Tempted By Darkness (Eternally Mated Book 6)

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Tempted By Darkness (Eternally Mated Book 6) Page 11

by Valerie Twombly

  He ran to her. “Rhea?”

  She didn’t reply, but she was still breathing. He spied the stone around her neck and his heart sank. It radiated demonic power, and he knew that was how they had gotten to her. He looked around him, eyeing a demon running past. He grabbed the beast by the arm, sticking a dagger to its neck. “If you wish to continue on to your freedom, I need a bit of a favor.”

  The beast’s black eyes bulged. “What do you wish from me?”

  He jerked his head. “See that stone around her neck? Get it off her and toss it into the gate.”

  The demon scoffed. “Easy enough.” He reached with taloned fingers and jerked the chain free. Balling it into his fist, he tossed it into the gate. “Can I go now?”

  “Run.” Tegan didn’t wait but wrapped his fingers around the cuffs locked on her wrists and sent a jolt of power, snapping them open. Then he carefully untied the rope and Rhea crumpled. He caught her, folding her limp body close to his chest.

  “I’ve got you, love.”

  The gate snapped shut, decapitating a demon in the process.

  Realization slammed into him. “Oh, hell.” She was carrying his child. Tegan couldn’t take Rhea back to the clouds, and he sure as fuck wasn’t taking her to Hell. There was only one option for him. His place in the mountains.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “No. Please don’t leave me again.” A warm hand stroked her cheek.

  “Shhh, you’re safe now.”

  Her eyes opened to confirm the voice she heard did indeed belong to her mate. “Tegan.” She tried to sit up and he assisted, propping pillows behind her. “Where am I?”

  “Back at my home.”

  She looked around, finding herself in a king-sized bed, the decor a dark, rich color of the mountain home he had brought her to when they first arrived. Suddenly two small fur balls pounced on her and she gasped. “The kitties!”

  There was no mistaking the meaning behind the smile he sent her way. It was one of a man who cared deeply about those around him. “Ashley fetched them. I figured you would be worried for their safety.”

  She melted. “How did you find me?” She pulled the purring kittens into her lap and stared at the wonderful man in front of her. Every ounce of love she held for him poured into her.

  “I sensed your distress. The others told me where you were but no one could get to you from the outside. I had to come to you through Lulerain.”

  She blinked. “You can’t enter Lulerain.” She didn’t think she could live with herself if she had caused him to fall. “Please tell me you didn’t.”

  “I did. When I realized you were in trouble, I had to get to you.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “I know you’re my mate. I also know you’re carrying my child, so I think it’s time you came clean.”

  She stared into his green eyes. All of her past memories once again coming to the surface. How they had loved and how they had laughed. “Father told me I am to carry on your line. Our son must be born in the temple in the Otherworld at any cost. I didn’t want to deceive you, especially once I realized you were my mate. I planned to tell you about the baby, but I didn’t want you to feel trapped, so I wanted to give you time. I didn’t know you were going to run off so angry.”

  His brows winkled. “That’s not why I left. I only sensed when I rescued you that you were with child. It was what I saw in you that made me flee.”

  Now she was confused. “I don’t understand. I thought you saw the mission that was laid out before me.”

  “No. I saw Ana in you. Why? Why did you choose to deceive me that way?”

  He had seen her past? She hadn’t even known at the time, so how had he seen it? “I-I don’t know how to answer this. I didn’t deceive you. It wasn’t until I was chained to the pole and the gate was opened, that father finally spoke to me. I saw our past.” She dropped her gaze to her lap. Fearful he would leave her again. “I once was Ana.”

  He leapt from the bed and began pacing the floor, his fingers rolling into tight fists before releasing again. She had to say something to reassure him but what?

  “Tegan, look at me and know the truth of my words. I am––” she sighed. “I mean, I was Ana. I carry our memories together, yet I am me.” She pulled the blanket into her hands. “Damn. I don’t know who I am at the moment.” Tears spilled even though she tried to hold them back. “Why did you not come back?”

