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Karma Page 15

by Charity Ferrell

  I broke away from the kiss and licked her ear lobe. "You've got to be quiet, baby. You don't want them to know I'm playing with your pretty pussy, do you?" I whispered, swiping my finger through her wetness again before returning back to her swollen clit, rubbing it rougher as our arousal heightened.

  The hand not worshipping the best pussy I'd ever tasted moved down and separated her legs wider, giving me more room to pleasure her. It was a pain in the ass trying to work her with those tight-ass shorts on, but that wasn’t going to hold me back. Dragging my finger down lower, her back jerked, her ass hitting my cock when she felt me slowly caress her soft opening. I briefly wondered how much trouble I'd get into if I pulled down her panties and started pounding my hard cock into her tight pussy; I wasn't sure if my dad would've been able to fix that one for me.

  The tempo of the music changed at the same time I plunged my finger into her. The music slowed down as I added a second finger. Her head fell back against my shoulder as I pumped my fingers in and out of her wetness. Grabbing her head, I turned it around and kissed her again. It was sloppier this time, and I was sure we looked like a fucking hot mess if anyone looked our way. Her legs wide open, my hand down her pants and her rubbing her ass against my hard cock as we kissed would've made for a hell of a scene.

  "You want it?" I asked, my hand moving faster. She broke away from my kiss, her head moving back against my chest, and I knew she was close. My mind rushed through the million ways I wanted to fuck her as she began to let go. Her entire body locked up against me, and she shuddered a few times before going completely limp against me.

  "That was amazing," she puffed, out of breath.

  Watching her cum was one of the sexiest things I’d ever seen, and each time it got better because I knew I was the one who was giving her that pleasure. I was the only guy who instantly made her panties wet when I touched her. I fucking loved being that person.

  She shifted back around, kissing me again before moving her hand and cupping my aching bulge. "Your turn," she grinned. Fuck, if my cock wasn't excited enough, he was now ready to burst out of my fucking jeans. The only problem was there wasn't a way to fix it. She couldn't just pull out my cock, get down on her knees and suck me off in front of an arena full of people. That sounded fucking awesome, but it wasn't going to be happening.

  I laughed, my dick instantly hating me. "I don't think now is the best time, beautiful."

  She looked around and laughed. "Wow, I'm messed up," she muttered, her gaze going to the dirty floor beneath us.

  I wrapped my arms around her and suckled on her neck. "You're not messed up for wanting me," I said against her skin. "I don't want you to be embarrassed for wanting me and don’t worry; we’ll have plenty of fun when we get home.”

  What in the utter hell was wrong with me?

  I was morphing into some Dalton fiend where his hands had to be on my body at all times or I was going to flip my shit. Dalton withdrawals, what a damn thing for a girl to suffer from. No matter how many times I heard his voice whisper in my ear or felt his hands on my body, I always craved more of him. When he'd slipped his hands down my panties during the concert, it was the most erotic feeling I'd ever had.

  "I've missed you, love." My eyes flashed forward to see Tristan standing above me as I was slouched back in the couch in the VIP room we'd been in earlier. He squatted down, taking Dalton's abandoned seat next to me.

  He looked drained. His charcoal-colored eyes looked tired, and his dark hair was tousled, dripping wet with water from his after-show shower. He'd changed out of his stage clothes into an old t-shirt and a pair of cargo shorts. I loved when he was relaxed. I noticed the room wasn't as busy as it had been before the show, and I knew that was the only reason he was hanging out in here. Tristan wasn't a fan of large crowds because people liked to sell stories about him.

  I leaned my weight into him, hugging his side and resting my head on his shoulder. "I've missed you, too. You've just been so busy with your world tour," I replied, grinning. This was Slayer Town's first tour and I was so proud of him, I wanted to burst at the seams. They'd just made it big when we first met, and he'd talk about how his biggest dream was to headline on his own world tour. "Is it everything you wanted and more?" I beamed.

