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Karma Page 13

by Charity Ferrell

  I felt her fingers tug onto my hair, and my eyes dashed up to look at her. I almost got off at the image in front of me. Her back was arched, her head back, her breasts and nipples pointing to the ceiling as she gripped mercilessly onto my hair. Seeing her like that, all her inhibitions gone and enjoying the pleasure I was giving her, was enough to set me off.

  I raised an arm up to her breast, massaging it while my mouth went back to work, my tongue moving faster. "You have to stop," she breathed out. My head throbbed as she attempted to pull my head up through the roots of my hair. I ignored her and kept at the task on hand of pleasuring her. "Please," she begged. "I can't take it anymore."

  "Just let go," I said loudly against her clit, dragging my other hand up to massage her swollen clit that was begging for my attention.

  "Holy shit!" She yelped, her fingers leaving my hair and gripping the sheets. I continued my torture on her pussy until she let out a loud moan as an orgasm shattered through her body. I licked her a few more times, as she came down from her high, her body parts growing limper. As badly as I wanted to watch her face while she came, I had to save that for later because I couldn’t quit tasting her.

  I rose up and gently brought down the delicate legs from my shoulders. She looked down at me nervously. "I'm not sure if I should have sex with you or not," she drew out, swallowing hard.

  I moved up her body, my hand caressing her face. "We don't have to have sex; I just wanted to make you feel good." And that was my cue to get my ass up and take a cold shower.

  She smiled. "Thank you. That was amazing."

  I bent down to kiss her on the lips, letting her taste herself, and ignoring my own throb between my legs. "My pleasure."

  Her eyes went from my face to my rock-hard cock and she licked her lips. "You need help with that?" she asked, biting the edge of her mouth before her tongue swept over it again. Fuck, I didn't want her to feel pressured, but her fixing me up sounded much more satisfying than using my own hand. I couldn't stop myself from leaning down and stroking my straining cock once.

  "You don't have to if you don't feel comfortable," I reassured, my muscles jumping under my skin.

  She grinned. "Oh, I want to." Damn, my girl was naughtier than I thought. She lifted herself up before falling back down onto her knees in front of me, her mouth landing directly in front of my standing erection. Every muscle tensed up, and I lost my airflow at the first swipe of her tongue gliding down my aching cock. I hissed as she immediately took me into her warm, hot mouth and sucked on me gently. My eyes shuttered down as I tangled my fingers into her soft, silky hair. Her eyes peered up at me as she sucked me in and out, never breaking our eye contact.

  Her mouth continued to work my cock as she dropped her hand down to cup my balls and massage them gently. My nerve endings stirred every time I felt those perfect lips glide against my cock. "Don't stop, fuck, don't stop," I gasped, moving my hips in sync with her head. Her pace heightened, like she sensed I was getting close, and I tightened my hold on her hair. "I'm going to come," I warned, wanting to give her the chance to pull away if she didn't want me to cum in her mouth. She didn't stop, and I took that as permission to release inside her. I growled in the back of my throat, and my head fell back as I felt my entire body jerk. She stroked me, milking every last drop out of me before swallowing and releasing my cock. Her arm shot out to wipe her mouth with her hand before giving me a victorious smile.

  "Was that okay?" she asked, looking up at me innocently.

  My entire body shook, and it took me a few minutes to come back down from the high I was riding. "That was fucking amazing," I finally answered, bending down and kissing the top of her forehead.

  She grinned, clearly proud of herself.

  This girl was going to ruin me, I knew it. There was no way goddamn way I'd be able to commit to anyone else now that I'd had a taste of her.

  I stretched my legs against the cold leather of Dalton’s couch. “I need to get home,” I muttered sleepily. We'd been lying on his couch for hours watching TV, too exhausted to get up and do anything else. Asher had called and wasn’t too happy about my sleeping arrangements. I didn't blame him. He was just looking out for me because I obviously did a pretty sucky job at doing it myself.

