Triple Threat

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by Alice Frost

  Triple Threat


  Alice Frost

  Welcome To Millersburg

  Welcome to Millersburg! Don't mind the shifters, they won't bite... much. If you're looking for work Leo Construction and Cougar Construction are constantly hiring. Not into construction? Stop by The Blue Moon Bar & Grill, they are always looking for waitresses and the occasional busboy. Still not your forte? Cutie's Cupcakes or Bixby’s Restaurant might suite your needs. If you were wanting to work at the mine then you might as well move on. It will be closing down soon. Not into shifter owned businesses? Then look for work in the next town over, because Millersburg is mostly shifter owned and run.

  If you're here for the 4th of July, we have the annual Catfish and BBQ Festival. We also have the Fall Festival in September. Planning on staying long? Stop by the Wolf Haven Bed & Breakfast.

  Just visiting? We offer many hiking trails in the Hoosier National Forest. Just stop by the ranger station and grab a map. We offer plenty of camping space and have a number of cabins for rent. Remember to stop by Tea Table Rock and enjoy the view.

  But please remember that not all animals you meet are shifters, we do have real bears, coyotes, wolves, and a number of other large animals roaming around the forest. Also, do not be alarmed if you see any men or women streaking through the forest.

  Chapter 1

  Why do I have to put up with this shit? Charise Miller growled in frustration.

  Perfect example - being left to deal with her boss’s fuck ups, and to be the next meal for Xavier Leo, the oldest of the Leo brothers. Which she wouldn’t mind in the least, with his icy blue eyes, if he hadn’t been glaring down at her at that exact moment. He was co-owner of Leo Construction, one of the three Kings of the Libaax Pride, and the only black-maned lion in the state.

  He was madder than hell, but she couldn’t help noticing how his shirt stretched across his shoulders and chest, how his jeans seemed to be painted onto his thighs, and that his hair was long enough for a woman to grab onto while he fucked her. Damn him for smelling so yummy and fuckable. She knew no self-respecting shifter king like himself would ever have a casual fling with a human. Stupid veiling charm always ruining things.

  She hoped he didn’t comment on her attraction to him. “I’m sorry your client has decided to go with Cougar Construction, Mr. Leo. If you would like to talk to Mr. Kale I can call him for you.” She wanted nothing more than to strip naked and beg him to fuck her.

  Xavier growled at the sound of her voice. “You can tell Jack that if I find him sniffing around my clients again, I’ll skin him alive and have myself a new tiger skin rug.” His cat wanted to throw this beautiful woman over his shoulder, take her back to his den and do all the dirty things his cat wanted him to do to her. He turned on his heel and stalked out of her office before he did exactly that with her. It infuriated him that not only had Jack stolen one of his clients but his secretary was sexier than hell. She smelled human and he couldn’t risk her getting involved with the paranormal community.

  Millersburg was mostly shifters and the few humans that lived in the tiny town on the edge of Hoosier National Forest knew shifters were taught from infancy to stay away from them. Shifters had a tendency to play rougher than humans could handle sometimes ending in severe injury. All the park rangers were shifters and made sure to warn any visitors to stay clear of the wildlife. But every now and then the wildlife wanted to have a little sexual fun with some of the campers. Which was a major no-no unless they were your mate.

  Charise stared at his perfectly tight ass as he slammed out the door. She sighed, slumping over the keyboard. Why did the three hottest men on earth have to own the competition? Life is so not fair. She growled angrily, grabbing the phone and dialing Jack.

  “You know, if you’re going to steal clients from the competition you can at least give me a heads up?” Charise snarled as Jack picked up.

  “Sorry, but I was kind of distracted at the time,” Jack purred.

  “Meaning you’re rolling around in bed with Ms. Calley.” She really should have known. He always did this shit.

  “Among other things,” he murmured.

  She heard a moan in the background and groaned. “Why do you do this? I’m starting to think I run this place and not you. And why the hell did you pick up the phone if you weren’t done?!”

  “We’re done for the moment.”

