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Billy Page 10

by Donna Joy Usher

  ‘Ahhhhh.’ This made more sense.

  ‘And I thought things were going really well. I mean,’ he pulled a face, ‘we kissed and everything.’


  ‘Anyway, one day she told me it just wasn’t working for her and then a week later I happen to see her out and about with some other dude. Turns out he’s a doctor.’

  ‘I’m sorry.’

  He shrugged. ‘I was never going to compete with a doctor. But it got me thinking, well, who could I compete with?’ He released the zip and looked up at me. ‘I mean, I’m never going to find someone am I? I’m always going to be alone.’

  ‘That’s not true.’ I hopped up and moved over to his couch. ‘Everyone has someone waiting for them.’ I thought of Bob and smiled. But Nick didn’t know Bob. So I went with my other example. ‘Look at Martine. I bet she thought she was going to be alone until she meant Albie.’

  Nick shuddered. ‘You mean I got to date a freakin’ sicko albino to find love?’

  ‘Stop it.’ I picked up the cushion and smacked him with it. ‘Albie is not a sicko or a freak.’

  He pulled a face. ‘If you say so.’

  ‘He loves Martine and makes her happy. And she loves him.’

  ‘The animal kingdom is a wild and crazy place.’

  ‘Nick.’ I smacked him again. ‘Be serious. We’re talking about you here.’

  He sighed, took the pillow from me and started playing with the zip again.

  ‘You’ll find somebody.’ I shoved his shoulder. ‘I know you will.’

  ‘You think?’

  The sadness in his eyes ripped my heart out. ‘Yeah, I know it. You’ve got a lot to offer somebody.’ I leaned over and hugged him.

  He returned it for a few seconds before saying, ‘You know, just because Billy is out of town doesn’t mean you can have a piece of the Love Stud.’

  ‘Oh pulleease.’ I pushed him away with both hands and stood up. ‘In your dreams.’

  I stalked to the staircase and started up the stairs.

  ‘I’m just drawing the line in the sand. I don’t want there to be any awkwardness between us while I’m here.’ His voice followed me up to the bedroom. ‘Cause I know you’re lonesome. And it’s going to get a whole heap harder for you to resist what I’ve got going on here.’

  I pulled open my wardrobe and dug out my gym gear.

  ‘I’d hate for Billy to come home and find us in some sort of compromising situation.’

  I stuck my head over the balustrading. ‘Why don’t you go apologise to Martine?’

  He looked up at me. ‘Yeah. I probably should.’

  ‘Same flat, floor above.’

  I waited till I heard the front door click shut before I changed into my gym wear. I wouldn’t put it past him to try and perve while I was undressed.

  I made myself another cup of coffee and started a shopping list while I waited for him to come back. I was going to have to get a spare set of keys cut. Billy had the others.

  Nick was back faster than I had expected.

  ‘She wasn’t there,’ he said, when I let him back in. ‘I left a message with her flat mate. He’s a fun fellow isn’t he?’

  ‘Martyn?’ I smothered a smile.

  ‘Yeah, that’s the one. His voice is so boring I nearly fell asleep standing in the doorway. I hope he gives her the message. I don’t want to have to say it out loud again.’

  ‘What? Sorry?’

  ‘Yeah. That word. It gets stuck in my throat.’ He pulled open the door to the bathroom.

  ‘Oh, I’m pretty sure she’ll get the message. Hey, I’m going to take Cocoa for a quick walk and then I’m heading to the gym. Did you want to come or do you want to hang here for a while? I’ve only got the one set of keys. I’ll get some done on the way home.’

  He stuck his head back out of the bathroom. ‘Did you say the gym?’

  ‘Yeah. I’m going to do a work out.’

  He smacked his hands together and grinned. ‘I’ll come with you.’

  ‘Please tell me you’re not coming to stare at the other women?’

  ‘Who, me? I take offence at that. What sort of body guard would I be if I didn’t escort you in public.’

  ‘A non-embarrassing one. And if you were really that concerned you’d come with me to walk Cocoa.’

  ‘Pfhhhhh. Please. He’s a police-trained attack dog. You’ll be fine.’ He slammed the door shut before I could reply.

