asking what I meant.

  “Would you like it if I sucked you deep into my throat, Gabe?” The tremor that shook through his body could be felt under my hands as I continued to pet him.

  “God, yes.” Finally he looked at me. “I tried to hide it. I tried to fight it. I really did.”

  “Shhh.” I wanted to soothe him. “I know you did. But right now I’m more interested in your surrender, Gabe. Your total surrender.”

  “No. If we’re going to do this, it will be my way, Irene. I’m not one of your whiny little boyfriends that take orders.”

  “I know you’re not.” I did, and the thought sent a shiver through me. I did want him to fuck me, and I wanted it to be fast and furious. Slow and tender could come later. I’d wanted him for so long. I needed him buried inside me, deep enough to sate my inner sex demon so that we could make slow tender love.

  “Why couldn’t you just take no for an answer?”

  “Because then I’d have missed out on this.” I squeezed his cock, and traced my thumb over the tip of it, smearing pre-cum around the head. “Going to continue with the charade that you aren’t attracted to me?”

  “No.” He rolled on his side and grabbed my shoulders. When his lips met mine, it was in a fierce hungry kiss that echoed my feelings and started a blaze that seared me from the inside out.

  I melted into him, wrapping my arms around his neck and fisting my fingers in his hair. If I could have devoured him, I would have. With a low moan, I pressed my aching breasts against his chest as I lay half on, half off the bed.

  “I told Sebastian you weren’t naive enough to believe I was gay.”

  “So the idea was Sebastian’s? You aren’t bisexual either, are you, Gabe?”

  “Nope. I’m as straight as can be.”

  “My brother isn’t the brightest bulb, if you know what I mean.” I giggled and slid my hands over Gabe’s hard, broad chest. How many times had I fantasized about doing this? Too many.

  Strong arms lifted me onto the bed and settled me on top of him. My breath whooshed out as his cock nestled against my lace covered mons. What lace there was, may as well have not been there. Moisture from my desire soaked pussy slickened his cock as he rubbed it against me.

  “God, you’re wet.” His hands slid down my back and cupped my ass as he ground his cock against me.

  “You make me wet, Gabe.” I kissed him before he could say anything else. All this talk was prolonging what I really wanted to happen.

  I straddled him and then sat up, pressing down on him. I wanted to pull the lace aside and sink down on him, but he was thinking, even if I wasn’t.

  “We need a condom, Irene.”

  I moaned and leaned over him. I’d stashed a bunch in the nightstand hoping to get lucky. It looked like my dreams were finally going to come true. With the variety I’d picked, I hoped to find something he liked. Feeling in the drawer made me realize just how many I’d bought, and suddenly I worried he’d think I was a slut to carry around so many condoms.

  “Come prepared?”

  “Like a proper Girl Scout.”

  “Isn’t it Boy Scouts that are always prepared?”

  “Seeing as how the founder of Boy Scouts and the founder of Girl Scouts were such good friends, they have the same slogan.”

  Gabe chuckled. “Hard to picture you as a Girl Scout, sweetheart.”

  “Hard to picture you preferring men.”

  “I do like anal sex as long as I’m the one giving it.” He growled and made to reach for me. I gave a mock shriek and jumped away from him. He advanced on me like a predator stalking his prey. “So you like to play do you?”

  “You started it!” I drew in shallow breaths, my heart pounding as he sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. Before I could take two steps, he had me pinned face down on my bed. I trembled under him, but not in fear.

  “You’re shaking, sweetheart.” He chuckled, his body rumbling against mine.

  “It’s because I want you.”

  “Then why did you run from me just now?”

  I shivered and turned my head to look at him. “You said anal and then growled. It would have been enough to scare any woman.”

  He laughed and shook his head. His hands caressed my sides and then squeezed my ass cheeks. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I won’t do anything you don’t like.”

  I groaned and buried my face in the blankets. At least he didn’t know that he weakened my will power. There probably wasn’t anything I’d say no to, including anal.

  “Do you know how hard it was to pretend I wasn’t interested in you? How hard it was to pretend I wasn’t turned on when you pranced around the apartment in barely there clothes, those lacy bras and thongs? You’re too comfortable around me.”

  “I thought you were gay!” The covers muffled my voice. I turned to look at him again. “I had no idea you were straight. I assumed you weren’t interested, and wouldn’t be looking. Hell, you walked around in boxers.”

