Substitute Starlet

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Substitute Starlet Page 6

by Marie Kelly

  “Thank you.” His wishes for her to sleep well were the last thing she heard before slipping into her own room and locking the door behind her.

  A new day brought a different kind of work, Tara soon finding out that the weekend break was not just a social event but one filled with private and not-so-private meetings. The guests mingled and exchanged details of up-and-coming projects, creating links with those they thought might be able to help. Shaking her head, she had been amazed at how much business was being done on the luxurious vessel.

  Logan, more than anybody, seemed busy, pulled away constantly to meetings, she hardly seeing him all day. He had thrown her apologetic grins whenever the two would somehow find themselves almost meeting, she laughing and giving a ‘What are you going to do?’ shrug as he laughed back, nodding.

  By seven however, as though some unspoken agreement fell on the crowd, all meetings seemed to end and the guests vanished back to their rooms to prepare for that evening’s meal and party.

  She wore an off-the-shoulder red cocktail dress, the simplicity of the dress somehow only adding to the way it showed off her curves. The shoes, though taller than she normally wore, were comfortable, Tara surprised that they felt like she was walking on air, her lips quirking. So there really was a difference in a thousand dollar pair to a thirty dollar pair.

  Leaving her room, she was surprised to find Logan loitering in the corridor, his eyes appreciative as they flicked down her, a slow smile spreading across his handsome features. “Well, you look stunning”, he managed as she chuckled, crooking her hand through his offered arm.

  “Why thank you kind sir”, she laughed, allowing him to escort her into the dining room. Not surprisingly, she was seated beside him, laughing, catching the way many women threw jealous glares in her direction.

  Through the delicious meal, Logan was attentive, the two chatting happily. By the time the last plates were cleared and the guests began rising to once more mill about the upper deck where already music could be heard, she felt completely at ease with the billionaire. Perhaps just being friends was not so bad after all.

  For the next four hours the two moved around the deck, sometimes together, sometimes apart. Often Logan or she were pulled away to discuss opportunities. Each time Tara would listen attentively, but smile as she insisted that all offers had to be put through Ross, her manager. He seemed busy too, winking at her often and giving her thumbs up signals.

  Often Logan had pulled her onto the dance floor, his arms holding her loosely as they swayed with the music. She laughed as he would beg her to ‘save him’ from some overzealous woman, she teasing him with comments about his magnetism. However, the truth was that she was relieved for his intervention too. Often she found some men would try and push themselves on her, seemingly oblivious to her indifference to their offers, each and every time Logan swooping in to rescue her.

  As the party once more ended, he walked her to her room, lifting her hand and dropping a kiss on it. Tara had felt almost disappointed, but managed a smile, wishing him a good night. As her door closed, her last sight of him had been him watching her, a strange look in his dark eyes.

  That night in bed, she twisted and turned, not able to fall into the sleep she craved. The thought of the man sleeping next door was bringing all kinds of disruption to her body. Closing her eyes, her teeth gritted tightly as she repeated over and over to herself, “Only friends… Only friends”, her body mocking her words.

  The next day was a repeat of the previous, only this time all activity ended at one as the guests prepared for the farewell lunch. This was a more relaxed affair, with a buffet laid out, where guests could mingle and chat. Standing with Ross, he looking as content as the Cheshire cat, she sighed. “The food is amazing. How does Susan do it? Much longer on this boat and I would end up as fat as a pig.”

  Ross laughed, his look appraising. “Oh I doubt that. You and your sister seem to be able to eat what you want. There are women here who would give anything for your metabolisms.” Laughing, she nodded. It was true, although the fact that both were always moving might also have had a lot to do with it.

  “Mind if I steal your lovely client, Ross?”, the voice behind made both jump, both giving each other wary looks. How much had he heard?

  “S… Sure Logan.” Ross pulled himself together quickly as she was dragged to the side, Logan smiling warmly down at her.

  “You have a sister?” His question confirmed the worst, although it was asked with more interest than accusation, relief filling her that he had not heard everything.

