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Karma Page 1

by Charity Ferrell

  formatted by: E.M. Tippetts Book Designs

  Books by Charity Ferrell

  Beneath Our Faults


  [I stumbled toward the dim light shining through the open doorway. Some strange, narcotic entity was dragging me his way. It was like I'd suddenly developed this magnetic pull, and I couldn't stop my feet from pushing closer to the light. I inhaled a deep breath, my lungs exhaling once before slowly bringing up a sweaty hand to the open door and knocking gently.

  A pair of blue, glazed-over eyes peeked up and squinted my way. "Gabby?" he rasped out, his tone uncertain like he was imagining I was standing in his doorway. That didn't surprise me; we'd never actually had a real conversation before. "What's going on?" he asked, his eyes surveying the room, double-checking I was alone.

  I didn't have the answer to his question. I'd been asking myself the same thing in my head repeatedly. However, I couldn't come up with any intelligent reasoning as to why I was there, scared shitless in his bedroom, other than the fact I was crazy and irrational as hell sometimes. I swallowed hard, my eyes raking down his body and noticing he was no longer wearing the black tuxedo jacket he'd had on earlier when I'd seen him. His white dress shirt was halfway unbuttoned, giving me a peek of his hard, muscular chest, and un-tucked from his black pants. Everything about him oozed pure sex. My eyes stopped at his bare feet before I wavered closer to erase the distance between us and stopped directly in front of his towering body.

  His breathing hitched as his sharp eyes gazed down at me, noticing our close proximity. My head spun as I nervously reached forward, grabbing the back of his neck and pulling his face toward me, smashing my lips into his. We weren't going to be having that first conversation tonight, either.

  He reacted immediately, his mouth claiming mine in a deep kiss and allowing my tongue entry. I explored his mouth, tasting the sweet combination of whiskey and peppermint candy as our tongues danced together. I wanted to savor that taste forever, memorize it and make my own drink so I could consume it later. A deep growl escaped his throat as he moved his large hands to cup my ass, over the silk dress I was wearing, and pulled me into him roughly. The movement forced his growing arousal to rub against my leg, directly beside my core, causing my body to instantly melt into his.

  "Gabby," he breathed out, repeating my name against my lips before he began to pull away to look at me.

  I tightened my hold on him, moving my hand to grip his hair, not allowing him to move. "Don't say anything," I whispered, pulling his bottom lip with my teeth before kissing him again. Our lips slid against each other's hurriedly as the real world began to drain itself out of my thoughts. I kept my hold on him, wobbling backwards until I felt the back of my heels smack into the edge of the steel bed frame. I gasped when my flimsy body was pushed back against the mattress and the weight of him hovered above me.

  Hands began to frantically move against the others, skin against skin, like we were having a race to see who could get the other naked first. He was better at it than I was; more skilled. My dress was the first to go. His hand stroked my shoulder softly before sharply pulling the knot holding my dress together around my neck, slowly dragging the expensive material down onto the thick-carpeted floor. I suddenly became strongly aware of my pulsating heartbeat as his tender hand ran up my bare leg, stopping abruptly at the top of my thighs.

  "This might be a bit more complicated to get off," he half-laughed, half-slurred. What the? I lifted myself up on my elbows, glancing down at what he was looking at, and internally cringed when I realized what was happening. Shit, my damn Spanx. There was nothing un-sexier than having to stop mid-hookup because the guy didn't know how to get off your goddamn Spanx.

  Heat flushed from my core up to my cheeks. “Between my legs,” I panted, desperate for his touch again. I wrapped my arms around my back and unclasped the hooks to my bra.

  His gaze jumped from my thighs back up to me. “Huh?”

  I could’ve died in that moment. “The other clasps, they’re in between my thighs,” I explained, suddenly feeling awkward and averting my eyes away from him. What a way to put a damper on the mood, Spanx.

