by P. D. Smith
War Day 390
Striker, Eva 191, 211
Strindberg, August 64–5
Antibarbus 64
strontium-90 301, 370, 407
Stuart, Don A. seeCampbell, John W.Jr
Sturgeon, Theodore 302–3
‘Artnan Process’ 292
sulphur 101–2
submarine warfare 120, 122, 389–90, 398, 433
‘Super’ seehydrogen bomb
supercritical chain reaction 6–7
Swan, Joseph 53
Swayne, Martin, ‘The Sleep Beam’ 123–4
Swinton, Ernest 107
Szilard, Bela see Silard, Bela
Szilard, Leo xx, xxi–xxii, 5, 18, 146, 275, 383
Advisory Committee for Uranium 267–8
‘Are We on the Road to War?’ lecture tour 412
in Berlin 154–62, 163–5, 169–73, 192
‘Big Bomb’ suitcase 151, 399
and breeder reactors 174–5
chain reaction patent 223, 231, 235
childhood 166–9
and CP-13–11, 12, 33, 173–4, 273–9, 280
and Cuban Missile Crisis 398–9, 400, 419
death 431
declaration condemning Japanese invasion of China 191, 236
Der Bund (The League) 192, 194–5
doctoral thesis 159, 160–62
doomsday bomb xvii–xviii, 20–22, 24–5, 26, 27, 129, 352, 364, 374–9, 382–95, 401–2, 405–7, 411, 413, 416, 422, 432
as enemy alien 273, 278–9
in England 210, 211–23, 230, 234–5, 235–6
family 166
in fiction and film 292
on Franck Committee 325
friendship with Einstein xx, 19, 20, 157–9, 161, 170–72, 192–4, 261–3, 323
friendship with Shils 26–7
friendship with Wigner 5, 157–8, 160, 164–6, 179, 195, 234, 255, 260, 276
and H-bomb 15, 20–23
income 170–71, 172, 176, 272
at Institute for Biological Sciences
inventions 164, 166, 169–70
involvement in politics 191,
journey from Berlin 209
journey to Berlin 149–51
lack of a home 151, 195
Life profile 408
literary influences xx, 115, 164–5, 190–91, 193–4, 195–8, 201–2, 205, 218–23
meeting with James Byrnes
323–4, 344
meeting with Khrushchev 429
meeting with Rutherford 234–5
‘The Mined Cities’ 406
move to United States 254–9
‘My Trial as a War Criminal’ 351–2
and nuclear chain reaction 216–23, 231, 234–6, 255, 257–63
and nuclear fission 254–9
obituaries 431–2
objections to use of atomic bomb
23, 321, 323–8, 352–3
opinion of Los Alamos 287
optimism 420–21
personal qualities and appearance 26–7, 149, 158, 162, 165, 276, 399
petition opposing use of atomic
bomb 326–8
political views 191, 212–13, 355
post-war activism 27, 354–5,
406, 408, 412
Pugwash Conference 406
relationship with Fermi 7–8, 163,
174, 258, 268, 280
relationship with the military 266, 274, 278–9, 354
relationships with women 210–11
switch to biology 195, 354, 431
trip to United States 177–8, 179–80, 191
University of Chicago Round Table broadcast 18–24, 352, 374, 386
The Voice of the Dolphins 383, 431
warning letter to Roosevelt 261–3, 266–7, 344
‘What Is Wrong With Us?’ memo
work at Columbia 259, 272–3
work methods 160–61, 163–4,
215, 230
work on refrigerators 170–73
in World War I 107
Szilard, Trude seeWeiss, Gertrud (Trude)
Tanaka, Tomoyuki 370
tanks 106–7
tear gas 86, 97, 117, 228
Teller, Edward xx–xxi, 19, 235,
249, 257, 273, 276, 301, 408
Advisory Committee for Uranium 267, 268
and CP-1 280–81
Teller, Edward -cont.
