Warranted Desires

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Warranted Desires Page 3

by Shannon Nemechek

  “Thank you, Specialist,” Raleigh replied.

  The soldier then turned and left the room. Raleigh poured himself a cup of coffee while Sam prepared to head down the hallway to the snack machine.

  “You want anything from the machine, Chief?” she asked. She leaned on the door frame, waiting for his order. Raleigh looked at her, his eyes gleaming as if they were newly etched diamonds.

  “Is anyone in the hallway right now?” he asked.

  “Nope,” she replied.

  “Good. I wanna say this one thing really quick. You look so fucking good standing there right now, I wanna bend you over this table right here and pound your pussy till you scream.”

  Sam’s face blushed, and she smiled. He did love that smile of hers and how her eyes sparkled, especially when she was close to orgasm. That’s when her eyes became a fiery gunmetal gray that turned him into a lovesick puppy.

  She quickly turned, not replying to his comments, only repeating her plans. She was still a bit flustered by what she had overheard this morning while Raleigh was on the phone. But she spun around and smiled.

  “Anything you want, Raleigh. I am here to serve you.” She winked and turned back toward the door to the hallway.

  “I will make sure to remember that!” he teased. As he watched Samantha turn down the hallway, Raleigh yelled to her as she started to turn the corner and disappeared from his view. “Will you grab me a bag of Cheetos Chili Twists, please?”

  While Samantha was grabbing their snacks, Major Chambers appeared in the waiting area. “Good afternoon, Chief. How was your trip?”

  “Great, Matty. How’s everything here?” he asked.

  “It’s going well. We have continued interviews of Sergeant First Class Thompson and his wife. We haven’t found out much. He refuses to talk to anyone but you. So same as before. I can get you set up down the hallway if you like. We have a room ready. We’ve just been waiting for you to arrive,” Matt replied. “Where’s your new side piece, I mean sidekick?” Matt teased.

  “Sergeant O’Hara is down the hallway at the snack machine. We can grab her on the way,” Raleigh scoffed.

  “What?” Matt questioned.

  “Don’t do that.”

  “Do what?” Matty asked.

  “Don’t act like a pig, man. What she and I have is not your concern. Got it?” Raleigh scolded.

  “All right, Fitz, no problem. I’m just curious. You know I am just concerned for ya after the last girlfriend you had. This sergeant can’t even begin to touch what that psycho bitch did. I am just looking out for you. You are my brother in arms, and I am just worried about you,” Matt proclaimed as he led Raleigh down the hallway.

  Grabbing Samantha as they passed the break area, she quickly handed Raleigh the bag of Chili Twists. Following the men to the interrogation room, she cracked open her Diet Pepsi and settled into the corner where a single chair sat then pulled out her pad and pencil.

  “I’m ready to take notes, Chief.”

  Chapter 4

  Raleigh settled into the chair that sat behind the table in the middle of the room, Sam in the corner behind him as they waited for Thompson to be brought in for questioning. Raleigh turned and looked back at her and winked.

  “Are you ready for this, Raleigh?” Samantha asked. She knew how close Thompson and Raleigh had been, that this whole thing was so personal to him. Thompson and Raleigh were like brothers, so when Thompson betrayed their unit, he also betrayed Raleigh, and it hurt.

  “Sammie, I am about as ready as I am gonna be. After this, I will be ready for a few beers. I wanna take you to the regular hangout here. My unit spends a lot of time there, not that we are alcoholics, just that they have a great pool table and regulation dart games,” he explained.

  “It’s okay,” she said. “I will be ready for a few beers myself.”

  When the door clicked, they both sat quiet and waited for the door to open. Major Chambers stepped in first, followed by Thompson who was led by a military police officer holding him by his handcuffs. As the MP pushed Thompson forward, Thompson jerked away in a show of defiance and sat down opposite Raleigh. The MP clicked Thompson’s handcuffs onto the table and stepped back.

  “Who the fuck is that?” Thompson asked, pointing at Samantha in the corner with her notepad and pen.