  His moist lips drew together. “Oh.” He went back to the task at hand, concentrating hard and dropping a hand directly between my thighs. Inching his hands apart, he gently pushed my legs wider. Instead of unclasping me, his thumb glided over my clit torturously. I trembled in anticipation on what was coming next. My head fell back, my eyes slamming shut at the same time I felt the Spanx loosen against my midriff, and he dragged it down my legs before tossing it alongside my dress.

  He slid off the bed and started walking toward the door. “W-what are you doing?” I stuttered, peeking down at my naked body nervously. Was he about to ditch me because he didn’t like what my Spanx had been covering? Suddenly becoming insecure, my hands shot down to cover myself.

  “The door,” he explained, gesturing to the wide-open doorway that led straight out into the main hall. I gulped, relieved he’d noticed that, because my brain didn’t comprehend anything but how badly my body ached for him in that moment. If anyone found out what we were doing, chaos would erupt, and my ass would’ve been in a shit-ton of trouble. He’d also be shunned from his family for even touching me.

  The door slammed shut, and his fingers wrapped around the handle to lock the door before stalking back to me. My eyes focused on his body, the way his chest was heaving in and out slowly, and moved down to the defined muscles.

  “You sure this is okay?” he asked, slithering back over me and holding himself up with one arm to look down at me. His deep-sea eyes locked onto mine as he awaited my answer and the fate of our night.

  I nodded a few times, and that was all the confirmation he needed. His lips twitched into a wide grin before lowering his mouth to my sensitive earlobe, nibbling gently before raining kisses down the nape of my neck. His touch was more distinctive than anyone else I’d ever been with. He wasn’t rushing to squirm his fingers into my panties or frantically unzipping his pants to make sure he got his pleasure. No, he took his time, his touches slow, precise and skilled.

  “You’re one of the sexiest creatures I’ve ever laid eyes on,” he whispered, his hot mouth still lingering near my neck. I whimpered as two cold hands dipped down to my breasts, palming and massaging them gently while his lips continued their pleasuring assault on my neck. “When you walked in tonight, I couldn’t help myself from imagining what was under that sexy-ass dress you were wearing.” He nibbled my neck before sucking down hard. “It’s even better than I imagined.”

  I moaned as his fingertips squeezed my hard nipples, and my hips rotated underneath him. “Why are you still dressed?” I panted, pushing my weight into him again and running my hands underneath his shirt. His skin was sweaty but soft as I traced my fingers against the hard muscles lining his chest. I needed more of him.

  A deep growl escaped from the back of his throat. “Give me a minute, baby.” His lips moved southward, licking a valley between my breasts before replacing his hands with his mouth on my nipples. I squealed, my body suddenly becoming hypersensitive as my back arched and the space between my legs widened. Does that feel good?” he asked, moving his mouth over to the other tightened nipple and doing the same thing.

  “God, yes,” I moaned, licking my lips and pushing him forward. As good as what he was doing to my body felt, I craved more. Gripping his shoulders, I unbuttoned the rest of his shirt buttons while my other hand ducked down to rub his growing erection through his pants.

  “You can’t be the only one having all the fun, can you?” I asked shocked at myself for my behavior, of how in control I was in that moment. I normally didn’t get excited with other guys. I was definitely going to be blaming it on the countless glasses of champagne
I’d downed earlier when this moment came back to blow up in my face.

  His teeth bit the edge of his lips as he rolled his hips and moved into my hand. “I guess you’re right,” he groaned. I dragged his shirt off his body and threw it across the room, smiling in victory as he shuddered at my fingers sliding down the waistline of his pants. I swiveled my fingers back and forth, watching the muscles in his chest tense up when I flicked the button of his pants open. Sliding the zipper down, I tugged his pants down.

  My eyes widened at the sight of the large bulge coming from his boxer briefs. I ran my hand over his hardness, and he cursed while continuing to move into my touch. My lips parted as I dragged his boxer briefs down and got a full view of his hard erection. My teeth dug into the inside of my cheek as my hand wrapped around his large length and slowly began to stroke him.

  His hand moved out and began to slowly massage me as I stroked him. “Fuck yes,” he muttered, pumping his hips to the same rhythm as he was massaging my breast. Tiny sparks lit up my body, and I picked up my pace at his excitement, stroking him faster until he wrapped his hand around my wrist and stopped me. “Baby, not so fast,” he rushed out.

