Tempted By Darkness (Eternally Mated Book 6)

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Tempted By Darkness (Eternally Mated Book 6) Page 8

by Valerie Twombly

  One of the kittens climbed up his pant leg, and he detached it from the denim, holding it at eye level with a sigh. “Listen up, fur ball. You may be cute and all, but climbing up my pant leg is not recommended.” He scratched the kitten’s fat belly, eliciting a purr. He shook his head and laughed, tucking the feline to his chest as he went in search of its companion, who he was positive was creating mischief somewhere.

  Lucifer mentally reached out and summoned Mark Copper, only to learn the man had actually succeeded in gaining a piece of hair from Tegan’s companion. Now, he waited for the vampire to make his way down so Lucifer could determine who this female was. When Mark finally entered the room, Lucifer could no longer contain his temper.

  “Why did you not bring this to me the second you procured it?” he demanded.

  “I got busy.”

  The vampire had become too cocky, and it was time for Lucifer to remind him who was in charge. Box or not, Lucifer was still able to reach out and mete punishment. “Bring me the sample. Lay it on the box.”

  The vampire moved forward and placed the strand as commanded before stepping back. Lucifer swirled his power around the sample to inspect it. Doubt clouded his mind and forced him to check his findings several more times, but after confirming what he sensed, he finally laughed.

  “Do you know who this female is?”

  “One hot number,” Mark replied. “I want her for myself. Her kiss promised much pleasure.”


  “Yes. I compelled her to kiss me so I could collect her hair.”

  How the hell did he end up picking such idiots? “You dumb fuck. You can’t compel an angel. She played you and you tipped your hand to what you are.”

  “I-I didn’t know.”

  “Do I have to explain everything to you?”

  “I take it she is an angel then?” Mark shifted his weight.

  “Oh, she is more than just an angel. She is a pure female created by my father, and the key to not only freeing me of my prison but also unleashing a force that will make mankind shudder. I can’t believe my father sent her here.”

  “Master? She can set you free? I will collect her immediately.”

  “No! You’ve tipped your hand, so now she will be weary of you. We need to set a trap in order to collect her. This all makes sense to me now. There would be no way Father wouldn’t notice a new species emerging and would want to monitor it. That is why both angels are here. We only need to lead them into a trap.”

  “How will we do that, master?”

  “It will be difficult to fool Tegan. He is an ancient and not easily trapped, but the female may be more vulnerable. We only need to lure her in. If Tegan follows, even better for us, but he is not needed to carry out my plan.” Lucifer worried if he got too excited about his freedom things would go down in a bad way for him. Better not get too greedy at this point and take only what he needed to free himself from this cursed box. Later, he would be able to make sure everyone felt his wrath.

  “Tell me what I need to do, and I will make it happen.”

  “Come closer,” Lucifer whispered.

  Rhea was putting the finishing touches on drying her hair, when Tegan came in to announce his daughter had arrived.

  “The pizza will be here in an hour, and Ashley is excited to meet you.”

  “I’ll be right there.”

  He nodded then left the bedroom, giving her a moment to calm her nerves. Rhea had decided while in the shower she would reveal to Tegan later that night that he was her mate. It was best to get it out in the open, and then they could discuss it. She had played over the conversation in her mind several times, but there was no way to predict how he would react to the news. For now, she would go down and meet with the Angel of Death. Giving one last check in the mirror, she decided the peach tee she donned was the perfect complement to her skin, and she was as ready as she was ever going to be. Leaving the room, she scooped up the female kitten, which had run to greet her.

  “I have decided to call you Callie,” she announced to the purring fur-ball as she descended the stairs. In the living room, she caught sight of a beautiful blonde with Tegan’s green eyes, petting the other kitten. The girl’s head lifted as Rhea entered the room.

  “These guys are so stinking adorable. Do they have names?”

  Rhea grinned, setting Callie down. “I have decided to call this one Callie, and the one you have there, Storm.”

  “Storm,” Tegan laughed. “Fitting since he climbed my leg earlier, his eyes full of lightning.”

  “Oh, dear,” Rhea exclaimed.

  Ashley set the kitten down then extended her arm. “I’m happy to meet you. I’m Ashley.”

  Rhea shook her hand, surprised no power trickled between them. Apparently, the angel was also masking her identity. However, there was something so familiar about her. Rhea shrugged it off to the fact she had spent some time studying the Angel of Death. “I’m honored to meet you. I must admit, I’m a bit of a fan of yours.”

  Ashley’s mouth dropped before she regained her composure. “Really?”

  “Ahem,” Tegan cleared his throat. “I’m going to make you girls a margarita while you chat.” Then he quickly disappeared.

  “Come have a seat.” Rhea led Ashley to the couch. “Even though I have lived my entire life in a different world, I know everything that is going on. Your journey as Angel of Death, like every angel, has been logged in our vast library. I’ve made sure to read up on your life thus far. You have done an amazing job.”

  “Why, thank you.” Ashley’s cheeks turned rosy. “I’d like to say it’s been fun, but a lot of the time I was scared shitless. If not for my mate and father, I’m not sure I would have managed so well.”