  Managing a return smile, she nodded. There seemed little point in making him suspicious. “Yes. She lives in the UK still. We don’t see each other often, and she likes to keep our connection quiet… Not surprising, given some of the news coverage.”

  He grimaced slightly, “Oh-oh. Not sure if she is going to manage to keep her anonymity for very long when the press find out… And they usually do”, his eyes smiling warmly at her. “You Miss James are going to be a huge star, so your sister might have to adjust.”

  Pulling a wavering smile to her mouth she managed a small nod. “Yeah. I think that she is starting to realise that.”

  With that his interest in her sister seemed to pass, his look becoming more intent. “Sunny, I know you have a busy schedule this week, but I have insisted with Rita that you have the weekend off… And I would like you to spend it with me.” Seeing the frown pucker her brow he added quickly, “I think Ross would enjoy the break too. It would just be the three of us.”

  Surprised, her eyes gave her away as his lips quirked. “I wanted to spend the weekend at the beach. I have a villa on the coast, and it’s just the best place to chill out and relax. Believe me by the time the weekend comes around, you will be exhausted. Also Rita has organised some discreet photographers to ‘capture’ us enjoying meals together… Keep the flame of romance burning, and if Ross is with us, you will know my intentions are pure.”

  Tara paused, the concern still clear in her expressive face as he laughed softly. “As friends. You have your own room, I have my own room and Ross gets one in-between like the good chaperone he will be, and we just hang out, enjoying each other’s company”, his look softening. “To be honest Sunny, I have really enjoyed just spending some time with you… It is very nice.”

  A spluttered chuckle escaped her lips at his choice of words, she contemplating his offer before giving a large smile. “OK. ‘Nice’ sounds good.”

  She could see the relief on his face as he laughed, nodding with her before becoming more serious. “The boat will be docking in an hour and I wanted to talk to you before you disembarked”, a lopsided rueful smile curling his mouth, “I doubt I will see much of you next week.”

  Tara felt warmth fill her at the disappointment in his voice as he sounded like he would miss her, briefly thinking how their relationship had changed since the first time they had met, that time he determined to fire her. Moving forward, she rose on tiptoes, kissing his cheek softly. Pulling back she could see the fire which lit his eyes at just this small contact, aware of the way her own body hummed with the need to fall even harder against him, her voice a husky whisper, “Till the weekend then Logan.” For a moment she thought he was going to say more before his head nodded and he briskly turned, moving away.

  Chapter Five

  As Logan predicted, the next week was frenzied. When not doing photoshoots or attending meet-and-greets, Tara was appearing on chat shows. Each appearance seemed to swell her popularity, and the papers and gossip magazines were full of stories from who she was seen with to her favourite makeup. Reading one such article, she shook her head at Ross.

  “Have I ever even seen this product?”

  His return laugh and, “Who knows?”, reply making her sigh loudly.

  Finally, the weekend was once more upon them, Tara glad of the break. Even Ross looked tired, the normally so energetic man looking a little like a worn out Energizer bunny. During the week, L
ogan had constantly sent her emails, the two keeping in touch, sharing jokes and funny stories. She had looked forward to his stream of texts, each one bringing a big smile to her face. Seeing her take one such message, Ross had warned her not to get too involved, Tara making a dismissive “hmpt” sound.

  “We are just friends. You worry too much.” His concerned look made her instantly regret her words as she dutifully promised to be careful.

  At noon on the Friday, the two found themselves waiting for the car Logan had promised. However, she laughed as a sleek, expensive sports car drew up outside, Logan himself stepping from the gorgeous vehicle. Opening the door to him, her eyes drank in the man, her heart picking up in tempo, two beats faster than it should. Today he did not wear his usual suit, but instead jeans and a t-shirt; both fitted him to perfection. Tara raised her eyes so as not to stare at his perfect bottom. Her fingers twitched as she stared at the long column of his back, the question of how that back would feel with her nails running down it pushed from her mind as she swallowed. For the first time she questioned the wisdom of being alone with this man anywhere.

