Divine Fornication (The Complete Collection)

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Divine Fornication (The Complete Collection) Page 6

by Aimelie Aames

  She felt warm hands parting her buttocks, then a slick, wet cock coming to press upon her anus. Claire did what she could to relax as the pressure grew, then she heard Shard growl as his hot member slipped past her tight gates, filling her in just the right way.

  "Yes," she moaned as the two wolves drilled into her. Shard seemed to follow Flair's lead, the two of them thrusting in a syncopated rhythm that hit her in all the right places.

  Their breathing became bestial, and for an instant Claire knew fear while wondering if Shard would slip too far into wolf form and hurt her.

  However, the two wolves seemed to have more experience than Rend, stroking deeply into Claire while maintaining control of themselves.

  Together, the three of them moved, together the three of them groaned in pleasure.

  Claire felt herself tightening, the long muscles of her thighs quivering as the tension mounted. She burned with the heat of the two males inside her and tried to concentrate on keeping the moment of her climax at bay.

  With her own instincts, she knew that if she could but delay that exquisite moment, without letting it dwindle into a lost opportunity, the reward would be that much better.

  Her hands went to her breasts, seizing her own nipples. She rolled them between her fingers, the tingling pain of it only heightening her pleasure.

  The wolf with his wolf's cock buried in her back passage was panting hard. She could feel his hot breath wafting against her neck and knew he would not be able to hold out for long.

  Flair continued his deep thrusting, but his eyes were closed and a thick vein had risen on his forehead. She could only imagine that he did all he could to maintain his self control.

  Then, without warning, Claire's hips bucked as a ripple of pleasure rolled through her. A second wave slipped past her defenses, its delicious warmth inviting her to release.

  The two wolves had felt it, too, her muscles contracting around their cocks. They quickened their rhythm and Claire could feel them growing and swelling inside her.

  Sweat rolled down three brows, and three jaws clenched down as the orgasm that threatened at Claire's periphery forced itself forward, exploding behind her navel and taking them all.

  Shard went rigid, then blew into her, his wolf's cock pumping hard. Then Flair lost the concentration he had maintained, half shifting to wolf as he pumped into Claire, his ejaculation spraying deep and hot.

  Claire felt their members blowing into her and she came with contractions that carried her away, blinding her once more for a time.

  Drenched in sweat, the wolves pulled out of her suddenly, slipping back from her with their gazes averted to the ground.

  "I see you kept yourselves busy while I defended our way of life just now."

  Claire craned her head back to see the tattooed man of earlier, blood running freely down his neck. He held one hand to the side of his head, and if Claire was not mistaken, it appeared as though he was holding his ear in place.

  He looked down at Claire, then shook his head slowly and said, "I'm not judging you. Young wolves can get carried away and after some time with those cold bloodless bastards, I don't doubt you were tempted.

  "If anything, I feel sorry for you."

  His massive form wavered then seemed to fold in on itself, quickly condensing into a frighteningly large wolf. Dark bands ran through its thick fur and it tilted its head back, loosing a long, wavering howl toward the sky.

  All around them, wolves turned with more than half of them slipping through their fellow beasts. They gathered around the large, striped wolf named Braze as a tall man walked up to Claire.

  His hair was sandy brown with gleaming hints of red. The man nodded to the wolf named Braze and said, "Go then. Perhaps to one of those hospitals where they will sew your ear back in place.

  "Better that for you, than to wear your scars like a real wolf, Braze. Go back to the city where you belong."

  The darkly striped wolf raised its hackles, even as Claire could see one of its large ears hanging cocked and torn. With no other sign, it turned away from them and as a group, the urban wolves left the Ophanim's circle, flowing in silence away and back to the trails that would lead them to the asphalt streets and concrete towers of the city.


  The wolf had led Claire by the wrist to a large oak overlooking the clearing in one corner. Underneath the canopy of leaves, the ground was soft and dry, the grass low.

  The one the others treated as their leader had pulled her back from the rest, whispering that it was not safe.

  But here, Claire could almost believe that they were alone as a gentle breeze came to caress her skin and spangles of sunlight slipped through the leaves overhead to dance upon her skin.

  "Why do you hate him so?" Claire asked.

  Clash replied, "I don't think I would call it hate. Contempt might be a better word."

  "Ok, then...why so much contempt?"

  "It is because he was right. Sooner or later, the vampires will come and our greater numbers may not hold under the onslaught," he said, then continued, "That is the worst of it, I think...that Blaze is always right."

  "But why force him to leave?" she asked. "Together you stood a better chance, didn't you?"

  "Force him? You don't understand at all. Braze won. He always does and he could have killed me easily, but in his foolishness, he acquiesces each time for the good of the wolves, those of the city and forest both. It is a man's way of thinking, not a wolf.

  "My contempt is for his weakness of allowing logic to rule him."

  He continued, "It is my instinct that tells me I am right to keep you here. Not a chain of thoughts bred between my ears. It is instinct that commands me, and speaks through my entire body, keeping me in tune with the natural world around me.

  "Had you gone with Braze, my entire being tells me that our father, Galgallin, would remain lost to his people forever more.

