Octavious: Andino Crime Family: Social Rejects Syndicate

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Octavious: Andino Crime Family: Social Rejects Syndicate Page 2

by Eden Rose

  Looking up at the ski lodge which is covered in windows and plush snow makes me already forget how I watched my fiancé get murdered.

  “Did you book a room?” I ask.

  My bags are being gathered and wheeled over to me by the valet. The man looks at me sideways and shakes his head in a way that tells me he knows who I am. Just great. The last thing I want to do this weekend is to be dealing with all of these people looking at me like I’m a zoo animal.

  “Yeah, butterbear. I got us two rooms that are conjoined.”

  That little sneak is expecting to pull a man while we’re here! That is the only reason why he would get us two rooms. Asshole. I needed some fun with my best friend, not a booty call.

  Chapter Four


  Our bags are taken to our respective rooms before we are done checking in. One of the perks of being who we are, we typically don’t have to wait long for things to get done.

  “Are you sure I look okay?” I mutter to Iago who looks like he stepped off a ski model’s magazine. His beauty is off the charts.

  He fake growls at me. “Of course, you are beautiful! You know how gorgeous you are!”

  I want to shove him for being so nice. The last thing I feel is beautiful right now. I feel like an idiot who was almost married to a man who was probably banging half of our town in Greece.

  “Servos’ family had his funeral today,” Iago mentions casually.

  A reminder of the horrible person I am by bringing up the funeral of my deceased fiancé which I didn’t attend. I couldn’t bring myself to attend the funeral after everything that happened. I couldn’t see his parents and have them ask me what happened and why Servos had to die.

  It was never a consideration to go to the funeral. I just automatically decided on not going. I couldn’t do that to his family.

  I nod and summon the waitress once we get into the restaurant. I need something to take the edge off and something to help me relax. I’m too stressed out about this whole thing and there is nothing I could have done about it.

  The first two days I spent in bed was to think about how I could have saved Servos. Was there a possible way to have saved him? I’m not sure. He fucked up by cheating on me. The two days after were spent in bed thinking about all the good and the bad times we had. Those thoughts manifested into how pissed I am at him. How I couldn’t believe he would cheat on me.

  Iago understood all of my moods I was going through because he was on the opposite side that I was on. Iago is a notorious dater. He fucks everyone that walks by and doesn’t care if they have a dick or a pussy. The man will fuck them. Unfortunately for the men and women who are lucky enough to score him, he is going to cheat on them.

  I love the man but he’s a big player.

  Before you even think about asking, I have never fucked Iago. There is no way in hell I could have fucked him.

  “Don’t look now, but there is a tall and dreamy man candy looking at you, sugarplum!” Iago’s positivity is thick enough for me to chew on it.

  “I doubt they are looking at me,” I hiss back and toss back the rest of my 7&7.

  He nudges me in the ribs. “He is sexy! I wonder if he wants to fuck me…”

  I groan. I turn to look at who he is talking about before Iago plans on stealing him. He would have done that to me if Servos didn’t put him in his place and tell him he wasn’t going to fuck him.

  I didn’t have to turn around in my seat to know someone’s behind me. A powerful sensation is behind me and my back straightens at the awareness. I can smell his strong manly scent and my lips curl into a silent moan.

  “May I buy you a drink?”

  Chapter Five


  “If you don’t get that gun out of my side, I’m going to be the one feeding you bullets,” I tell the person behind me with a vengeance.

  I’m no pussy and I’m not going to be taken out in the ski lodge. Balak pulls his gun in a matter of seconds and has it on the man’s temple. I reach behind me and grab the gun on my side. With a twist, I have the gun now in my hands and I have it aimed at Jorge.

  That rat mother fucker. “You’re going to pull a gun out on me?” I growl.

  Jorge is the man who owned the ski lodge until he went default. He’s a dumb asshole who thinks his big name is going to solve his problems. Jorge is the son of Jorge Adamos who was a big boss in the underworld in Italy. The Adamos Family wanted to come over to Greece in hopes of spreading their name and control. Too bad for little Jorge, he spread his name a little too much.

  Jorge is starting to realize how fucked he is. “I’m sorry, Octavious. I’m so fucking sorry I don’t have the money to pay you back and if you take my lodge, I will never have the money to pay you back.”

  I nod like I’m considering the validity of what he is saying. Truth is, I have every intention of having him killed the minute we are out of the middle of the lodge. There are too many eyes on us.

  I nod towards Balak. “Balak, take care of this.”

  “Fuck! Octavious! Give me another chance-”

  With a wave of my hand, Balak is pulling Jorge out of the center of the lodge. Normally I would be the one that is carrying out the hit. It would give me great joy to put a bullet in Jorge’s head. Why didn’t I do it?

  My eyes are on this gorgeous brunette.

  I leave Alek to handle the preparations and begin the walk over to the woman who my eyes have been on since she walked in. The closer I get to her, the more I see of her body. Her hips are perfect with just enough for me to grab onto. Her ass is smackable.