  “Don’t you like it?” I stammered, confused. That usually wasn’t the reaction I got when I jacked guys off.

  "I fucking love it, but I want to be able to enjoy it longer," he answered, pushing me down against the bed. He slid over to the edge of the bed and opened the top drawer of the nightstand. My eyes bulged when he pulled out a tiny, square wrapper. “Is this okay?” he asked, stroking himself. I paused, relishing the hottest view I’d ever had in my life.

  “Yes,” I croaked, opening my legs up wider in assurance. He brought the wrapper to his mouth, ripping it open with his teeth, and dragged the condom over his throbbing erection before positioning himself directly in front of my entrance. Holy freaking hell. This was actually going to happen.

  My chest caved in as he moved the tip of him in circles around my opening, and I groaned out in pleasure at the pulse-pounding moment that was approaching. “You’re so wet,” he grumbled, sliding into me slowly. I pulled in a deep breath and held it in. “And fuck, so tight,” he added, his face scrunching up as he slid farther into me. I shut my eyes, praying he wasn’t going to figure out the reason why I was so tight.

  I continued to hold my breath as he began to break through my barrier before my body shot forward in terror at the throbbing sting that pulsated through my entire body. “Holy shit!” I yelled out in horror, my legs tensing up.

  His body completely stilled, and his eyes snapped wide open. We did a stare-down, neither one of us sure of what to say or do. “Please, tell me you’re not a virgin,” he growled, finally breaking the awkward silence. He slammed his eyes shut, throwing his head back in dread while I contemplated my decision whether to tell him the truth or lie.

  I gulped, and his head shot down to look straight at me. “I don’t think I am anymore,” I replied nervously. There was no way I was still a virgin after feeling like my vagina’s walls had been ripped apart with a machete. I was slapping the next girl I heard say she got off her first time and it didn’t hurt, because she was a straight up liar. That shit killed.

  “Jesus fuck,” he cried out. My body went rigid as he began to pull out of me, but I grabbed his ass to stop him.

  “Don’t pull out,” I begged. “Just keep going.” He’d already broken through now; I just needed to go through the pain and get it over with.

  His mouth flew open, and his wide eyes studied me like I’d just grown another head. “You’re out of your damn mind if you think I’m taking your virginity tonight.”

  I shut my eyes and took a deep breath.

  He was right, I was out of my damn mind.

  But there was no way I was letting him say no to me.

  Six Months Later

  [The click of my favorite heels smacking against the marble floor echoed as I dreadfully strutted into the large, ostentatious waiting room. Was it really necessary to spend that much money on a place where people waited until they were called in for an appointment? All I needed before my appointments was a Cosmo magazine, and this girl was good to go. But the Douglas motto was always spend more or go home. At least, that’s what it seemed.

  I’d been mentally cursing myself for days for not being able to come up with a better excuse for getting out of this. I hated that I sucked ass at excuse making. It’d always been one of my biggest weaknesses, and that’s probably why I ended up in most of the fucked-up situations I got myself into.

  A young, blonde secretary was sitting behind a large desk at the front of the room and talking animatedly on the telephone attached to her ear. I began to move her way because I had no idea where else to go. No one had given me any specific instructions on what to do. I’d just been emailed a handbook and informed to be there at eight sharp; that’s it.

  I was just a few steps from my destination when I caught a glimpse of something out the corner of my eye and almost tripped on my own two feet. Balancing myself, I shut my eyes, praying I was dreaming, and re-opened them before looking at the source again.

  Nope, definitely not dreaming.

  I was going to kill him.

  I whipped around, making a detour to the lone person sitting in the waiting room area, my blood boiling higher with each stride. “What the hell are you doing here?” I hissed through my teeth, stalking toward him. He wasn’t supposed to be there. He was supposed to be thousands of miles away from me. Him being there messed up everything I had planned, and I wasn’t prepared. When this day came, I’d planned to have an entire speech and escape plan prepared.

