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Madison Page 1

by Forbidden Lust

  Succubi Gone Wild


  Lexi Jordan

  Copyright © 2017

  Madison twirled her long blond strands around her finger while blowing the biggest bubble she could manage as Zoe lit the candles circling them on the floor. “This is quite possibly the stupidest thing we’ve ever done and we’ve done some pretty stupid things. Like that time we decided to do our own bikini waxes with that stuff you and Kaylee got off that infomercial and we spent a week scratching. Well, this is dumber than that.”

  Kaylee nodded in agreement. “I think it’s a sin too.”

  Zoe pointed at them with her candle lighter. “Look. You two owe me. Madison, who wrote your English paper while you were in Maui?”

  Madison sighed. “You did.”

  “And Kaylee, who spent all night baking for your charity auction even though I had a Biology test the next day? A test I should remind you I got a C on.”

  “Fine. We’ll say your little incantation. Let’s just get this over with,” said Kaylee.

  Zoe gave a big smile as she sat cross legged on the pentagon she’d drawn on the floor. The three of them held hands and began the incantation.

  Madison had no idea how she got suckered into doing this. When she agreed to spend the night at Zoe’s she was imaging them doing each other’s hair and gossiping about hot guys on campus. What she didn’t imagine was Zoe bringing out one of her creepy occult books and talking them into some sort of demonic ritual. And even though Zoe called it “magic” for Kaylee’s sake, Madison knew witchcraft when she saw it.

  “What’s this supposed to be doing again?” asked Kaylee.

  Zoe cracked open an eye. “Don’t break the circle. We’re trying to be young and beautiful.”

  Madison huffed. “I’m already young and beautiful.”

  Zoe sighed. “I mean that we’ll be young and beautiful forever if we can get this to work, which it won’t if you keeping breaking the chant like a couple of non-believers.”

  “But we are non-believers,” argued Madison.

  Kaylee nodded.

  “Here’s the deal. Give me five minutes where we all take this seriously, and then we’ll be done and I’ll never ask to try it again.”

  Madison took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She recited the stupid chant Zoe had taught her. None of the things she said were real words, so they had no meaning to her. But she found saying them over and over had a musical lit. And soon she was swaying to the sound of the words. As they chanted, Madison began to feel strange, like a chill coming over her even though Zoe’s windows were closed. And while her skin felt cool, her body felt the opposite. She was burning up inside.

  She was scared. She didn’t want to chant anymore. But she couldn’t stop. It was as if her consciousness was trapped in her body, and the sounds of their chant echoed in the dark bedroom. She could swear she saw the walls shake.

  She tried to scream. To open her eyes. But her body wouldn’t respond. Something or someone had taken over.

  A ball of light began to form in the center of the circle the girls had created. Three bolts shot from the ball causing Madison to be knocked into the candles set up behind her. Kaylee and Zoe didn’t fare much better.

  Madison sat up on her elbows. “What the hell was that?”

  Kaylee rubbed her head. “I don’t know, but it didn’t feel like youth and beauty.”

  Zoe’s eyes were wide. “You guys! We did it! We used witchcraft!”

  “Witchcraft?” Kaylee exclaimed.

  “I mean magic. We did magic.” Zoe quickly corrected.

  Kaylee got off the floor and dusted herself off. “Well, I don’t care what you call it. We’re never doing it again.”

  There was a knock at the door. The three of them jumped before Zoe regained her composure and said, “Come in.”

  Zoe’s stepbrother, Caleb peeked in. “Are you guys okay? I thought I heard something.”

  Zoe waved him off. “We’re fine. We were just doing a spell.”

  “Oh, okay. Well, goodnight then.” Caleb pulled the door closed behind him.

  He and Zoe had been inseparable ever since their parents got married when they were in eighth grade. They even looked alike with pale skin and dark hair so a lot of people thought they were really brother and sister, especially since they decided to get an apartment together on campus.

  Caleb was a cool enough guy, and cute too with his little glasses and big brain. He had a non-threating nerdiness to him, but she preferred her men a bit more in touch with their primal urges. Her own stepbrother, Logan, was the complete opposite. Strong, confident, able to lift her with one arm. When she settled down, it’d probably be with a guy just like him.

  Madison stretched. “Well I think we’ve had enough stupid for one night. I’m going to bed.”

  “Yeah, me too,” said Kaylee.

  Zoe looked back and forth between then. “I can’t believe you to. We just did magic and I seem to be the only person that cares.”

  Madison stood up and got into Zoe’s bed. “It was probably just static electricity. We probably all got shocked cause we were sitting on the floor.”

  Kaylee crawled into her sleeping bag. “Or God zapping us for trying to summon the Devil.”

  Zoe stretched and crawled into bed with Madison. “We weren’t trying to raise the Devil, just summon a lower demon.”

  Kaylee sat up on her sleeping bag. “What?”

  Zoe laughed, gesturing for her to lie back down. “Just kidding. Just kidding.”

  But Zoe always averted her eyes when was lying, so Madison knew she was full of shit. She didn’t care though, she didn’t believe in any of that rubbish. She closed her eyes and went to sleep.