  Rhea understood how much a support system would benefit any angel. “It’s wonderful that you’ve been blessed.”

  “Tell me about you. What’s life like in the Otherworld?”

  Tegan entered with a margarita in each hand and set them on the table. “You girls enjoy. I’m going down to wait for the pizza.” He was gone before either of them could utter a word. Rhea shifted in her seat then picked up her drink and took a sip.

  “Mmm, this is delicious.”

  “You probably don’t have many of these in your world,” Ashley laughed.

  “No. I mostly aid the Almighty. Escort people to visit him when they come to request an audience. Other than that, I study in my free time. I guess you could call me a scholar of sorts.”

  “Can I tell you something?” Ashley leaned closer as if to share a secret.

  “Of course.”

  “I’ve not seen my father this happy since I’ve known him. Whatever you’re doing, please don’t stop.”

  Rhea’s cheeks heated. “I. Umm. I like your father. He is a good man.”

  “Well, apparently he likes you too and I’m so grateful for that.”

  Rhea didn’t understand why, but she wanted to confide in the girl beside her that Tegan was her mate. So not a good idea, therefore she kept quiet. Later, she told herself. First she had to tell the man she was slowly giving her heart to and pray he didn’t run the other way.

  Chapter Eleven

  “I ran into Mark Copper when I went to fetch the pizza. Tomorrow night he’s taking me to the club,” Tegan announced as he tossed the paper plates in the trash.

  “Oh, do you suppose he will reveal the back rooms to you?” Rhea put the glasses in the dishwasher.

  Tegan studied her. How her shoulders hunched forward. Her forehead wrinkled and brows scrunched together. There was something bothering her, and he found he greatly disliked the distress she was obviously in. “I doubt he will be so quick to introduce me to his pastime. Will probably take a little time.” He decided he’d had enough of her chewing on her lip and swooped in to stop her from wiping down the counter. He pinned her to the granite so she could not evade his question.

  “What is bothering you? Did something happen between you and Ashley while I was d

  “No. Why do you ask?” She avoided eye contact.

  He gently gripped her chin and tipped her head up. “You are nervous and don’t try to deny it.” Finally she looked at him.

  “I liked Ashley very much. I feel like we will become good friends. She even noted how happy you are and asked me to continue doing whatever I was to make you so.”

  “My daughter worries too much about me, but I am glad to hear there was no friction between you two. I couldn’t imagine why there would be. So, what is bothering you?”

  She pulled in a breath. “Are you happy right now with how your life is going?”

  “Rhea. What is this about?” He watched her pulse speed up.

  “I... You are my mate.”

  He knew he must look stunned because he sure as hell was. Taking a step back, he needed to break all contact with her. “Are you sure? Perhaps you’re mistaken because we have been intimate.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “I knew that was a bad idea.” No he didn’t and he had no idea why he said that.

  “I debated telling you because I feared how you would react, and I realize this might only go one way. But in the end, I need to be truthful about this.” She hugged herself and he wanted to comfort her but his head was on a rollercoaster. What the hell was he supposed to say now? He’d only let Ana go and started to move ahead. Yet, part of him knew Rhea was his but refused to admit it. If he didn’t acknowledge it, then he could lose her too.

  “I’m sorry, Rhea. This has taken me by surprise. I knew you were searching for your mate, but the idea never occurred to me that I might be him.” The room closed in on him, and he found it difficult to breathe. The open skies called him. Instead, he summoned his strength and stepped closer to the woman who––at the moment––had more courage than he did. He pulled her to his chest and wrapped his arms around her. Did he feel anything for her? Now was not a good time to answer that question.

  “I’m not a good choice. You know my past and what happened,” he whispered, kissing the top of her head.

  “Tegan, I’m not asking you for anything. I just thought you should know. I understand if you feel the need to think. To let this sink in, and if in the end you choose to walk away”—her body stiffened against him—“I will honor your choice.”

  He pulled back to look down at her. “Thanks. I would like some time alone, so I’m going out for a bit.” He bent down and kissed her. She parted her lips and he took full advantage, willing his body not to react as it usually did. Instead, he tasted every inch of her mouth. An explosion of red-hot cinnamon hit his tongue and went straight to his groin. He broke away and on a heavy breath he said, “I can’t or I will take you right here on the floor. I need to think.” Then he ran like a frightened boy out the patio door and took to the sky. The cool air whispered across his skin as he flew higher and higher. Skirting around tall buildings, he remained cloaked in the darkness. Flew past mortals partying on a balcony who had no idea he had passed by. He winged himself higher until he saw his breath come out in clouds of white then hovered, staring at the vast skyline below him. The city had its own pulse, and somewhere among its vastness was a female who had just claimed him as her own.

  How did he feel about it?

  Scared. Definitely petrified he would hurt Rhea, so he did the one thing that took more courage than anything else.


  Rhea touched her swollen lips. Her heart should be sinking like a drowning ship right now, but she realized her mate needed time to digest the news. There wasn’t any doubt he desired her, he only needed to come to terms with his emotions. It was a lot for anyone to absorb, but especially so for Tegan. Only recently had he tried to move away from his past and was beginning to let go. Yes, there was every chance he would run and never come back, but it was a risk she must take.

