Tempted By Darkness (Eternally Mated Book 6)

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Tempted By Darkness (Eternally Mated Book 6) Page 2

by Valerie Twombly

  “Not a day goes by that I don’t think of your mother, but for some reason she has been in my thoughts more of late.” Tegan wondered if it had anything to do with his upcoming assignment. The thought of playing house with another female left him feeling like a cheating spouse. He wasn’t and he knew it, but he couldn’t make his heart understand.

  Ashley set down her fork and reached across the table, her hand over his. “You have to let go of what happened. It wasn’t your fault.” She pulled in a breath. “Have you been with anyone since Mom?”

  “No. Not since I was forced to leave her alone carrying you.”

  “Dad, that was over thirty years ago.”

  “Not long enough to mourn the woman I loved.” It would never be long enough in his book.

  Ashley leaned back in her chair and gave him a stern look. It was the same face as his beloved Ana, but it was his green eyes that pinned him with an annoyed glare.

  “I didn’t get to know my mother, but tell me, would she have wanted this for you? If I died tomorrow, I would want Eli to one day love again.”

  “He wouldn’t. Your souls belong to each other. Your grandmother is a good example. My father was a dark bastard, but mother still mourns him to this day. She will never take another, and the only reason she didn’t follow him into the afterlife was because of you.”

  Ashley’s mouth softened, reminding him so much of her mother. “I know you love my mother, but you were not mated.” She leaned forward and took his hand. “I just want to see you happy. You might like this angel and who knows...” Her eyes softened. “Pretending to be a married couple might actually lead to other things.”

  The tick on the left side of his temple thumped to the beat of his pulse as he shifted in his seat. This discussion was ending now. “I’ll not be discussing my sex life with my daughter.”

  She laughed. “I still can’t believe you’re my father.”

  He tossed his napkin to the table and stood. “Thanks for lunch. I need to take care of some things before I head out.”

  Ashley rounded the table and pulled him into a hug. “There is nothing wrong with being with someone. We all need intimacy. Please let mother go and live your life.” She kissed his cheek then pulled away. “If it will help, I’ll dye my hair.”

  It was his turn to laugh. Ashley realized he saw Ana every time he looked at her. He grabbed a lock of her blonde hair and leaned in to kiss her forehead. “You will do no such thing. I love you just the way you are, and I couldn’t be more proud.”

  “Thank you. That means a lot to me.”

  He broke contact, wishing he had more time. He’d missed so much of her life. Her first steps. Scraped knees. The tears she cried when her first love broke her heart.

  “Stop it. I can tell you’re busy feeling guilty again. You may have missed my childhood, but you’ve been here to help me transition into what I am now.” She spread her wings. Silky black feathers dusted with gold flecks. The wings belonging only to the Angel of Death. “Your counsel is always welcome. I may be an adult, but I still need my father.”

  “I would go to the ends of the universe for you.”

  She brushed a tear away from her cheek. “Get out of here. We both have work to do.”

  He tipped his head then vanished.

  Rhea set down the one bag that contained her personal items. A couple changes of clothes, a hairbrush, two books, and of course her personal weapons. The ones that had been custom made for her when she had been trained in the art of fighting. Her nerves stretched tight as she stood on the shore of the river and waited for the ferryman to come and take her across. Once on the other side, she would open a portal into the clouds where she’d meet with Tegan. Already having read the archangel’s history, she discovered he was a hunter who had been around a few thousand years and was far older than her. To say working with an ancient was intimidating was putting it mildly. Scared shitless would be more appropriate.

  Since everything was documented in their vast library, she had taken advantage and read up on his history with the mortal Ana. It was a sad story that had left her teary-eyed and numb.