  I grabbed Cocoa’s lead off the hook and attached it to his collar. His tail wagged from side to side as he smiled up at me. I grabbed my phone and some plastic bags and headed out and down the stairs. If I hurried, I’d catch Bruce and Lancelot at the little park down the road. They were normally there at this time of day.

  Lancelot saw us before I saw them. He let out a shrill bark and came racing across the park to Cocoa.

  ‘Stay still,’ I said to Cocoa. It was almost impossible to unhook his lead while he twirled on the spot and tried to chase Lancelot.

  ‘Hey, Girlfriend.’ Bruce was sitting on the park bench that gave the best view out over the city.

  ‘Hey, you.’ I sat down and pecked him on the cheek.

  ‘Where’s your annoying little friend?’

  ‘At home getting ready to escort me to the gym.’

  He let out a laugh. ‘How are you feeling?’

  ‘A little better. Partly, because I’ve made a decision, but mostly, because I know Billy is worried about me.’

  ‘And shouldn’t the second part of that sentence make you rethink the first?’

  ‘Nope.’ I shook my head. ‘I can feel it in here.’ I tapped my chest. ‘He’s going to need me. I just have to have faith I find him in time.’ I was silent for a moment while I tried not to think about the possible ramifications of not finding Billy in time. ‘How’s the stocktake?’

  ‘Boring.’ He smiled. ‘Nearly done, actually. Bianca’s helping me.’

  ‘Oh, I could have helped you.’

  ‘Yes, but you wouldn’t let me pay you. And then I would feel bad. Bianca needs the extra money.’

  ‘Oh, right,’ I said. ‘Saving up for Uni.’

  ‘Yeah. Going to be hard with her overheads on that apartment.’

  ‘Why doesn’t she sell it?’

  ‘Market’s a bit flat at the moment. Bad time to be selling high-end property.’

  Cocoa and Lancelot finished their tour of the garden and arrived back at our feet. They immediately started wrestling with each other.

  ‘Huh.’ I didn’t know anything about things like that. I really didn’t know much about grown-up things at all. ‘Bruce, do you have a life plan?’

  ‘Sure. My life plan was to have my own Drag Bar and a wonderful partner I could share my life with. I’m halfway there. Although this one,’ he bent and scratched Lancelot’s head, ‘is doing a fine job of subbing in for the second part.’

  His phone twanged and he pulled it out of his pocket and glanced down at it. ‘Got to go.’ He stood up. ‘Bianca needs my help with some heavy lifting.’ He gave me a hug. ‘When will I see you?’

  ‘I’ll come down to Dazzle on Sunday night.’

  He nodded. ‘Good luck. And Chanel.’

  ‘Yes,’ I turned to look back over my shoulder at him.

  ‘Please be careful.’

  ‘Of course. I’ll be as careful as I normally am.’

  He pulled a face. ‘That’s what I’m worried about.’


  ‘You want to go where?’ Bob stopped with his biscuit halfway to his mouth. The portion he had just dunked in tea maintained form for a few seconds before realising it was no longer solid. It parted ways with the rest of the biscuit and splatted onto the top of Bob’s belly. ‘Are you crazy?’

  ‘Absolutely not. Dr Shooten can confirm that if you want.’

  Bob tried to bite off the soggy bit, realised it wasn’t there, and looked down at his shirt. ‘Oh no.’ He jumped up and brushed at the mushy crumbs. ‘And Sasha s
aid she’d drop in tonight.’ He brushed some more. ‘Does it look bad?’ He turned to face me so that I could examine his shirt.

  ‘Just a little damp, that’s all. I’m sure it will dry just fine.’

  He picked up the other half of his biscuit, stuck it in his mouth, chewed twice and then swallowed. ‘Why do you want to go there?’

  ‘Well, I’ve been thinking.’

  ‘Thought I could smell rubber burning.’

  I poked my tongue out at him. ‘Why did Trent bring Larry and Robert in to interview our witness? It was a simple failed burglary attempt. We could have handled that.’

  Bob looked thoughtful while he chewed another biscuit.

  ‘It has to be something to do with those drugs. I mean, they were different.’

  He nodded as he swallowed. ‘I’m sure you’re right, but I still don’t see what that has to do with us going to The Nasty Crow.’

  ‘If you were the biggest, baddest bad arse in the city, where would you go on a Friday night?’

  ‘You said bad twice.’

