The Fervor: A Sinful Supes Story

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The Fervor: A Sinful Supes Story Page 7

by Xandrie Kovak


  I clenched my teeth; if I started screaming, I’d never stop. The bone and ligaments were shredded; the skin swelled and purpled before my eyes. I didn’t know how much longer I could stay conscious with these injuries adding up—if I didn’t bleed out first…

  And then he sat on my ruined pelvis and I couldn’t stop screaming.

  In my mindless, animal state, I’d thrashed around—but my legs didn’t move. I couldn’t even concentrate on being paralyzed. It hardly mattered when it felt like my body was being spit roasted in the most inner levels of hell.

  I don’t know how long it lasted, but his giddy laughter pulled me from the pain.

  I gritted my teeth and focused on pushing the agony out of my body to a place that couldn’t hurt me; where sadistic vampires didn’t exist; where Supe night classes didn’t exist; where I didn’t exist.

  Surprisingly the pain did fade a little, except it made room for something else to rush in—Its rage filled me up to the brim. A little pepper spray had filtered downward past my glasses and stung my eyes but I didn’t fucking care. I glared at my assailant, no longer fearing death. I wanted to take him down with me. I wanted to watch him burn.

  “The blue mist is going to kill you.” I lied with a feverish grin; I could taste iron between my teeth.

  A tinge of concern flashed over his dead, pale face.

  I gurgle-laughed till I coughed blood. That’s right bitch, wonder and worry about what a succubus has up her sleeve…

  The vampire tilted his head at me like a curious bird. “What mist do you speak of, little whore?”

  I looked around, the blue stuff hovered and danced around us. Could he seriously not see it? Every time a particle touched him it zapped and sizzled against his skin. The longer he sat on top of me the more neon blue took over his irises.

  “Your paltry attempts of distraction will not save you from your fate.” His hand wrapped around my neck and squeezed. I scratched at him with my good hand. Little black spots began to form in my vision.

  “I wish I could break your neck right here and now,” he released my throat and caressed my cheek with the back of his fingers—a lover’s caress. “Yet a quick death would be a waste for one of the last succubi. Such a shame to snuff out your life without a taste of your special brand of ambrosia first.”

  I glared at him; my teeth were clenched so tight my jaw hurt.

  “Such fire in your eyes.” Capshaw stroked my cheek again with his filthy corpse fingers. “I wonder, how does it feel to know you are about to die? To face your mortality?”

  I bared my teeth in a vicious grin.

  “Maybe you should ask your son!” I jerked forward and spat a thick glob of blood in his face. Fire and sharp bone stabbed through my pelvis, but every cent of pain was worth it to see Capshaw’s face wrinkle in rage.

  “You will regret that, you sniveling quim.” Capshaw stood up faster than my eyes could track and wrenched my ruined legs to spread them wider.

  I shrieked. The torment consumed every last inch of me.

  “You scream so beautifully, my dear. Sing again for me!” He stabbed his hand through my leg.

  I sang like a canary until I choked on my own tears. Fucking end it! I’d rather die than endure this sick fuck for a moment longer. I lifted my head up to slam it back into the concrete, but before I could make contact, Capshaw snaked the hand that wasn’t impaling my fucking thigh, behind my head. He cradled my skull off the ground.

  “Ahh, ah, ah. If anyone gets to smash that delicate little head of yours, it shall be me.” He squeezed a little to demonstrate his iron strength. He could easily cave my skull in—a desperate part of me welcomed it.

  “Even your blood smells erotic.” Capshaw closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, nostrils flared. He opened his eyes to reveal a lust-filled, neon blue. “Perhaps I should keep you alive longer yet…”

  I cried out as he withdrew his blood soaked hand from my thigh and licked up the red. He moaned as he laved his tongue along his fingers.

  My vision wavered. I felt dizzy from blood loss.

  His gaze focused on the place between my legs. “And perhaps not.” He licked his bloodied lips. “I’ve never been a fan of women wearing trousers. So unbecoming, though I shall make an exception for you.”

  The professor’s words faded in and out of my hearing. Why was it suddenly so cold? My lips quivered.