  The next morning as Madison was finishing her fat-free yogurt and dry toast her phone buzzed. “Uh oh, I have to go guys. Look like something is wrong at the office, Logan’s called a family meeting.”

  Kaylee’s eyes went wide. “Do you think one of your relatives is an embezzler? That would be so exciting!”

  Madison stared at her and answered flatly. “You watch too many television dramas.” Though she knew something big had happened. While she and her father along with her stepmother and stepbrother were all on the board, she was still in college. Unless it was a major disaster, Logan usually handled it himself. “I might be gone all day. I’ve already left Pepper alone overnight. I don’t want to leave her in my room all day too.”

  “I can send Caleb over to your sorority house to go pick it up if you want,” Zoe offered.

  “The last time I let you puppysit, you chased poor Pepper around the house with a knife and fork threatening to eat her!”

  Zoe waved her off. “Oh, the dog loved it. If you don’t want people threating to eat it, you shouldn’t have named it after a spice.”

  Kaylee looked back and forth between them. “Looks like Pepper’s getting a fun trip to the office. Yay!” She was right.

  Madison said goodbye to her friends and headed home in her cherry red convertible to pick up Pepper. She’d be a few minutes late, but they hadn’t given her much time to get there in the first place. The moment she opened the door, her Mini Pin jumped for joy to see her. She picked her up and said to her in a baby voice, “Did you miss mommy? Mommy missed you too. You want to go to a business meeting? I bet you do. Let’s go do some business. Other than the business you did on the newspaper and not my carpet. You’re such a good girl. Such a good girl.”

  She cleaned up the newspapers, put Pepper in her carrying case and headed to their downtown office building.

  When they arrived, everyone else was already there. Logan sat at the head of the boardroom table. To his right sat Madison’s dad and her stepmom, Laura and the rest of the table was filled with other members of th
e board leaving on empty chair on Logan’s left.

  “Hi everyone, sorry, I’m late.” Madison took the seat next to her stepbrother and put Pepper in her lap. There was already a folder waiting for her. She took a peek so she’d know what all the fuss was about before Logan started explaining. The first page was a blown up image of her cousin Rebecca in pink lingerie. She was posed on the couch with her ass pointing towards the camera.

  Madison sighed and closed the folder. She knew exactly where this was going. She was the one behind the camera. Rebecca wanted some tasteful nudes for her boyfriend’s birthday and so she asked Madison for a favor. The entire time she was snapping the photos she told her cousin how stupid it was to give nudes to a guy she’d only been dating for four months but her cousin wouldn’t hear it. She blathered on about their deep connection. A month later she keyed his car after catching him cheating.

  Why did people never listen to Madison when she said things were stupid? She was almost always right.

  Logan began explaining what they were looking at. “These photos have been leaked all over the net. Now the embarrassment to the company might be marginal—”

  “She’s the company spokeswoman. How do you suppose her tits and ass being plastered all over the internet is a marginal embarrassment,” Laura interrupted.

  “I just mean—”

  “Fire her, immediately.” As much as Madison loved her stepmother, the woman left little room for mistakes. And having built the company from the ground up, she protected it with the fierceness of a mother lion protecting her cub. Madison often joked that the only reason she’d been willing to merge with Dad’s company was because he married her.

  “Honey, she’s your niece. You can’t just fire her.”

  Laura nodded. “You’re right. Firing her is Logan’s job.”

  He waited quietly with his arms folded. “You finished?”

  “Go ahead.” Laura took a sip of her water.

  “We’re not firing her—”


  “I thought you said you were finished. You put me in charge of this company, if you’d like to run the day to day, and I sit on the beach drinking Mai Tais with Mark, I’m willing to switch with you.”

  She folded her arms. “Well then, what do you suggest we do?”

  “Leave her in marketing, clearly she can’t be the spokesperson anymore, but she can work behind the scenes. As for the press, we stress the pictures are private and that her privacy has been violated, and any attention brought to them is yet another violation.”

  “So you want to shame the press into shutting up?”

  “That’s my idea. What do you think?”

  “Not bad. Though I still think we should fire her.”

  Madison looked between mother and son with her mouth hanging open. He’d won. No one won against Laura. She wanted to clear the room so she could do a victory dance with Logan on the desk. They’d dreamed of actually winning one since they were kids.

  She stood up. “Well, now that that’s settled, I guess—” A wave of dizziness hit her and she almost fell. If Logan hadn’t been there to catch her…

  Her father ran over to her, putting the back of his hand on her forehead. “You’re burning up.”

  “I’m fine.”

  Her dad pulled out his cell. “I’m calling an ambulance.”

  She grabbed the phone. “I’m not going to the hospital with a cold. I just stood up too fast. I’m fine. Really.”

  He still looked skeptical.

  Logan, forever the peace maker offered a compromise. “How about you come home with me tonight and I can keep an eye on you.”

  Madison agreed.

  On the ride to his place she felt very strange. While she’d always known on some level her brother was attractive, she felt drawn to him like a magnet. It took all of her composure not to climb in his lap while he drove.

  To distract herself she held up and Pepper and talked as if she was her. “You’re a big strong man, Mr. Logan standing up to your mommy like that.”