  Rhea shifted nervously as the boat approached. Her pulse quickened with excitement at the adventure in front of her, and the prospect at what she was commanded to do drew near. She was not happy about the idea of seducing the angel. Not only was it deceitful, there was the possibility it would ruin her chances with her true mate. What man would want her when she was carrying another’s child? However, to question a command was simply not done. After learning Tegan’s history however, she was even less inclined to follow through with conceiving his child. Would she dare come back home and tell the Almighty she had failed in her mission? Rhea wasn’t even sure how much time she had to complete the task.

  The boat docked.

  “Rhea.” The ferryman held out his hand to help her on board before grabbing her bag. “You must be excited to be leaving here.”

  “Excited and a bit nervous.” She sat on a wooden bench and watched the water rush by.

  “The mortal world is corrupt and you are innocent. You will not be the same upon your return.”

  Not if she fulfilled her duty. She’d be carrying another angel’s son. “No, I suppose I won’t be.” Secretly she wished she were more like the reaper who piloted the boat. They feared nothing. Rather, they were feared by others.

  Finally, they reached the other side, and he helped her to shore, handing her the bag. As the boat started to float away, he called out. “Take care, Rhea.”

  “Thank you.” Picking up her bag, she summoned a portal. Watched it swirl in front of her and almost turned back, but her desire to be free was greater than her guilt. This Tegan was nothing to her. Perhaps raising a child would help ease her loneliness. Fill that empty hole inside her that always seemed to ache. She hoped this new turn in her life would help as well. Rhea was tired of walking through life carrying a void. Oh, she had a good life and wanted for nothing, yet... She ached for an unknown. Ached for a man she often wondered even existed.

  Stepping out of her portal, Rhea found herself standing in front of a stone, white building. Rows of columns stood on either side of the large, double doors. Guarding those doors were two angels, the color of their wings indicating they were warriors. Rhea’s mouth turned up as she closed her eyes and raised her face to the sun. The scent of orange blossoms drifted through the soft breeze.

  “You must be Rhea,” came a husky voice that caused her skin to prickle.

  She opened her eyes and focused on the man in front of her, swallowing a gasp. Towering several inches over her was no mere angel. Had she not known better, she would think him a god. Brown hair with golden highlights hung just above his shoulders. A patch of scruff covered his face and wrapped around a set of lips that were thick and kissable. But it was the emerald eyes that stared at her which sucked the air from her lungs.

  “Y-yes, I’m Rhea.”

  He reached for her bag. “I’m Tegan. The Maker awaits us for a briefing.”

  This was the angel she was supposed to go on a mission with? The man she was to pretend to be his mortal wife? Heaven help her. She was in serious trouble.

  Tegan carried the female’s bag as he led her up the stairs. Once they reached the top, he stopped and faced her. “All who enter the temple must show their wings.” He summoned his and settled them tight against his back.

  “Of course. As it should be.” She inclined her head, and a pair of downy wings spread from her back. He’d never seen anything like them. As white as snowcapped mountains with a heavy dusting of silver. He had never wanted to touch another’s wings before, but he found himself curious if her feathers were as soft as his own. He shook the feeling free and focused on the dress she wore.

  Another mistake.

  The neckline scooped down and hugged the curves of her breasts before it flowed to her waist. The navy color brought out the sapphire in her eyes, and it made the silver threads in her wings even more stri

king. He wouldn’t be male if he didn’t admit she was beautiful, but his heart wasn’t in this mission.

  He worked better alone.

  Forcing himself back to his duties, he turned to the angels at the entry and gave a nod. They both reached for a handle and pulled open the massive, wooden doors. Tegan indicated for Rhea to enter first.

  “Thank you.”

  He followed, quickly slipping in beside her, so he didn’t have to look at her backside cupped in blue silk. Leading her down the long, marble corridor, he broke the silence. “I’m certain the Maker will have a room here for you to spend the night. Rest up, then we leave in the morning. I assume you have more appropriate attire?”

  “Yes. I studied the human culture and am aware of the way they dress.” She looked him up and down. No doubt assessing his own jeans and black tee.