  When I’m standing right behind her, I can see her body seize up a little at my presence. Good. I like a woman who is aware of me. I can smell her light and flirty airy perfume which is making me want to grab her by the air and bury my face into her neck.

  And then bite it. I bet she tastes good.

  “May I buy you a drink?”

  The woman in front of me turns to the side to look at me and her eyes go a little wide. She’s looking me up and down with a smile on her face.

  “I already have one.”

  I smirk. “I know. What about the next one?”

  The man that is standing next to her hisses at her petulance. “Sugar plum, let that sexy man buy you a fucking drink. Let him take you upstairs.”

  I want to chuckle at his words. Thanks for the help, dude.

  With that, her friend is leaving and we’re left alone sitting at the edge of the bar.

  “I don’t even know you,” she whispers and looks at me with doe eyes.

  “I think that’s the reason why we have a drink together. I’m not asking for your hand in marriage,” I inform her with cockiness dripping from my words.

  She giggles. “Most men fall in love with me,” she murmurs and pushes her hair back.

  “I love a girl with spunk,” I retort close to her ear.

  She shivers a little as my words register. “What do you do?”

  Without hesitation, I answer the number one question most men in my line of work hate answering. “I’m a professional jewel smuggler,” I inform her.

  She throws her head back to laugh. Her laugh is melodious. “That’s a good one. I haven’t heard that one yet.”

  “What jobs do you hear the most?” I question.

  “One guy told me he’s a dildo model and asked if I wanted to see his pose. Another told me he is a surgical doctor and needs to check to make sure I’m healthy. You know, the usual come-on lines.”

  I nod as if I’m taking notes. “Well, it isn’t fair that you know more about me and I don’t know about you.”

  “What do you want to know?”

  I want to know what’s under these tight ass leggings. “First, what do you do for a living?” I turn her question back onto her.

  “I run my own business. I’m a clothing designer.”

  It is my turn to laugh.

  “I’m actually telling the truth.”

  “Well, I’
ll be damned. How long have you done that?”

  She smiles and takes a drink from her glass. I’m keeping a watchful eye on mine to make sure no one drops anything in it. The last thing I need is for someone to fuck with my drink.

  Chapter Six


  His crystal blue eyes have me engulfed in the conversation. One of the last things I want right now is complications. I’m still trying to digest what happened with Servos and that was my fiancé. I’m not wanting to start anything serious.

  I keep telling myself that, but this sexy man in front of me is making me want to say fuck that.

  His stark white button-down shirt is tight enough to see he has a strong chest. I can see a sprinkling of chest hair poking out against his Greek Orthodox crucifix. He looks likes a Greek god.

  If I wanted something carefree and with no strings attached, I guess I could do worse than this man.

  It has been so long since I have been around someone who didn’t know where I came from or who my father is. I like that.

  Iago is waving at me from across the ski lodge with a man under his arm. I guess he found something to entertain himself with tonight.

  “Fancy,” the man says with flirtation dripping from his words. “How long are you staying here?”

  I shrug him off and take another drink out of my tumbler. “I’m not sure. I think only for the night?”

  “Are you telling me or asking me how long you are staying for?”

  I giggle. I like it when a man is paying attention to what I have to say. It makes me feel like I’m being listened to and not used in some other plot. My father has made me overly paranoid over the past few years.

  Without being introduced, another man materializes behind my mystery man. He is a little heavier set with a balding head. He looks like he would be a nice guy until he looks at me with stone-cold eyes.

  These stone-cold eyes are the eyes of someone in the mafia or had an affiliation with the mafia. I swear to all that is holy, if my father hired a bodyguard, I’m going to kill him myself!

  “So, we handled the situation and everything’s taken care of,” the new man states with certainty.

  “Thanks for the update.” The man in front of me is gorgeous, but he keeps looking over his shoulder and is guarding his drink. I’m wondering why he is guarding it so much.

  Keys are being passed between the two of them and then all of a sudden the new man is gone.

  “What was that about?” I question.

  Am I being paranoid? Has my father completely warped my brain into me thinking that every guy I see is in the mafia?

  “It is none of your concern. Tell me something more about you.”

  My eyes narrow in on his face. “Is it really necessary to have this conversation? Aren’t you going to try and get me in bed or something?” I blurt.

  Normally I’m not this aggressive but I hate being dismissed. After what happened to Servos, I couldn’t stand the thought of being pushed off again. I’m not the one who is going to take it.

  Plus, I really need something. I need something to get me all excited again. The man in front of me would be a perfect way to do it.

  “Well, when you put it that way. Do you want to go to my room?”

  I consider the options. I could go to his room and have sex with a complete stranger or I could turn down the option and remain a sourpuss for being sad over Servos. These are the types of decisions I hate making.

  “Yes. Let me tell my friend I’m leaving,” I inform him and slide off the barstool.

  I take one last look at the guy I’m about to sleep with and smile at him slightly. I know it is silly but I felt the magnetic pull to go back to him the further I got from him.

  Iago’s busy making out with some random guy at the bar against the wall of the bar. I tap him on the shoulder to let him know I’m leaving.

  “I’m going to go. I’ll meet you back in our room.”