  A set of ocean blue eyes peered up at me. “I could ask you the same question,” he answered, his voice flat. Clearly, he was as elated to see me as I was him; at least we were on the same page.

  “I work here,” I snapped, perching my hands along the curve of my hipbones. Why the hell else would I be there? It definitely wasn’t to pay a visit to the people who despised my existence.

  The corner of his mouth twisted up and he stroked the curve of his strong jaw. “Interesting.”

  I glared at him, narrowing my eyes but still taking the time to take a casual peek at him. A crisp, black suit was covering his strong body frame with a bright blue tie hanging down his chest that matched his eyes to a tee. His light, chestnut hair was shorter than the last time I’d seen him, no longer falling into his eyes and looking cleaner.

  “And why is that interesting?” There wasn’t anything interesting about it. The better word was horrifying.

  He cocked his head to the side. “It looks like we’re here for the same reason. Hello, new co-worker.” His arm stretched out, and he held his hand out for me to shake. I wanted to rip that strong, muscled arm right off his damn body and throw it out the high-rise window directly behind him.

  It’d been six months since the last time I saw the jackass, and now we were supposed to be working together? Hell to the freaking no. My fist urged to punch the pompous asshole in his perfect, pretty face. No one’s face should be that pretty; I needed to fix that.

  “We can’t work together,” I fired back, ignoring his hand.

  He looked down at his hand and dropped it back down to his side. “And why exactly is that, Gabby?”

  The jackass was testing me. I glanced around the room, noticing we now had the attention of the secretary, and lowered my voice. “You know why,” I snapped, my voice hesitant. I needed to squash this before we ended up creating a public spectacle, and I was labeled the office hootchie before punching in my first time card.

  He pushed forward, his voice raspy. “Is it because I’ve seen you naked?” My mouth suddenly went dry. “Or because I know what it feels like to be inside you? I know what it feels like to have your hot pussy wrapped around my cock.”

  I blinked a few times while my mouth hung open. Did he really just say that? Chills hit my body causing goose bumps to emerge. Thank God, I’d decided to wear a long-sleev
e blouse, or he would’ve known how bad his words had an effect on me. I swallowed, wanting to punch the asshole but straddle him naked at the same time. “You’re a jackass,” I snarled, curious on how much trouble I’d get into if I took one of those bright baby blues out with my heel. Maybe I’d get fired, and I could swipe a few items off my troubled list at the same time.

  His index finger crept to the side of his mouth. “So let’s get this straight. We fucked then you completely ignored me. No calls, no texts, nothing. Oh, yeah,” a harsh laugh escaped his throat, “you also failed to mention that fact that you were still a damn virgin! But I’m the asshole?”

  I nodded, folding my arms across my chest. “Pretty much.”

  He tossed his hands up into the air. “You’re fucking unbelievable.”

  I wasn’t stupid. I knew the day would come where I’d eventually have to face him. I might’ve been naïve enough to drunkenly give away my virginity, but I wasn’t that naïve to think we’d never see each other again. That’s because I was stupid enough to break the most important rule of one-night-stands: make sure you’ll never see the other person again. I instantly decided I despised one-night-stands. “I was drunk,” I explained, rushing the words out to my bullshit excuse. Jesus, I sounded like a college-girl-who-found-herself-naked-on-the-most-popular-frat’s-couch cliché.

  “We were both drunk,” he corrected. “And, correct me if I’m wrong, but you were the one who came to me. You wandered into my room and climbed into my bed. I know for a fact you weren’t too damn drunk to forget about that part.”

  As bad as I wanted to deny the asshole’s accusation, he was right. That night, he was the only thing on my intoxicated mind. “Whatever,” I grumbled. “And don’t worry, I’m not going to tell anyone in your precious little family. Therefore, I didn’t feel the need to answer your calls.” I knew the real reason he kept calling. He didn’t want them to know he’d hooked up with the daughter of the home-wrecking whore they hated. They’d already had one embarrassment to their family; they couldn’t have another.


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