by David Barton
Thomson’s Bible, Jefferson’s offer of financial help, 69
three-fifths slave vote, 86
Till, Ferrill, 160
Timæus, 74
Tocqueville, Alexis de, xii
Todd, John, 157
transdenominational school, University of Virginia as, 45–46
Transylvania University, 45
Treasury Department, Sunday church services at, 134
Trinity, 175
opposition to, 184
Tripoli, U.S. treaty with, 136
truth, quest for objective, 203
Tucker, George, 51, 52
Tuston, Septimus, 55
Twentieth-Century Model, 205–206
Two Treatises of Government (Locke), 40–41
early doctrines, 185
Jefferson and, 186, 188
United States
education system, 203–206
published scope and sequence of history standards for states, 257n16
recommendation for official government seal, 131
U. S. Capitol
clergy preaching at, 152
Leland as preacher at worship, 151
public worship in, 133
U. S. Congress
absence of legislative power over religious opinion, 126–127
law banning importation of slaves, 104
Three-Fifths clause and representation, 86
U. S. Constitution
Bill of Rights, 118
evolutionary belief and, 204–205
First Amendment, 116, 122
First Amendment as prohibition on
government vs. individuals, 128–130
Jefferson’s non-participation in framing, 117–118
three-fifths slave vote, 86
U. S. Supreme Court, 116–117
Allegheny v. ACLU (1989), 137
Everson v. Board of Education (1947), 127
major decisions on religion citing Jefferson, 241n12
Marsh v. Chambers (1983), 137
use of separation metaphor, 126–127
on voluntary religious activities by students, 127–128
unity, xix
universities, early characteristics, 44–45
University of Pennsylvania, 45
University of Virginia, 31–66
chaplains, 54–57
denominational nonpreferentialism as goal, 48–51, 56
faculty religious affiliation, 51–53
founding prayer, 50–51
professorships of divinity, 49
religious instruction, 49, 53–54
as secular university, 44–51
worship on campus, 54
US News and World Report, 206
Vermont, abolition of slavery in, 101
vice president, Jefferson as, 17, 133
Vickers, Anita, 31
A Vindication of the Reasonableness of Christianity (Locke), 40
A Vindication of the Religion of Mr. Jefferson (Knox), 157
decline in churches, 173
Great Awakening in, 170–172
interdenominational cooperation in, 171
Jefferson draft of state constitution, 100
Jefferson’s bills for state legislature, 131
state medal with religious motto, 132
Virginia Bible Society, 50, 68, 194
Virginia Constitution, 46
Jefferson’s views on clergy and, 162
Virginia law
bill banning importation of slaves, 101
bill for establishing general courts, 132
economic requirements for emancipating slaves, 92–93
and Jefferson’s slaves, 91–92
Statute for Religious Freedom, 46, 178
Vitz, Paul C, 200
The Voice of Warning to Christians on the Ensuing Election (Mason), 146
Vyzourek, Marilyn, vii
wall of separation of church and state, 125
Jefferson and, 118–119
Wall Street Journal, 13
War Department, Sunday church services at, 134
War of 1812, 148
Warren, Charles, 25
Warville, Jacques Pierre de, 103
Washington, George
Callender and, 23
church attendance, 143
Scottish Common Sense philosophy and, 33
slaves emancipated by, 92
support for emancipation, 89
Washington DC
Jefferson influence on public schools, 43–44
Jefferson oversight of layout and construction, 133
Washington Post, 12
Webster, Daniel, 110
Wesley, Charles, xx
Wesley, John, xx
Whipple, Prince, 88
White House, Leland visit to, 151
White, Richard, 44
White, William, 57
Whitefield, George, xx, 156
Williams, Roger, 121
Wills, Garry, 30
Negro President, 85–86
Wilmer, Joseph, 57
Wisconsin, as antislavery state, 103
Wise, John, xvii, 119, 121
witch trials, xvii–xviii, 218n34
Witherspoon, John, 42, 59–60, 75
Wood, Billy, 157
Wood, Will, 121
Woodson, Thomas, oral tradition vs. DNA, 13
Woolman, John, 171–172
in Charlottesville, VA, 179
government permission for, 172
in U. S. Capitol, 133
in U. S. Capitol, Jefferson’s attendance, 134
on University of Virginia campus, 54
Wright, Frances, 108–109
Wythe, George, 34, 58
Xenophon, 74, 76
Y chromosome, for paternity DNA testing, 8–9