  He stretched his long legs out in front of him. "It's definitely more. It's so fucking amazing, Gabs," he answered, a little grin lifting on the side of his mouth. "The new cities, the fans, everything. It's crazy to have fans that aren't just locals from the old, run-down bars we used to play at. Every night is like a fucking adrenaline rush."

  I grinned against his shoulder and squeezed his arm. "I'm so proud of you."

  He grabbed my face in his hand, lifted it up and pressed his hot lips to my forehead. "It would be better if you were there with me." Tristan had asked me out plenty of times but I always declined. He was a rock star, and that was really going to set me up for a miserable time with karma. I also wasn't big on being in the public eye and being constantly scrutinized by the entire world. I couldn't even go get coffee with him in public. If we'd been photographed together, I'd instantly be labeled as his current fling, and I'd be pregnant with his twin babies.

  His finger replaced his lips on my forehead, tapping against it. "Although, I am a tad mad at you," he said, his gaze withering.

  "About what?"

  "You give Dalton fucking Douglas a chance but not me?"

  I shook my head, moving a strand of hair behind my ear. "It's not like that."

  "Right," he drew out. "And how many times have you told that lie, babe? Don't think I missed the show you two put on during my show."

  I looked up at him horrified. "W-what?" I stuttered. If he saw us, I wondered how many other people knew what we were up to.

  "You think I'd know you're at my show and not watch you the entire time?" I swallowed hard and fidgeted with my bracelet. "But I did have to look the fuck away when I saw the jackass playing with your pussy right in front of my fucking stage.”

  My chest caved in, and I covered my face with both hands. "This is horrifying," I groaned, keeping my face covered and shaking my head in embarrassment.

  He pulled my hands away one by one. "Don't be embarrassed, love. It's sexy as fuck when a woman is open sexually. I just wish I was the one who was making you feel that good."

  He smiled down at me as I bit down on my bottom lip. "It's complicated."

  I felt his hand tap my thigh before resting on it. "You, my dear, are always complicated. I just want you to be happy, and you looked happy with him. Just promise me one thing."


  "If he fucks up, you’ll give me a chance."

  "Tristan," I groaned, tossing my head back against the couch.

  "No arguing. Just promise me." His hand stayed on my thigh and he moved forward, his face only inches from mine. I knew I should've pushed him away, but my brain was still not functioning right from the mind-blowing orgasm Dalton had given me earlier. I also hated being put on the spot, and that was exactly what Tristan was doing to me. I knew deep down that Dalton and I weren't going to work out in the end. We were just biding time. We'd never be anything long-term. His parents would never allow it. Then Tristan would be waiting for me to fulfill my promise.

  "You mind taking your fucking hands off her?" My head snapped up to see a red-faced Dalton. His knuckles were clenched together in tight balls, and a large vein was bulging in his neck.

  Tristan peeled his hand away from me, laughing. "He seems pretty jealous for someone who’s just a friend," he commented, eyeing me carefully and ignoring the raging Dalton beside us. "We're leaving tomorrow morning, so I probably won't see your beautiful face before then. But next time I'm in town, we're catching up. Hopefully, your relationship status will have changed in my favor."

  "Don’t fucking hold your breath on that, Eisles," Dalton snarled, giving Tristan a murderous glare.

  Tristan laughed again, ignoring Dalton's threatening gaze, and grabbed my hand to kiss
it. He raised himself up from the couch slowly, moving around Dalton's stiff body and joining a crowd of groupies in the corner. Reason number nine-hundred-and-sixty-three that I would never date a rock star: groupies made my stomach churn.

  Dalton immediately threw himself down into the open seat. "You let him fuck you?" he asked, his voice harsh.

  I cringed at his blunt, rude words. "Not cool."

  "Answer my question, Gabby." Damn, the whole caveman thing he was trying to pull needed to stop.

  "No, Tristan has never had sex with me, not that it's any of your damn business."

  He worked his jaw. "It is my business."

  I snorted. "Sorry, but it's not."

  "Anyone who's not me that you're with is my damn business and my problem."

