Irreparably Broken (The Broken Series Book 1)

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Irreparably Broken (The Broken Series Book 1) Page 13

by Heather D'Agostino

  I shook my head quickly, my eyes flashing wide with panic. "Someone's watching me."

  "What?" Wes rounded the desk and stalked towards the door to the gym. He shoved the doors open and burst outside. After a few a minutes, he came in scratching his head and slowly shaking it back-and-forth.

  “Baby what’s wrong?” Cole crept closer and wrapped me in his arms.

  I was shaking from fear, and all I could do was fist his t-shirt and hold on for dear life. "I don't know," I whimpered. "Today…" I swallowed as he turned us and began walking toward the office in the front corner of the gym. He pushed open the door, led us inside, and then closed it behind us. "I just…" I couldn't quite form the words, and as Cole stood there watching me, I knew he could sense how hard this was for me.

  "Take your time," he coaxed as he leaned against the edge of the desk in the room and offered me the one chair.

  I nodded as I tried again, "After you left today…I got this feeling. It was like someone was there. I looked around to see if I noticed anyone, but I didn't. Zeb started growling. He never growls, ever," I glanced up at Cole as I shifted in the chair. "Anyway, I watched for a few minutes, and then I went inside. I know it's silly, but I can't help it. Someone was there."

  “Come stay with me tonight,” he opened his arms, and I went to stand between his legs. He wrapped me in a tight embrace and murmured against my hair, “We’ll figure this out."

  "You believe me?" I glanced up at him and watched the shock appear on his face.

  "Why wouldn't I?" his forehead wrinkled as he watched me all the while confusion spreading across his features.

  "No one ever has," I shrugged as I watched his eyes darken with anger.

  "Well…that's gonna change with me. If you think someone's going to hurt you, then I intend to stop them. Now, do you want to work out tonight or just hang out? I'm not working. I was going to get a few rounds in on the speed bag and then leave."

  "You can work out," I tried to smile, but my nerves were still a little raw. I wasn't sure what I was feeling at the moment…fear, happiness, or relief that he believed me.

  Cole pressed a kiss to my forehead as he stood. “How did you know I was here? I mean…I know we were going to meet up here tonight, but that wasn’t for a couple of hours," he scratched his head as he reached with his other hand to lace our fingers together.

  "I didn't," I mumbled. "I feel safe here."

  "You'll always be safe here," he reassured as he led us back out into the gym. "Never doubt that."

  “I won’t,” I smiled at him. “You gonna lift any weights today?"

  Cole shook his head slightly at my change in subject, "I wasn't planning on it, why?"

  "I like watching you," I nibbled on the corner of my mouth as he sucked in a breath.

  "You're killing me Baby," he muttered. "You come to me to protect you, and you want to watch me workout…do you have any idea what that means to me?"

  I shook my head slowly as I watched him, "No."

  "Working out is the last thing that I want to do now. All I can think about is taking you home and working out in private," he groaned right next to my ear.

  “We can do that later,” I giggled as I playfully smacked his rear.

  He froze and grinned wickedly at me, "Watch it! I'm already holding on by a thread."



  "You two didn't fuck on my desk did you?" Wes smirked when Maddie and I rounded the corner smiling.

  "Shut up!" I snapped "and don't talk like that in front of her."

  "Sorry," Wes groaned as he held his hands up waving them in front of him. "You wanna go a couple of rounds?"

  I turned to look at Maddie wanting confirmation that this was all right with her, but all she did was smile.

  "I think the lady likes the idea of you getting your ass handed to you," Wes taunted.

  "The lady likes the idea of him doing the handing," Maddie giggled. "Show me whatcha got," she rose on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to my cheek.

  “As you wish,” I bowed enjoying our like a prince act as I offered her a chair, and moved to grab my gear. After strapping on my gloves, and slipping the mouth guard in place, I climbed through the ropes and bounced on my toes as I watched Wes roll his eyes at me.

  "You better keep your head in the game this time," he popped his neck and wiggled his jaw. "I'm not going easy on you because your woman's here."

