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Karma Page 7

by Charity Ferrell

  "She's not going to say anything," he assured, grabbing a tissue from his desk and wiping away the evidence of our make-out session. "Trust me."

  I took a calming breath and leaned against a chair. "Okay, what just happened?" I asked, coming to my senses. Suddenly, I felt like an idiot. I wasn't sure where I was even going with the conversation I'd just started, but that couldn't happen again. The hookup we had was a one-time thing; no more.

  Dalton scrubbed his cheek. "Just don't say anything, okay?" he answered, tossing the Kleenex in the trash and running his hands down his pants to straighten out the wrinkles before walking out of the room.

  Damn, I’d forgotten how soft her skin felt against my fingers and how sexy she looked when she was turned on. Images of her plump lips parting and her holding in a deep breath as she let my hand explore her body replayed while I drove my car to our destination. Just when my fingertips had reached the wet warmth between Gabby’s thighs, Summer’s annoying ass had to barge in and ruin everything. Talk about a fucking mood-killer.

  Gabby stretched out her legs in front of her and peered out my passenger-seat window. "This is a pretty nice place," she commented, staring at the high-rise apartment I’d just parked in front of. Silence had taken over the short ride, and I was oddly okay with that. I knew if what happened in my office was brought up, she was going to tell me it needed to stop; I sure as hell wasn't going to let that happen. I wasn't going to allow her to over-think our situation. Instead, I was going to play it cool and show her she wanted me just as bad as I ached for her. Jesus Christ, I wanted the damn girl so bad.

  I tapped my fingers against my steering wheel to the beat of the music playing. "Too damn nice," I muttered, my eyes scanning the tall, familiar building. I knew people who lived there, and there was no way a young intern who was in debt would've been able to afford it. That only meant one thing: John the dumbass was footing the bill. That gave me one more thing to worry about covering up.

  I cut my Tesla’s engine off and swung my door open. Gabby did the same thing on her side, sliding out the passenger seat at the same time I slammed my door. She joined my side as we stalked toward the large, glass entrance doors.

  I walked over to the counter and leaned against the glass. "We're here to see Ivy Hart," I told the overweight, clean-shaven guy who looked close to my age.

  His thin lips formed a weak, generic smile. "No problem, Sir. Let me just ring her quickly to allow clearance." His chubby arm extended to grab the phone, but I reached out and stopped him. His eyes looked down at my hand over his before moving back to my face.

  "How about you just tell us the apartment number," I insisted, using my free hand to dip into my pants pocket and snag a hundred-dollar bill before sliding the bill into his hand.

  His eyes widened before shooting to each side of the room to double-check his co-workers weren't paying attention to us and witnessed the exchange. The money crumpled into his hand before he tucked it securely into his pocket; money always talked.

  "Seventh floor, apartment five," he said quickly, his voice hoarse.

  I grinned and tapped my hand against the counter. "Thanks, dude." I shot him a sharp salute with my hand before shifting around on one leg in search of the elevators.

  "Of course you bribe him with money," Gabby hissed, joining me in the elevator. I pushed my finger against the large seven button and watched it light up. As soon as the doors shut, I wrapped my arms around her stiff body and pushed her against the mirrored wall behind us.

  A sharp breath kicked out of her throat, and she looked up at me nervously. "I would shut that pretty mouth of yours, or I might have to put it to much better use," I whispered, gliding my thumb across the small crack of her lips. Her mouth fell open, allowing me more access, and I used that to my advantage. I leaned down, my hot mouth just inches from hers. I picked up on her short, ragged breaths as I stared into her blazing emerald eyes, our mouths just inches away from each other but not touching.

  Unable to hold myself back any longer, I leaned in to take her lips into mine, but she bent down, attempting to step around me. My arm darted out, smacking against the wall to block her from leaving me. "What happened in your office can't happen again," she said, exhaling through her nose as I stared down at her, my eyes boring into on her. She was trying to act like my close proximity wasn't affecting her, but her body told me differently.