  I rolled my eyes. He was just stalling and he knew I knew. ‘Okay, if you were the biggest, nastiest bad arse in the city where would you go?’

  ‘On a Friday night?’

  ‘Yes, Bob. On a Friday night.’

  ‘No need to be snappy.’

  I sat down and crossed my arms across my chest. He was right. I was being snappy. But the urge to find Billy had cranked up a notch. As if my time was starting to run out. I was sick of sitting around doing nothing. I had to start putting myself into positions so that my shit magnet could do its thing.

  ‘I’d be at home with a glass of fine wine and a good book.’


  ‘Geez, Chanel. You’re acting like this is personal.’ He put his teacup back down. ‘Going to The Nasty Crow in uniform would be suicidal. Well, for me anyway. You, they’d rape first, and that might give you a chance to get away.’

  ‘It’s not that bad.’

  ‘Have you ever been?’

  ‘No. Have you?’


  Mark and Nathan pushed open the door. Nathan yawned as he held a hand up to us.

  ‘Hey guys,’ I said. ‘Can you help us settle an argument?’

  Mark put a mug into the coffee machine and hit the start button. He leaned back against the wall next to the machine and folded his arms. ‘Sure, Super Cop. Anything for you.’

  I rolled my eyes and ignored that. The comments had been coming thick and fast since I’d arrived at work and they were starting to get old. ‘Have you ever been to The Nasty Crow?’

  ‘Sure.’ He nodded his head.

  ‘Is it as bad as Bob’s making out?’

  ‘Nah,’ he said. ‘Just like a regular bar. Unless they know you’re a cop, of course. Then it’s pretty much game over.’

  ‘Hah.’ Bob nudged me with his foot.

  ‘Oh fine.’ I chewed on my bottom lip. I’d save it for my night off.

  Mark let out a laugh. ‘And if I were you, Wonder Woman, I wouldn’t think of going there for at least a few months.’

  ‘What? Why?’

  He looked towards where somebody – my bet was on Mark and Nathan, had cut out the stupid newspaper article and pinned it to the notice board. They had drawn a voice bubble with the word, ‘Kapooooow,’ next to my head.

  Ahh shit. He was right.

  I pretended nonchalance as I turned back to Bob and said, ‘Well, what do you want to do?’

  Bob’s eyes wandered hopefully to the door.

  I sighed. ‘What time did she say she’d be in?’

  ‘She’s babysitting for Monica till midnight. Sometime after that.’

  ‘Don’t you think it would look more impressive if we were processing someone when she turned up?’

  Bob stood and brushed at his shirt again. ‘Let’s go.’

  I shook my head. I guess it would make sense that it would take a woman to motivate Bob. That, or a donut on a stick.

  Bob snagged the patrol car keys off the desk and handed them to me.

  ‘Nah,’ I said, ‘you drive.’ It was just safer that way.

  ‘Which way do you want to go?’ Bob asked me as we pulled out of the car park.

  ‘Ummmm.’ I eeny meenied in my head for a moment before saying, ‘Right.’

  Bob indicated and turned right and about two hundred metres later we saw two young men leaning over a third person.

  Bob screeched to a halt and I jumped out, sprinting towards the group.

  It was a woman. She lay on her back, convulsing. There was vomit all over her face and in her hair.

  ‘Sandy,’ the blonde man said as he shook her shoulder, ‘Sandy.’

  ‘Bob,’ I called back over my shoulder. ‘We need an ambulance.’ I had initially thought the men had been up to no good, but it was evident the woman was suffering from some sort of overdose.

  ‘Watch out.’ I pushed the two men out of the way and leaned down next to her. I tucked a hand under her head, straightened one leg and bent the one closest to me up at the knee. Then I rolled her away from me into the recovery position. ‘What did she take?’ I asked the men.

  ‘Sandy,’ the blonde man said.

  I pulled my torch off my vest and shone it into his eyes quickly. His pupils were already dilated. I was guessing he was on whatever she was.

  ‘What have they taken?’ I turned to the other man.

  ‘I don’t know.’ He shook his head. ‘I don’t know them. I was on the other side of the road when she collapsed.

  ‘Matty,’ the blonde man said reaching out to the other one. ‘What’d you give her, Matty?’

  The woman heaved again and vomited over her arm. I held my breath and turned away. Sympathetic vomiting was not going to help me now.

