Triple Threat

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Triple Threat Page 5

by Alice Frost

  She chuckled. “You’ll just have to find out won’t you?"

  Xerxes phone rang. “Yeah Graeme?” He listened for a moment. “I’ll talk to Xavier and call you back.” He ended the call and shoved his phone back into his pocket. “A strange bear has been sniffing around the site. The men have even found some tampering with the equipment,” he said.

  “It could be teenagers looking for some fun,” Xander said.

  “Or it could be Ares. Xerxes, let all the guys know to be on the look out for this stranger and to report anything odd, no matter how small,” Xavier said. “I’m going to go talk to your brothers and find out more about this guy. Xander is going to help you get your things and take you back to our house.”

  Xerxes and Xavier both kissed her before leaving.

  Xander kissed her on the forehead. “Alone at last and we’ve got to go pack up your place.”

  “It shouldn’t be too hard. I don’t have any furniture. So all we’ve to get are my clothes, electronics, and whatnot. But I don’t think it will matter if we get everything right now or if I only pack a few days worth of things,” she said, snuggling into his embrace.

  “I love you,” Xander said.

  She looked up at him. “You do?”

  “Yeah,” he said, smiling down at her. “ I started falling in love with you the moment we met.”

  “Would you have still loved me even if it had turned out we weren’t mates?” she asked curiously.

  “Yes, we all love you. Xerxes and I just accepted it faster than Xavier,” he said.

  “Why was Xavier so against us being mates? I thought everyone couldn’t wait to claim their mate?” she said.

  Xander sighed. “Xavier’s had a rough life. When we were younger he fell in love with a young woman named Rachel. They met when we were in college. They had been dating for several months and he even thought she was our true mate. But when she found out that she was getting all three of us she took off. No one had seen her for several days and then her body was found in a park not far from the college. He was completely shattered. Ever since then we’ve been upfront about how our relationship works and Xavier has refused to get into a serious relationship since then.”

  “That’s really sad. Now I understand why he acted like such an ass. But I’m glad I now have you three,” she said, smiling up at him.

  “Technically Xavier is the only one that has you but that will be rectified soon,” Xander said, smiling at her lecherously.

  They locked up the office and walked to his truck. He helped her into the truck and walked over to his side and climbed in. They drove over to Wolf Haven, packed up a few things and took them out to the truck. She was just opening the truck door as she caught Ares’ scent. “Xander!” Then the world went dark.

  ~ * ~

  Xavier drove up to the Northern Ursus Den. He had just parked his truck when his phone rang. “Xavier Leo,” he said. He listened as Xander told him everything that had happened. “Dammit!” He climbed out of the truck, raced up to the doors and stormed in. “I need to know where Jason and Jaxon are!”

  “Who wants to know?” growled one of the men that came running at the sound of the doors crashing in.

  “I’m Xavier Leo of the Libaax Pride. I need to talk to them now!” He roared, ready to tear everyone apart.

  “It’s fine Grant. We’re already here.” The men parted as two men walked up to Xavier. “I’m Jaxon and this is Jason,” he said gesturing to his brother. “What seems to be the problem?”

  “Ares has taken Charise. My brother Xander had taken her to get her things and when they came out of Wolf Haven he was knocked unconscious. When he came to she was gone. I need to know where he would have taken her.”

  Jaxon and Jason growled in anger. “He has a cabin on the edge of the forest, just a few miles from Tea Table Rock. We’ll take you there,” Jaxon said. He looked at his brother. “Gather the men, alert Lachlan and Jack that we will need their help. I’m not going to let this man get away with our sister.”

  “When this is over you had better be kissing the ground Charise walks on. If anything happens to her I’ll kill you for not listening sooner,” Xavier growled.

  Jaxon looked at him, anguish clouding his eyes. “If anything happens to her I’ll never forgive myself.”

  Chapter 13

  Charise moaned as the pounding in her head woke her. She opened her eyes, snarling at the light blinding her. She squinted as her eyes began adjusting. She tried to sit up but discovered her hands and feet chained to the bed she was in, and the room looked like it hadn’t been cleaned in several years.