  I trailed my hand down her side, resting it on the curve of her hip. "That will be happening again, baby." She opened her mouth, ready to give me her reasoning, but the elevator dinged just in time. Saved by the bell. I leaned forward, smashing my lips against hers, and pulling away quickly to leave out of the opening elevator doors.

  I caught a muttered "jackass" come out from behind me, and I laughed. Stretching my arm out, I snagged her hand in mine and continued to walk down the empty hallway. Her fingers interlaced with mine, like our hands were made to fit into each other’s. We kept our eyes and feet forward until we landed in front of the door with a giant five plastered onto it.

  "You should probably let me do the talking," I advised, apprehensive of Gabby’s actions. I could see her hyping the girl up and convincing her to tell John to go fuck himself.

  My knuckles slammed against the door at the same time I felt a sudden, rapid pain in my shin. “I told you I wouldn’t say anything stupid,” she said, unlatching her hand from mine.

  I laughed, and the door suddenly swung open. A tall, skinny blonde appeared in the doorway, matching the description of the pictures Asher had shown us. Her body was pretty much on display for us, only wearing a sheer tan nightie and a skimpy pair of boy shorts. "Who in the hell are you?" she asked, leaning against the doorframe, causing her top to rise up higher and give a better view of her sparkly belly-button ring reflecting in the hallway light.

  Gabby’s heel connected with my shin again, and I diverted my eyes away from the half-naked woman to her. I wasn't trying to check her out; I was just attempting to assess what I should do with the situation in front of me. "That doesn't matter," I answered, now focusing on the wall. "Can we come in?"

  Ivy blinked a few times. "Uh, hell no. You could be some crazy, psychotic serial killers."

  Gabby nudged my side with her hips and moved into my space. "Ivy, is it?" The woman nodded. "We're here on behalf of Governor Gentry; I hear you two know each other pretty well." Ivy's jaw dropped open at the same time Gabby shot her a friendly grin. "We understand you two are attempting to come up with some type of agreement," she added, tapping her foot against the door and crossing her arms across her chest. Damn, my girl meant business.

  "Oh," Ivy replied, popping the word off the tip of her tongue. She veered to the side, allowing us to slide between her and the doorway to enter her apartment. I held my arms up in the air during my pass to be sure I didn't accidently graze any part of her. The last thing I needed was Gabby thinking I was trying to get a grope in. "Are you going to tell me who you are now?" she asked, shutting the door and whipping around to face the two of us.

  My eyes moved around the apartment, taking it all in. Oh, yeah, Gentry was definitely paying for her crib; the apartment was almost as big as mine. I looked up, admiring the high cathedral ceiling. Large, white columns were separating the open floor plan. The white-leather furniture was still in great shape, almost new, and all of the new electronics were state-of-the-art. John had created the perfect bachelor-slash-I-want-to-hide-my-mistress pad.

  "We're from Douglas PR," I informed, taking a seat on the uncomfortable couch. Damn, you'd think John would've picked something more comfortable to fuck his mistresses on.

  She blew out a noisy breath. "Of course you are." Her hand shot out to the table, snagging a pack of cigarettes before sliding one into her mouth. "He always said you guys were the best." She lit the cigarette and took a large puff.

  I scratched my jaw, still refusing to completely focus on her. "Would you mind putting some clothes on?"

  Her mouth opened, and a cloud
of smoke fell out. "Wow, I think that's the first time I've ever been asked that question. You're either gay, or he's a keeper, honey," she replied, pointing the lit cigarette toward Gabby, causing her to freeze up. Ivy’s eyes pinned on me, and her lips slipped into an annoyed smile around her cigarette. “But whatever, I guess I can do that."

  She sauntered out of the room, and the couch indented as Gabby fell down beside me. "I can't believe you just asked her to put on clothes. You feeling okay?" She reached her arm up and felt my forehead with the back of her hand.

  I gripped her wrist, dragging her hand down my face, and pressed my lips into her palm. "I just had my hands in your panties, babe. I don't think it be cool if I was standing there checking her out in front of you. The only naked body I want to see is yours," I said, giving her hand another kiss before releasing it. I wasn't lying; I couldn't wait to get my hands back on that silky skin of hers. I'd never thought about Gabby and me before that night. But after everything, she was all I thought about. She was constantly embedded into my brain. Now that I'd had another hit, I needed more. I was like a damn addict, constantly thinking about when I could get more of her.