  I shifted on the couch to directly face him. "Did you want me to join a convent or something, awaiting the day when we possibly would have sex again?" I raised an eyebrow. "Let's be real." He was starting to piss me off, and I noticed wandering eyes and curious looks turning our way.

  He massaged his temples with the palm of his hands. "I don't know. Fuck, I was hoping it would only be me who’s been inside of you."

  "And I'm the only girl you've been with since New Year's?" His eyes flashed down to the couch, and I took his silence as the answer I'd already known. "Exactly," I snapped. I didn't like the fact that he'd been with other girls either, but that wasn't anything I could change or be pissed at him for.

  "Who was it?" he asked, his eyes back on me.

  My eyes grew wide. "Seriously? You don't see me questioning you about your past flings." Nor did I want to know.

  "Or they?"

  I threw my hands down on the couch. "It was one guy, my ex-boyfriend. Any more questions, mood-killer? I think it's a good idea if we don't talk about past relationships."

  "We need to talk about this shit. That's what people in relationships do."

  My head whipped up and my breathing hitched. "What did you just say?"

  "I'm not repeating all of that."

  "You said we were in a relationship," I said, suddenly finding myself trying to fight a smile. Damn it, I was supposed to be pissed at him.

  His head jerked back. "What the hell do you think we are?"

  "Are we boyfriend and girlfriend?" I asked, swallowing hard.

  "I'm not one for labels, baby. We can be whatever you want to be. I can be your boyfriend, your lover, your idolizer, your friend," he answered, his hand stroking my cheek.

  "What would you prefer we be?" I questioned, suddenly feeling dizzy.

  "I'll be whatever you want to be," he answered, lacing his fingers through mine and drawing in closer.

  "Idolizer? I think I like that," I replied, letting out a giggle.

  "All right, girlfriend-slash-lover-slash-idol, are you ready to go?" he asked, keeping our hands together as he rose forward, dragging me up with him.

  "I actually think I like that one better," I said, keeping my fingers laced with his the entire time we walked out of the building and to his car.

  We barely made it through the door before our mouths connected and our hands reached for the other's body. The ride back to his place had been pure torture. We'd played a sick, sadistic game of battle of the touches. I'd slowly run my hand down his arm as he steered through traffic. When we'd hit a stoplight, he'd fire back by trailing his fingertips across my bare thigh, stopping just at the hem of my shorts. I'd feel the sudden tingles between my legs roar to life, ready for more of his touch, but the moment he sensed it, he'd move his hand away and give his attention back to the road. Then the game would start back over. That car ride was the most excruciating thirty minutes of my life.

  "I've been craving you all night," he breathed against my lips. He flipped the light switch as he pushed me against the wall and grinded his erection against my core. I squealed, feeling his strong hands lift me up in his arms. He slipped his hands underneath me, holding me under my ass as I began to grind into him, begging for a stronger connection. I needed to be closer; I wanted our bodies to become one.

  Our bodies slid against each other’s perfectly. His hands fell away from my ass, and my legs fell limp against the floor. Grasping my hips with one hand, he quickly unbuttoned my shorts with the other. "God, yes," I moaned. His hand dipped under the waistband of my panties and went directly to my clit, massaging it with the tip of his finger. My head rolled back, smacking against the hard wall as I melted into his touch. "Let's go to bed, baby," he groaned, his finger moving down and swirling through my arousal.

  "No," I panted, barely finding the strength to get that one syllable word out of my mouth. "This is perfect." I slid my hands between the buttons of his shirt, slicing through the opening and ignoring the sound of them scattering along the hard floor; I was a woman on a mission to get him naked. His hooded gaze looked down on me as a mischievous grin spread over his thick lips. He shivered as my fingertips ran down his hard chest, my touch lingering near his nipples before leaning down and licking one.

  He growled, pushing my legs together to rid me of my shorts and dragging my panties along with them. He threw them across the room, and his hands moved to my thigh, rubbing up and down slowly before shoving them apart roughly. His moist lips smashed into mine again, kissing me full on the mouth at the same time he slipped a finger inside me. My body jerked against the wall, and I held my breath as he slipped another finger inside of me and curled them upward.