  Dalton pressed his moist lips to my shoulder. “I’ll run you home to shower and change, but we’ve got somewhere to be later,” he replied, wrapping his arms around me. I leaned against him, my back getting closer to his chest while I rested between his legs. His arm darted out and ran across my bare stomach, causing goose bumps to scatter across my skin. Instead of putting my clothes from the last night back on, I was only wearing a bra and a pair of Dalton's gym shorts I snagged from a drawer.

  As much as I wanted to deny my attraction to Dalton, I knew us being together was bound to happen again. What I was surprised about was the reaction he always seemed to get out of me. Dalton unleashed feelings in me I’d never experienced before. Whenever my girlfriends would talk about how much they enjoyed sex, I'd never been able to share my own experiences. Sure, I liked messing around with guys, but I'd never had anything feel as satisfying as it did with Dalton. I'd never melted at someone's touch; feeling like my body was loosening up and losing control. He was giving me that, what I'd been craving all along. It wasn’t only about sex, either. He made me feel special, he made me feel wanted and he liked me for me. Not too many people saw the girl behind the nasty gossip with the mom from the trailer park.

  “We have somewhere to be?” I questioned, lifting my chin and looking up at him. Morning stubble scattered across his cheeks, and his hair was messy from being tortured by my hands in my moment of pleasure. “Please tell me it’s not work. It’s Saturday, and you bet your ass I’m not going in on a weekend."

  I felt his chest move as he chuckled. “It’s a surprise,” he answered, squeezing my side and trailing his fingers down my arm. “I promise it’s not work.”

  “The only surprises I like are the ones that come in a gift-wrapped box.” I absolutely despised surprises. Every single time someone said they had a surprise for me; it ended up being a surprise from hell. My mom said it was a surprise when she told me she was marrying Kenneth. She'd also told me the same thing when she'd informed me we were moving in with him and I had to switch schools. Since then, the word ‘surprise’ came with nothing but pure dread.

  “You’ve got to trust me, babe.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t trust very many people.” Everyone always broke their promises at some point, so I’d learned never to get my hopes up. In the end, people never failed to disappoint you, even if they swore up and down they wouldn't.

  “That’s a problem,” he growled, kissing my neck. I giggled as his stubble tickled along my skin but not enough to stop me from tilting my head to the side to allow him more access.

  “If you don’t trust anyone, you don’t get hurt. Simple as that.”

  His mouth moved to my earlobe, and I felt my clit pulsate. “True, but if you don’t trust anyone, you’re pretty much setting yourself up for a lonely fucking life,” he argued, his voice raspy against my ear.

  I twisted my body around to face him and threw my legs under me so we were eye level. “I’m going to end up lonely, period. I’m cursed, remember?”

  He laughed, brushing a stand of hair behind my ear. “You’re not cursed, baby.”

  “I am, too,” I screeched, tossing my hands up. “We’ve already had this discussion, and there’s no changing my mind. Eventually you’ll see for yourself.” My stomach tightened at my revelation. I was afraid of Lady Karma ripping him away from me.

  His hand moved to my cheek, and he slowly began to stroke it softly. “Then call me a fucking prince, a guy witch or whoever fixes that shit, because I’m going to break that curse.” I laughed, averting my eyes and focusing on the rough feel of the couch. His hands slid down to my chin, bringing my eyes back up to his. “I’m going to kick that curse’s ass so hard it won’t come near you again,” he
added, and I let out a light giggle. “You hear me?” His fingers trailed over to my mouth, tracing the outline of my top lip back and forth.

  “It’s a warlock,” I replied, and his hand froze.

  He blinked twice before saying anything. “I’m sorry, what?”

  “It’s a warlock,” I began to explain. “Guy witches are warlocks.”

  His eyes went wide, and he pressed his palms to my cheeks. “Are you fucking kidding me, babe? Out of all of that shit, you picked up that I got the male witch reference wrong. Jesus, maybe you are cursed,” he responded, his mouth twitching into a wide smile, showing me all of his pearly-white teeth.

  “I told you.”

  His lips touched mine then pulled away; he snapped his fingers in front of my face. “There, now the curse is gone. It’s been broken.”