  He stopped in his tracks and stared. Gazed hard at the woman sitting in his bed looking small and fragile. She carried his son; there was no doubt about that. Her words were sincere, and he felt nothing but truth from her. Was it possible she was Ana? Hell, anything in his world was a possibility. She stared at him with tear-filled eyes and demanded answers. God this woman made him weak in the knees.

  “I did not return to Ana because the Seven threatened to miscarry the baby.” There, question answered without acknowledging she was Ana. He simply could not wrap his head around that one right now.

  “I understand.” She wiped her tear-stained cheeks. “How do I tell Ashley her mother’s soul resides in my body?”

  “We don’t cross that line. Not yet at least. Not until I know why.”

  She sniffed. “Things are bad. Morbus was released and Lucifer is free.”

  His attention caught once again. “You saw Lucifer?”

  “Yes. He and Mark Copper were behind my kidnapping and subsequent opening of the gate. Lucifer owns the gate now.”

  He came to sit on the edge of the bed. “Mark Copper.”

  I’m going to kill that son of a bitch.


  This time he simply gave a nod. “I pretty much followed the demons out of Lulerain. None even bothered with me, they were so eager to flee. I would wager the realm is pretty much empty except for maybe a few.”

  “I can’t believe you fell. I want to see your wings.”

  With a heavy sigh, he rose to his feet and summoned them, stretching them out so she could get the full view. “They didn’t change much.”

  She crawled across the bed to get a closer look. “They look nothing like the pictures I’ve seen.”

  “No. I can only assume my DNA is responsible.”

  She reached out to caress one and he jumped back.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered, the crushed look on her face broke him.

  “I need some time to figure things out. To not feel like I’m going crazy, but I will take care of you. You’ll stay here for now as it seems the safest place until I figure out something better.”


  Tegan turned toward the open door. “Ash.” Great. He wasn’t ready for this conversation, but having Ashley here meant he could leave Rhea in capable hands. Ashley stuck her head in, spotted Rhea, and moved to the woman on the bed.

  “Are you okay?” Ashley sat on the edge, touching the other angel on the arm.

  “I’m better now. Thank you.”

  Ashley gave a nod of satisfaction then looked back at her father. “We have a lot to discuss. Where to even start?”

  Tegan took a seat in a nearby chair, tapping his fingers on his thigh. “What’s going on in the world?”

  His daughter’s eyes filled with sorrow. “We don’t even know yet. The demons who came out scattered pretty quick and have simply vanished. The gate has been cleared, but news has already spread of locals seeing a bright light coming from the area. They suspect the angels again.” Deep breath. “Logan and Zander have already done a roll call in Lulerain. They estimate that over seven thousand demons escaped. Some of the most evil ever to live. Abby is concerned and moved her family because Cassiel is now free.”

  “Shit,” Tegan responded. Cassiel was once an elite angel like himself who had gone wrong on so many levels. Cade condemned the bastard for what Cassiel had done to his mate Abby.

  “But the biggest problem is Morbus. I’m not familiar with his history, but everyone seems panicked that he is free.”

  Tegan was very much schoole
d about Morbus. “Morbus is disease in Latin and the name suits him. During the last great plague, an agreement was reached between Lucifer and the Maker to confine Morbus to Lulerain.”

  “I understand he really isn’t an evil demon,” Rhea piped up.

  “No, just a cursed one.” Tegan leaned forward, elbows on his thighs.

  “What can we expect?” Ashley asked.

  “Who knows what death he will spread this time or how fast it will move.” Tegan focused on his daughter. “Angels and demons are unaffected by Morbus. A small percent of the human race will be as well. Those with any angel or demon ancestry will survive. Maybe even those in remote areas. The reapers and guardians will be busy though.”

  Ashley worked her bottom lip. “I must secure my aunt.”

  “This house is plenty big. Bring her here, tell the others who still have family to come here, but Ashley? You must understand that if any catch the disease we cannot save them. There will be nothing we can do.”