  “Not when I was horny. Those perky nipples of yours taunted me too often for comfort.”

  His cock pressed against my ass. He rubbed against me, driving all other words from my mind. I gasped and pushed back against him.

  Gabe slid his hands over my ass. “Now you know I’m not.”

  “Was this whole thing a lie?”

  “The whole thing was a lie.” He slapped my ass.

  I cried out and jumped under his hand. I can admit I’ve read a fair share of BDSM books. Okay, more than my fair share. Fine. I love to read books with BDSM. Books where the dominant alpha male takes charge of the female, and fucks her senseless. It didn’t mean I wanted to be treated like a slave. I certainly didn’t want him to spank me anymore. That hurt! Pleasure/pain my ass. I’m a pleasure loving kitten and I admit it. Stroke me right and I purr. “Slap my ass again and I will claw out your fucking eyes.”

  Gabe chuckled and caressed the stinging mark on my ass. “I guess you’d better behave, Irene.”

  I sputtered, but that turned into a low moan when he slid his hand between my thighs. Dear God! I opened my legs faster for him than I’d ever done for another man. He slipped his finger into my pussy and wiggled it. Moisture dripped down my thighs as he slid his finger deeper in me.

  “Would you like my dick here?”

  “Yes,” I whimpered, arching my back so he could have better access to my aching sex. He pressed his finger in, and then pulled it out slowly, before pushing it in again. I wanted more—needed more. One finger just wasn’t enough. He had to know that.

  His hand landed on my ass with another slap. I shrieked and jumped. When I caught my breath, I turned my head to glare at him, but he pulled his fingers out and added another before thrusting them back in me. He twisted and scissored them, rubbing his fingers against my walls and pressing on the spot that made my eyes want to cross. Not only was he good, he was the best I’d ever had, and we hadn’t gotten past the foreplay part yet.

  “Right there, sweetheart?” he whispered as he stroked his fingers over the spot again.

  I whimpered and pressed into his hand, wanting—needing more.

  Slap! The sting hurt, but the way he worked his fingers in my sheath felt so damn good I didn’t really care what he was doing to my ass. The pain distracted me, but not completely from the pleasure his
fingers brought me so close to.

  Suddenly it occurred to me what he was trying to do. “You’re a sneaky bastard,” I gasped out.

  “But you like it, don’t you, sweetheart?” He crooked his fingers in me again.

  “I could do without the spanking. I’m not a misbehaving child.”

  “On the contrary, you did misbehave. You also acted like a child. What do you call trying to seduce a gay man?”

  “You aren’t gay!” I hissed.

  He growled and pinched my clit wringing a strange mewing sound from deep in my throat. “You’re such a naughty girl, Irene. I think you need more of a punishment. Something that will make you think twice before throwing yourself at a man. A gay one at that. What would put you in your place and remind you to treat others with respect?”

  “You aren’t really gay so none of that pertains. You lied to me all this time. You’re the one who should be punished. N-not me.” My argument fell on deaf ears as he added a third finger to the two thrusting in me.

  “You didn’t know that.”

  “Yes, I did.” Slap! “I suspected it!” Slap! “Even Derek could tell.” Slap! “God damn it, Gabe. Let go off me so I can kick your ass!”

  “I don’t think so.” Gabe worked his fingers in me harder and faster, sending a tingling through my body. Even with him spanking me I was getting turned on and growing close to release. How was that possible when he was hurting me? I didn’t know and didn’t care.

  “Then fuck me.” I pressed down on his fingers and tried to force him to move them faster and deeper.

  “You really need to watch your language. I’ve never heard such harsh things coming out of your mouth before.”

  I glared at him even as I rocked against his hand. “You’ve never sexually tormented me before. I didn’t know you were such a tease. No wonder you haven’t had any dates since you moved in with me.”

  Crack! His palm connected with my ass so hard it jarred my teeth. “I didn’t want any other woman once I met you.”

  I gasped, and then moaned when he rubbed his hand over the stinging flesh on my backside. “Is that the truth?”

  “Yes.” He quickly withdrew his fingers, drawing a whimper from me. I felt the loss so intensely that I thought I’d burst if he didn’t put something in my pussy fast.


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