Witched to Death

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Witched to Death Page 8

by Deanna Chase

  He let out a small chuckle. “No. Not cursed. But not myself either. You see, my heart was broken.”

  “Because of me?”

  “Not exactly.” He set me on my feet and Zelda stepped up, handing me a pair of boots along with jeans and a sweater.

  “Thanks.” I took the clothes and hastily dressed, still a little disoriented.

  “Ready?” Diesel held his hand out to me.

  I met his hopeful gaze, and suddenly everything became clear. Zelda had brought me back… for him. I smiled and took his hand. “Ready.”

  He let out a short sigh of relief, then pulled me in and kissed me on my temple. “Welcome back, Ida May,” he whispered.

  “Thanks,” I said, but I met Zelda’s watchful gaze and knew this was once again temporary. Then I glanced around at the forest and frowned in confusion. There weren’t any signs of charred foliage, no carnage left over from the blaze Ophelia has started. “I didn’t imagine the fire, did I?”

  Zelda shook her head. “No. You didn’t. After Yaba Daba Doo Doo came and hauled the evil witch of the south out of here, she waved her sparkly wand and fixed it. Her magic is quite something.”

  “Geez, I guess so.” But then so was Zelda’s if she managed to bring me back not once, but twice. “And everyone else? Are they okay? Sassy? Jeeves? Fabio?”

  “Everyone is fine, Ida May,” Diesel said. “At least now that you’re here.”

  As I glanced up at him, seeing the relief in his eyes, I knew he was talking about himself. Before I’d come back, he’d been the only one who hadn’t recovered. I squeezed his hand and moved in closer, knowing our time was limited. I just hoped somewhere along the line, we found a way for both of us to say goodbye.

  “Why did you do it?” Diesel asked, pulling me tighter into his embrace as the wind picked up, blowing dry brown leaves across the clearing.

  “Do what?” We were sitting on the porch swing on his back deck, bundled up together under a thick quilt.

  He ran his fingers through my curls, taking his time before he answered. When he finally did, he said, “You sacrificed yourself for me. I need to know why.”

  I sat up, eyeing him and smiled, almost amused. “You need to know why?”

  He frowned. “Yeah. I don’t understand. I was there, protecting you… and then you stopped her. Why?”

  I tilted my head, studying him. “Because. It was you. She was going to take your life and it wasn’t your time.”

  “And it was yours?” He threw the blanket off and got up, pacing. “How do you know that? Did you know I still can’t shift properly? Without you here, after losing you, nothing is right. I don’t think it was your time either. And that’s why I asked Zelda to bring you back… even if it’s only for a week, a day, or even an hour. There are things to say.”

  I sat back in the swing. “Okay, then, let’s say them.”

  He smiled at that, then came to sit next to me again. “Do you have any idea how much I’ve enjoyed having you around these last few days?”

  I glanced inside the house, my gaze landing on the bedroom door. “I have some idea.”

  “Ha.” He clasped both of his hands over one of mine. “You were my first love, Ida May. The one I never got over.”

  His words touched a place deep inside my heart. Words I’d once longed to hear and treasured now, knowing he was expressing his truth. I gave him a gentle smile and spoke another truth we couldn’t ignore. “But I’m not the last, Diesel. You have to know that.”

  “No, I don’t know that. And you don’t either,” he said, almost defensively.

  “Yes, I do. Shifters mate for life. It’s a magical connection. And while I won’t deny there’s something special between us, it’s not a magical relationship. It’s not forever. If it was, we’d have known it all those years ago. And you’d have never left me in New Orleans to go back to your pack.”

  “That doesn’t matter to me. I—”

  I held my hand up. “It matters to me. I sacrificed myself because I love you, Diesel. I always have and I always will. You were my friend first, remember? But it wasn’t your time. It was mine. It still is.”

  He was silent as he stared out into the woods. “Life sucks.”

  I laughed. “No truer words were ever spoken.”

  “That doesn’t make me feel any better.”

