Taken By Desire: Demonic Desires Book 1

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Taken By Desire: Demonic Desires Book 1 Page 7

by Valerie Twombly

  “Stop stalling and make your move, prince,” Zolar called out.

  Greydon set his shoulders. He must choose between the two men he loved more than anything in the world. If he could give his own life to spare theirs, he wouldn’t hesitate. However, that was not an option.

  The car finally came to a stop and seconds later the trunk was flung open. Aimee gulped in the first lungful of fresh air she’d had in awhile. Before she could take a second breath, she was jerked from her prison and placed on her feet. Led away still blindfolded, she had no idea where she was or where they were taking her. The air that brushed across her bare arms felt warm, so if she had to venture a guess, she was inside a building.

  Her captors shoved her, causing her to stumble, and she cried out as pain shot through her shoulder. After several more near falls, they stopped. The tape around her hands was cut and the blood slowly seeped back to her fingers. Her blindfold was removed and the tape ripped from her mouth. She tried to focus on her surroundings, but her eyes had a hard time adjusting to the brightness.

  A figure stepped into the room and as she became accustomed to the light, she noted she stood in a concrete cell with bars lining one wall. The man who had moved in front of her wore a white lab coat. He looked her over with beady brown eyes as if she were a side of beef, and then nodded his head.

  “She’ll do nicely,” he stated and pushed his glasses further up his nose.

  “She is more than nice. This chick is premium price,” replied the guy who shoved her in the trunk. Aimee swallowed. She didn’t like where the conversation was heading. What exactly did they have planned for her?

  “Don’t worry, you’ll get paid very well for her,” Labcoat guy replied.

  “What are you planning to do with me?” She fought to keep her voice from shaking.

  Her kidnapper gave a cynical laugh. “You’ll find out soon enough.” Both men exited through the door. Labcoat guy slammed the gate and gave it a jiggle to make sure it locked. They both disappeared, leaving her alone.

  Aimee sat on the small bed pushed against one wall and folded her legs under her. Staring at the white block wall across from her, she contemplated her situation. An immense feeling of helplessness crept over her. There would be no rescue. No one knew where she was. Hell, even she was clueless. The only person who would even know she was missing would be Bethany.

  A shuffle came from outside her cell, and she turned toward the noise. An immense shadow projected on the floor and she tensed. Seconds later, it was followed up by a terrifying sight. A Concosa stepped into view and stared at her. The beast curled its lip and revealed sharp fangs, causing a lump to rise in her throat. Her worst nightmare was about to unfold.

  Fang appeared in the middle of the kitchen only to hear a girl scream and end up with a knife shoved into his back.

  “Mother fucking, sonofa…” He turned to eye the petite blonde behind him while he reached for the blade and yanked it free. “Really? You think this—” He waved the knife in the air and rolled his eyes at the four-inch blade. “Will actually take me down?”

  “Umm, it was worth a shot?” Blondie backed up until her back hit the fridge. Her blue eyes widened.

  “News flash, it didn’t work,” he growled. “Matter of fact, it only served to piss me off.” He rolled his shoulder and stretched his neck. “Lucky for you, I’m a quick healer.”

  She gasped. “You’re not by chance Greydon, are you?”

  Fang narrowed his gaze. “How do you know that name?”

  “I…uhh. I’m Aimee’s best friend and she told me about you.”

  He glanced around the small apartment. “Where is Aimee?”

  “I don’t know. She’s gone missing again.”

  When he looked back at the girl still against the fridge, he noticed her eyes misted. “When did you last see her?”

  “Two nights ago when we had dinner together. She left with Garret and I’ve not seen her since. She doesn’t answer her phone, so I came here to look for her. I was hoping she was with you.”

  Fang curled his lip, causing the girl to gasp again. No doubt at the fact he’d let his fangs show. “I am not Greydon, and she is not with my prince since he is currently indisposed. If she were in trouble, then I’m certain she would use the pendant I gave her.”

