Royal Savage

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Royal Savage Page 4

by Victoria Ashley

  I’ve been dancing for no longer than two minutes and I’ve already gotten not one, but two offers for a dancing partner. Jax wasn’t kidding about the guys in here. I politely decline, just enjoying my moment of freedom, but another guy that I’ve never spoken to grabs onto me, not even bothering to ask.

  “I’m good.” I grab his arm and pull it away from my waist. “I don’t want to dance.”

  It looks as if he’s about to pull me to him again, ignoring my request, but Royal stands up, giving him a hard look.

  That look alone is enough to send the guy packing. Getting back into the moment, I close my eyes and begin swaying my hips to the slow rhythm, while running my hands through my hair.

  A pair of tatted arms snake around my waist and I get pulled against a hard body with a sexy grunt. My heart instantly pitter-patters when I recognize the ink and smell the sexy scent of Royal. That smell is now burned into my brain and will forever be known as Royal. Forget the actual name of the cologne; it’s called Royal now.

  “You don’t look like the dancing type,” I say nervously, almost forgetting how to dance now that our bodies are so close.

  He brushes my hair over my shoulder and brushes his lips against my ear. “I’m not.” He growls. One of his tatted arms wraps around my neck as he grinds against me, pulling me as close as he can. My breath escapes me for a moment at the thought that this man is even touching me this way. “But what kind of man would I be if I didn’t protect my brother’s girl from all of these horny assholes by dancing with you?”

  The vibration of his voice against my skin and the way his body moves sinfully against mine causes me to clench my thighs and take a deep breath. Maybe I’ve had a little too much to drink. “It’s getting late,” I whisper.

  Letting out a long breath, Royal releases my neck and spins me around to face him. “I’ll take you home.”

  He whistles over to Blaine and Jax, getting their attention, before pointing down at me, and then grabbing my hand to pull me behind him.

  We don’t bother speaking until we break free of the bar. Stripping his leather jacket back off, he slips it on me, before once again helping me into his helmet. “You live with my brother?” He questions stiffly.

  I shake my head and hop onto the back of his bike after him. “I live with my friend, Madison. It’s on Forest Lane. A red house.”

  He nods his head. “I know it.” Then he reaches for my hands again, wrapping them around him. I can feel the rapid beating of his heart and it somehow causes mine to speed up. “Hold on.”

  I stay on his bike for a few seconds after we arrive in front of my house. Is it weird that I want to spend more time with him? Being around him is so different than being around his brother. It’s an exciting and thrilling rush. I want to ask him why they don’t talk, but I’m afraid to offend him by getting too personal. I want to ask him a lot of things.

  “Thanks,” I say, while finally hopping off. “I had a lot of fun, and I honestly needed this.”

  Royal nods and grabs his helmet from out of my outreached hands. “Sure. Maybe it will give my asshole brother something to think about.”

  “I’m sorry about your friend,” I blurt out. “Colton is a jerk for the way he reacted. I won’t be seeing him again for a while, until he pulls that stick out of his ass.”

  That makes Royal laugh and I can’t deny to myself that the sight is stunning. “Come by the bar next week. Let me put some of my work on your beautiful body.”

  “I don’t know,” I say quickly. “Colton kind of has this thing about tattoos and I told him . . .” I stop and really think about what I’m saying, realizing that I sound like a complete idiot right now. I’ve been nothing but good to Colton and he’s been doing nothing but pissing me off lately. “Actually . . . I might do that. I’ll think about it.”

  Royal smirks and throws his helmet on. “You do that.”

  Before I can respond he drives off, glancing back at me for a split second, before disappearing.

  “Holy fuck!” I say to myself in a heightened tone as soon as Royal rounds the corner. My breathing is extremely fast now that I have a moment alone. He’s sinful and completely stunning and I can’t help but want to see more of him. He gives me the rush that I’ve been craving.

  When I look over at the front porch to catch my breath, Madison is standing on it, giving me a funny look. “That was not Colton. Far from it.”

  “Tell me about it.” I walk past her. “It was his brother.”