  I got up, tugging on his hand until he stood next to me. “Listen. There’s something else you should know.”

  He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close. “What’s that?”

  “When I leave here, and we both know that’s going to be sooner rather than later, I want you to be open to finding your mate.”

  He glanced down at me. “You do?”

  “Yes,” I said adamantly.

  “Why?” There was genuine curiosity in his tone.

  “Because, Diesel,” I turned into him, resting my hands against his chest, “you deserve to be happy. You deserve to be in love and to be loved.”

  “And what about you?” he asked, smoothing my hair back from my face.

  I smiled up at him. “My mission is a little bit different. I’ve loved a lot of people in my short life. Now I spend my time watching over a certain medium, making sure she laughs, loves, and enjoys her life. It’s enough for me.”

  “You’re remarkable,” he whispered and brushed his lips over my temple.

  “I know.” I laughed and grinned up at him. “But so are you, and right now, all I want you to do is show me exactly how remarkable you really are.” I cast a suggestive glance down his body and when I looked up, I was rewarded with scorching desire shining in his eyes.

  “Ida May, my gorgeous girl, nothing would make me happier.”


  I woke early in the morning, sated, with a perma-smile claiming my lips. The echo of Diesel’s touch still seared my skin, and the taste of him still lingered on my tongue. I rolled over, reaching for him, but found the bed empty.

  Frowning, I lifted my head and cocked an ear, listening for him. Nothing. No water rushing through the pipes, no sounds of breakfast preparations, no coffee aroma wafting from the kitchen. Only a heavy silence.

  Curious, I wrapped myself up in Diesel’s robe, stuffed my feet into his oversized slippers, and shuffled out into the living room. The pale light of the early morning sun shone through the windows, illuminating the falling snowflakes that had blanketed the earth while we’d slept.

  A sense of peace washed over me, and I moved to the back door, taking in the magical scene. I couldn’t remember a time when I’d seen actual snow fall before. Maybe once as a kid during an especially cold winter. It was rare for snow to fall in New Orleans, and if it did, it never stuck around. But this, what was happening outside was a wonderland. Full of possibilities and hope.

  “Hey,” Diesel said from behind me as he slipped his arms around my waist.

  I jumped, startled by his stealthy approach. “Where did you come from?”

  He pointed to the chair across the room. “I was watching the snow fall, enjoying the silence when you emerged from the bedroom.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said, leaning against him. “I didn’t mean to spoil your morning.”

  “You didn’t.” He nuzzled my neck. “In fact I was hoping you’d wake up so I could share this moment with you.”

  I turned in his arms and gazed up at him, contentment filling me all the way to my toes. “You could’ve woken me up.”

  “You just looked so peaceful. If you hadn’t gotten up, I would’ve eventually come for you.”

  “Come on,” I grabbed his hand and started tugging him toward the back door.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, laughing.

  “Living.” I grinned over my shoulder as I threw the door open and ran outside.

  Diesel followed, easily catching up with me.

  I let out a squeak of surprise when he grabbed me around the waist, swinging me around in a happy circle until finally he set me back down on my feet
. He glanced down and frowned. “You aren’t wearing proper shoes.”

  “So? It’s all part of the experience, right?” I reached up and clasped my hands around his neck, threading my fingers together. “Diesel?”

  “Yes, gorgeous girl?”

  “Kiss me.”

  A slow smile claimed his lips. “My pleasure.”

  Standing there, with my toes freezing in the snow, Diesel lowered his lips to mine, and kissed me with the passion of a starving man. I gave everything I had back to him and when we broke apart, everything had heated, even my toes.

  Our eyes met and suddenly I felt like something passed between us. Something I couldn’t quite put my finger on.

  “Thank you,” he said.

  “For what?” I asked.

  He lowered his head again, and this time when he kissed me, it was slow and tender and full of love. It was sweet and my heart swelled until I thought it would burst.

  And this time when we parted, he stared down at me for a moment, his eyes shining. Then he let me go and walked to the edge of the forest.