  She could hear him talking to Ms. Calley, wishing she could rip her ears off her head and sanitize her brain. This was almost as bad as listening to her brothers having sex. “Jack, if you are not in this office in two hours I quit.”

  “Two hours! I need more time than that.”

  “Too bad.” She ended the call and turned it to silent. She had the beginnings of a headache.

  Her thoughts turned to Xavier Leo, the man currently pissed off at Jack. He was the oldest of the Leo brothers and boss of Leo Construction. All three of them were panty soaking sexy and she had plenty of fantasies about them. Her bear even thought they were screaming orgasm worthy. She had only met Xavier in person but had seen all three at a distance. It was such a shame she couldn’t have any fun with them.

  She slumped back in her chair. Why did I have to be so attracted to the feline trio? Why couldn’t they be Kodiaks or some other breed of ursus. I will just have to avoid them at all costs.

  It sucked being the only sister of the twin alpha kings of the Northern Ursus Den, the last pure blooded bear clan. Which meant you were expected to mate with someone that had a perfect pedigree of your own species. Sometimes it really sucked being her.

  Maybe when everything settles down I can take that vacation to Mexico. Maybe have a fling with the cabana boy.

  The phone rang, with a sigh she picked it up. “Leo Construction. how may I help you?” All she could hear on the other end was heavy breathing. “Anyone there?”

  The voice was the one from her nightmares. “Hello Charise. I’ll be coming for you soon, precious one.”

  “Leave me alone!” She slammed the phone down, pulled out her cell, and called Dejah Wings, her best friend since college.

  “Wolf Haven Bed & Breakfast. This is Dejah, how can I help you?” Dejah’s soft voice cracked Charise’s composure.

  Charise began crying. “Dejah, he’s back.”

  Dejah growled. “You’re still wearing your veiling charm right?”


  “Ok, Now calm down. I’ll call Alexis and get her up here as fast as possible. Do you think you’ll be okay until then?”

  “Yeah, I think so. Thanks Dej,” she whispered, taking slow calming breaths. She thought that she had lost him. But she’d never be safe from him, unless one of them died.

  Chapter 2

  Charise looked up as Lachlan Kale, Jack’s father, old alpha of the Shabeel Pride, and founder of Cougar Construction, walked through the door. “ Hello Mr. Kale, is there anything I can do for you today?”

  “Yes, there is. You can tell me what my good-for-nothing son is up to,” he snarled as he sat down in a chair across from her.

  “He is meeting a new client, Ms. Cassie Calley.”

  Lachlan snorted. “More like he’s fucking her senseless.”

  “Basically,” she sighed.

  “I’ve been made aware of the situation by a loud and irritable source,” he said, leaning back and rubbing his forehead. “A very loud source.”

  “This source wouldn’t happen to be about 6 ½ feet tall, icy blue eyes, long black hair. and a bad attitude?”

  “That would be correct. This source also informed me that if I didn’t leash my son soon then what will happen to him would be his own fault.”

  She laughed. “Which means he’ll be neutered in a not so friendly way.”
r />   “Pretty much and since Jack is my heir and only child the he can’t be neutered, even though I’ve been very tempted to do it myself several times. Which brings me to the reason that I am here. I know that this job has been your way of escaping from your den and those brothers of yours, but I’m going to have to bring someone in that can bring Jack to heel before he gets hurt.”

  “You know that when I leave all of my clients will be going with me?” she asked, leaning back in her seat. She felt a headache coming on and she knew just who to blame for it, Jack and that annoyingly sexy Xavier Leo.

  “I know and it’s going to hurt us to lose you and that many clients. But Jack has to stop doing these things,” Lachlan said as Jack walked through the office door.

  “Doing what things?” he asked sitting down in the chair next to his father.

  “Being a complete and utter man-whore, that's what,” Charise grumbled.

  “How exactly am I being a man-whore?” Jack was used to Charise calling him names, but she was the only secretary he hadn’t tried to seduce. It was likely because she was like a sister to him, or the fact that her two older brothers would’ve killed him if he so much as sniffed her wrong.