  Her face is a mix of shock and exhaustion. “Seriously? This sounds like an awesome ass story that I need to hear.” She lets out a breath and gives me a half smile. “I’m still mad at you, but we’ll discuss that later. Spill.”

  After we get inside, I tell Madison a quick version of the story, before disappearing to my room and crashing. I sort of failed to mention that Colton’s brother happens to be ‘the friend’ that was downstairs at the party; the one that I got her kicked out of.

  I’ll give her time to cool off first. I don’t have a death wish . . .

  MY FUCKING BROTHER HAS FINALLY discovered how to use a phone. What do you know? He’s been blowing my shit up for the last few hours, worried about his damn girl. Well, maybe if he weren’t such an uptight prick, he wouldn’t need to be calling me to find out how she is.

  Smirking, I answer his call and press the phone to my ear. “What’s up, big brother? Lose your girl or some shit?”

  “Damn you,” Colton shouts into the phone. “What the hell is your problem? You were supposed to tell her no, not take her with you.”

  “And since when the fuck do I follow the rules or what you want?” I lean against the back door of my bar and light up a smoke. “She hopped on my bike, wanting a ride.” I take a drag from my cigarette and smile as I blow it out, knowing damn well that this last part is going to piss him off. “So I gave her one.”

  It sounds like he throws something at the wall and it breaks. “Where is she, Royal? I know she wasn’t stupid enough to fuck you, so stop with your shit. Is she with you? Is she home?”

  Taking one last drag, I toss the cigarette down at my feet and let myself into the bar. “Calm your balls, brother. The last place I want to sink my dick is where your uptight, over privileged one has already been. Find her your damn self.”

  I press the end button and shove my phone into my jacket, before unlocking the door to the shop and preparing the tattoo gun.

  Might as well fill what little space I have left on my hands. I need a little something to get my mind back where it belongs, and tattooing takes a lot of fucking concentration.

  The last thing I expected was for her to be my brother’s fucking girl. Does it make me want to fuck her any less, no, but it gives me reason not to follow through on my desire to sink between her thighs.

  I may have done some fucked up shit in my life, but fucking my brother’s girl is not one of them, and I don’t plan to start now.

  “Fucking shit.” I shake my head to clear my thoughts. It doesn’t do shit.

  Between Riley and now this shit, I feel like a bomb waiting to go off.

  Growling out, I throw my tattoo gun across the room, looking up when the door flies open to Blaine standing there, drunk as shit and barely able to stand up without the help of the wall.

  “Dude, the next room is overflowing with booze and fucking pussy and you’re in here, jerking off or some shit.”

  I run my tongue over my teeth, while rubbing a hand through my messy hair. He’s got a fucking point.

  “Or did you already fuck that hot ass chick you left with?” He raises a brow when I don’t respond. “Shiiit . . . I may just need to test her out.”

  His words cause my anger to build up even more. “Try fucking her and I’ll shoot you in your pathetic dick.”

  Blaine throws his hands up and laughs, while falling across the wall. He grabs his dick. “This shit is royalty, baby. So shut the hell up and get out here.”

  He disappears around
the corner when a few girls walk by, calling for us. For being drunk and barely able to walk, I’m impressed with his ability to move so damn fast when it comes to willing pussy.

  Standing up, I turn off the light and spend the rest of my night drowning in cheap whiskey and pussy.

  Fuck everything . . . and fuck her, because I want to. Bad . . .

  I’VE SPENT THE LAST THREE days apologizing to Madison every chance that I get. Apparently, Jax hasn’t contacted her since that night and she has no idea if she is ever welcome back at his parties. Well hell . . . I never wanted that. All I wanted was to pee and now my best friend hates me.

  I hold up a slice of strawberry cheesecake: her favorite. “Someone looks like they could use some dessert.” I wave it in front of her face as she glowers at me. It’s a Tuesday night and we are both sitting around like two twenty-two-year-old losers with no work tomorrow morning. “Mmm . . . extra strawberry sauce just how you like it. A cute guy even handled it before me. He may have even stuck his sexy finger in it a bit. You know you want to eat it.”