  I stood perfectly still, not at all surprised when he stripped his clothes off and shifted into the most beautiful silver wolf I’d ever seen.

  He glanced back, his eyes glowing that familiar gold color.

  I lifted my hand and gave him a tiny wave, my heart swollen with love for him, knowing he was whole again.

  He hesitated, and then as if on impulse, he ran back over to me, nuzzling my hand with his muzzle. I kneeled before the wolf, wrapped my arms around him, and as I hugged him I whispered, “I love you, Diesel. Live a full and wonderful life.”

  The wolf pressed his body against mine, then turned and ran, disappearing into the trees.

  And as the snow continued to fall in the silence of the morning, the cold disappeared and my body started to tingle and fade away until all that was left was the robe and the slippers.

  The human Ida May ceased to exist. I was once again the sassy ghost from New Orleans. Only now I carried with me something precious.

  The gift of love.


  Spring was in the air. Birds were chirping. Were rabbits were mating. And Sassy and Jeeves were making out in the hammock as if Zelda and Mac weren’t sitting on the porch only a few feet away.

  I was there, but none of them knew it. Ever since my time in Asscrack as a human, I’d found that when I missed them, it was easy to pop in to check up on my favorite crazy witches and Shifters.

  Today they were having a barbeque. Diesel was there, working the grill. It turned out he’d bought the small cabin we’d stayed in during our long weekend and had made a habit of vacationing in Asscrack. He looked adorable in the frilly pink apron Sassy had made him wear.

  “Hey Diesel,” Zelda called from her place on the porch.

  He glanced over at her. “Yeah?”

  “Can you put another filet on the grill? We have a last minute addition.”

  “Sure.” He disappeared into the kitchen just as a copper wolf ran into the yard from the forest.

  “There she is,” Zelda pointed her out to Mac. “She’s new in town. I met her at the market yesterday.”

  Mac squinted, studying the new wolf. “Where’s she from?”

  “Somewhere in Pennsylvania. She’s here for the spring, working on a book set here in Assjacket.”

  Asscrack, I mentally corrected her.

  The wolf in question trotted around to the side of the house, and a few minutes later, a gorgeous brunette wearing a sunshine yellow sundress and flip-flops retraced the wolf’s path. She waved at Zelda and climbed the steps, holding her hand out to Mac. “Hi. You’re Mac, right?”

  Zelda’s mate nodded and shook her hand. “Yep, that’s me.”

  “I’m Andi. New Shifter in town. Thought I’d introduce myself, let you know I’m here, and offer my services should you need anything that’s pack related.”

  He inclined his head. “Thanks. I appreciate that. Things have been quiet around here for the last few months—”

  Sassy let out a shriek as she fell out of the hammock and landed on her ass. “Ohmigod, Zelda! Did you see that?”

  Zelda sent her a bored look. “See what, Sassy?”

  “The hammock. It’s defective. Look at it.”

  Everyone turned to look at the hammock in question. The only thing out of place was Jeeves and the fact his jeans were open, exposing his yellow ducky boxers.

  “Um, this is a family show,” Zelda barked. “Zip it up. And if I catch you with your pants down on my porch again, you’re banned. Got it?”

  Jeeves’s face turned beet red and he nodded, mumbling an apology as he tried to haul himself out of the hammock. Instead, he tripped over the hem of his pants and joined Sassy on the porch, his ass sticking up in the air. And as an added bonus, in his clumsiness not only did he lose his trousers, but his boxers too, and we were all treated to a view of his lily white buttocks.

  Sassy laughed.

  Zelda scowled and covered her eyes.

  Mac groaned.

  Andi and I joined Sassy in her laughter.

  What I wouldn’t have given to have another night out with Sassy and Jeeves at the Pink Toad.

  “Hey, new girl,” Sassy said to Andi. “You got a boy toy?”

  She shook her head. “Nope. I did, but when he came home with his chest waxed, I cut him loose. I can’t handle a man who’s more groomed than I am.”

  “Warlock?” Zelda asked.