  Her cheeks grew pink. "Dalton, we had some silly make-out session. That doesn't mean we're going to fall hopelessly in love and live happily ever after in our golden castle," she mocked.

  I gripped her knee and rubbed the exposed skin. "Trust me; I'm fully aware of that." Even more than she was. "I like being around you, and I really like kissing you," I said, moving my hand up higher under the hem of her skirt. "And touching you." She whimpered as I slid my hand up more. "So how about you let me keep doing those things, and I'm certain that will make both of us very happy."

  "You don't know what makes me happy," she argued, refusing to look at me.

  "Then tell me what makes you happy."

  "Is this better?" Ivy's voice boomed through the room, interrupting us. Gabby swiped my hand off her. Ivy's outfit change didn't make too much of a difference; she’d changed into a pink-cotton robe that grazed the top of her thighs. It didn’t cover much more than her last ensemble, but at least her nipples weren’t saying hi to everyone anymore, and the cigarette was gone.

  "Sure," I grumbled, wanting Ivy to get the fuck away so I could continue my invigorating conversation with Gabby. "He's willing to give you five-hundred thousand," I said, getting straight to the point and low-balling the price. One of the first things I'd learned from my dad was to always start low; it was easier to go up than down when making business deals. "Take it or leave it, but if I were you, I'd take the money and get the hell out of town."

  "I want ten million,” she replied, clearly insulted by John’s offer.

  "You talk; you'll never get a job in this city again. This new place?" I threw my hands out, gesturing to the large apartment. "Say bye-bye," I said, waving my hand. I'd seen it happen plenty of times. Women would get tired of the men’s broken promises and insist they leave their wives. When the men refused, they’d go tell everyone who’d listen about their sordid affair as a way of revenge. But in the end, it only fucked the mistress. They’d lose the guy who was paying for all of their shit. On top of that, they’d forever be known as ‘the other woman’. When their kids would Google their name in the future, those would be the first stories to pop up.

  Her face reddened. "You don't know that."

  "He's a very powerful man. Unless you want to be flipping burgers or selling discount shoes somewhere, I'd take my advice. Take the five-hundred thousand, and keep your mouth shut."

  Ivy hugged herself with her arms. "I want ten million dollars. Now go back and report that to that limp-dick asshole. It's all or nothing." The couch shifted as Gabby started to rise up, taking that as our cue to leave, but I grabbed her arm and pulled her back down; I never caved that easily.

  I pushed to my feet and geared up for my reasoning. "What happened with you and your Economics professor your freshman year?" I asked, and her head jerked up. "Do you honestly want to be labeled as the whore who chases after married men? A ring chaser? We have these." I pulled out the stack of pictures from my pocket that Asher had given me. I scattered the photos, one by one, onto the glass coffee table. Her eyes got wide and she picked up one of the several nude pictures. "These photos can be easily distributed all over the internet. Perverts will be jacking off to you." Her body went rigid. "What will your parents think about you then?" I pointed to a random photo. "This will haunt you forever if you go forward. You do know that, don’t you? You work in politics; you’re smart enough to know that. If you don't talk, we'll burn these, and you'll never hear from us again."

  She dropped the photo in her hand, and it fell onto the floor. "I'm not a whore."

  "I'm not judging you, but the public will." If the chick wanted to fuck every man in this city, I personally didn’t give a shit. But everyone loved a juicy scandal, especially one involving a popular politician who had his eye on being the future president.

  "Four million," she countered.

  "Three. Final offer."

  She huffed, her overly large lips forming a scowl. "Fine, but I want the money transferred into my account by tomorrow morning." Thank you, Jesus.

  I grabbed a folded paper from my pocket. "I'll make sure it's there. Here's the non-disclosure agreement. I just need your signature here." I pointed to the line and handed over a pen.

  She snatched the paper out of my hands, and her eyes scanned over it quickly. "I need to read over this, and you can come pick it up later." Fuck, I didn't want to come get it later. I needed to get this shit done pronto. Her attention moved to Gabby, who was bringing herself up from the couch again. "Girl to girl, be careful. Men in this business are snakes."