and Dr Strangelove 28, 364, 391, 424–5, 426
and Einstein 262
Enrico Fermi Award 419
in Germany 159, 176, 226
and H-bomb xx, 14–15, 281, 282, 355–7, 358–60, 368, 371–2, 414
ideas for weapons 364
The Legacy of Hiroshima 391–2
literary influences 226
in London 213, 214
Manhattan Project 287, 305, 306, 354
and nuclear fission 260
Our Nuclear Future 391
personal qualities 355–6
political views 355
Szilard’s obituary 431–2
and Szilard’s petition 326–7
Trinity test309, 310
and Tsar Bomba 410
work with Bohr 213–14
Tenn, William, ‘The Sickness’ 388
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, Locksley Hall 243–4, 316–17
terrorism 200, 242, 344, 349, 384, 438
Them! 73, 371
thermodynamics, laws of 57, 74, 161, 175
thermonuclear weapons seeH-bomb
Thing, The 380–81
Things to Come 204
Thomas, Edward 101
Thomson, George 376–7
Thomson, J.J.62–3, 123, 235, 376
thorium 64, 65–6
Tizard, Henry 270
Tokyo 319–20
Train, Arthur, and Robert Williams Wood, The Man Who Rocked the Earth 126–7, 128, 129–31, 134, 167, 277, 411
transuranic elements 251, 255
Trinity test 40, 307, 308–16, 309, 312, 368
Tripler, Charles E. 56–7, 66
Truman, President Harry S 13–14, 111, 242–3, 309, 316–17, 323,
328, 340, 353, 354, 357, 415
‘Tube Alloys’ 271
Tsar Bombasuperbomb 408–9, 410
Twain, Mark 153
2001: A Space Odyssey 416, 417
Ulam, Stanislaw 358, 359, 371
underground bunkers 271, 349–50, 424, 392–3, 409–10, 415, 424
see also fallout shelters
Union Carbide 306
Unit 731 245–6, 305
United Kingdom
atomic bomb and H-bomb development 342–3, 371–3, 437
cobalt bomb 375
estimates of effects of nuclear attack on 343, 372, 373
as target for Soviet missiles 409
United States
arms race 323–4, 401, 407
biological weapons 241–2
fears of nuclear attack on 343–4
first-strike strategy 353
nuclear tests 13, 35, 127, 129, 359–60, 362, 365–8, 371–2, 374, 378, 380, 386, 394
purpose of first atomic bombs 274, 321, 322, 324, 325
University of Chicago
CP-13–11, 5, 12–13, 33, 34, 173–4, 274, 275, 280–81, 307, 419–20
University of Chicago Round Tablexvii–xviii, 17–24, 352, 374, 386, 400
uranium 58–60, 231
in CP-1 6–7
fission 6–7, 236, 251–4
sources 261
uranium-235 30, 36, 305 in a breeder reactor 175 in a chain reaction 236, 307 critical mass 269, 296, 307, 329 fission 6–7, 289 separation 34, 259, 260, 269, 270, 273, 274, 289–90, 305 see also atomic bomb (A-bomb)
uranium-238 174, 175, 259, 274, 289 Urey, Harold C. 16, 189, 272, 273,
281, 323, 406
V- 2 rocket 189–90, 209, 283, 284, 285, 290–91, 424–5
van Vogt, A.E., ‘The Great Engine’
sp; Verein für Raumschifffahrt 189
Verne, Jules 51, 106, 116, 124, 167, 289, 385
Vickers, C.E., ‘The Trenches’
Vidal, Gore 286
von Braun, Wernher 28, 189–90, 205, 209, 211, 283, 285, 356, 408, 424, 425, 426
von Clausewitz, Carl 200, 414
von Falkenhayn, Erich 119
von Halban, Hans 258
von Laue, Max 154, 155, 160, 161, 170, 213
von Neumann, John xx, 176, 354, 360–64, 363, 407, 414, 441
as AEC Commissioner 362 at Princeton 214, 361
as a child prodigy 166, 361
and Dr Strangelove 28, 363, 424, 425, 426
and Einstein’s statistical mechanics course 159
and hydrogen bomb 358, 360
and ICBMs 362
move to United States 179, 207
and plutonium bomb 291, 308
political views 355, 360, 362, 407
supernova theory 373–4, 384
work on computers 358, 361
von Neumann, Michael 363
von Weizsäcker, Carl Friedrich 180–81, 182, 282–3
Vonnegut, Kurt 319
Slaughterhouse 5 319
vril 55–6, 72, 107
Walker, William 119
Wallace, Bess 242
Wallis, Barnes 389