  The emotions that had rolled off him before he’d left were barely contained, and she had sensed his fear. Was he afraid to lose her as he had Ana?

  Rhea moved outside and stood on the balcony then gazed upward. She wanted so badly to take to the sky, and find the man she was falling in love with, but knew it wouldn’t be a wise thing to do. She had to trust him to come back even if it was to tell her they were through.

  She laughed. “Honestly, Rhea this whole thing was supposed to be a ruse anyway.” Had the Almighty known what Tegan was to her, and that’s why she was sent on this mission? She wrapped her fingers around the railing and squeezed. There was still his mandate looming over her head. Why would he command her to seduce the archangel and come back carrying his child if it was known Tegan was her mate? It made no sense to her. There was something else going on and she wanted answers. Searching for calm and a slowed pulse, she closed her eyes.

  Father? Several seconds ticked by in silence.

  Daughter, you have news on the vampires?

  Not really. We have recently befriended one. He thought to compel me, and I pretended to let him. I did learn that he keeps slaves for sex and blooding, but neither Tegan nor I are certain if this is an isolated incident.

  I see. I suspect, like the humans, there are individuals who hold no morals. We must consider that whatever their traits were as a human will transfer over. The surge of power will only push the ones who seek it over the edge and into the pits of evil.

  Of course. Did you know Tegan was my mate? Might as well blurt it out.


  Well you might have told me. She kept that thought to herself. Then there is no need for me to lie to him. I can simply let our relationship take its course and become with child when the time is right.

  You give the angel too much credit. My order stands. You will conceive his son when I say the time is right then come home to give birth. I care not if the archangel knows or approves.

  Rhea forced back anger. What if I refuse to have any more relations with him? Then I can’t conceive.

  You cannot refuse your mate and you will not disobey me.

  She squeezed the railing tighter. What if we choose to raise our son together in the clouds?

  If that is the choice you both make, then so be it. However, the child must be born here, in my temple.

  Why? This made no sense to her. Why did it matter where her son was born?

  I will be questioned no further. His voice now angry in her head. You will do as commanded. Know that if you disobey me, you will be banished and never see your son again.

  Rhea knew the conversation was done, and this time she let her anger unleash into a slash of lightning. What the hell was she going to do now? When she laid her hand on her stomach, a burst of life trickled through her fingertips. She gasped and sent her power flowing, searching, and what she discovered caused mixed emotions.

  The miracle of life had already taken place. The child was not there earlier. Apparently, her father had decided on swift action and used the lovemaking she and Tegan had that morning to put his plan in place. The wise thing would be to confess to Tegan, but obviously now was not the right time. She would hide her pregnancy from him until they had worked things out. He needed time to decide what he wanted, and once he made his choice, she would tell him. She did not want their son to be the only reason her mate decided to stay with her.

  Power ripped open a portal, and Ashley swept through on midnight wings. “Father? What are you doing way up here? You look distressed.”

  Distressed was putting it mildly. In a panic, he reached out to the only person he trusted. Oh, he trusted his brethren, they would give their lives for him, but they must never see their leader as weak. While he and his daughter had only had a short time together, they had a bond. They were blood and nothing stood between that. So many times, she had put her trust in him to guide her, and now he would do the same.

  “I am Rhea’s mate,” he blurted out. Rather than the shock he expected to register on her face, Ashley began to grin.

  “That is wonderful news. I like her. There is something...comforting about her.”
r />   Comforting? He supposed he was more relaxed around her when he had finally let his guard down. “Let me say it again. I am her mate. I am not sure she is mine.”

  Ashley hovered in front of him and tapped her finger on her chin. “Why would fate choose you for her but not the other way around? Is that even possible?”

  He searched what he knew of their history only to come up empty. “I don’t know.”

  “I think you are simply afraid to let yourself love again. Afraid of failure.”

  “I will not deny that accusation.” He curled his fingers. “I’m not sure how to approach this with a clear head.”

  Ashley pushed back a blonde lock of hair from her face. “How do you feel about Rhea? Obviously you two have had sex.”

  There was that throbbing in his temple again. Maybe calling his daughter was a bad idea. Before he could respond, she blurted out.

  “Don’t deny it. Both of you glowed.”

  “I don’t glow,” he growled.

  She burst into laughter. “You do and you are. Have you thought to speak to your mother about this? Perhaps she would know the answer to the fated thing.” She moved closer to him. “Though shouldn’t you know?”

  “That’s the problem. I don’t trust my emotions right now. I am fond of Rhea, but what if I can’t love her?”

  She placed a palm on his cheek. “You have so much to offer and have been given a second chance to be happy. Don’t throw it away. Maybe take things slow and see where they go. Trust your instinct.”

  He nodded, gripped her hand, and kissed it. “You are my voice of reason. I will talk to mother though.”

  “Good. Go now. I will go as far as Hell with you. I need to speak with Cade anyway. I hear there is something brewing in Lulerain.”


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