  She nodded then turned to Rhea. “Will it be weird seeing your sister again?”

  Both Rhea and Tegan gasped.

  “How did you know?” Tegan demanded.

  Rhea wasn’t sure what to think about Ashley’s comment, so she waited while holding her breath.

  “The first time I met Rhea, I thought I sensed mom’s soul.” She faced Rhea. “Do you have her memories?”

  “I’ve only recently acquired them. When I was tied to the gate. I remember holding you in my arms for a brief time.” Damnit, the tears came again. She searched Ashley’s eyes. The girl was her daughter, and yet she wasn’t, and Rhea couldn’t expect Ashley to accept this situation anymore than she could ask Tegan to. They all needed answers and there was only one place to get them. Rhea sat up straight.

  “I think the three of us need to ask Father for an explanation. This is all his doing.”

  Tegan scowled. “Wait just a damn minute. First I want to know why my daughter didn’t say something to me?”

  “I wasn’t one hundred percent certain, and the last thing I wanted to do was hurt you.” She closed in on her father and hugged him. “Now I’m positive.”

  Rhea hated to interrupt the moment, but they needed to understand what was going on. The world was about to plunge into death and despair. “We should go. I can take you both to the Otherworld without having to worry about Father extracting a price.” She started to move from the bed, thankful her body healed quickly, when Tegan stopped her.

  “No. You’ll not step foot in that place until I find out what’s going on.” His eyes narrowed into those of a predator on the prowl. “From what you’ve said, the Almighty wants you to come back carrying my child, and I need to know the reason why. I’ll not risk you or our son.”

  “Son?” Ashley asked before her face took on the glow of a big sister. “How did I miss that one? I’m going to be a big sister.”

  “So it would seem,” Tegan said. “So do me a favor and keep an eye on Rhea.”

  “Tegan, you’re being ridiculous.” Rhea stood, realizing she was wearing a robe. “I need some clothes and we will go together.” She started to make her way to the closet, but he gripped her arm.

  “I said no and on this I will not budge.”

  She searched his eyes, the pools of green turbulent with emotion. “When did you get so stubborn?”

  “When I lost you. I will not allow it to happen again.”

  The breath caught in her chest. She wanted to argue, afraid of what Father might do to him if he went without her, but Ashley piped in.

  “I’ll stay here. Rhea and I can help set things up for the families coming. As of right now, we have no commands from either side.”

  “I’m not surprised.” Tegan said. “Logan won’t regard this as his problem and the Maker... Hell, I have no idea what her intent is at the moment.” He started to turn away when power punched through the air.

  “Hunter, I’m hurt you think me uncaring,” Logan replied, leaning against the doorjamb, head tilted.

  “What the fuck are you doing in my home?” Tegan crossed his arms and stood tall. Ashley was quick to place a hand on her father’s shoulder.

  “Dad. Play nice.”

  Logan straightened. “Your daughter is a smart girl. Did you forget, she is now my right hand and I know her whereabouts all of the time?” He looked Tegan up and down, and Rhea found this man––son of Lucifer––intriguing.

  Logan glided closer, quiet as a panther stalking its next meal. “You are like your daughter now. You play for both teams.” He shrugged. “I can use one of your power, as long as you don’t betray me.”

  Tegan’s lip curled. “You may end up with me all in on your side yet. This shit isn’t over.” He wrapped his wings around himself then vanished without another word.

  “I need to go after him,” Rhea stated.

  “Not a good idea, angel. You need to let the man do what he needs to do,” Logan’s voice held a command even Rhea felt the need to follow.

  “Your father is free of his confinement,” Ashley piped up, and there was no mistaking the fear that skittered in her eyes, the eyes of her father. Suddenly Rhea wanted to learn everything she could about the Angel of Death. The lethal woman Ana had given birth to.