  I shook my head. “A kiss that breaks the curse? This isn’t a Disney movie, buddy.”

  A sly smile appeared on his face. “We can try some other methods then,” he said, arching his eyebrows and running his hand across my stomach, brushing the bottom of my breasts in the motion.

  My head tilted to the side. “Hmm, I guess we could do some research.” I squealed when his hand reached behind me and unsnapped my bra.

  I looked back into my mirror to see Asher throwing himself onto my bed, bouncing up from the force before positioning himself comfortably. "I'm thinking sushi tonight," he called out. I whipped around and noticed the large smile on his face falter. "Or we can go somewhere nicer," he suggested, his eyes narrowing in on my outfit. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed.

  Dalton had told me to dress nice but nothing too formal. I'd decided on a black pair of shorts, a bright yellow halter-top with fringe at the ends and tall black wedges with gold details along the top. My outfit wasn't necessarily too nice for sushi, but I didn't normally dress up when we went to dinner. My eyes focused on the wall behind him. "I actually have plans tonight," I replied hesitantly, biting the corner of my lip. I felt bad ditching him. I was half-tempted to cancel with Dalton and hang out with Asher out of guilt, but as much as I hated surprises, I was curious to know what Dalton had planned.

  "No big deal," he answered, shrugging. "You hanging out with your girls tonight?"

  I shook my head, swallowing the hot lump in my throat before telling him the truth. "Dalton."

  He let out a deep sigh, rubbing the back of his neck. "I thought we agreed you were going to be careful around him, Gabs?"

  "I am. We're just hanging out, that's it," I said, pulling at the end of my shorts.

  "You spend the night with him last night, and now you're going on another damn date with him tonight. That sure as hell seems like more than just hanging out." I opened my mouth to argue but his hand went up, cutting me off. "I'm not trying to play the big, overprotective-stepbrother role or whatever, but when I told you to be careful, I meant it. I care about you, and you deserve someone a hell of a lot better than my cousin."

  "Like you?" I snapped back, noticing the words sounded bitchier coming out of my mouth than they did in my head. He winced at my words. Yep, they definitely sounded bitchier. I swear I had a speech impediment that made everything I said sound bitchy. I took a step forward his way. "Shit, Asher, I didn't mean it like that."

  He slammed his eyes shut before lunging up from the bed and walking backwards, away from me. "You know what?" he said, his voice wavering. "We both know I have feelings for you." I gaped at him, my eyes wide. "Yes, Gabby, I have fucking feelings for you. When I first met you, I'd already had my mind set on hating this chick whose mom ruined my entire life. The chick whose mom caused my own to cry herself to sleep at night and move away from everyone she loved. I was expecting to gain some evil, bitchy stepsister who was using my dad for his money. But you weren't. No, the girl I met was far from that. She was compassionate and caring. She was a complete smartass who wasn't afraid to tell you to fuck off. I could tell you wanted nothing to do with any of us, but you stuck by your mom's side because you have such a strong love for her; for everyone you care about. You are one of the most loyal and fascinating people I've ever met."

  "Asher," I breathed out, scrambling for the right words while still processing his.

  "These past few weeks I've been here, I've wanted to spend all my time with you. You're constantly on my mind. I want to know what you're doing and if you're thinking about me, too. You're the first thought on my mind in the morning and the last thought before I go to sleep." His face tightened. "Last night when you were with him, I didn't sleep a fucking wink."

  "Asher," I repeated, still at a loss for words. Asher was my stepbrother; we couldn't be in a relationship. Then there was Dalton; goddamn Dalton, the ruiner of everything. I had feelings for Dalton I couldn't get rid of, and I knew that would only hurt Asher in the end. I couldn't be with him if I couldn't give myself to him one hundred percent.

  He took two long strides before he reached me. His arm reached out, and I inhaled a breath as he dragged his fingers along my cheeks. His breathing was heavy as we focused our eyes on each other. "If the feeling isn't mutual, I understand," he said, his voice strained. "But please, don't give yourself to someone who won't appreciate what he has. Don't fucking give them to somebody who’s going to use it to his selfish advantage and hurt you, because that's exactly what will happen if you give in to him."