  The girl finally unglued herself from the kitchen appliance and took a step toward him. “Oh, you’re the other demon. The one she called Fang?”

  “I would be,” he grunted.

  “She didn’t have the pendant on when I saw her. She went to show it to me then realized she left it on the dresser.” She wrung her hands. “Now I’m really getting worried. What if those other things got to her?”

  He didn’t wait to hear anything else. Instead, he headed down the narrow hall to the back of the apartment and the bedroom.

  “Wait, what are you doing?” The girl had followed him.

  He spotted the dresser and there sat the stone he’d given Aimee. “My prince will be sorely pissed when he finds out I have not kept my word and protected the girl.” He spun on his heel and ran into the little blonde. “What is your name?”


  “Bethany, unless you’d like me to forcibly move you, I’d suggest you step aside.” He knew he was being an ass, but he had a job to do and she was in his way. Rather than following his orders, she crossed her arms and glared at him.

  “Listen up. If you have any idea where my friend is, I need to know. I’m all she’s got in this world and, well…” She glanced at the floor then back up at him. Her eyes filled with unshed tears. “If I would have stayed with her, she might be safe right now. My gut told me not to trust Garret.”

  “Who is this Garret?” The name grated on his nerves. He knew Greydon wouldn’t be pleased that the human girl had been with another man. No matter how much his prince protested and said he didn’t care, Fang knew otherwise.

  “He’s the local detective. A guy we knew from back in high school. I left the two of them at the restaurant together.”

  He raised a brow. “And you say she hasn’t been seen since?”

  “Right. I even called him to inquire and he tried to tell me she’d gone to meet a client. I’d know about any meetings with clients.”

  “Hmm. What kind of clients might she be seeing?”

  “We own the local book shop and deal with rare books. Often we get special requests from customers, but I know Aimee would never have set up a meeting and not told me. I’ve known her since we were little.”

  Fang wasn’t fond of the lead ball that rolled around in his gut. He turned back around and in three steps was to the dresser. Grabbing the pendant, he stalked back to Bethany. “Put this on.”

  She looked up at him and blinked. “Why?”

  He inhaled deep. This female tested his patience. “I’m not asking, I’m telling you to put it on.” His tone must have convinced her he wasn’t messing around because she quickly slipped it over her head and let it settle between her breasts. “Nice rack, by the way.” He pushed passed her and grinned as she sputtered some obscenities, no doubt trying to injure his ego. Little did she know, he didn’t give two shits nor did he have an ego.

  Small fists pummeled his back and he whipped around, grabbed her by the waist and held her at arm’s length. “Listen up, human. I’ve been in prison for over a year. The kind of hellhole that makes your human facilities look like an amusement park. Don’t fuck with me.”

  She managed to kick him in the shin. “You arrogant ass. You think because I’m human you’re somehow better than me?”

  He really didn’t have time for this shit. “Sugar, you keep acting like a child, and I’ll put you over my knee and spank you like one—and enjoy every second of it. Don’t be absurd. Of course I’m better than you.” He let go and vanished only to reappear on the other side of the room. “Through no fault of your own, my race is more advanced. Now are you ready to play nice so I can concentrate on finding your friend?”

  She huffed. “Do you think you can really find her?”

  He nodded. “I’m a good tracker, I just need a place to start. By the way, the stone––you get into trouble, you touch it and call me. I’ll be right there. Now, take me to where you had dinner.”

  Chapter 10

  Greydon slashed and hacked his way through the Concosa with only one thing in his line of sight. His youngest brother, Zander. Forced to choose which of his siblings to save, he knew for the sake of his people that Zander had to survive. If anything happened to Greydon, the title of king would fall to the next in line. In this case, it would have been Orien, but he knew the middle brother had no desire to rule. When he’d glanced in Orien’s direction, he had received a nod of approval. Orien had expected Greydon to save the youngest.