  “Yes, I figured as much. Only that arrogant ass would open the Gate of the Gods to Lulerain.” Logan stepped closer to Ashley. “Do not fear him. You are a powerhouse and you do not belong to him. That all changed when I was freed.” His lip curled. “My father no longer rules Hell.” Concern etched a line in his forehead. “We have other problems though. When the gate opened and everyone escaped, something came into Lulerain.”

  Ashley’s mouth dropped for a moment. “What or who on earth would go into Lulerain?”

  Logan’s brow arched high. “That, my dear Death, is an excellent fucking question.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Tegan’s mind was a whirlwind of emotions, but the one he focused on and brought to the front was his anger. As he landed on the shores of the Otherworld, his mood reflected in the darkening skies. He knew this was going to go down in a bad way.

  A boat floated his direction. Once landing on shore, the ferryman spoke. “Your mood is foul angel, are you sure you wish to make this trip?”

  “Would I come all this way to stand here and chatter with you?” Tegan snarled, unable to stop the power that slipped off him, bombarding anything within reach. The shoreline frothed with angry waves, and the boat rocked but the ferryman seemed unfazed.

  “One of your power hasn’t been here in several millennia. He was destroyed. Permanently.”

  Tegan understood the meaning of the words. It meant the angel was turned to ash. Incinerated by his maker to never live again. “If I’d wanted a history lesson, I’d have asked for it. Now, you taking me across or, do I find another way?”

  “Very well, angel, your entry has been granted, but be warned the price has yet to be named.”

  Tegan stepped into the boat. “I give two shits.”

  “Suit yourself then.”

  The boat turned and glided across the lake while Tegan tried to remain calm enough to not dump them into the water. He had no desire to get wet. Several grueling minutes later, they landed.

  “Cross the bridge, someone will be waiting for you on the other side.”

  Tegan stepped from the boat and onto the golden bridge, scanning the area for trouble. Did he expect any? Of course he did. Striding across the expanse, his mind wandered back to Rhea. Was she okay?

  When he reached the other side, a female with silver wings and a simple, white gown greeted him.

  “Tegan, the Almighty awaits you. Please follow me.” She turned and led him down a brick path until they reached the steps to the temple. Climbing the stairs, the glistening, white building with its many columns reminded him of the Maker’s own palace. He supposed it made sense. The Almighty would have built that one for his children before he moved on to the Otherworld and created a new empire. />
  Once inside, he followed the female to a gilded door where she stopped and faced him.

  “I will leave you here. Once inside you will be expected to kneel to our father.” She opened the door.

  He gave her a quick nod and stepped through, the door closing behind him. The room was a vastness of white marble from floor to ceiling. He walked to the center of the room, stretched out his wings, and then let them settle into a relaxed position. Crossing his arms over his naked chest, he widened his stance. Fuck that kneeling shit. A bright light washed over the room and focused with pinpoint accuracy on him.

  “Defiant as ever.” The thunderous voice ruffled Tegan’s feathers.

  “Let’s cut to the chase, shall we?” Tegan dared let his own power ripple across his muscles. “You’ll find I don’t have a lot of patience. Especially when I’m being fucked in the ass. Again.”

  “Then get on with it.” The reply was filled with less patience than Tegan himself held.

  “You know what I am here for so explain to me, why?”

  “I don’t owe you anything, angel. However, I will grant your request and think about what you owe me.”

  Tegan’s muscles tensed and his jaw tightened. “You are a bastard, you know that?”

  Laughter rumbled across the walls. “Only you would dare defy me.”

  He was likely right on that accord. “I’m probably also the only angel you created holding both your children’s DNA. That itself is fucked up. Now, let’s add the fact the mortal I loved with every ounce of my being was taken from me. My daughter, the Angel of Death, was forced to grow up without my guidance and thinking herself a freak. Now, I discover the mortal I loved has been reincarnated into the angel you sent to fuck me and once again bear my child.” He lowered his arms, his fingers rolling into fists so tight his nails drew blood. “You will not take my son from me. Kill me here and now, if that is your desire, because I am done playing this game.”


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