  “You need to loosen up a bit too.” He pulled open the door to the large office suite where the Maker had told him to bring Rhea and again wondered what in the hell they were all thinking. The female beside him had never been outside her realm, and it was obvious by the way she held herself. She walked and talked more like a highborn than the average person. Hopefully, they would be moving into a high-class neighborhood where she was more likely to fit in.

  Tegan set her bag on the floor and pointed to a seat. “I’m sure the Maker will be here shortly.” He took the chair farthest away from the female, who smelled like sunshine and a warm breeze kissed with honeysuckle. The muscles in his shoulders bunched with tension as Rhea leaned forward to pour herself a glass of water. Her breasts looked as if they would escape the fabric of her dress at any moment, and he swore under his breath. Thankfully, the Maker entered the room and saved him from doing something stupid.

  “Tegan.” She gave him a tilt of her head.

  He was on his feet. “My Domina.”

  She turned to Rhea. “Rhea, Father has spoken highly of you. It is nice to meet you.”

  Rhea rose with elegant grace and gave a deep curtsey. “My Domina. It is a great honor you both bestow upon me.”

  “Please, sit and we can discuss the details of this mission.” Once everyone was settled, she continued, “A home has been secured for you and moving trucks are there unloading as we speak. We’ve allowed rumors to whisper that a newly wedded couple has bought the home and will be arriving tomorrow.”

  She gauged their reactions before continuing. “We only know that this new species––the vampires––are a product of my brother Lucifer. Whether he was directly involved in what happened to the female who started this, that is yet unknown. But what we can be certain of, is if it was not him, then it was one of his demons.”

  “If I may be so bold,” Rhea spoke. “I find it exciting to witness the birth of a new species.”

  Tegan managed to keep from rolling his eyes. Was she serious? Nothing good could come of this.

  “It is rather exhilarating to witness, but we must take care. There can be no interference from us at this time.” She studied both of them. “You must determine if they pose a threat and whose domain they fall under.”

  “Of course,” Tegan stated. “Have they shown any aggression so far?”

  “None that we have witnessed, but there have been a few humans who have gone missing. Could be something unrelated, but we can’t chance this turning into a disaster. It is why we need you to go in and observe.”

  Rhea gave a nod. “Of course, and that is why they must not know what we are.”

  “Precisely. The mortals are already a bit unsettled with the realization that you exist. If they find out there are blood-suckers living among them, it will no doubt create a lynching mob.” She tapped a manicured finger on the arm of her chair. “Once we know for sure what this species will fully become, we can decide their fate.”

  Rhea’s eyes went from hooded to round pools of sapphire. “Is there a possibility Father will destroy them?”

  The Maker’s smile warmed the room. “He would be more inclined to lock them in Hell and let nature take it’s course, so to speak. However, he is not above wiping out an entire species if he feels the need is warranted. I assume you two will have no problems keeping up appearances?”

  “I will do what is necessary to fulfill my duty. I cannot speak for my partner.”

  Rhea gave him a quick glance before she replied, “I will fulfill my duty as well.” There was no missing the bite in her voice.

  The Maker rose. “Good. You two will begin your travels tomorrow. To make this transition seamless, you will be flying in a jet from Chicago to New York, where a car will pick you up and take you to your new home. As of this moment, you are Mr. And Mrs. Ferrow. Tegan, Rhea will stay with you until you journey in the morning.” She inclined her head then made her way to the door before Tegan fully comprehended what she had just ordered.

  Son of a bitch.

  Chapter Three

  Rhea stared at the folder on the table, unwilling to meet the archangel’s gaze. The chill in the room was a good enough indicator that he was less than pleased to have company tonight. Well, he’d best get used to it. They were partners on this mission and that was that. In reality, she was no more pleased than he was and would much rather be searching for her mate. Speaking of, she wondered if she would be able to scent him once they reached the mortal plane.

  “Grab the file and come along.” He stormed to where he’d left her bag while she gathered their papers and got to her feet. When she finally reached the door where he waited, she peered at him. “Are you always this angry?”