  "Just shut up and punch me jackass," I lifted my gloved fists and knocked them against his.

  "That can be arranged," he laughed as he reared back and took a swing at me.



  After watching Cole and Wes go at it for at least an hour, we were finally leaving. I was tired, and as I climbed into Cole’s Explorer, I yawned. When he’d seen how stressed I was, he’d convinced me to leave my car at McKay’s. He’d told me we could come back tomorrow and get it, or he’d have Wes follow us in it. He knew the anxiety I’d been feeling had done a number on me, and as much as I didn’t want to relinquish control, I’d agreed with him.

  I had tomorrow off, and Wes was going to bring my car by then. Knowing that Cole was going to keep me safe, lifted the burden that I'd been carrying most of the night, and now I was slowly letting exhaustion overtake me.

  "Hey, no sleeping yet," Cole nudged me as we turned into the parking lot of his building. It had only been a few hours since I'd been here, but it felt like a lifetime. "Let's get you upstairs and into something more comfortable."

  "I don't have anything here…what would I change into?" I turned to glance at him. He had a smirk firmly in place as he snickered, "Exactly!"

  “Cole!” I gasped.

  "What?" he rolled his eyes before turning to face me completely. "You're beautiful," he lifted his arms. "Why is it so hard for you to think that I don't enjoy you naked?"

  I could feel my face heating, and I began twisting my hands together in my lap. Cole grunted slightly as he shoved open his door and rounded the front appearing on my side before I had a chance to react.

  "I guess…" I trailed off.

  "What?" he reached for my hand to help me out and then tucked me into his side as he led me to the door. "What's going on in there?" he pointed to my head. "Tell me…please?"

  “Richard always said I was a lousy girlfriend,” I let the words fly out of my mouth without taking a breath. I avoided looking at him, worried at what I might see when I did.

  He paused with his hand on the doorknob as he quickly shook his head, "That asshole didn't know what he was talking about." He quickly unlocked the door, and tugged me in behind him before pressing me into the wall, and covering me with his body. “You are the sexiest thing alive, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself last night. Don’t you ever question your abilities when it comes to fucking. You’re brilliant…you hear me. Fucking brilliant, and I want an encore right now.”

  As his lips pressed to mine in a deep kiss, his palms slid around my middle and dipped into the back out my scrub pants cupping my rear. He began kneading the soft flesh as he pulled me into him. "Oh god, I want you," he groaned as he broke the kiss. "Right now!" He yanked his hands out, and gripped my top in the process, tossing is over my head. Our mouths crashed back together before we both fumbled with each other's pants. He was wearing a pair of athletic shorts, and as soon as I loosened the drawstring, they easily slid over his hips. His erection sprung free pointing directly where it wanted to be, and I shivered in anticipation. “So beautiful," he murmured as his mouth moved to run across my throat. He rolled his hips forward, rubbing his cock through the wetness that was slowly leaking down my thigh. "And so ready," he growl as a finger pushed into me.

  "Cole?" I whimpered. I didn't know when I'd become so needy, but being around him seemed to bring out that side of me.

  “Are you on the pill?” he murmured as a second finger joined the assault.

  It took me a minute to realize what he was asking. I’d been on birth contr
ol since I’d lost my virginity to Richard. He’d refused to wear condoms, and I had no intention of ever having a child with him.

  I nodded slowly against his throat as he groaned. "I'm clean, I swear. I never go without, but with you I can't wait."

  “It’s ok,” whispered as I reached up and cupped his jaw. “It’s ok,” my eyes made contact with his, this beautiful, damaged man. We were still in the living room of his apartment, right by the front door, and it looked as if we were doing this here. He muttered something unintelligible before lifting me, and slamming into me in one giant thrust.

  “Ahhh!” I yelled out just as he groaned, “Oh fuck!”

  "You ok?" he panted as he fought to hold onto his sanity.

  I quickly nodded as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, and leaned in next to his ear. "Better than ok," I nipped at his ear and rolled my hips.

  “Awe shit,” he ground his teeth together.