  Ares walked into the room. “Good. You’re awake.”

  “How did you find me?’ she growled.

  Ares chuckled. “ An outraged lioness helped me. She says you stole her men.” He tapped a clawed finger on her cheek. “That was very naughty of you my dear.”


  “Very good. She was ever so grateful to know that I would be taking you away from here and making you my mate.” Ares stood at the end of the bed grinning down at her.

  “I already have my mates!” Charise growled.

  Ares sneered at her. “After today you’ll have one mate and it will be me.”

  Charise struggled against the chains. “Go find your true mate and let me go!”

  “Don’t worry my dear. You’ll forget them soon enough. I did.”

  “You found your mate?” she asked, shocked.

  “Yes I did.” Ares smiled, sitting down on the bed. “She was an aspiring young woman. Her father was the king of the Cheetah clans. But when we met she was already dating that damn lion. It didn’t matter that I was going to be the king of the Southern Den and the fact that I was a bear was even worse. According to her her mate had to be some breed of feline not a filthy bear. I decided that if she wouldn’t be my mate then she wouldn’t be anyones mate.” A look of rapture crossed his face. “Her screams were the most beautiful thing I had ever heard. I haven’t been able to catch that sound again no matter how hard I tried.”

  Charise stared at him in horror. “You’re fucking insane.”

  Ares smiled sadistically. “Thank you. You will be the jewel of my den. This will help your transition into that spot.” He held up a hypodermic needle. Its contents shone a pale, sickly green in the light. He jammed it into her thigh, injecting her. “Soon you will be begging to be mine.”

  “No…,” she whimpered as fire raced through her veins.

  Chapter 14

  Xavier raced to the edge of Hoosier Forest. He jumped out of the truck and ran towards his brothers. Xander was leaning against a tree talking to Xerxes. “Are you alright?”

  “I’m fine but if I had been human the blow would’ve killed me.” Xander shook his head. “I’m mad as hell that he was capable of sneaking up on me like that. Now he’s got Charise. If he’s willing to do that to me what is he willing to do to her?”

  “Let’s get our girl,” Xerxes said. “The Pride is on their way and the bear clan will meet us there.”

  They shifted and raced to Ares’s cabin. Jason and Jaxon were waiting for them. Xavier shifted, his brothers’ close behind him. “See anything?”

  “They’re definitely in there. He didn’t even attempt to hide their scent. We need to go in immediately. We’ve watched him through the windows and he seems somewhat erratic,” Jaxon growled.

  “That was obvious when he started stalking your sister,” Xavier snarled.

  Jaxon charged Xavier but was stopped by Jason and Xander.

  “Enough! You two can fight later, preferably after we get Charise out of there,” Jason growled, glaring at his brother. “We don’t know what he has done to her and I’m afraid of what state she’ll be in when we get her out.”

  Graeme jogged up. “I think she might be in the front bedroom. He keeps going back and forth, stopping every few moments to sniff the air. It’s almost as if he’s waiting for something to happen.”

e need to move now!” Xander growled.

  Jaxon and Xavier nodded to each other before roaring, signaling everyone to shift and attack the cabin. Xavier broke through the front door. Ares snarled and swiped his clawed hand at him.

  “Let Charise go,” Xavier growled. He motioned Xander and Xerxes towards the room.

  “She’s mine!” Ares roared, charging Xavier.

  Xavier braced but Jaxon barreled into Ares, grabbing him by the neck. He roared, shaking him violently. Ares fought Jaxon, clawing at him futilely. Jaxon wrenched Ares’ head, breaking his neck with a sickly crack then let him slide lifelessly to the floor.

  “I’ve got the clans searching the surrounding areas just in case she isn’t the only one he took,” Jason said. He looked at Xavier. “Go check on Charise. We’ll clean up this mess.”

  Jason looked at his brother and saw his look of anger. “You’re not angry that she took him as her mate are you?”