  “That is Sergeant O’Hara. She is my assistant and will be taking notes for me,” Raleigh scolded Thompson. “So, you can either talk now, or we go see Semeana and see what she has to say. I am sure she will be more cooperative, seeing as she has a baby to worry about too.” Raleigh didn’t like bullying Jared, especially when it came to threatening a baby and its mother, but he didn’t have a choice, and it made him sick to his stomach thinking he had actually used those words.

  “I’ll talk. Just don’t let anything happen to Semeana, please. She is innocent in this whole thing,” Jared pleaded.

  “How can I believe you, Jared? You’ve gotten our brothers killed, you exposed others, you stole equipment to help the enemy, and you watched as I was tortured when all the while you were helping them. I laid in that cell listening to your screams. They tore me up inside, then I find out it was all an act. How do I know Semeana is innocent?”

  “She is, I swear,” Jared begged. “She had no idea about her families’ involvement in terrorist activities. She would not have approved, she is a true believer in Islam, she is not a radical. She is pregnant, Raleigh. I swear I will cooperate and tell you everything. Just please help her.”

  “Well spill it, then. Show me something, tell me something that I can use to help your wife.”

  “I will write a complete statement, and I will help you bring them all down. Just swear to me with all that we have been through in our lives that you will help her.”

  Raleigh sat for a moment then replied, “I swear, I will do all I can to help her, but you have to help us. Tell me something right now.”

  “Okay! Okay!” Jared started his story, and Samantha sat feverishly jotting down everything Jared said. He detailed the threat on their lives and how the organization would not give up until they were all dead, including Jared and Semeana.

  “You have to move both of us to another facility, one that only you and your assistant know about. If you think they can’t get to us here, you are dead wrong,” he begged.

  “How would they get to you here, Jared?” Raleigh questioned. “You can’t possibly think they have a way into a high-security facility?”

  “Hell yeah, they can. They have people everywhere. Sympathizers are throughout the government. If you think you’re safe, you aren’t! If you care for that sergeant behind you, I would get her as far away as possible,” he explained. “Their people go as high up in the government as you could possibly think.”

  “Are you telling me that this is a much larger conspiracy than just missing equipment?”

  “I can’t go into detail right now. It’s too dangerous,” Jared stated. Raleigh could tell by the look on Jared’s face and the sound of his voice that he was scared.

  A knock on the door made them all jump, and Chambers’ face popped up in the window of the interrogation door. “It’s getting close to dinner time for the inmates. You will have to pick this up tomorrow,” Chambers bellowed through the door. Raleigh gave Chambers a thumbs up, showing him that he understood, then turned back to Jared.

  “Okay, Jared. It looks like our time is up, but I will be back in the morning. We can get your statement and go into more detail if that’s what you want.”

  “Yeah, I do.” Jared reached out his hand to his old friend, gripping it tightly then looking him in the eyes. “Fitz, take care of yourself. Despite what you may think, you’re my brother, and I will always love you.”

  Raleigh patted his shoulder, trying to reassure Jared, and said, “I’ll see you tomorrow, man. Take it easy, and I will see what I can do about helping your wife.”



  Sam gathered her things and waited
for Raleigh in the hallway. The guard brushed her aside as he passed her, nearly knocking her off her feet. He was unapologetic, and she didn’t recognize him from their previous visit. He must be new, she thought as she steadied herself. There was something about him, though, that made her uneasy. He was a different guard than the one who had brought Jared into the interrogation room, but that didn’t really mean much. It was more something about him; he just didn’t set right with her.

  She watched Raleigh say his goodbyes, then headed toward the door. She was tired, and it had been a long day already. She was also hungry and wondered if Raleigh was still planning on taking her to his old unit hangout. As she thought about what Raleigh had said earlier of the plans, he referred to “the hangout,” as his unit hangout, not his old unit hangout. It might have been just a slip of the tongue, but it could also mean something much more. Was that what the conversation was all about this morning? Was he going back to the 9th? She hoped he would confide in her soon; the suspense of not knowing was killing her.