  My shallow breathing matched his as we both stared into each other's eyes. His azure eyes stayed on mine, searching for my answer. Could I do it? Could I forget everything I'd told myself and take that leap with Asher? Every excuse of how we could go wrong ran through my mind. No, he lived in Miami and it would never work. And Dalton, there was no way I'd be able to stay away from him. In the end, whatever option I chose, I knew I'd end up losing Asher in the end. I just wasn't sure which one would be the easiest for me. For us.

  I opened my mouth, attempting to speak while he waited, but no words came out of my lips. I wanted to explain everything to him. I wanted him to know why we couldn't go beyond friendship. Lady Karma would've started sharpening her nails at our first kiss, plotting to ruin us. "You know I can’t," I squeaked out. My answer was lame, but I didn't know how else to explain my reasoning to him.

  His jaw muscles ticked. "I get it," he snarled, turning around on his heel and storming out of my bedroom. I let out a gasp of air I'd been holding in and collapsed onto my bed at the same time the front door slammed shut. I gulped, wrapping my arms around my body as I felt the first teardrop smack into my bare knee. Sniffling, I swiped a few tears away, noticing black mascara smeared on the side of my hand. Just perfect. Rubbing my thumb over the black smudge, I grabbed my stuffed bear, Mr. Piggles, and snuggled him into my side. Mr. Piggles always made everything better for me.

  My head shot up at the sound of the front door creaking open. Thank God, Asher was coming back to work things out. The footsteps grew louder coming up the stairs as I prepared my apology in my head.

  "What's wrong, baby?" I squinted through blurry eyes, finding Dalton standing in the doorway, his body stiff.

  I hiccupped, swiping a few more tears off my face. "Asher and I got into a fight," I stuttered.

  He strode across the room and fell down beside me. His hand palmed my knee and began rubbing it gently. "He'll get over it," he said, his voice gentle.

  My head drooped down. "No, I was pretty shitty toward him." I sucked at expressing my feelings to people. I'd always been that way; I bottled everything up inside. My mom was always working when I was growing up, and I had no other family, so I was responsible for taking care of myself while she was working two jobs. I didn't have a babysitter because we couldn't afford to pay one. I learned how to deal with my problems by myself. By the age of seven, I was cooking my own meals, bathing myself and getting ready for bed by the time my mom got home.

  "If there's one thing I remember about my baby cousin, it's that he forgives easily. I used to do the most fucked-up shit to him when we were younger, and he would always forg
et about it five minutes later," he said, squeezing my leg in reassurance.

  I slumped down. "This is different," I replied, picking at the fabric on my comforter. "I didn't give him a swirly or shove his head in the dirt. I hurt him.”

  His hand moved up my leg and interlaced our fingers. "You broke his heart." I cocked my head to the side, gaping at him. "Oh, come on, I'm not stupid. I know he likes you."

  "You don't know anything," I argued, rubbing my free knuckle against my temple.

  "I'll let you deny it, babe. That's cool. I just want to thank you."

  My eyes narrowed into slits. "For what? Ripping his heart out?"

  "For choosing me."

  I flicked his hand out of mine. "I didn't choose you. I didn't choose anyone. We're just friends." I was lying, but I was irritated. I had just broken Asher's heart and Dalton was acting all smug about it.

  "I think this morning proved we’re far from just being friends," he fired back.

  I pushed him in the side and he grunted. "Seriously? Get out of my house."

  He groaned, his head falling back. "Sorry, I’m acting like an asshole," he groaned, slouching down next to me. At least he admitted it. He grabbed my hand in his and kissed it. "I just wish you would quit fighting me on this."

  "I don't go sleeping around."

  His eyes locked with mine. "Babe, we wouldn't be sleeping around. I'd be with you and you'd be with me. No one else, the two of us together. Why are you so convinced I'm this horrible person when you’ve never even given me a chance?”


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