  "But now, the possibilities continue to unfurl and we shall see what we see."

  She was silent for a time then said, "You're right...I don't understand."

  "Of course not...you're human."

  The being named Clash fell silent as he surveyed their surroundings. He remained in human form, but Claire knew that the beast was not far away as she watched his nostrils flare from time to time, scenting the air and reading whatever secrets it held.

  "It's time," he said at last and stood up.

  His height was unusual, from what she could tell, compared to the rest of the wolves. And, despite her misgivings, Claire could not deny that she felt safe at his side. The rest of the wolves milled about, restless, and it was not difficult to imagine them a seething storm of violence, momentarily becalmed but never far from erupting into animal brutality.

  He held his hand to her and Claire took it, letting him pull her to her feet. His grip did not relax upon her hand, nor did she try to separate herself from him.

  Together, they walked back into the circle and Clash spoke quietly, "Now, get down on your hands and knees and whatever happens, stay there. Don't move, or try to run away.

  "If you do, I will not be able to protect you, woman."

  Claire's gaze went to the eyes of the wolf standing beside her, and she held her chin up as she said, "My name is Claire, not woman. Not so long ago, I had to explain this to someone else and it wasn't pretty by the time I finished. Don't make me do the same to you."

  Clash looked back at her unwavering stare, his brows furrowing before a slight grin lifted the corners of his mouth.

  "Despite everything, you find a way to make light of this situation. I admire that. It means either that you are very brave, or very stupid," he said.

  "It is not my belief that you are stupid," he continued, "Now, get down and hope that this goes well, Claire. If not, it will not be pretty for either of us."

  She dropped quickly to all fours while he stood beside her. From the corner of her vision, Claire saw his legs become velvety in appearance as light fur envelope
d his body.

  Then a mournful howl erupted from him and she shuddered with the sound of it. It resonated with such power, but was tinged in notes of regret and loss. Claire could not help but be moved by Clash's voice.

  Apparently, nor did any of the wolves remain aloof as the entire group lifted their muzzles or faces skyward to answer in kind.

  They ceased their aimless wandering amongst themselves and padded toward Claire and the half man half wolf standing beside her.

  Suddenly, Claire felt terribly vulnerable on her hands and knees. She was completely nude and very much aware that her ass and pussy were on display in the position she held.

  In other circumstances, she might not have minded as she thought back to the three young wolves and the brief encounter she had had with them. It had not been as disagreeable as she had imagined and with Clash standing next to her, half-transformed to wolf, Claire wondered what it might be like to feel his muscular, furred thighs finding their way between her legs.

  Her thoughts were interrupted as she noticed the wolves coming tightly together while still moving. They were circling around her and Clash, their yellow eyes turned toward them, while they moved about them.

  In some ways, Claire was reminded of a stately dance, a waltz of sorts.

  The wolves turned slowly around them with only a sole wolf, grey and majestic, that remained seated on its haunches and around which the other wolves parted as they trod their ritual circle.

  Claire was not familiar with wild animals, nor the lifespans that might be typical, but that one grey wolf seemed to carry the weight of the ages in his amber eyes.

  Without moving, she whispered, "What happens to the old wolves in the pack? I mean, I don't see that many older wolves here."

  Clash growled low in his throat before answering.

  "I told you to be still, Claire. Your impertinence will be the ruin of us both.

  "As for our elders," he continued, "We honor them with a quick death when the time comes. None of us must be a liability, so when an old wolf comes to its end of days, it lifts its face to the heavens and one of its sired children comes to rip away the elder's throat. In this way, death is swift and the old one is freed to run forever more in the meadows of the undying forest, no longer knowing pain, hunger or infirmity."

  His words were shocking, but in them, Claire heard truth and noble compassion. As she was about to ask after the old grey wolf, Clash's voice bellowed across the clearing, bringing the circling wolf pack to a sudden halt.

  "Brethren, wolves of my pack, I have come to a decision. The human is under my protection. She shall not be harmed by any of you, or the wolf who dares will suffer the consequences of my wrath."

  With a wavering like heat upon the horizon, Clash's body changed form until a large wolf with reddish hued fur stood on the ground beside Claire. He walked forward and with a gentle, but deliberate motion, laid his broad head over the back of Claire's neck and shoulders. His fur was soft and warm as he pressed down upon her and with a strange trembling in her stomach, Claire realized that, for better or worse, Clash had just claimed her before his entire people.

  The wolves froze. They had already fallen still, but upon hearing Clash's words and then seeing his wolfish gesture of possession, not one of them stirred.

  Then, from between their ranks, a smaller wolf forced its way forward.

  Claire saw that it did not have the same broad head as Clash, nor the deep chest and massive shoulders of the males.

  A female, then, who came forward cautiously, almost wincing as she came. However, she did not hesitate padding up to Claire still with Clash's head across her shoulders.

  The female circled around them, then almost startling her, Claire felt the female's warm breath tickling, first at her asshole, then down to her pussy lips as the bitch scented her.