  Logan greeted her with a large friendly smile, stopping to converse with Ross, his praise for the work they had done during the week generous and genuine. Finally, hoisting her weekend bag into his hands Logan laughed at the weight, his eyes full of fun, “You know all you really need are some bikinis… I am thinking you over-packed.” Her derisive snort only made him laugh harder.

  She enjoyed driving down the coast, Ross insisting on sitting in the back seat, Logan happy to take the scenic route, enjoying pointing out different landmarks as they went. Conversation between the three flowed naturally, all seeming relaxed as they enjoyed each other’s company.

  All too soon however, he was swinging his car past the gates of a large villa, Tara almost disappointed that the journey had ended. Catching sight of the building, the clear water shimmering in the background she gave out a long appreciative whistle. “Not exactly slumming it”, her teasing words pulling a laugh from him as he shook his head.

  “Hell no.” His look flitted to the house. “I bought this a couple of years ago”, an almost sad expression on his face, “This is only the second time I have managed to get down.”

  Tara gaped at him, her eyes wide with disbelief. “How could you not spend every weekend here?”, she managed, looking around the slice of paradise that was the estate. “Your place in town is very nice… But this is just heavenly. Ross, also impressed, had moved away from the two to wander over to the cliff side at which the magnificence of the ocean below could be seen.

  Grimacing, Logan gave a deep sigh. “Yeah. Though with work and the fact that most of my dates would rather attend some star-studded red carpet event during the weekend, there just has not been the reason.”

  Once more he saw sympathy light her lovely eyes as she gave him an understanding nod, her voice soft, “Sometimes Logan, you have to unwind because if you don’t then you are going to implode. There is such a thing as work/life balance you know.”

  Logan let out a loud guffaw of laughter, his eyes twinkling wickedly. “Good Lord Sunny, you sound like my doctor. Where does a beautiful starlet get phrases like work/life balance?”, his mouth curving in a sensuously seductive smile, “And besides, I didn’t tell you how those dates showed their appreciation later at being taken to such events.”

  Tara felt the rush of heat in her cheeks, knowing exactly what he meant, turning quickly to move towards the door, needing to hide her discomfort. His hand on her shoulder stopped her, she stalling as he slowly turned her around. His finger hooked under her chin, dragging her head up, the laughter now replaced by a curious look. “Right there. This is what I mean. The women I know would laugh such comments off, but you genuinely are uncomfortable. There is just something so innocent about you that fascinates me.”

  Trying to muster up a laugh, her mouth managed a slight curve as she shrugged, “I’m just not used to such a cavalier approach to sex… Seems to be a national pastime round these parts rather than something meaningful. I am sure I will get used to it.”

  Logan regarded her for a few moments before dropping his hand, a fond smile on his lips, “I really hope not. You have a very endearing outlook. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I suppose I am a little jaded. Lived here too long.”

  Hoisting the bags into his hands, he moved towards the door, Ross once more joining them as he quickly opened it before stepping back to allow them in. “Perhaps you are right. A couple of days chilling in the sun with friends I admire… Might even be something my doctor would approve of.” Chuckling, she nodded, the moment of tension, while not caught by Ross, quickly slipping away as they moved around the villa.

  Decorated in New England chic, it was stunning, the windows at the back all looking out to the ocean. Moving upstairs he walked into a huge corner bedroom. French doors on both corner walls led out to a wraparound balcony with magnificent views of the water. Grinning, he dropped her bag on the king-size bed, proclaiming, “This is your room”, before walking around pointing out the different amenities, including the biggest en suite bathroom she had ever seen. The sunken bath was bigger than her whole bathroom at home, her eyes widening as she turned to him.

  “How can you ever want to leave here?”, a whimsical note to her voice as he grinned before turning to leave.

  The next room in the centre of the hall was for Ross, he loudly admiring the grandeur of the room, it also having a balcony with full views of the water, Ross shooing the two away, declaring that he needed to unpack.

  Tara, however followed him as he led her to a room on the far end of the landing, the room a mirror image to the one she had been assigned, only decorated in more masculine colours. “This is mine”, he declared, Tara chuckling, an approving smile appearing as she grinned.