Walton, Ernest 188
Wannsee Conference 91
The War of the Worldsradio broadcast 247–9, 345
Wattenberg, Albert 275, 419
weapons of mass destruction, origin of phrase 227
Weart, Spencer 68
Weil, George 9
Weiler, A.H. 411
Weill, Kurt, The Threepenny Opera
Weiss, Gertrud (Trude) 210–11, 254, 273–4, 398–9, 400, 430
Weisskopf, Victor 151, 153, 176, 260, 314–15, 316, 400
Welles, Orson 248
Wells, H.G.xx, 51, 77–8, 115, 122, 164–5, 167, 193–4, 220, 227, 231, 255, 277, 328, 352, 385, 416
The Invisible Man 49, 50, 88, 185, 236
Island of Dr Moreau 51
‘The Land Ironclads’ 107
‘Lord of the Dynamos’ 54–5
A Modern Utopia 193
The Open Conspiracy 193, 194
The Shape of Things to Come
224–5, 304–5
‘The Stolen Bacillus’ 200
The Time Machine 74, 190–91
Tono-Bungay 75–6, 199, 332
The War in the Air 116, 225
The War of the Worlds 106, 111, 126, 196, 205, 247–9, 343
The World Set Free 112, 115, 196–8, 199–201, 201–2, 203–4, 205, 218–23, 230, 242, 265, 298, 302, 381, 387–8, 414, 438
Weltuntergangsromane 226
West Nile encephalitis 242
Wethersfield USAF base 439
Wheeler, Harvey, and Eugene Burdick, Fail-Safe 423
Wheeler, John 255, 340
Whitehead, Alfred North 74, 141
Wigner, Eugene xx, 156, 176, 195, 354
admission of mistakes 420
Advisory Committee for Uranium 267, 268
and CP-1 5, 10, 12, 174
and death dust 300
at Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft colloquia 155–6, 157
doubts regarding atomic weapons 12, 260, 261
and Einstein’s statistical mechanics course 159
friendship with and opinion of Szilard 5, 158, 160, 164, 165, 166, 179, 195, 234, 260, 255, 276
friendship with Teller 355
friendship with von Neumann 361
in Germany 153, 155–6, 157, 163
meeting with Rutherford 234–5
political views 355
at Princeton 19, 179, 207, 214, 255
and warning letter to Roosevelt
Wilhelm II, Kaiser 42, 84, 137
Wilkinson, A., ‘When the Earth Melted’ 123
Wilson, Robert 302
Wintle, W.J. 53, 54
Wood, Robert Williams, and Arthur Train, The Man Who Rocked the Earth 126–7, 128, 129–31, 167, 277, 411
Woods, Leona 4–5, 174, 275
Woolf, Virginia 212
Woomera 375
World War I
ending of 135–7
rumours of new weapons 115–16
use of poison gas 84–97, 101–5, 106, 117–20
use of tanks 106–7
weaponry 99, 106
World War II
air war 304, 317–20, 334
beginning of 304
censorship of US media 290, 291, 296
ending of 316–17, 321, 334–6
fictional atomic superweapons during 291–300
German atomic bomb project 257–60, 265–6, 282–3, 291
Hiroshima 6, 19, 34, 134, 270, 298, 307–8, 316, 328–32, 334, 368, 382, 384, 435
Japanese biological weapons project 244–7
monitoring for use of radioactive weapons 271, 300
Nagasaki 34, 35, 222, 266, 291, 298, 308, 332–6, 335, 358, 384
Pearl Harbor 272, 343, 345, 349, 362, 386
radiological warfare 271, 296–301
rumours of Nazi superweapons 288, 291
V- 2 rocket 189–90, 209, 283, 284, 285, 290–91, 424–5
see also Wernher von Braun and Manhattan Project
Wright, Orville 249
Wylie, Philip
‘The Paradise Crater’ 296
The Smuggled Atom Bomb 345, 346
Tomorrow! 345, 347–8, 386–8
X-rays 41–51, 59, 131, 165
in fiction and film 45, 46–51, 123
yellow fever 242
York, Herbert 357
York, Susannah 437
Ypres, poison gas attack 84, 94–7, 102, 117, 442
Zamyatin, Yevgeny, We 201
Zeisel, Eva (Eva Striker) 191, 211
Zemplén, Gyözö, Theory and Practical Applications of Electricity 169
Zeppelins 116, 119, 122, 248–9
Zinn, Walter H. 5, 6, 7, 9, 175, 259, 275
Zukunftsroman 166
Zyklon B 91–2
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