  “I prepped in the mirror this morning.”

  Madison laughed. He could always make her smile. “You’re lucky she didn’t take you up on your offer to swap places.”

  “I was banking if she did, your dad would step in. I don’t think I’m his type.”

  “God, I hope not.” But he sure was her type.

  The two of them had always been close. Before her dad married Laura, she spent so much time alone because he’d be overseas working. But everything changed after that. Laura’s career was just as high powered, so she spent large chunks away from home, but she always had Logan. He was five years older than her, but he never treated her like a kid. Growing up, they were partners in everything. She used to tell everyone they’d get married when they grew up.

  When he first started dating, she got so jealous of the other girls. And understandably so, he was an incredibly handsome man with a square jaw, dusty blonde hair and wide torso. Even under his suit, she could see the outline of his tanned muscles. She licked her lips as she remembered the time she stumbled in on him coming out of the shower. Even flaccid he was well hung. She could only imagine how large he’d be hard.

  Madison shook her head. She’d long buried that image in her mind, along with the associated feelings. Why was she thinking of it now?

  “You okay?”

  “I think I might need to lay down for a bit when we get to your place.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to go to the hospital?”

  She shook her head. She didn’t feel, right. But she didn’t feel sick. It was something else.

  After they got to his place she let Pepper run free and curled up in his bed. She buried her face in his pillows. They smelled like him. She always loved how he smelled, especially when he’d been sweating. It wasn’t like anything she could compare it to, but it made her want to be next to him and never ever move.

  He brought her a glass of lemonade and put his hand to her head, checking for fever. “Did you go out drinking last night?”

  “No. I’m fine.”

  “Actually, you’re a little warm. Your dad was right.”

  Madison put his pillow over her face. “Ugh.” This wasn’t sickness. She knew it, but how could she explain what she was feeling to him?

  “Drink your juice.”

  She pulled the pillow off her face. “Don’t be condescending.”

  “You talked to me through a dog for twenty minutes…Now drink your juice. You need your vitamin C.”

  Madison chugged the lemonade and handed him the glass of ice.

  “Good girl.”

  Something about the way he said that made her thighs clench. She reached for him. “Hug. Hug. Hug.”

  He swept her up in his thick arms and she could have stayed there forever.

  He tried to break away. “I should put on the movie.”

  She held him tighter. “Don’t go. Just stay with me for a bit. Okay?”

  “Okay.” He laid down next to her.

  She lifted the hem of her dress so she could drape her thigh over his leg, pressing against his crotch. She nestled her head against his neck, her hand roaming freely over his chest.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Wallowing in self-pity because I don’t feel well.”

  “Oh, it sort of feels like you’re doing something else.”

  She drew little circles on his chest with the tip of her finger. “Something like what?”

  “Well, if I didn’t know better, I’d think you were trying to seduce me.”

  Madison laughed. “If I was, would it work?”

  He sat up and scooted away. “Madison, what on Earth is going on with you?”

  She rolled onto her back, her dress being pushed higher with the movement, exposing the smallest peek of her panties. “I told you. I don’t feel well.”

  “Well, what can I do to make you feel better?”

  She rose up on her knees and reached fo
r his belt buckle. “Not stop me.”

  “Madison?” he asked in shock as she unzipped his fly, but he didn’t grab her wrists as she slipped a hand into his pants and grabbed him semi-erect cock. It was even bigger than she’d remembered. She ran her tongue across the tip while looking up at his face.

  His expression could be called nothing less than shell shock. She sucked the head into her mouth, flicking her tongue over the tip. His cock grew to its full length in her hand. “You like that?”

  “Madison, we really shouldn—”

  Before he could finish, Madison took his entire length into her mouth and down her throat. As her brother, they’d never really had the discussion on how much practice she’d had relaxing her throat.

  She bobbed her head up and down his cock, leaving it glistening with saliva. She stroked the base of his cock at the same time. She could feel his warm precum running down her throat.

  “Oh God, I’m going to come.” Madison didn’t slow down, instead she doubled her efforts determined to swallow ever drop of him. She’d wanted him for so long. Had she? This all seemed kind of new. Maybe on some deep down level she wanted this, the part of herself that she kept well buried.

  His knees started to wobble and then locked as the first jet of his cum shot down her throat. She swallowed it all and licked his cock clean.

  When she released him, she felt good in a way she couldn’t comprehend. She didn’t feel weak or dizzy anymore, quite the opposite, she felt wired.

  Logan turned from her, zipping himself up. After he was done, he didn’t turn around. He couldn’t look at her. Madison felt very self-conscious. “I should go,” she said, looking around.

  “Yeah, I’ll call you later.”

  I’ll call you later? That was what guys said to one night stands that they would never, ever call.

  She found Pepper and escaped from his place as fast as she could. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she drove. Whore. Slut. He was her damn brother.

  Madison jumped when her phone rang. She answered it.

  It was Zoe. “Hey Madison, have you noticed anything weird lately, maybe had some desires that you usually don’t.”

  Madison wiped her face on the back of her hand. Her mascara had streaked. She looked like a complete mess. “What the hell did you do to me?”


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