  ‘What is it?’ Bob asked from behind me.

  ‘Overdose I think.’ I stood and turned to face him. ‘Paramedics?’

  ‘On their way.’

  I nodded. I didn’t want to alert Matty to what I was planning. He had a runner’s body and I had already done my running that morning at the gym. ‘Can you make sure she stays in recovery?’ I said to Bob. ‘Just need to get something from the car.’

  Bob’s face looked perplexed but he didn’t say anything as we traded places. He knelt down next to the woman and immediately gagged.

  ‘Chanel?’ His nostrils flared and his eyes bulged as he turned to look at me.

  I pulled my cuffs off the side of my vest as he heaved again.

  ‘Hang in there Bob,’ I said. ‘I won’t be long.’

  I flicked open one of the arm bands and grabbed Matty from behind. ‘You have the right to remain silent,’ I said as I slapped a cuff onto one wrist.

  He went from crouching to running in one electric movement. I held onto the other cuff with both hands, fighting him like a giant fish. His sneakered foot launched out, catching me in the ribs, but I didn’t let go.

  There was no way I was letting him go. The way he was fighting told me he had something to hide. I was dying to know what it was.

  Bob stared up at us, his hands still supporting Sandy in the recovery position. The look on his face told me he was trying very hard not to vomit.

  Matty kicked out again, but this time I dodged his blow. His momentum carried him around and his foot came down on Sandy’s face.

  ‘Don’t hurt Sandy,’ the other man yelled.

  Rather than hurt her though, the kick seemed to bring her out of whatever drug-induced stupor she was in. She reared up and the back of her head collided with Bob’s face. There was a sickening crack and then Bob let out a bellow of pain.

  He staggered back with both hands over his nose. I was betting it was bleeding.

  Matty grabbed my bun with his free hand and pulled at it.

  ‘Stop that,’ I hissed, karate chopping his elbow.

  Sandy took a deep breath as she turned to look at us. She opened her mouth as if to gasp again, but instead, a torrent of vomi
t burst out of her. Matty and I danced out of the way, but Bob was not so lucky.

  He was staring at the blood on his hands when the vomit struck him in the face. Like a burst from a fire hydrant, it washed over him, coating his hair, his face, his hands and his shirt.

  He opened his mouth as he retched, and Sandy threw up again.

  ‘Christ,’ I said, batting away Matty’s hand. ‘It’s like something out of The Exorcist.’ I kicked him in the back of the knee, taking advantage of his momentary loss of balance to throw him to the ground. ‘What the hell did you give her?’

  Bob crawled to the gutter and threw up. I couldn’t be sure, what with Matty swearing at me, but the noise Bob was making in between heaves sounded like he was crying.

  I flipped Matty onto his stomach, and put my knee in his back.

  ‘Stupid slut,’ he roared as he bucked underneath me.

  Bob heaved again and this time, some of his vomit landed on the back of Matty’s head.

  ‘Bahhhhhh,’ Matty said. ‘What was that? Was that…?’

  ‘Yep.’ I dragged his loose arm around behind his back and snapped the other cuff around his wrist. ‘It was vomit. It’s everywhere. There’s no escaping it.’ I had it on my shoes for sure.

  ‘Whuuoo. Whuuoo.’ His shoulders shook.

  ‘Oh great.’ I dragged him backwards onto his knees and read him his rights while he threw up.

  ‘Chanel.’ Bob wiped a hand across his face, smearing the blood from his nose through the mask of vomit. ‘Help me.’

  I looked around. We were out the front of a row of terraces and I could see a hose curled up on a porch. ‘Do you think you can hold onto Matty?’

  Bob heaved, but then nodded as he crawled over to me.

  ‘Don’t let him go.’ I waited till he had a good grip on the cuffs, and then I jumped over the tiny fence and grabbed the hose.

  Red and blue flashing lights emerged from the darkness down the street and the ambulance came into view. It came to a halt while I hosed Sandy, Matty, the other man and Bob.

  When I thought they were mostly clean, I turned the hose on myself. I had gotten off lightly but there was splatter on my pants I wasn’t happy about. When I was done I returned the hose to its position on the porch.

  The ambulance doors opened and the ambos hopped out. I recognised Steve, but I hadn’t met the other one before. His name badge said Ron.


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