  Anger pulsed through his veins and helped him pull from his reserve of strength. He was pissed at both Zolar and Uuna for making him decide which of his loved ones lived, pissed that this war had killed both his parents and imprisoned his people. Every demon head that rolled and every drop of blood that saturated the ground only served to fuel his tirade. He hardly noticed the red sticky substance that coated his skin and certainly didn’t care if it belonged to him or his enemy.

  Concosa came at him from all directions, and it was time to make another choice or fail in his attempt at saving Zander. Consequences be damned if his decision cost him points with the goddess Uuna. He’d take his chances.

  Greydon summoned his power. His back stung as his wings pushed through and he quickly took flight. For a brief moment, he wondered if Aimee would be repulsed by his demonic state. When his species shifted, their webbed wings emerged and their ears elongated to a point. The horns on the top of their head took shape, as did their long tail. It was no wonder the few humans who had seen them had called them vampire, especially after witnessing their fangs and the drinking of blood. Vampires were a myth, but Greydon and his people were real.

  In his shifted state, his senses became more enhanced, and he could hear Orien’s whispered words. “End this war, brother. Don’t let my death be in vain.”

  “You’ll not die if I have my way.” Greydon clipped the wings of the nearest Concosa with his blade and sent him tumbling. Another flew at him, and he angled right then dived out of harms way. Several more converged and he knew if he didn’t take drastic measures he would fail, and he and his brothers would perish.

  He would have to summon his extra power: the magic he absorbed from his father when he was killed. Up until now, Greydon had been unable to control it. Unleashing it would destroy everything in its path. He still wasn’t sure he could restrain the power, but he had no choice.

  He soared higher into the sky, and the Concosa gave chase. His magic formed a ball in the core of his being, and he could feel it growing stronger with every passing second. He concentrated, trying to center it and control it––make it bend to his command. Waves of magic coursed through him and threatened to take control, but he managed to rein it in and remain in charge. He sent the energy pulsing down his arms and to his fingertips, where he unleashed its fury.

  Power arced and formed a brilliant red light as it travelled down the forged steel of the blade he carried. When it reached the pointed tip, it broke free and scattered into several bolts that shot into the sky and made contact with at least six Concosa. Their bodies instantly turned to ash.

  Greydon aimed his sword at a critical point between his two captured brothers and released another blast. The electrical surge sent out tentacles that reached the remaining demons on the ground. Zolar screeched obscenities before he vanished, taking both of his brothers with him. When Greydon glanced around, he saw the sand had heated into glass from the blast of his magic, and the demons reduced to piles of ash. The fury that welled up inside him caused currents of power to snap and arc. Had he saved his brothers or condemned them to death? One thing was certain.

  He intended to fulfill the Oracle’s prophecy and kill Zolar.

  Before he could gain his bearings again, the aftermath of using so much power took a toll on his body. He had yet to learn how to handle that much magic and his body rebelled. He began to shift back to human form in mid-air and was unable to stop it.

  He braced for impact.

  Fang stood in the back alley behind O’Malley’s and watched Bethany wring her hands together. “Stop fiddling. It makes me crazy,” he commanded.

  She turned to stare at him with an arched brow. “Well excuse me, but I’ve never been one to break and enter into an establishment. The very idea makes me crazy.”

  He chuckled. “Oh sweetheart, you’ve got nothing on me. How old are you, all of maybe twenty-five?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Good guess, but what does that have to do with anything?”

  “I’m three-hundred and this is what I’d call a walk in the park.” He laughed when her jaw dropped. “Now, step closer.”

  She regained her composure. “Why?”

  “Stop asking stupid questions and get over here.” The woman really tested his patience, and he had to question if they were all so impossible. No wonder the elders had discouraged contact with the human race. He sighed and tried to remember that it wasn’t their fault his species was gifted. It was simply the way of things. “I’m going to zap us inside.”