  Raleigh quickly caught up to her, groaning as he rubbed his shoulder. “Sergeant O’Hara, can you wait up just a quick minute? I need to stop and grab a cup of coffee. I gotta take a few of these painkillers the doc gave me.”

  Samantha walked over to him, her face visibly concerned. “Is your shoulder hurting?”

  “Yeah, I think I got a little too stressed in there with Jared. I will be okay. Doc said it was a clean through and through shot, so it will just take a little time to heal. Are you ready to eat some really great bar-b-que tonight?” he asked, quickly changing the subject. “I figure we will go to the Twisted Kitty tonight and meet up with some of the guys. They have amazing bar-b-que there that will wet your panties and knock your socks off,” Raleigh said, winking at her. “Gotta keep you wet and ready, never know when I’ll wanna poke around down there.”

  Samantha smiled, her face pink as she looked around hoping no one overheard his advances. “You just ain’t right, Raleigh!” she replied, shaking her head as she grinned from ear to ear. “One of these days someone is gonna overhear you, then we will both get hemmed up.”

  “Naw,” Raleigh said. “Besides I really don’t care if they do overhear me. I wanna tell the world you’re my girl.”

  “You ready to go?” she asked as she headed toward the truck.

  “Yeah, darlin’, I was born ready,” he teased as he caught her attention and winked. “Let’s get you back to the hotel so you can get in that little black number. I wanna have full access to what lies under, so no panties. Maybe I can get you off tonight and truly show you what gave the Twisted Kitty its name.”

  “You’re on!” she said as she slid into the passenger seat.

  “Deal!” Raleigh grinned as he started the truck, heading back to the hotel. He drove the whole way grinning like the cat that ate the canary.

  Chapter 5


  When Samantha emerged from the bathroom, Raleigh was standing next to the dresser in front of a large mirror, tucking his shirt into his jeans. He looked up, his breath hitched, and he could feel his cock fill. She stood in front of him, waiting for him to say something, but all he could do was stare. Finally, he spoke.

  “My God, Samantha, you have got to be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my entire life. If I died today, I would die a happy man, knowing I got to spend my final days with you. If we didn’t have to be at the Twisted Kitty tonight to meet with Bryant, Tolliver, Jacobs, and Macalister, we would be here in this room, my hands tracing your incredible body and memorizing every curve.”

  Samantha blushed as she moved in closer to Raleigh. Just inches from him she leaned in, whispering in his ear, “You do know how to make a woman wet, don’t you? Just the thought of what’s to come when we get back here tonight has my body on fire. Raleigh, you sure know how to get to me.”

  The feel of Samantha’s breath on his neck sent waves of pleasure down his spine and to his already engorged cock. Her perfume was mesmerizing; his head was spinning. When she moved in to kiss him, the softness of her lips on his made his cock twitch. When he felt her rubbing her hand on his cock, the heat she made against his jeans felt so incredibly good. If she kept this up, he would come in his jeans before they even left the hotel suite.

  Her hands felt incredible, and the combination of her kissing his lips and rubbing his cock was getting him so close to blowing that he had to stop her. He wanted to save this load for her; he wanted to feel her tense and tighten around his shaft and coat his cock with her juices. His body tightened, and he could feel himself grab Samantha around the waist, begging her to continue. Sliding his hand up and under the hem of her dress then up her leg, he drove two of his fingers into her wetness. He felt her tense around his fingers, and the quicker he moved his fingers in and out of her, the quicker she rubbed.

  She grabbed for the button on the waist of his jeans, attempting to get inside, but Raleigh stopped her. “Oh no, not yet baby. Two can play your game. The only difference is I have very easy access to that wet pussy of yours, and I am gonna play with her as much as I can tonight until I can dive my head between those luscious legs of yours and lick and suck that clit until you coat my face with your juices.”

  “You’re on!” Samantha said as she pulled away from Raleigh. “Don’t you think we should get going? The quicker we go, the quicker we come back.” She grabbed her purse as she watched Raleigh pull himself together.