  At that moment, I knew what it meant when someone used the expression that they ‘unleashed a beast.' Cole’s entire body began vibrating with tension as he held onto me. His hips began to piston as his mouth devoured mine.

  I ran my hands up into his hair tangling my fingers in it as my thighs tightened around his waist. I could tell he was close, and I felt my insides begin to tighten around him as he began to move even faster.

  "Maddie," he warned. "I'm about to come. Are you close?"

  I nodded against his chest slightly embarrassed that he was asking me this. Richard had never cared, and I’d gotten used to not being considered in this matter. “Let go,” he panted as he moved one of his hands between us and pressed to the one spot he knew would send me into oblivion. As if on cue, I shattered around him as every muscle in me tightened. Cole offered a few more thrusts before erupting on a deep groaned. His body went ridged as a tremor raced through him causing him to gasp for breath. "Don't ever underestimate your ability," he gasped. "That was amazing," he pressed a kiss to my forehead before releasing my legs and slowly letting me slide down until my feet touched the floor. We stood there pressed against one another for a minute just gathering our senses.

  When I finally began to feel my legs again, he stepped back, and glanced down at where my pants were piled on the floor. He chuckled as he stepped the rest of the way out of his before running his gaze back up my body. "Come on," he reached for my hand as he began leading me to the bathroom. "I'll help you get cleaned up."

  I blushed as I glanced down at the mess that covered my thighs. I'd never been so wanton, and as I stared at his beautiful naked ass, I found myself wanting him again. "Don't worry," he called over his shoulder as he caught me staring. "I can go all night with you."

  I swallowed at his blatant comment before brazenly responding, "So can I."

  To say that we exhausted each other that night would be an understatement. Cole and I spent the entire night learning each other's bodies. We tried every way we could think to pleasure one another, and by morning we were completely sated in every way imaginable. Cole and I had broken each other that night, but we had done it in the best way possible.

  Chapter 20


  "Whatcha thinkin' about?" Cole brushed his fingers lightly across my forehead pushing my hair back in the process.

  "Nothing…everything," I murmured as I moved my hair to cover the spot he'd just cleared. "I don't know…"

  "What's wrong?" he propped himself up on his elbow and peered down at me. "Talk to me."

  "I can't explain it," I sighed. "I'm happy…I am, but…I'm scared."

  "Of what? Me?" he motioned to his chest as his eyes widened.

  "No…yes…maybe," I rolled onto my side facing away from him as I tried to gather my thoughts. "It's just that things are going so fast, and I'm not sure how to deal with it all yet."

  Cole rolled to his back and blew out a breath as he muttered, "I thought this was going somewhere."

  “It is,” I gasped as I turned to face him. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes, and I refused to cry. After yesterday and last night, my emotions were all over the place. “I’m just a little freaked out,” I placed my hand on his bare chest and watched his face soften. "I mean…you're the first person I've let get close to me in years, and I'm in bed with you…naked," I smiled hoping to ease the tension between us.

  “You sure are,” he grinned back at me as he rolled onto his side to face me, "and I like it."

  "I like it too," I confessed, "but I can't shake the feeling that someone's been following me. It's only happened a few times, but I know they're there."

  Cole pushed himself to a sitting position and ran his fingers through his messy hair, "Have you seen them?"

  "No," I slowly shook my head.

  "Then how do you know?" he reached for me and tugged me closer to his side.

  "It's a feeling really. I mean…I can't explain it, but something's not right," I murmured as I turned my face and buried my nose in his neck. "I'm sorry."

  "Hey," he tipped my chin up to look at him, "there's nothing to be sorry about. If you say you know, then I believe you. Wanna hang out at the gym with me today?"

  "I don't want to be in the way," I mumbled.

  "You won't be," he smiled as he leaned in and pressed a kiss to my forehead. "Come on," he slid from the bed and tugged me by the hand. "We need to shower first."

  I let him pull me along as we walked towards the bathroom, but I couldn't help the slight limp that I had.

  "What's wrong?" Cole wrinkled his forehead as he watched me hobble along.

  "I think you broke me," I tried with everything I had to keep a straight face, but as Cole smirked at me, I couldn't help but burst into giggles.