  Jaxon snorted. “No, I’m angry at myself, the way I’ve treated her was horrible. I’m her brother I should’ve been watching out for her instead I was going to hand her over to the man that had been making her life a living hell.” He shook Ares angrily, his dead body flopping around like a rag doll. “Thank Ursa that I backed out of the betrothal. She’s never going to forgive me for this.”

  Jason looked at him appraisingly. “I think by telling her you’re sorry and trying to make it up to her will go a long way towards earning her forgiveness. Besides you’re not the only one that will be begging for forgiveness.”

  Jaxon looked at his brother sadly. “Even if I earn her forgiveness I’ll never be able to forgive myself.”

  ~ * ~

  Xavier entered the room, fear coursing through him. He could smell her blood. “Is she alright?”

  Xerxes nodded as Xander broke the chains holding her. “A few cuts and bruises plus a bump on her head but otherwise she seems to be alright.”

  Charise moaned and thrashed on the bed.

  “Her scent is off.” Xander said looking around the room. He found a small syringe and bottle on the dresser. “The fucker gave her Fang X.”

  “I thought the Council banned that,” Xerxes said, worry covering his face.

  “It is, but like any drug it can be bought illegally on the streets,” Xavier growled. He picked Charise up gently. She whimpered and wiggled as he carried her through the cabin. “What is it, sweetheart?”


  “Please what?” he growled. Her scent was stronger and affecting him as if it she was in heat. He was sure that Xander and Xerxes were having the same problem.

  “Fuck me..”

  “Half the bottle was missing, we’re going to have to fuck her tonight or she’ll be in a lot of pain.” He left the cabin, striding towards the only vehicle on the premises. “Jaxon, I’m borrowing your truck!”

  “Go ahead the keys are in the ignition!” Jaxon hollered back.

  “Why don’t you two sit in the back seat with her while I drive us home?” Xavier handed her to Xander after he had gotten in. He may not have been adamant about mating his baby but like fuck was anyone going to hurt her again.

  Chapter 15

  Charise moaned and wiggled around on Xander’s lap, dragging a groan from him. “If you don’t hurry the hell up I’m going to fuck her here in the truck.”

  “You may not have a choice she’s trying to fuck you through your clothes,” Xerxes said, stroking his hands along her back and side.

  “Almost there,” Xavier growled, glancing at the in the rearview mirror. His cock was like steel and he wanted to sink into her hot, wet depths. He needed to get them home fast. His cock twitched in agreement.

  Xander moved his hands along Charise’s midriff, quickly removing her shirt. He hooked a claw in her bra and cut it off of her. He cupped her breasts. They moaned as her nipples rubbed against the calloused flesh of his palms.

  Charise rocked against his hard length. She was on fire and wanted more. She had to have more. She watched as Xerxes unbutton his pants, his cock springing free. She bit her lip as he stroked himself as he watched her. She wanted his cock. She didn’t care how she got it. The fire coursing through her wouldn’t be satisfied until she had it.

  Xerxes leaned forward, unbuttoned her pants and slipped his hand inside. He could feel her juices soaking everything. His fingertips grazed the top of her clean shaven pussy. He slid his fingers farther down and lightly caressed her clit, teasing her.

  He wanted her more than anything but he didn’t want to claim her with drugs coursing through her veins. He loved her. He had fallen in love with her when she walked into their office and demanded they give her a job. She was the woman he had been waiting for all his life and now he couldn’t imagine living without her.

  His fingers moved lower, dipping into her sopping entrance. He purred as she moaned and rocked against his hand. He saw her passion filled face just beyond Xander’s toying hands. Her nipples were beautiful, small berries ripe to be nibbled on. He glanced at Xander and saw him struggling to stay still. Xerxes pulled her onto his lap. “Tell me what you want, darling,” Xerxes growled, shifting her hips back and forth, coating his cock in her juices.

  “I want you,” she moaned.

  Xerxes nibbled at her jaw and down her neck, scraping his fangs across the area he planned to mark. “What do you want me to do to you?”

  She growled and rocked her hips faster against him. “I want you to fuck me. Now.”