  "Trust me. I'm fully aware," Gabby replied, walking past us and out of her apartment.

  Taking that as my cue to leave, I nodded at Ivy. "I'll be here to pick that up later." It wasn't a good idea to leave without the signed form in my hands, but I could tell Gabby was pissed. When I'd dropped the naked pictures on the table and threatened Ivy, I caught a glance of her face, and it wasn't pretty. She'd lost respect for me for that action, and I didn't blame her.

  "Well, that was fun," I said, catching up with a heated Gabby and sliding between the closing elevator doors as she stood there with her arms crossed.

  She hit the main floor button and raised a brow. "Fun, my ass; that was rude as hell. We shouldn't go around blackmailing people, especially with nude pictures they sent to someone in confidence. That goes against my girl duties. Girls aren't supposed to do that shit to other girls; it's just cruel." She shook her head, wrapping a strand of hair around her fingers and shoving it behind her ear. "Plus, I thought you said John didn't want to pay anything more than two million dollars?"

  "He'll pay it." There was too much on the line. I knew he wasn't going to have a problem paying more.

  She eyed me skeptically. "An extra million dollars is a lot of money."

  "Not to him."

  She blew out a breath. "You people have serious problems. That money could go toward feeding starving kids, and they’re paying it to save themselves from dealing with their grown-up actions.”

  I leaned back against the wall. “Welcome to the real world, baby.”

  Asher took an oversized bite of his cheeseburger that was almost as big as my head and swallowed. "Did you get the hot chick to take the money and run?" he asked.

  I nodded. "Yep." Thank God. Her accepting the offer meant our partner work would be done, and I wouldn't have to spend any more time with Dalton. The more I was around him, the more he was tearing my defensive walls down, and that couldn't happen.

  "And?" he asked, waiting for me to elaborate.

  "And the case is confidential." I dragged my teeth over my straw and took a drink of water. I still felt terrible blackmailing that girl. Even though I wasn't the one doing the actual threatening, it was still a shitty thing to do.

  He held out his arm with the burger gripped in his hand. "What
the hell, Gabs. I worked the damn case with you." He snatched a fry form my plate and popped it into his mouth. "I already know all the juicy gossip and lady bits of the case." His eyebrows waggled, and I tossed a fry his way. "Is she as hot clothed as she is naked?"

  "I wouldn't know. She was practically naked when she answered the front door." I kept my gaze on Dalton the entire time we were at Ivy's. I was waiting for him to hit on her, steal a touch or do something asshole-ish to give me a reason to fight the feelings I had for him. But he had to go and act like the perfect gentleman until he pulled out the pictures. The way his face fell when he'd threatened Ivy let me know he didn't enjoy it; he just had to get it done. Now I was left with nothing but thoughts of how I wanted him to steal touches from me.

  After I'd lost my virginity to Dalton, I ended up having sex with my ex a few months later. But it was nothing like what had happened in Dalton's office. I'd never gotten excited like that before. I'd never panted and begged for someone's touch. When I'd had sex with Ross, I'd just done it to get it over with. I knew that's what he wanted, and I was afraid he'd break up with me if I didn't give in. I never craved his embrace while his tongue slid into my mouth like I did Dalton's. I never missed his touch after it left me like I did Dalton's.

  Asher grinned, his dimples popping out. "You've got to be kidding me! Man, I knew I picked the wrong job."

  I wiped my hands on my napkin. "Nope, Dalton actually had to ask her to put on clothes."

  His hand opened, and his burger dropped down onto his plate before holding his hand up. "Hold up, you’re talking about my cousin, Dalton, right?" I nodded in response. "Holy shit, what the fuck is wrong with him?"

  I shrugged; replaying in my mind what Dalton had told me when I'd asked him. "It was probably because I was there." And we had just almost gotten it on against his office wall just minutes before we had to leave to go see her.

  "Idiot," he mumbled, shaking his head. “But I probably would’ve done the same thing. She’s not shit compared to you.”


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