  "Hmmm," he scratched his chin. "I guess that means I have to take at easy later."

  "Later?" I squeaked.

  "Yeah…later…when I fuck you on Wes's desk," his smirk went into a full on grin at that point.

  "What?" I gasped.

  "You heard me," he shrugged. "After he put that idea in my head yesterday I can't stop thinking about it."

  At hearing his admission, all I could do was gasp as he pulled me the rest of the way into the bathroom. While Cole turned on the water to warm it, I sat perched on the counter watching. A sense of peace and what I would describe as happiness settled over me. The foreboding from the day before was pushed to the back of my mind as I let myself be swept up in the moment. As long as I had Cole nearby, I knew I didn't have anything to worry about.


  “Where have you been the last few days?" Jo marched into my office and flopped down on a chair in front of my desk.

  "Out," I shrugged as I continued to stare at the file in front of me. I'd spent the last three days with Cole, and I was behind now at work.

  “Out where?” Jo pushed. She knew something was up, and had left me alone for the past several weeks, but I think I’d finally pushed her to the end of her patience.

  “What is it that you want to know?" I glanced up at her with an annoyed look.

  "You've been coming in late, leaving early, and spending an awful lot of time at the gym…I just want to know why," she grinned as she leaned back in the chair and crossed her legs.

  "I'm seeing someone," I lifted a shoulder as the admission fell from my lips.

  “What?” Jo rocked forward and grabbed the file out of my hands forcing me to look up at her. “What do mean ‘seeing someone’? As in a guy?” her mouth dropped open as she stared at me like I was someone she didn't recognize. I kinda was…I mean in all the time we'd known each other, I'd never dated anyone. "Who?" she commanded.

  "I'm not doing this with you," I muttered as I reached for the folder trying to get it out of her death grip.

  "I'm not giving this back until you tell me," she countered.

  "Fine," I tossed my arms in the arm and leaned back in my own chair. "His name is Cole. We've been dating for a couple of weeks. Happy?" I scowled.

  "Very," she gave a quick jerk o
f her head as she tossed the file at me. "When can I meet him?"

  "And why would I bring him around you?" I teased.

  “Because I’m awesome, and already dating someone. I can give him the once over,” she winked. “We’re going to Vibe this weekend. Seeing that you blew me off the last time,” she waved her hand in the air as she rose to stand, “you should come…and bring Cole.”

  "I don't know," I turned to glance out the window as I sighed.

  "Why not?" Jo cocked her head to the side. "You seemed to have fun the last time."

  “I did,” I nodded as I fidgeted in my chair. “I’ll think about it.” I knew Cole would go if I asked him to. When I had mentioned going there to him last weekend, he’d readily agreed. I figured with the way he seemed so enamored with me, he'd probably do anything I asked.

  "Well, when you decide, let me know. Ben is going too, and we'll figure out a time later in the week," she shrugged before turning to disappear out into the hallway.

  A few minutes passed, and as I continued to stare at files time seemed to stand still. What I really wanted to be doing was hanging out a McKay's. Cole was working today, and the idea of watching him waltz around the gym in nothing but a pair of athletic shorts had me craving his presence.

  "Hey Maddie," Jo called from the hallway.

  "Yes?" I groaned. It seemed like she was going to bug me most of the day. "What is it?" I called as I placed my elbows on my desk, and let my head fall into my palms.

  “Delivery,” she smiled as she walked back into my office carrying a long white box. “Looks like flowers,” she grinned. “I wonder who could have sent them."

  I couldn’t contain the excitement that bubbled up inside me. I felt like a giddy schoolgirl as I reached out the take the box from her. "I don't know," I giggled. It had to be from Cole, but I was surprised that he would send me something. He didn't seem like the type, but he'd been surprising me a lot lately.

  "Gimme," I placed the box on my desk, and pulled gently on the ribbon to release the bow. I glanced up at Jo and bit my lip, "Do you mind?"

  "Oh…sorry. You can tell me about it later," she shrugged and turned to leave my office as she called over her shoulder, "You're one lucky girl."


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