  Iago’s eyes narrow on my face and he flicks his wrist to dismiss me. Thanks for being a friend! I could be murdered in this hotel room and he doesn’t even care.

  Some best friend.

  The man I was talking to is standing in front of me with his eyes fixated on Iago. “Who’s that?”

  “My friend,” I reply a little closer to the man.

  “He looks familiar,” his voice is somber as if he is trying to remember something far away.

  “What is your name?” I blurt out. I’m dying to know. I know I’m about to have sex with a complete stranger but I have to know his name.

  “Octavious. Yours?”


  Chapter Seven


  I’ve met plenty of women at bars and have taken them home before I became boss. Now that I’m the boss of my family, I have to be careful. Especially of my secret. I can’t let anyone know or someone is going to kill me.

  I could be dead walking out to my car. The Baros Family has been trying to take me out since I stepped up. I know they are lurking to find a weakness of mine.

  One of the weaknesses I have that could kill me is I’m deathly allergic to peanuts. I don’t tell anyone about my allergy and I have never made it known. I’m overly precautious with my food and drink.

  I bring my own condoms, I only bring food typically as well. Milo and Miklos are the only ones who know about my allergy and I intend to keep it that way.

  For the whole entirety of my leadership of the Andino Family, I have had their stupid boss up my ass trying to get in on my trade. Alki Baros is the only mother fucker in the underworld that has the ability to get in on my trades. Alki is the crazy old man who everybody discards as the drunk uncle who walks around in a dirty bathrobe. I know the truth.

  He’s almost as ruthless as me.

  The silent war that has been brewing between our families could rival The Cold War between Russia and America. No shots have been fired just yet, but I’m ready for it.

  My issues? My only weakness could kill me and leave my family unprotected. I wouldn’t doubt Aliki has a member of his family here to watch the transaction that just place. He probably filmed it to figure out a way to blackmail me.


  I push the thoughts of the war brewing to focus on the little minx in front of me who is giving me the fuck-me-eyes. Her eyes are daring me to pull down her leggings and hoist her up on the counter. I want to.

  “You sure you want to do this?” I ask her before taking her to my hotel room I have reserved at the lodge.

  She looks over to the left into the reflection of the mirror and has a silent conversation with herself. It is when she looks back at me, she nods her beautiful head.


  I place my hand on the small of her back and begin to lead her out of the lounge area of the lodge. We pass by several of my men and a couple of the men who just lost the lodge. The men who lost this fine establishment are looking at me as if they are plotting my death. It wouldn’t be the first time these mother fuckers tried to kill me.

  “Why are they looking at you like that?” Vera asks with her eyes squinted.

  I can tell one thing about this woman; she knows a lot more than she let on in the lounge. Any other woman would have ignored that exchange or wouldn’t have said anything.

  “Bad poker game,” I retort.

  My hand slips down the small of her back to the waistline of her leggings. I pull on the waistband just enough to tease her a little. She gasps.

  The hallway to the rooms needs to be redecorated. It looks old and understated with the whites and beige colors of the decorations. I’m going to have to get one of my girls in here to spruce it up. I need to be selling some elegance and something others can’t offer at my lodge to make money.

  My hand is reaching for the door handle when Vera spins to look at me. I can see her working through something in her mind before she just shakes it.

  “Is everything okay?” I ask her. I can get plenty of ass. I don’t need to for
ce a woman into bed with me. I like the chase just as much as the next person, but I don’t need to be a rapist.

  Vera nods. “I’m sorry. It has been a long week.”

  I smirk. “Let’s just go inside.” I swing the door open and she looks at me with sexy eyes.

  Her hands are on my chest and gripping my shirt in between her fingers. I feel her bringing me closer to her body. My hands wrap around her waist and I pull her close until she is flushed against me. My mouth descends on hers.

  Her lips taste like a combination of cinnamon and something stronger. It must have been the drink she was sipping on. And my tongue dives in.

  My hands slide up her back until I’m gripping her luscious hair in my hands. She moans a little into the back of her throat. I follow the curve of her body to rip her sweater off. She allows me the ability to take it off.

  I break away from the kiss to look down at the woman in front of me. Her tits are overflowing from the lace bra she is wearing. Her curvy hips, waist and the smooth skin are all calling me at once.

  My mouth is back on her but this time on her neck. My lips suck on the delicious skin of her neck causing her to throw her head back. Reaching up again, I pull the cups of her bra down to free her nipples. My fingers play with the stiff peaks of her buds.

  “Jesus,” she moans.

  I smile against her neck.

  My mouth slides down to her collarbone and then down to the mounds of her tits. She thrusts her chest into my face even more. I suck on her left nipple and tease the other one with my hand.

  Vera is so responsive to me. I love it.

  Bending my head down, I begin to tongue her tits, moving to her stomach, around her belly button and finally to the waistband of her leggings. I lick the top of it to taunt her.

  Chapter Eight


  What a perfect way to get my mind off my dead fiancé. I know it makes me seem like a whore, but if you saw the man in front of me who is about to pull my leggings down, you would understand.


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