  “I’m replacing Charise with a new secretary, someone who can keep your dick in your pants,” Lachlan explained.

  “I doubt anyone but his mate could do that and she definitely doesn’t live in Millersburg,” Charise laughed.

  “You’re firing Charise because I love to have fun with the ladies?” Jack asked.

  “Yes. I’m sorry this is happening but what did you think was going to happen when you seduce female clients from our competition? Every action has a consequence and this is the consequence of your actions.”

  Charise felt sorry for Jack but she knew her friend would persevere. She started putting her meager things in a small shopping bag she kept for the trash can. “Jack, it’s ok. We both need to start taking responsibility for our lives. I need to tell my brothers to go to hell and not expect them to fix everything and you need to stop being an unscrupulous playboy.”

  “Took the words right out of my mouth,” Xavier said as he and his brothers walked through the door.

  “Hello gentlemen,” Lachlan said, standing up to face them.

  Fuck they were hot. She looked up at the men and could only stare at them. She’d seen them all from a distance at one point or another but not this close.

  Xander had the same inky black hair as his brother but were Xavier’s eyes were an icy blue his were a dark ocean blue. His hair was shoulder length like Xavier’s but curly. She had seen his lion once and knew his mane was curly as well. She was intrigued by the fact that he was a pure black lion.

  Xerxes was the odd one of the bunch and had white blonde hair and green eyes, which correlated with him being a white lion. All three stood around the same height and musculature, with Xerxes being the tallest and Xander being the most muscular.

  “Come to make sure that my father was dealing with me?” Jack snarled.

  Xavier grinned flashing his fangs. “Yes and if he wasn’t we would be.”

  Xander inhaled and purred. “Something smells really good in here. Tantalizing and delicious.” His eyes locked on Charise and felt the world stop around him. She smelled human but his cat wanted nothing more than fuck her senseless and mark her. He took in her curvaceous figure, and mahogany hair. It was a shame she had it all tucked up in a bun. Her dark eyes drew him in, he could see small flecks of gold around the irises of her eyes.

  “It smells like ambrosia. Mate.” Xerxes was staring at Charise as intently as his brother.

  She began fidgeting as she grabbed the last of her things. She could feel their gazes roaming over her body and felt the telltale tingling in her nipples and pussy. She hoped they didn’t smell her arousal.

  Xavier snorted. “The only female here is the pudgy secretary, so stop it.”

  “Why thanks for that wonderful compliment! By the way this secretary has a name. Learn it because you’ll be my first stop.” Charise headed for the door.

  Xerxes stepped in front of her, giving her a panty dropping grin. “I’m not an asshole like my brother.”

  “And?” She cocked her hip watching him. He had the same problem she did and couldn’t hide his arousal, his cock nicely outlined in his denim jeans.

  “I can help you carry your things out to your car,” he said.

  “Thanks, but I’m a big girl and can take care of myself.” Charise smiled, darting around him. “I’ll see you later, Jack.”

  Chapter 3

  Lachlan sighed, watching Charise closed the door behind her. “You’ve insulted her. I hope you’re ready to deal with the fallout.”

  Xander looked at him curiously. “What do you mean?”

  “When she gets home and her brothers find out that Dad fired her because of you three and that you called her pudgy, there will be hell to pay.” Jack sighed and covered his face with his hands.

  “Why would we pay?” Xavier asked.

  “Her brothers are the meanest men I know.”

  “We can handle ourselves,” Xavier said.

  “I hope so because once her brothers get ahold of you there won’t be much of you left. Now, I will stop seducing your clients. So do me a favor and leave,” Jack growled.

  “Don’t think that I won’t come back and neuter you if you do this again,” Xavier snarled.

  “My best friend just got fired because you were being an ass.”

  “No, she got fired because you couldn’t keep your dick in your pants.”

  “Get out. Now!” Jack roared.