  A slap stung my cheek and my surroundings came roaring back to me.

  “Now that I have your attention, tell me, shall I tear a hole in your trousers and fuck you right through them?” Without waiting for a reply he gripped the seat of my jeans and ripped along the seam; I screamed from the pain of my jostled hips. “That’s better. You should really wear a dress next time. The access is so—”

  “Just finish it,” I snapped, desperate to die. It would be worse before the end, but at least it would be over.

  “The youth are so impatient. After a century or two one learns to savor the finer things in life. Very well,” he said with a sigh as he settled himself in a sitting position between my legs. Sharp agony twisted through my guts when he lifted my hips onto his lap and adjusted my legs around his waist. He swept my underwear aside with one pale, cold finger.

  My hand lunged forward of its own volition, fingers wrapped around his erect penis. He froze, shocked by my audacity. I was too, but I wasn’t the one in control anymore—It was back.

  And It was starved.

  “Kiss me.” It beckoned with my voice. A great and terrible wave of rage and lust smashed into me—demanded that I turn this disgusting corpse into my plaything, my food. These instincts were deeply ingrained, primal…

  And I listened.

  The fog of mist surrounding us thickened. Capshaw’s entire body lit up with blue sparks and squiggling strands of lightning. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he leaned down and pressed his cold, corpse-like lips to mine. I smirked against them and fed. Sucked his very life force through his mouth into mine.

  His eyes opened wide enough to expose white around the entirety of his irises.

  The invisible entity inside me latched onto Professor Capshaw, preventing him from pulling back. His frantic eyes begged me as I dragged more of his energy into me, deep into a place inside me that was fathomless. A chasm in need of filling. I reveled in it.

  Stealing his life force felt as easy as popping a cherry in my mouth—delicious bursts of flavor included. The more I ate, the better I felt. The swelling of my wrist vanished; the open wound on my thigh knitted together; broken and mangled shards of bone reformed; pierced organs sealed; even my legs could feel and move again.

  It retreated back and I was left holding a weightless, withered husk. For moment I stared at the thing in my arms, not really sure what it was. All I knew is it had sunken raisins for eyes, riveted on me.


  Without warning his body burned up like a crinkled newspaper and burst into dust that fluttered to the ground all over me.

  I was covered in vampire soot. I stood up and wiped his remains from my face. Only when I saw the blood on my pants, did I realize that standing up shouldn’t be possible. In fact, I didn’t hurt at all. I felt healthy and the more energized than I’d ever experienced. I could’ve run a marathon or tossed a car.

  The chasm was filled to the brim, overflowing with life. Was this what drugs felt like, because I was flying high with euphoria and adrenaline.

  I squinted my eyes at something in the distance.

  The batshit blonde vampire stood on top of a far-off building.

  I took off my glasses and realized my vision was far better without the lenses. The stolen vampire energy had completely eliminated my need for glasses.

  I had a feeling that the reason my prescription steadily worsened each year was because I’d been starving my succubus side. I had been dying slowly, without even realizing it.

  The blonde and I locked eyes for a long moment. She had a lon
g lens camera in her hand. She smirked and mouthed the words behind you, then jumped backwards off the building, vanishing from my sight.

  I whirled around and froze.

  “You’re alive,” I said, completely shocked.

  An eight foot, hulking Lucas Masters didn’t speak, simply stared hungrily at me with animal incomprehension; his eyes burning an empty blue.

  My eyes tracked downward. He was covered in blood.

  And naked.

  With electricity and rage circuiting my system, I wasn’t nearly as scared as I should have been. I could leap over buildings and punch through mountains. I was power incarnate, and I pitied the poor fool who thought he could touch me.

  “Guess we’re doing this.” I cracked my knuckles and neck. I should have been horrified that I just killed someone, sucked his very life away, but it felt so natural and right—like I’d fulfilled my purpose for the first time in my existence. I’d been weak and withering away, but now, I felt like a god. “I’ve got this…”

  I gave Lucas a once over, noticing how eerie it was when someone is eight feet tall and practically silhouetted by the moon. Or maybe it was the fact that he was completely slathered in blood with ravenous eyes that glowed in the shadows. But what really made me lose my nerve? Even his massive erection had dribbles of red on it.

