The Bachelor Boss (O'Rourke Family 3)

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The Bachelor Boss (O'Rourke Family 3) Page 15

by Julianna Morris

  Timothy Dumont was waiting at the sanctuary doors. “You are the loveliest bride I’ve ever seen, just like your mother,” he said. “Ready, darling?”

  Libby nodded and took her father’s arm. He would officiate during the ceremony, but she’d also asked him to walk her down the aisle, like any other dad.

  Though everyone stood and the church was impossibly full of their family and friends, Libby only saw Neil waiting in front of the altar, his loving, confident smile encompassing her.

  It was difficult to look away from him, even to focus on the words her father was speaking. For better or worse, richer or poorer…love everlasting. The cool gold ring sliding onto her finger, the wider circlet she put on Neil’s hand, all were a kaleidoscope of sound and sight and sensation. Then his arms were strong and sure around her, his kiss wiping everything else away.

  Their gazes clung for an endless moment, and the vows they’d spoken were repeated and affirmed in that silent communication. Promises that would never be broken because they were written in their souls.

  I love you. Neil’s mouth formed the words no one else could hear at the same moment she did the same.

  They both laughed, and he caught her in another kiss, more bawdy this time, more filled with heated forerunners of their coming night together.

  All at once Libby and Neil were surrounded by family, hugging and kissing them, congratulating each in turn. Tears were wiped away, cheer replacing nuptial sentiment, and the party moved to Huckleberry House, which had been cleaned and decorated for a wedding reception since it was the largest available space in Endicott.

  “To the bride and groom,” toasted Kane, smiling broadly as he lifted his glass. “And to the best management team in my company.”

  Everyone laughed as Libby blushed. Neil had insisted they become co-presidents of the division, equal partners in everything. It would be interesting. They’d already argued over a number of things, but it was fun making up, and they’d agreed to leave business at the doors of O’Rourke Enterprises.

  It was wonderful knowing he’d love and accept her no matter how much they disagreed.

  “Dear child, I’m so happy,” said Pegeen O’Rourke, giving Libby a kiss on her cheek. “I couldn’t have asked for a finer wife for my son.”

  “And you’ve been plotting it forever,” teased Neil.

  “What?” Confused, Libby looked between her new husband and mother-in-law.

  “Mom decided ages ago that you should marry me,” he explained. “She’s been awfully annoyed I didn’t cooperate before now.”

  “Anyone could have seen you were right for each other.” Pegeen gave him a severe glance, a look that was spoiled by the pleasure gleaming in her eyes. “Sometimes children need a little proddin’ in the right direction, remember that, Libby darlin’, with your own little ones.”

  Warmth spun through every cell of Libby’s body at the thought of carrying Neil’s baby, and from the heat in his gaze, she knew he was thinking about it, as well.

  “So, when are you going to get pregnant?” asked Shannon, handing Libby a glass of wedding punch.

  “We haven’t decided.”

  “Mom will be crushed if it isn’t tonight.”

  “I will not,” said her mother with great dignity. “And you should be thinking about startin’ your own family, child, instead of teasin’ your brothers.”

  “Me? I’m happy the way I am, thank you.” Yet a faint melancholy flashed in Shannon’s eyes before it was concealed, and Libby squeezed her hand. She understood. Shannon wanted to find her own Mr. Right, but he never seemed to come along.

  “Don’t be sad,” Neil murmured as Pegeen and Shannon walked away, still affectionately arguing about Shannon’s future as a mother. “She’ll figure it out. Like I did.”

  He pressed a kiss into Libby’s palm and she melted, unable to think of anything else.

  “Thank you for the watch,” he breathed. “It was perfect.”

  She sighed with pleasure.

  Though snow had finally fallen and stayed in the evergreen shadows, the day was unseasonably warm and bright…which was a good thing, Libby thought, considering her dress. She smiled a secret smile and touched the spaghetti strap at her left shoulder. Neil kissed her on the very same spot and his arm slid around her tummy, sweeping her against his chest. Warmth instantly suffused her, from the nape of her neck to the back of her thighs.

  “You feel so good,” he breathed, nuzzling the sensitive skin at her temple. “Smell so good. And that dress…” His hand flattened over her tummy, the thin satin catching slightly on his calluses. “You nearly gave me heart failure, walking down the aisle.”

  “You approve, then?”

  “Approve?” Neil let out a low, husky laugh. “Oh, yeah, I approve.” He would never forget the way Libby had looked coming to him, a vision of innocence and sexy awareness.

  Her gown was simplicity itself, a shimmering satin that draped low over her breasts, hugged her tummy and fell in soft, graceful folds from her hips. Her only adornments were a single rose, the antique crystal necklace he’d given her a few days before, and a veil of fragrance.

  He didn’t know if she’d chosen such a provocative wedding dress because she wanted him to forget she was a preacher’s daughter, or for some other reason, but he’d take care of any concerns she had on that score. Tonight. Libby might be a virgin, but she was a passionate, responsive woman who desired him. The thought took his breath away. He was the luckiest man alive.

  “What are you thinking about?” Libby whispered as they swayed together, his arms crossed over her waist, listening to their friends and family laugh and talk together.

  “Just how happy I am. I’m glad I finally figured out what was important.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “You. Our life together.” Neil turned Libby in his arms and gazed into her face. “You’re the only thing I can’t live without. You and our family will always come first.”

  “I know.”

  Her green eyes were shining with unqualified love and faith, and as he drew her closer, he heard his father’s voice.

  I’m proud of you, son.

  Neil smiled and gave Libby a kiss that was both tender and glittering with the passion to come. He loved her to the depths of his soul, and this was only the beginning.

  ISBN: 978-1-4603-5420-9


  Copyright © 2004 by Julianna Morris

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  *Bridal Fever!




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