  He growled in return and slammed his cock into her tight little pussy, grabbed her ass forcing her into a slow pace, drawing out their pleasure as much as possible. “Shit.”

  Xander stripped out of his clothes, ripping them apart in the process. He moved until he was kneeling on the backseat. He grabbed Charise by the hair and turned her towards him. He kissed her, nibbling and sucking at her lips before teasing her with his tongue. He groaned as her hands stroked down his chest, her nails scraping over his nipples.

  He couldn’t help growling as Charise played with the hair on his abs, then moaned as her hand wrapped around his cock and started stroking him slowly. He placed his hand over hers, setting the pace as he watched Xerxes brought her to ecstasy. “I can’t wait to be the one you ride, princess. Just the thought of your pretty little mouth wrapped around my cock makes me want to cum.”

  “Fuck,” Xerxes growled, moving faster. “She likes you talking dirty to her. She just about squeezed my dick in half.”

  Xander chuckled. “Just wait until we get home, we’ll have you spread out on the bed, one of us eating your pussy, one fucking your mouth and the other having your hands stroking him. I want to claim you as mine, bite you just here on your gorgeous tit.” He stroked the curve of her breast drawing a whimper from her.

  Xerxes tightened his hold on her hips, thrusting harder and harder into her. He groaned as he felt her tighten around him, she needed to come because like hell was he going to come before her. He leaned forward and bit her on the shoulder, causing her to scream and clench around him as she came. He growled into her shoulder and slammed into her, bathing her womb with his seed.

  “My turn.” Xander pulled Charise into his lap. He turned her towards the front of the truck and slid into her warmth with a groan. “I want you to watch Xavier as I fuck you. Can you do that, princess?” He chuckled as she moaned and slowly nodded. “I bet he’s up there wishing he was the one back here caressing your luscious body. He’s probably up there fisting himself as he listens to all the sweet sounds you make. Can you imagine sucking him off while one of us fucks your tight pussy?”

  Xander slid her up and down, setting a slow teasing pace that brought moans of pleasure from her. “One day we’ll claim that beautiful ass of yours.”

  Charise moaned, quivering in pleasure as his cock hit her just right, drawing out her building climax. “Please…”

  “Please what?” he asked softly, his lips grazing her ear sending a shiver of delight through her. He brushed his fin
gers over her clit. “Is this what you want?”


  “This?” His fingers brushed a trail up her abdomen and pinched her nipple.

  “Yes.” She moaned and rolled her hips.

  Xerxes trailed his fingers along Charise’s thigh and stopped at the apex. He teased her, bringing his fingers close but never touching her clit. From the groans he heard coming from Xander he knew she was clenching, wanting more. He pinched her clit, growling in pleasure as she screamed in release, Xander roared as he bucked up into her.

  Charise slumped back against Xander, fatigue claiming her.

  Xander wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled her head. “We’re almost there, princess. We’ll get you into Xavier’s huge comfy bed so you can sleep.”

  “What about you?”

  “My bed’s the biggest so we’ll fit,” Xavier said as he pulled into the driveway. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to go unlock the house and get you a blanket.” He grinned at the sight of Charise cuddled between his brothers. He was an idiot for resisting his cat for so long.

  He got out and went to get his mate a blanket. He stopped just inside the front door and smelled an intruder. He growled. How dare someone invade my den? He partially shifted as the one person he didn’t expect to see stepped out of the darkness. “Nadia, what are you doing here?”

  Chapter 16

  Nadia smirked, flashing her fangs. “Just waiting for you to arrive.”

  “There is nothing for you here, leave,” Xavier snarled.

  “Oh, but I think there is,” she purred, coming closer to him. “Seeing as how you’re looking for a mate.”

  “You’re the one that contacted Ares about Charise.”

  “We’ve worked together many times over the years. It wasn’t very hard to look him up and tell him about his little mate to be shacking up with you.” She smiled at him. “Now you are mine.”

  Xavier growled. “You are one insane bitch. How did I not see it? Everyone else did, including Charise. Hell, this is just like with Rachel.”


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