  Andi laughed and nodded. “How did you know that?”

  “Everyone knows warlocks are way too high maintenance. Selfish, too.”

  “I’m right here,” Fabio said from the other side of the porch.

  Zelda waved a hand at him. “Andi, meet Naked Dude… er my dad. But don’t date him. He has an unnatural fixation for his ball sack.”

  That was true. He did. And I’d know considering he’d been a client of mine back in the day.

  “Not anymore,” Fabio insisted. “That was when I was a cat.”

  “A cat?” Andi asked, seemingly unfazed.

  “He was my familiar. He spent the entire time licking his ball sack. He says he’s over it, but I find that hard to believe, considering how much time he spent in the general vicinity.”

  She wasn’t wrong. The things I knew about him… And the fact that he was a warlock meant there were things he could do that others couldn’t necessarily replicate. But it’s not exactly polite to talk about such things.

  Fabio let out a huff of irritation and disappeared back into the house.

  The entire group fell out laughing, including Andi.

  “What did you people do to Fabio?” Diesel asked as he reemerged from the house, a filet on his plate.

  “Zelda was on his ass about his ball sack again,” Sassy supplied.

  Diesel glanced over at her and Jeeves and then grimaced when he spotted Jeeves rearranging his junk while zipping up his pants.

  The look on his face had me giggling. Gods, I missed these crazy people.

  Diesel strode back over to the grill, and I floated over to him. As I neared, he stilled and lifted his head staring right at me. Or he would’ve been, if he could see me. It wasn’t the first time I had the feeling he could sense me. And honestly, it made me feel good to know we still had that connection.

  But then Andi crossed the porch, a beer in her hand. And suddenly our connection was broken. Diesel turned, watching her make her way toward us. The sun illuminated her golden limbs and bounced off her beautiful copper curls.

  “Hi, there handsome,” she said, grinning up at him.

  “Hello, yourself.” He flashed her his easy smile.

  “I hear you might be the one to talk to about getting a decent drink around here.” She held up the beer can and wrinkled her nose. “This was all I could find.”

  Diesel laughed. “Sassy has a taste for light beer. Very light, very cheap beer.”

  “Sassy is the bouncy blonde that’s really good at piss
ing off Zelda, right?”

  Diesel rummaged around in the cooler at his feet and came up with a craft beer. The same we’d been drinking at the Pink Toad. “Yep. It’s Sassy’s mission in life to see how often she can get Zelda to roll her eyes.”

  Andi laughed, and then snorted with amusement. So did I. She was adorable. He could do way worse.

  Diesel’s lips twitched into a whisper of a smile.

  “Oh, man,” she said, her face flushing. “That was embarrassing.”

  He grinned and handed her the beer. “Not at all. In fact, I happen to have a soft spot for women who aren’t afraid to show their real selves.”

  “Well then, Diesel, you’ve found the right girl, because I don’t know how to be any other way.”

  His eyes softened as he scanned her body. Then when he met her gaze again, he gave her the look. That same look he used to give me.

  And that’s when I knew. My time visiting Diesel had come to an end. Whether he knew it or not, he’d just found his mate.

  The relaxed scene at Zelda’s house faded away, replaced by jazz music and a wedding party marching down Bourbon Street in the traditional second line. I floated in front of the café where I spent most of my time and scanned the crowd.

  Among the tourists, I spotted a handsome man dressed in low slung jeans, a tight white T-shirt, and a fedora. And the best part? He was staring right at me.

  Thank the gods. There was a hot new ghost in town.

  Ida May is a reoccurring character in the Pyper Rayne novels.

  To read more about Pyper Rayne and Ida May’s shenanigans check out:

  Spirits, Stilettos, and a Silver Bustier

  Spirits, Rock Stars, and a Midnight Chocolate Bar

  Spirits, Beignets, and a Bayou Biker Gang

  To learn about Deanna’s new releases sign up for her newsletter here. Do you prefer text alerts? Text WITCHYBOOKS to 24587 for news and updates.



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