  I took a deep breath and nodded to myself which somehow turned into me shaking my head at the intimidating blood-splattered boner.

  Oh fuck no, I don’t got this. I turned and bolted toward my car. My sharpened hearing picked up movement; I looked over the shoulder just in time to see Lucas spring out of a crouched position, leaping upwards of ten feet.

  It was almost slow motion. Instead of having my life flash behind my eyes, I saw sequence after sequence of video game sessions with my little brother. I remembered Brandt telling me, If someone comes at you from above, anti-air them with an uppercut.

  Without making a conscious decision I slid to a stop, bent my knees and thrust upward with my entire body as my fist connected with Lucas’ jaw, sending him backwards.

  I stared at my clenched fist, shocked that my rising dragon punch actually worked. Moreover, that my body did it on some weird kind of autopilot.

  Lucas somersaulted midair and landed in a crouch that sent clouds of vampire ash in the air. I had just enough time for my victory to wear off as he sprang forward, like an assassin emerging from the debris of an explosion. Suddenly the world dropped out of slow motion and before I knew it, I was tackled to the ground.

  I fell into a backward roll with him on top of me, but instead of grinding to a halt on my back, I allowed the momentum to continue into the roll. I hunched until all our combined weight was on my shoulder blades, then thrust my legs outward to launch him off me—Simba versus Scar style.

  I never expected a kid’s movie from the 90’s or Brandt’s video games to come in handy for real self-defense purposes, but if I survived the night, I silently swore I was going to watch more Kung Fu movies.

  I popped back to my feet, but Lucas had recovered faster and slammed me to the ground again. This time I was caught unaware and didn’t have the time or skill to respond. It took me a dazed moment to realize I was horizontal at all, let alone that his mouth was pressed hard against my own—enough to mash my lips up against my teeth. I wrenched my head to the side and punched him in the temple.

  Lucas’ head jerked back. He caught my fist easily on my second attempt. The wolf king wrapped his hands around both my wrists and pinned them to the ground. I thrashed around, but I felt nearly human weak again.


  The freaky burst of speed and strength must’ve depleted my stolen vampire energy to the bottom of the chasm. I grunted in frustration and renewed my struggle. UGH! Why did the power have to run out so quickly? And his stupid body was just so big and sturdy, I couldn’t even budge him. Caught in the half beast form his biceps were the size of cantaloupes.

  “Lucas, you big fucker, get off me,” I panted and squirmed ineffectually.

  He replied by snarling and sliding his body further up so he could grind his pelvis into mine. It felt like a hot bar of steel seared me from groin to navel. Oh shit, he’s large down there, far too large. I froze, petrified that he’d tire of rubbing against my stomach and decide to try to fit that goddamn battering ram inside me.

  There’s just no way that could fit in a virgin.

  He pulled back and deftly shoved his member in the exposed crotch section of my jeans. My lower abdomen jolted in response. A mixture of my fear and pleasure from my succubus side caused my skin to breakout in goosebumps. Instinctively, my legs clasped tight, essentially… catching his dick.

  A growly moan escaped him.

  I froze. Perhaps clamping my thighs around his shaft gave him the wrong idea…

  I turned my head toward a sinister scratching noise. My eyes widened at the crumbled concrete under Lucas’ curled fingers. My breathing accelerated. If those razor sharp nails could dig up concrete like it was nothing…

  I didn’t even want to think what he could do to human flesh. My flesh.

  Was he trying to restrain himself or was he demonstrating a show of force? Either way, he used my turned head as an invitation to nuzzle and nibble my neck. My frantic heartbeat practically pulsed out of my neck and delivered itself on his tongue.

  “No biting?” I entreated in a small voice. Please, please, please remember the no biting rule…

  His response?

  To rock his hips, effectively delivering small thrusts into the crevice of my thighs. My breathing hitched with the full realization of the vulnerability of my position.