  “Girl, you are killin’ me. I swear you are quickly topping my list of obsessions. You know we men only dwell on hunting, racing, football, and sex, not necessarily in that order. But baby, I would give the rest of those up if it meant I could make love to you each and every day, twice on Sundays, and an occasional quickie at lunch. I’m not needy; I just need you.”

  Raleigh softly touched Samantha’s arm then moved it to the curve of her lower back, gently guiding her through the door, down the hallway, and to the truck. Stopping in front of the passenger door, he opened it and helped her into the cab, teasingly giving her a shove by grabbing her ass and pushing her in. “There, darlin’, are you all settled in?” he asked, laughing as she straightened the dress he had deliberately pushed up around her waist.

  She gave him a look then smiled. “Always testing your limits, Raleigh.”

  “Would you expect any less, darlin’?”

  “No, not at all. It’s part of the reason I fell in love with you. You, Raleigh Fitzgerald, are one of a kind.”

  “Well, I suppose I should take that as a compliment,” Raleigh replied as he shut the door and walked to the driver’s side. Sliding into his seat, his mind drifted and went blank. Did she just say fell in love with? Did I hear her right? Do I ask her to repeat it or just go with the flow and hope she says it again?

  Raleigh’s head was spinning the entire drive, and he wanted to ask her, “Can you repeat that?” But he was too afraid of what he might find out. He wanted to know if what he heard was truly what he thought it was. What if he was wrong? Then he would look like a fool or just plain needy. Samantha was very special to him, and he didn’t want to mess it up by forcing her to say “I love you.” Sure, he had said it, but he wasn’t going to force her to say it or make her feel obligated to say it. She would say it when she was ready and when she felt it and not before.



  As they pulled up to the bar, Samantha smoothed over her dress then checked her hair and makeup in the mirror. Raleigh watched; he was mesmerized by her, and a smile crept in as he began to tell her a few in and outs of the old place. “Watch out for Macalister. We call him Wolverine; he is handsy. Bryant, well so is he, but he’s a gentleman about it. He likes to pull the ‘Here, let me help you with that’ line. Jackson, he’s a great kid. He’s young and brooding over some girl back home and still recovering from an injury he sustained in Afghanistan. Oh, and by the way, you are the most beautiful woman alive and will definitely be the most beautiful woman in this place. You, my dear,
have nothing to worry about. The guys will love you as much as I love you.”

  Raleigh got out of the truck and walked over to the passenger door, opened it, and helped Samantha out. “You are quite the southern gentleman, aren’t you, Raleigh Fitzgerald?” she said as she looked up at him and smiled. Raleigh wrapped his arm around Samantha’s waist, and they walked into the dimly lit bar.

  The music pounded as he opened the door. Samantha took a deep breath and walked in, Raleigh close behind. It took a minute for their eyes to adjust, and Samantha was surprised at the number of people filling the small hilltop bar. It didn’t take long for Raleigh to find his buddies as he guided Samantha through the crowd of people.

  Macalister was the first on his feet and quickly crawled over the other men to greet Raleigh and Samantha. “Chief, it’s about time! Did you get fucking lost? We figured you woulda beat us here.”

  He finally turned his focus on Samantha, and in the true brash Macalister fashion, he visibly worked his eyes up and down Samantha’s body. Then looking to Raleigh, he said, “And where did you find this hot piece of ass?” Raleigh instantly shot him a cold, stern look that told Macalister back off without Raleigh having to say a word.

  Macalister stepped back and reached for Samantha’s hand, then in one swift motion he bent down and kissed her hand. “I’m sorry, ma’am, please accept my apology. I forget myself sometimes, especially when I am close to a beautiful woman.” Winking at Sam, he raised up. “If there is anything you need, I will be right here.”

  With all the commotion Raleigh hadn’t noticed the other men had risen to their feet to greet them. Raleigh made the introductions after Macalister had finished talking to Sam.

  “It’s great meeting all of you,” Sam said as she noticed that Jackson Tolliver had pulled a chair out for her and was waiting for her to sit down. “Thank you. May I call you Jackson?” she asked.


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