  “Goodbye Mr. Kale and I’m sorry that things came to this,” Xerxes said. All three of the turned and left.

  Lachlan looked at his son. “So why didn’t you tell them about Charise?”

  “Why should I make things easy for them? They’ve known her for years and haven’t figured it out. I didn’t see you correcting them.” Jack grinned at his dad.

  Lachlan chuckled, shaking his head. “Your new secretary will be here tomorrow. Don’t screw up, she just might kill you.”

  “I can handle one little secretary.”

  “If you think so. Good luck tomorrow son,” Lachlan said before leaving the office.

  Jack groaned, leaning back in his chair as the office door clicked shut.

  ~ * ~

  “Damn testosterone filled, chauvinistic, male idiots.” Charise muttered as she slammed into the main house of the Den.

  “What’s the matter, sis?” Jason asked as he walked into the front room.

  Standing a few inches over 6 foot he towered over her. Unlike Charise, who took after their mom, he took after their dad and had green eyes and black hair. She didn’t understand why he like to shave his head but she knew from her friends that women thought it was sexy, right along with the tattoos that covered both of his arms, and his muscular frame.

  “Nothing,” she muttered, looking through the mail on the foyer table.

  “Don’t lie. I can smell it when you do,” Jaxon said, following behind Jason.

  Like Jason he had black hair like their dad but he had the same dark brown eyes as her. He kept his hair in a close military cut like their dad once had. He was tall and muscular as Jason but unlike their brother he didn’t have any tattoos, at least none that she knew of. She had heard rumors that they both had piercings but she didn’t want to know.

  “Why are you ganging up on me? Why aren’t you in some stockholders meeting or something? Or down at the mine working?” she asked, stuffing her mail in her purse.

  Jason chuckled. “It’s called a day off. We do get those occasionally.”

  Charise arched a brow at them. “Really? Your first day off in how long? A few months? Years?”

  “We have days off, You’re just not the woman involved when we do,” Jaxon snorted.

  “Seriously? Why’d I get stuck with you two as brothers? Why couldn’t I have a sister or be an only child?” She gagged
and tried to clean her mind of the images that had popped into her mind. Thoughts of the sexy trio she’d be visiting were soon replacing the thought of her brothers. Images of the trio doing everything in the book and then some to her, had her shivering in delight.

  “You’re just unlucky like that. So, what’s brought you home so early?’ Jason inquired.

  “I was let go this afternoon,” Charise growled, knowing what was coming and it was the last thing she wanted to talk about.

  “Well, since you got fired you can start showing Ares around, get to know him and all that,” Jaxon said.

  “No. In fact, hell no,” she growled. He was the last man she wanted to be around. Why could no one understand that?

  “You’ve been betrothed since birth. Why do you keep refusing to have anything to do with him?” Jaxon growled.

  “I’ve told you repeatedly he’s been stalking me but every time I tell you, you refused to listen!”

  “You haven’t given us any proof that he’s been stalking you,” Jaxon said.

  “I’ve given you plenty of proof but what did you tell me? Oh that’s right, it was just a coincidence. God! I wish Mom and Dad were alive. They’d believe me,” Charise growled. She turned on her heel and stormed out of the house.

  Jason looked at his brother. “You know she could be telling the truth.”

  Jaxon sighed, his shoulders slumping. “I just don’t know. We both know she doesn’t want to mate with Ares and solidify our alliance with the Southern Den.”

  “True, but what happens if it turns out she was telling the truth and gets hurt because we didn’t listen to her?”

  “I would never forgive myself.”

  Chapter 4

  Xavier growled in aggravation, ending his phone call as Xander walked into his office sitting in one chair while Xerxes followed suit and sat in the other.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “That was Ankou from The Blue Moon. Nadia has decided that since Vance and Graeme work there they have to let her drink until she has decided she’s done. She’s racked up a bill of almost $300 just in drinks. That isn’t including the large tips that he says she WILL be paying to the girls.” Xavier sighed and leaned back in his chair. “It’s time we cut her loose.”


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