  I kept my legs tight, maintaining the friction he sought. If this unrelenting, animalistic version of Lucas thought he was fucking me right now, I wouldn’t dissuade him. If my options were having my vagina pummeled by something as thick as a baseball bat or raw thighs, bring on the chafing.

  He was so large in the package department, with his current angle, he couldn’t fully mash his hips against mine without running the risk of stabbing past my thighs and hitting the ground. Essentially he hovered over me, making me feel tiny in comparison.

  I remained stalk-still as he laid claim to my neck and inner thighs in excruciatingly slow, powerful movements. My body reacted of its own volition. My nipples hardened and heat pooled in my gut at the thought of only a thin layer of underwear separating us. Crackles of erotic energy danced under my skin, ready to latch onto Lucas.

  I must’ve been certifiably insane because getting fucked to death was a possibility. And here I was getting all hot and bothered over how easily he’d pinned me down, how he could take whatever he wanted.

  Capshaw swept my underwear aside with one pale, cold finger.

  Without thinking, I drew my knee up and mashed it against the monster’s genitals.

  Time froze as I realized what I’d done, and who I’d done it to.

  “Uh… Lucas?” I whispered in horror.

  He bared his teeth and growled so deep his throat and chest vibrated like a revved engine. I held my breath, didn’t even breathe.

  Don’t kill me.

  Please don’t kill me.

  He roared in my face. I slammed my eyes shut, tendrils of hair blew backward from the violence and rage of the bellow.

  I crab crawled backward, scrambled to free myself from under the monster’s shaking form—there was no doubt in my mind that this thing wasn’t Lucas anymore. Its shoulders hunched forward with a cracking sound.

  Oh God, it was so much worse to see it in person. His entire jaw unhinged and reformed, its body strained on all fours as every individual vertebra of his spine snapped and reformed. Hair sprouted over his body, like watching grass grow at high speed.

  It happened so fast, I didn’t have time to run. One moment, he wore a version of Lucas’ skin, the next, a black wolf the size of a truck stood in front of me. The beast snarled and tossed its head, exposing dagger-sharp canines.

“Easy there.” I backed up slowly, eyes darting for some way out of this.

  The wolf matched me pace for pace, stalking me, head and shoulders hunkered low. The type of body language of an impending attack. Then the black wolf paused, tossed its head back, and howled.

  I turned and ran toward the parking garage, sprinted my goddamn lungs out. I ducked when I realized a gigantic black blur landed in front of me, had in fact, leapt over me. The wolf whipped around to cut me off. There was no time for me to skid to a stop, instead I slid under him in a softball slide. Except this wasn’t infield dirt. Concrete was far less forgiving.

  The scrapes through my jeans burned, but that wasn’t my biggest problem. I hadn’t cleared the wolf.

  I’d be flattened if he decided to sit on me. I frantically crawl-ran out from under him, deftly dodging his legs as he spun around above me.

  I made it a few strides before the wolf head butted me between the shoulder blades. I tumbled face down and felt the weight of a massive paw on my back, pinning me to the ground. The wolf wasn’t crushing me, but it was enough pressure to make breathing difficult.

  I wanted to cry when the wolf began sniffing my hair and neck. I squeezed my eyes shut, knowing this was the end. Especially when I felt the feather light sensation of teeth on my neck. Oh my God, he was going to pin my body down so he could rip my head off!

  Oh fuck oh fuck fuck fuck!

  Suddenly the paw lifted from my back and a pained yip filled the air.

  I looked over my shoulder to the most absurd sight. A girl wearing skin tight leather and a shiny black mask was flying on a broomstick, only she rode it like a snowboard. The girl dive-bombed the giant wolf like a pesky fly. Lucas snapped his jaws at her, attempting to kill her with one bone-crunching bite. She dodged and threw a velvet pouch.

  It smashed into the side of his face in a mini explosion of red.

  The scarlet mist filtered down and I realized it was blood. Lucas’ muzzle was an actively decaying, red ruin. He honestly didn’t have much of a face left. She’d done it. She’d killed him. People, and wolves, don’t live without faces.


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