  After a couple of minutes, she finally yanks it out of my hand and practically shoves the whole thing into her mouth before flipping me the bird with both hands. “I ate ou,” she mutters with her mouth full.

  I lean in closer and place my hand to my ear. “What was that, babe? I can’t hear you. Did you say . . . yummy, thanks for the cheesecake; you’re the best fucking friend in the world?”

  She shakes her head but cracks a smile, showing off her cheesecake filled teeth.

  I wait for her to finish chewing before I apologize. Again. “For the twentieth time, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ruin your night and get you kicked out. I mean it. I was about two seconds away from peeing my pants.” I hand her a bottle of water to wash down her dessert. “And if it makes you feel any better, I almost peed my pants when I saw his friend, hanging upside down in the dark like some supersized half human bat or some shit.”

  Madison spits out a mouthful of water as she erupts in laughter. “Holy crap! You poor thing. If you had peed, I would have stopped being your friend. Just saying. I would’ve had no choice.”

  I punch her arm playfully. “Shut up. You’re horrible.”

  We both allow for a couple more minutes of just enjoying a good laugh, before she changes the mood and gets all serious. “So tell me.” She sits up straight, preparing herself for a story. I knew she would ask sooner or later. “What did this friend look like? Is he some weirdo, like The Hills Have Eyes looking dude or what? Did he have bubbles and puss coming out of his neck and shit? Is that why he stayed downstairs, probably jerking off in the dark basement? Spill.”

  My heart speeds up at just the mention of Royal. The truth is, I haven’t gotten that dark look in his eyes out of my head since that first night, and I can’t deny the fact that the way he almost made my knees buckle still has me shaken to my core. There’s so much I want to ask; to know, but it’s such a weird situation that I wouldn’t even know where to start. He’s my boyfriend’s brother for crying out loud. A part of me wants to go to the bar to get that tattoo and the other part is telling me maybe I should just stay away and pretend we never met.

  I clear my throat and stand up from the couch. My mouth suddenly feels dry and I can’t help my raging heartbeat. She’s going to think that I’m either crazy or lying my ass off, but here goes . . .”He’s undeniably gorgeous, Madi. No joke. You think Jax is the sexiest man to walk this earth? Well Royal blows him right out of the water. And yeah, that’s his damn name: Royal. Tell me that isn’t sexy. He seriously stunned me speechless and I couldn’t take my eyes away. Not even for a second. I still feel like a complete fool for the way I stared at him with my mouth gaping open; not to mention that I got stuck with him the other night.”

  She jumps up from the couch and stands in front of me, trying to call me out on bullshit. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back your ass up a bit. You were with him the other night. I thought you were with Colton’s brother?”

  I nod my head and swallow. Here it goes again . . .”I was. Royal is Colton’s brother. Strange, I know.” I take a deep breath. “I was going to tell you but didn’t want you flipping out over Jax. He was there, but I hardly got to talk to him.”

  She fixes her ponytail and throws it over her shoulder, clearing her throat. She looks as if she wants to call me out again and jump down my throat, but instead, settles on hearing more. “How is anyone more gorgeous than Jax? I mean look at him. He’s barely human! He can have any girl he wants with just a flash of his smile, and don’t think that I’m not mad that you kept all that from me for three damn days. We’ll talk about that later though.”

  Thank fucking goodness . . .

  “I have looked at Jax and you’re right; he’s gorgeous. Too gorgeous,” I admit. I reach into the fridge for a water and pull the cap off. “But Royal isn’t just sexy. He’s dark, tempting, and breathtaking. Imagine this: blonde hair, shaved at the sides, but long in the middle, falling to one side, and a thick, long stubble covering smooth, full lips.”

  I close my eyes and picture his defined jaw; so perfect and masculine. “His body was like every woman’s wet dream: tall, muscular, sweaty, and covered in ink. Don’t even get me started on those pale gray eyes. I can’t get them out of my head. He’s beautiful, Madi. No lie. Stunning even. Colton doesn’t even hold a candle to his brother. I don’t get how they can be so . . . different.”

