Octavious: Andino Crime Family: Social Rejects Syndicate

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Octavious: Andino Crime Family: Social Rejects Syndicate Page 5

by Eden Rose

  I can’t believe I didn’t put two and two together.

  My mind is hating myself for sleeping with a man who is attached to the life I have been trying to avoid my whole life. I can’t believe I did it. The worst part about it? I want to do it again. My sex is alive and wanting like a whore for Octavious.

  “You really know how to step in it.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  “You fucked my daughter. How the hell am I supposed to get her a nice Greek husband or have her marry one of my guys knowing you tainted her?” Baros yells at me over the man who is still bound to my chair.

  I smirk. “She was good, too.”

  “You can have her. I don’t want her back knowing you fucked her.”

  I would have burst out laughing if it was a different situation but I know he’s telling the truth. He honestly thinks I would have fucked her if I would have known who she was?

  “I’m taking my guy back,” Baros mutters and starts untying him.

  I cross my arms and feel the nice Italian silk stretch over my chest. Just because we are in Greece, doesn’t mean I don’t go across country lines to get the good stuff. I love the feel of the Italian silk on my body. Plus, their suits are tailored just right for me.

  “You take him back, fine. But you’re not taking your own daughter?”

  My mind is swimming with how fucked up this situation is. He’s going to turn his back on his daughter because I slept with her? What kind of bull shit is that?

  Baros undoes all of the ties bounding his man and he’s muttering to himself like the crazy fool everyone thinks he is. “I’m not taking that whore back. I can’t have my guys knowing I allowed her to fuck one of you.”

  I can’t believe how callous he is being. The man is completely warped. If the tables would have been turned and it was my daughter sleeping with an enemy, would I have reacted the same way?

  I’m not sure.

  “Take him. You can tell Vera before you leave,” I answer cooly.

  Baros has the man untied and is helping him walk out of the warehouse. Vera is at the door with her friend and she appears to be stressed out. Before anything is discussed, I need to ask her some questions.

  Walking across the rough pavement of the warehouse, I’m in the doorway to watch the exchange happen.

  “You are cut off. I don’t ever want to see you again,” Baros informs his daughter.

  Vera is watching him and then looks over at me with curiosity. I can tell she is not as upset as I would have thought. Then I remembered she runs her own business. She probably doesn’t need the financial help her father could give her.

  She is able to handle everything on her own.

  Vera nods at her father. “I don’t ever want to see you again,” she tells him and hands over something that I can’t see. “Don’t ever call me or contact me. I don’t want anything to do with you.”

  Alki says something under his breath but I can’t make it out. Then he clears his throat to say something else. “You’re done with this family. All of the protection you once had is gone. You are no longer a Baros.”

  Vera’s friend is watching the exchange with his mouth agape. I’m assuming he didn’t expect this to happen. After one night between us, the riff between the two families is larger than ever before.

  There is no repairing this.

  “That’s fine.”

  Baros leaves but addresses me before leaving. “This isn’t over.”

  I nod. “You do what you have to do.”

  Once Vera and her friend are standing in the doorway without the cover of Baros, I approach her and grab her by the elbow. The act I just witnessed proves she was not sent here to spy on me. She wasn’t sent here as a diversion over what truly just happened.

  “I need to talk to you,” I whisper harshly into her ear. “Leave us,” I order everyone in the room.

  “You sure, boss?” Balak asks.

  “I’m sure. Get out.”

  My men and her friend shuffle out of the warehouse and I reach down Vera’s back to grab her by the ass. My hands cup her ass cheeks to pull her up my body.

  Just like last night, her body responds instantly to mine. I know the situation is terrible but I need her all over again. I need to feel her wrapped around my cock. Her hot, tight sheath of a pussy gripping me until I come inside of her.

  I’m going to make her mine and I don’t care about the heavy cloud that is draped over us. This is my girl now.

  Walking us to my chair, I sit down with her on my lap. She eagerly rips off her sweater and throws it on the ground. She isn’t wearing a bra and my lips instantly attack her nipples. Vera’s little pink peeks are hard, begging for my attention. I lavish each of them and then bite them rougher than I did last night.

  She screams out in the warehouse, grinding her fine ass on my dick.

  “Stand up,” I order to her.

  She stands up on shaky legs and pulls down her pants. Her underwear comes off of her sexy body as well and she kicks off her shoes with her pants.

  I unbuckle my pants and grab my throbbing dick out of my boxers. Reaching into my pocket, I grab out a condom to protect us. I roll it on quickly and make sure it is on secure. I wave a finger at her to come over to me and sit on my lap again.

  Vera’s mouth is on mine as she lines her pussy up to my dick. She grinds down once more before ending our teasing.

  The woman rides me like her life depends on it. Her fingers grip my hair to hold my mouth to hers as she fucks me so good.

  Jesus, fuck. This woman is going to be the death of me.

  “Ride me, baby. Fuck me just like that,” I murmur against her lips.

  “You feel so good! Who knew it could be this good.”

  I reach behind her sexy ass and feel her puckered flesh. I tickle her there and she moans out louder than before.