  "Ride my fingers, baby," he whispered into my ear, and I happily obliged. A wave of tingles flowed from the center of my body down to my core as he slammed his fingers into my rotating hips over and over again. It was coming. God, it was coming, and it felt so damn good. I lost complete control of my body, handing it over to him as waves of pleasure rushed through my veins.

  His fingers slid out of me, and he wrapped my limp legs back around his waist to hold me up. "When I'm inside of you for our second first time, it isn't going to be against my damn wall," he grunted, walking toward the bedroom.

  I giggled, still riding the high of my orgasm. "Our second first time? I don't think that counts."

  "Every time counts with us. Every touch. Every kiss. Every time I slide my dick into that hot pussy of yours. Every fucking time counts," he breathed into my ear. I giggled again; apparently, I turned into an annoying schoolgirl when I was turned on, which was disturbing.

  The bedroom lit up, and he tossed me down gently onto his unmade bed. I could still sense the smell of sex from our morning fun on the sheets. I inhaled it deeply as my sluggish eyes focused on his lean body slithering up mine, lust filling his face. He took my mouth in his, grinding his jeans-covered erection between my bare legs. The fabric was rough against my skin, but I didn't let that stop me from pressing back into him.

  My heart pounded against my chest when he pulled away, shedding the rest of our clothes until we were both bare for each other. He reached down, cupping my breast before his mouth attached onto my hard nipple, his teeth raking against it before suckling hard. My entire body lit up, and I shut my eyes as he slid inside of me slowly, his mouth still working my nipple. I opened up my legs wider, adjusting to his large size, and he began to rock in and out of me. My head fell back against the cold pillow as I cried out in pleasure.

  "Look at me," he grunted, slowing down his pace while I urged him to do the opposite. "I want to see your face as I keep sinking deeper inside you." My head flew up, my eyes fastening onto his fiery ones as he began to thrust harder inside me. I lost control of my body, of my mind, as I grinded against him, rotating my hips as our sweaty skin slid against each other's. The room quickly became filled with nothing but the sound of slapping flesh and our deep moans.

  "Oh, my God," I whimpered, knowing what was coming. I wanted to get off this high but also wanted it to last forever. My inner muscles clenched and I begged it to stop, to let us keep going, but I felt every muscle in my body loosen and I went limp against the bed. Dalton continued to pound into me, his hand mo
ving to my clit to massage it in circles.

  "One more time," he insisted. “Give it to me one more time, baby.”

  "Nu uh," I said, slapping my head back and forth against the bed. "That's not happening." There was no way he was doing that; I was done. My body was drained of all energy. I gasped as his hands went down to my ass, moving me into a sitting position with my torso tilted up as he continued to thrust into me faster. My eyes feasted on our connection, his wet cock covered in my juices and sliding in and out of me.

  He groaned, looking down at me and noticing my view. I licked my lips. That image alone was enough to send me over the edge again. And it did.

  My shaking fingers ached as I dragged them through his hair and down his neck to his chest. I reached for a nipple, twisting it with my hand and he groaned, his head falling back.

  A loud growl came from the back of his throat as his entire body stilled and his muscles tensed. "Holy fucking shit, you feel so damn good," he rasped, as I whimpered and my limp body fell against the bed, no longer able to hold myself up. He pounded into me a few more times before doing the same thing. "Oh fuck," he said, suddenly.

  My head shot up and looked over at him. "What?"

  "I forgot a condom," he said, crushing his eyelids together. "I never forget a fucking condom."

  "Okay, the last part of that sentence was unnecessary," I groaned. The last thing I wanted to hear while his cock was still inside me was him talking about other times with girls who weren't me. "I'm on the pill," I assured quickly, “and I'm clean."

  He exhaled a breath of relief. "Thank God. I'm so sorry. You felt so good wrapped around my fingers; I couldn't wait to feel that with my cock."

  I patted his arm and leaned up on my elbows to kiss him. "It's all right. We both forgot." I couldn't blame him when I hadn't thought about it, either. It was just as much my fault as it was his.


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