  He stared at her for a moment before his shoulders relaxed. “I am sorry. I’m used to working alone or commanding others. This is a new type of assignment for me.”

  “I can certainly understand, and if it helps any, I am more than willing to follow your command. I’m not going to pretend I know anything that’s going on.” Maybe appealing to his male ego would smooth his ruffled feathers. Besides, her statement wasn’t a lie. She really was clueless about what she was walking into and would need to count on him for guidance.

  “Come along,” he spoke in a softer tone, leading her back down the corridor they had used when they entered. “I forgot this is all new for you. I’m afraid that the mortal world is going to be a bit of a culture shock. Especially a place like New York.”

  “I have made the study of the mortals my life’s work, in the hopes that one day I would get a chance to observe them up close.” She wasn’t about to confess the hours she’d spent staring at the world through the lake. That seemed a bit obsessive.

  He stopped at the bottom of the stairs outside. “How old are you?”

  She hesitated. Knew he would consider her no more than a youngster. “Thirty years.”

  A dark brow shot up over a pool of green. “I am thousands of years old, and there are times not even I understand them.”

  She gave a nod, relieved he seemed to be attempting to break the ice. “I have heard that a fallen was seen recently by a person who reports the news. The humans now know we are real.”

  His lip curled, revealing perfect teeth. “Yes. One of the fallen rescued a female who had gotten into trouble during the start of this mess.”

  “News traveled to our realm of course.” She had also watched it herself as she kept an eye on the happenings at Machu Picchu.

  He shook his head. “How did the Almighty take it?”

  “Not pleased at first, but he then came to realize it was bound to happen one day.” She looked around then leaned closer. “I think he thought his son would be the one who would be discovered first.”

  “Lucifer? I’m surprised he hasn’t opened up Hell yet and let it spill out all over the place.”

  Rhea fought a shiver. “I believe there is still that possibility.”

  Tegan only frowned before he stuck out his hand. “Take my hand and I’ll portal us to my home in the human realm. Might as well see part of the real world now.”

  Rhea slid her fingers across his palm, and the
minute they made contact, electricity zinged through her. She wanted to blame it on the fact she was beginning a new adventure, but in reality it was the man beside her. Gazing out of the corner of her eye, she tried to determine if he felt it too, but he appeared unfazed.

  Stepping into the portal together, moments later they were transported to ground covered with a thick carpet of dark green grass mixed with yellow, wild flowers. Mountains loomed in the distance, appearing on fire from the setting sun. The lake mirrored pink clouds floating above them and a two-story, log home situated on its shores.

  “It’s breathtaking. Where are we?”

  “Washington. About as far out as a dirt road will lead. Not that I need roads, but for appearances it would have been hard to explain.”

  “I can’t wait to see the inside.” Her curiosity was now piqued on how this ancient being lived. “Do you spend much time in this home?”

  He led her up a stone path to a large portico and through the front door. “As much time as I can. I like the peace it brings me.”

  It hadn’t gone unnoticed how his shoulders dropped and the harsh lines on his face softened when they had stepped from the portal. Once inside the house, she studied the living area. Large windows framed the lake, and the setting sun cast a warm glow across the honey-colored, wood floors.

  Her eye caught something over the fireplace, and she hurried to take a look. “Oh my. Is it a replica?” Tegan’s heat slid over her skin when he stepped in next to her to admire the atlatl.

  “Nope. It’s an original.”

  “Unbelievable. I’ve always wanted to see one up close.”

  He reached up and plucked the spear thrower off the wooden brackets that held it in place. “You like ancient weapons?” He handed it to her, and she was careful to grip it with her fingertips.

  “I love weapons period, but the older the better.” The piece in her hand was simple; the bear carved at one end was an exact replica of many of the Stone Age drawings seen on cave walls. “They say the people of the Stone Age could launch a dart with one of these at speeds of over one hundred miles per hour.” When she cast a glance at him, his emerald eyes sparkled. This was a definite icebreaker.


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