  We’re both just standing there in silence for a moment, taking it in, before Madison’s phone goes off, scaring us both. She gives me a quick look before walking over to the kitchen, toward her phone. “I need to see this guy to believe it. It makes no sense that a man that sexy would be hiding out. Too bad I’ll probably never get invited back. Jax was freaking out that night.”

  She picks up her phone and her snarl turns to a smirk as she starts typing really fast and hard. “I take that back. Jax just invited us to some bar called, Savage & Ink. He said they’re doing tattoos all night and we should hang out. I’m so damn happy that I just went from wanting to slap you, to wanting to kiss you.” She points her phone at me. “So don’t disappoint me again. I’ll forgive you . . . for now.” She smiles.

  My heart jumps to my throat in a moment of excitement, but then I remember that Royal wanted to tattoo me. I’m not sure I’m ready for this.

  “I don’t know. It was a long day at the salon and I’m kind of tired.” I take another drink of my water and start heading to my room, not interested anymore. I’m still not even talking to Colton. It would be weird to hang out with his brother. “You can go. Just lock the door on the way out please.”

  Madison grabs my arm, stopping me from walking. “Ah no. I don’t think so. You’re off till Thursday. You’re coming out. Plus, you owe me.”

  “Why?” I smirk. “So you have more time to play with Jax? And I don’t owe you. I had to pee, for the last time. Get over it.”

  She lifts an eyebrow and fixes her hair. “Maybe, maybe not. Doesn’t matter. You want to come and I can see it in your eyes. You can’t lie to me, Ava. Don’t forget that. Now go and get dressed. I’m good to go.” She points at my old jeans and baggy shirt in disgust. “You . . . not so much.”

  Twenty minutes later, I find myself in the back of a cab, hating myself for caving in. A different cab, thank goodness; although, I have to say this one smells a little like pee and vomit. Still, I would take a vomit, pee cab over the creepy old guy any day. We could have taken my Jeep, but if it involves alcohol of any kind, we always opt for a cab to be on the safe side.

  Madison is dressed up to perfection as usual, in a sexy little outfit, and after a lot of convincing I am squeezed into one of her little black dresses. Sadly, I now plan on buying one of my own. I love it way more than I hoped. I’m one of them now.

  I can tell by looking at Madison that she’s nervous, and I’m surprised. That rarely ever happens when it comes to guys. She keeps fidgeting with her little heart necklace and pee
ring out the window, as we get closer to the bar. She must really have a crush on Jax.

  “Stop fidgeting with your necklace. It’s making me nervous,” I complain. “You look good. There’s no need to try to impress Jax. He’ll be wanting into your skirt by the end of the night. Trust me.”

  “I’m not trying to impress anyone,” Madison says, trying to sound convincing. “I’m just worried that you’ll get our asses kicked out again, so please do me a favor and try not to piss anyone off this time.”

  “I’ll do my best,” I mutter as we come to a stop. This time I toss the driver some cash and we both crawl out the one door that actually opens.

  The first thing I notice when we get out of the cab is Blaine, standing at the side of the building with a girl on her knees in front of him. His head is leaned back, his eyes closed as he grips the back of her hair and roughly fucks her face.

  “Holy shitballs!” Madison screams out, drawing unwanted attention to us. “That’s hot.”

  Blaine opens his eyes and winks at us with a smirk, before thrusting his hips into the girl’s face one more time and then pushing her away and pulling up his jeans.

  Madison grabs my arm, yanking me to her. “He’s sinfully gorgeous and getting head in the damn parking lot, Ava. Call me dirty, but I like this place already.”

  I shake my head in disbelief as Blaine approaches us all normal like, as if we didn’t just witness him getting head at the side of the building.

  “Damn, ladies. Didn’t know you were coming back, beautiful.” He throws a tatted arm around Madison’s shoulder. “Who’s this fine as shit goddess?”

  I take a deep breath and roll my eyes, not sure what the hell we’ve gotten ourselves into tonight. “Madison . . . my roommate and best friend.”

  We all look over, as the blonde that was just on her knees walks past us, wiping her mouth off as if she’s proud of getting to taste Blaine’s man meat.


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