  Remembering Clash's words, Claire held still, gritting her teeth when the female went further, nosing into Claire's cunt lips before a long, warm tongue lapped at her, tasting her.

  The female backed away, then coming back to face Claire, the she-wolf turned and lifted her leg like a male, feigning that she would piss upon the woman.

  Clash's chin came up off Claire's back at the same time she heard a deep growl rumbling from his throat.

  The female wolf trembled but held her ground, backing away only slightly before shifting quickly into half human form.

  "Pack leader," she said, "I challenge this...I challenge your right to name the human as mate."

  With a roar, Claire saw Clash's legs transform to human before hearing his deep voice say, "And, what gives you the right, Cinder?"

  The female backed another half step, then, steeling herself, she said, "She has the stink of the blood drinkers upon her, Pack Leader...you would have smelled it if you were not so enflamed by her presence."

  Claire remained where she was, but her senses were on fire, those same senses that interpreted the world around her before the miracle of her returned sight. She could feel Clash's hesitation.

  "Yes, of course she does. You were there with us as we took her from them," he said.

  "No, Clash," the female wolf replied more gently, "It is not only that. She has known the vampire's kiss...she cannot be pack because she will soon be one of them."

  The moment fell to silence, neither the female named Cinder, nor Clash saying a word as the truth of what she had said came home.

  "Claire," Clash murmured, "Is it true? Did one of them, a powerful one, bite you and leave you fevered?"

  Her voice caught in her throat as she replied, "Yes...yes, there was one who did things to me...terrible things."

  Claire stood slowly, turning to look at Clash, imploring him with her eyes.

  The red furred wolf refused to meet her gaze. His half human form wavered, slipping further into wolf, then back again, as if his indecision carried his physical self with it.

  Then, with a shrugging of his thick shoulders, Clash looked into Claire's eyes and said, "Do you want to be a vampire, Claire? Is that the end you choose?"

  She was not sure how to answer. Until that moment, no one had asked her what she wanted.

  "No...I don't want that. I didn't want any of this. My guardian angel saved me, then gave me back my sight before abandoning me to those things...those vampires.

  "And now I find myself here, among werewolves and you are asking me if it is what I want?

  Clash nodded, his face shifting to more and more human, as he said, "Cinder is right. I can not claim you, not if you become a blood drinker. But, I think I know another way.

  "It has not been done in a very long time and is very difficult, Claire. But, if you wish it, then I will try to turn you."

  Claire shook her head slowly and said, "Turn me...what is that supposed to mean?"

  "To save you from becoming a vampire, Claire, I will make the attempt to turn you into a wolf."


  The circle of wolves had not moved as Clash knelt down to Claire.

  She had fallen to the ground when he had said he would turn her into a werewolf, the only way of saving her from becoming a vampire.

  "Listen to me, Claire. It is the only way. Now is the time when you must be brave. Now is the time when you must fight and show courage not just in your impertinent words, but in the strength of your being."

  She nodded, thinking of the Nephilim from not so long ago, telling her that she must be strong or risk being destroyed.

  The wolf reached out his hand to take her chin into his warm grasp.

  "If I did not believe you possessed of such strength, Claire, I would not risk it. Rather I would tear out your throat and let you die before seeing the monster you would become.

  "I would risk no hurt to you, beautiful human...beautiful Claire."

  She nodded once more, taking courage in Clash's words. Daniel had tried to warn her, although she did not believe he had foreseen this. In any case, she must do what was necessary because whatever aid the Nephilim had pro
mised was not coming, nor was there any sign of her guardian angel.

  She was on her own, with only a wolf to show her the way forward.

  "I'm ready, Clash...."

  The pack leader whispered as he said, "Good. As I said, it will be difficult. There will be pain, Claire.

  "I believe that the strength of the wolves will overcome the blood drinkers' infection, but there will be war waged within you as the two powers vie for your soul.

  "Be strong and when you feel the wild nature of the wolves come to bear, seize upon it with all your strength. Take it inside, Claire. Revel in the savagery of the beast. Let the animal within you run wild and free, even if the pain is very great."

  His words shook her, but Claire held herself steady for what was to come.

  "I'm ready," she repeated.

  Nodding grimly, Clash turned back to the wolves waiting in the circle.

  "Wolves...none of us in living memory have done this thing, I know. It is the stuff of stories and legend, but if we can believe in our lost father, Galgallin, then we must believe that such a thing is still possible.

  "Our people have not always been reared from pup to wolf. There was a time when our forebears made others like them from the humans of their time.

  "I ask you to aid me in this endeavor. I ask you as Pack Leader."

  Claire watched as the wolves shifted upon their haunches, some of them looking away from Clash, others laying their ears back, their lips peeling back in hesitant snarls.

  The pack leader turned upon his heel, searching among his people for those who would support him, but Claire saw only the old grey wolf whose gaze never wavered from her and Clash.

  Then, from a far corner of the clearing, a wolf padded forward before shifting into human form.

  "I'll help," he said shyly and Claire recognized the young wolf from earlier, the one named Rend.

  Then, another wolf came forward, this one shifting into a dark haired, scowling young man who said, "So shall I."


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