  She took a hesitant step. “Will it hurt?”

  Patience, Fang. “No, now hurry up.”

  She lifted her chin and stepped closer. He grabbed her arm and pulled her to him. He hadn’t meant for their bodies to collide, but they had. Her soft curves pressing against him caused him to growl. Her sapphire eyes widened and her lips parted. Before she could try and escape, he transported them inside the dark tavern. He continued to hold her, telling himself it was only to keep her from falling after the shock of being sucked through space. Right!

  “Wow, that was…umm. Wow.” She planted her palms on his chest and pushed herself away.

  “Yeah, kind of cool, huh?”

  She rubbed her arms as if she was chilled, but he knew better. Her scent said she was aroused. “So now what?” she asked.

  He turned and headed into the main room, needing to put some distance between them. “Now I track our missing person.” It took him only seconds to spot Aimee’s signature and was relieved that it still lingered. “You’re familiar with how a dog can track using scent?”


  “Imagine if you could see a person’s scent rather than smell it.”

  She sidled up next to him. “See a smell?”

  “Well, it’s not really a smell. It’s more of an aura, a signature that every living creature has. Each one is unique to its individual and I can see it.”

  She faced him. “Wow, can all demons do that?”

  “No, only Daldara like myself. We’re lucky that her aura is still here and pretty strong. Now comes the fun part.”


  “Don’t sound so skeptical.” Fang loved to hunt. He lived for it.

  She gave him a wary glance. “Pardon me, but so far nothing about this has been fun. My friend is missing, and I’m worried sick.”

  “I’m sorry. I will do my best to find her and kill any who harm her.”

  She shuffled her weight. “Thanks. I think.”

  He held out his hand. “Come, we need to hurry.” This time she didn’t hesitate to intertwine her fingers in his. “We’ll move in between time, meaning things will look warped to you. In reality, we will be able to travel at a faster speed, and I can still see her aura.”

  She sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Whatever we need to do to find Aimee.”

  He sensed her fear, but also her determination to find her friend. That was one thing Fang could respect. He squeezed her hand and pulled them into the vortex.

  Aimee tried to swallow the lump in her throat as the demon stared at her as if he wanted to devour her. She’d managed to avoid whatever fate they had for her on their first encounter, but she
didn’t hold much hope the second time around.

  Another set of footsteps echoed down the corridor, and the beast turned to focus its attention on the sound. It gave her a chance to catch her breath. Seconds later, the same man in a white lab coat stepped into view and smiled at her.

  “Don’t worry, he’s not here to harm you.” He scratched his weary face. “Unless you try to escape.” He punched a keypad and pushed open the door. Aimee pressed her back against the wall, but the beast stayed outside and blocked her way out.

  “Why am I here?”

  He fished a set of keys from his pocket and walked to a small cabinet in the corner she hadn’t noticed earlier. She cast a glance back at the open door, but the demon still lurked there, blocking her escape. He flashed her another toothy grin; no doubt, he knew of her intentions.

  Mister Labcoat came back to her cot with a tray that contained a syringe, a band-aid, rubber tubing and alcohol wipes. One didn’t need to be super intelligent to know he planned to take blood samples.

  “We can do this the easy way, which means you cooperate and be a good girl. Or, I can ask our friend over there to come hold you down.” The smirk on his face told her he preferred she fight so he could unleash the demon on her. Not a chance.

  She held out both arms. “Which one do you want?”

  Disappointment turned his grin into a frown as he gripped her right arm none too gently and tied the tubing above her elbow. She winced at the pain and fought the urge to plant her foot in his groin for intentionally making the tourniquet tighter than needed. Toss in the fact she wanted to wipe the smug look off his face and had it not been for the demon, she wouldn’t have held back.

  Asshole, as she was now going to dub him, jabbed the needle into her vein with more force than was necessary. She refused to cry out and that seemed to piss him off more as he glared at her.


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