  “Firstly, when you said Ross would be between us, you were not kidding.”

  Logan laughed with her as he inclined his head playfully, “Man of my word Miss James.”

  She chuckled “And…this is much better. I didn’t want to say anything on the boat, and appear petty, but your room was way better than mine.”

  Logan laughed back, his dark eyes glowing brightly, “Ah…well that is because that is the main suite, and the room you were in was originally a nursery for the previous owners.”

  Folding her arms, she leant thoughtfully against the door, her look assessing. “Interesting.”

  Across from her he smiled, his eyes questioning. “What?”

  She shrugged. “Well. You have a boat with a suite prepared for a family, and you convert it into a normal bedroom. You’re what 32…33?”, his head nodding as she continued. “Most men your age, with your comfortable lifestyle would be considering having kids. Settling down and producing some heirs.”

  Logan laughed, managing a fake shudder as he shook his head with finality. “Oh God no. I don’t do commitment. Nor families. Don’t get me wrong. I like kids, but I like being able to hand them back to their parents more. As for heirs – when I am ready, I will find some willing woman with the same outlook as me and I’m sure that we will knock some out, but let each other live our own lives.”

  Frowning she slowly stood straighter, “That sounds terrible.”

  Hearing her gasp, his eyes flew to hers in surprise, “Why? The kids would have everything they wanted. What more do they need?”, amusement filling the darkness of his eyes. “Sunny, look around you. The traditional ‘family’ is gone. When couples marry for love it is a disaster waiting to happen. Couple of years down the line and it is all over and they are only talking through lawyers and fighting over every little thing in the house, including the contents of the drinks cabinet”, his voice filled with a bitter edge. “The only thing they won’t be fighting over will be those kids… Because they will have become tools to beat each other with… So how is it my way so bad?”

  For a few seconds Tara watched him thoughtfully before moving closer. “Is that what h
appened with your parents?”

  She could see the surprise and discomfort in his eyes before he turned, moving back to the door, his voice trying unsuccessfully to sound flippant. “Well, my father didn’t really fight for the drinks cabinet.” Sighing, she followed him.

  “My parents loved each other until the day they died”, sadness filtering into her tone, “They were killed when a truck jackknifed on the road in front of them. It was hard growing up without them, but somehow I don’t think that one could have lived without the other.”

  Looking back over his shoulder, he gave a consoling smile, “I’m sorry, but your parents were definitely the exception to the rule.” Sighing softly once more she followed him downstairs. Well at least she understood Logan a little better. Here was a man who would not be promising to love a woman till death did them part.

  For the rest of the day, the three relaxed by the pool, Tara reading her book as she looked over her sunglasses at the two men, a smile curving her lovely mouth. While she was enjoying the sunshine, the one-piece bathing suit she wore allowing the warmth to seep into her bones, she could see as the two men were not. Both concentrated on their phones, sending a flurry of texts and reading work-related incoming mail. Shaking her head, she snickered softly.

  Logan lifted his head, his look hidden behind glasses. “What?”, his brow rising in question as she laughed louder, Ross now raising his head also.

  “Look at you both! What happened to relaxing?… Neither of you have lifted your heads from those phones for over an hour now.”

  Logan chortled, his fingers flying over the device in question before throwing it to the side. “OK…off. See – it can be done.” Standing, he moved over to the pool, his sunglasses discarded beside his phone. “OK… Show me how this relaxing thing is done”, a flicker of fun appearing in his dark eyes. Tara nodded, all up for the challenge as she stood, moving with him to the side of the pool.

  Ross shook his head. “I don’t like swimming, and you two might be relaxing, but I’m still working here.” His disinterest in the stunning woman before him once more made Logan wonder if the manager was gay. The only time he would look at Sunny was with a look of brotherly concern with no trace of the lust he felt every time his eyes landed on her. Even though she was wearing a conservative black, all covering bathing suit, she was still the sexiest woman he had ever known. Needing to be in the pool before his attraction became all too obvious, he dove perfectly into the cold water.


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