  “I’m coming! I’m coming!”

  I stick my finger through her outer ring and she explodes all around me. I’m following behind her as she rides out her orgasm. My come fills the condom.

  I kiss her hard on the mouth. She kisses me back with the same amount of passion as I’m giving her.

  "You know nothing about our relationship is going to be easy," she whispers against my lips.

  I nod because I do understand. Our relationship or whatever this is will never be easy. I don't think Alki is going away and he will strike.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Coming down from the sex high has reality crushing in. My father just gave me up that easily. I can't believe it. I can't believe he would just throw me away like that.

  "What are you thinking about?" Octavious questions as I climb off of him.

  I instantly miss his heat and the feeling of him inside of me. It is insane how much I miss the feeling after only a day. I should be mad. I should be furious about this since I lost the protection of The Baros Crime Family but I'm not.

  "I'm thinking that even though everything has changed, I'm okay." I mean it, too. I know my whole life is going to change, but I’m good.

  Octavious smiles at me, showing me his straight teeth that glisten in the room. “What now?”

  I giggle and lean my head against his forehead for comfort. Shrugging, I answer honestly. “I’m not entirely sure. I’m not expecting you to marry me or anything. You know that, right?”

  He feigns hurt by placing his hand over his chest in mock pain. “Here I thought we were going to get married and start popping out some kids.”

  I shake my head. “No. If we’re going to keep fucking each other, you’re using a condom.”

  The man’s eyes glimmer in the warehouse lights. “After one day you think you can boss me around. I see how it is.”

  The man has jokes. “I need to get back to Iago. I have a lot of work I have to do.”

  “When can I see you again?” Octavious blurts out as I get dressed.

  I never pictured him to be the type to want to see me
again. I also didn’t expect him to take guardianship over me after my father kicked me out of the family.

  I smile at him lightly. “I’m serious, Octavious. I’m okay. I don’t need a keeper. I have my own career, my own apartment and everything else.”

  He nods. “I know you do. I’m just asking to take you out on a date.”

  A date couldn’t hurt, could it? I mean, we’ve already fucked so why couldn’t we go out on a date? “Where are you thinking?”

  “I’ll pick you up at eight tomorrow from your house. Give me your address.”

  After giving him my address, I turn to leave. I’m eager to get out of here. I have tried so hard to separate myself from my father’s business and now I’m sleeping with a rival’s don? I really know how to pick them.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Balak, Alek and Miklos come jogging into the warehouse as if their heels are on fire. Miklos is the first to say something.

  “You know what you’re doing? You sure you want to challenge Baros by fucking his daughter?” Miklos all but yells.

  I chuckle under my breath. The reality and the severity of what I did are not lost on me. I’m not stupid.

  “Look, it’s not like that. I didn’t know who she was when I fucked her last night. It isn’t as if I’m asking for a family tree. We got what we needed from Baros and now we have to prepare for the retaliation we all know is about to happen,” I inform them diplomatically.

  I’m not lying. Baros gave us exactly what we needed to attack him. He entered our property to steal our information for profits. There has to be a reason why he did it.

  “Miklos, I need you to start searching for all the financial statements of Baros. Check every single one of his businesses and get the profit and loss statements.”

  I’m looking over at Balak and Alek who are pacing around the area where our prisoner was. They look pissed off.

  “Balak, I need you to watch him. Wherever he moves, I want to know. Alek, I want you to find out what’s taking our shipment so long from Africa. I have buyers wanting those stones now.”

  Everyone is quick to follow the directions I gave them. Now it is my turn to go to the office and start looking over the paperwork which Felipe had stolen.

  My mind is still high on sex and it is a little cloudy. Fucking Vera is hot and mindblowing.

  Vera is leaving the main hallway with her friend. She looks over her shoulder to nod my way. I nod back at her and continue going to my new office. I must know what type of mess was left for me to clean up.

  It is hard to believe it has only been a day since The Andino Crime Family took over the ski lodge.

  Walking into the office with all of the information, I see the mess that fucker left. I should have killed him when I had the chance. Paperwork is everywhere and the desk looks ransacked.

  I’m pissed as fuck, but there is nothing I can do about it right now.

  I have to figure out how to launch an attack on Baros for fucking with my business.

  Sitting down in the office chair, I begin to look through all of the documentation over the past year with the ski lodge. It looks like it is a pretty profitable place which is confusing since the previous owners didn’t pay back their loans at all.

  I begin to get to work and lose myself in the numbers when there is a knock on the door. “Who is it?” I call out.

  There is no way in hell I would leave the door open after everything that has happened.

  I reach under the desk to grab the gun I know is there. I have it in my hands and aimed at the door when it cracks open.

  Another one of my men sticks his head through the door. Gage is a younger member of my family who has joined the ranks a couple of months ago. Normally I wouldn’t take a member so young, but he is ruthless. He’s the type you want on your side.

  “What is it, Gage?” I set down the papers in front of me to focus on him.

  “There has been an attack on headquarters and three million Euros worth of diamonds has been stolen.”

  My fist slams against the desk causing it to creak from the blunt force of my rage.

  “How the fuck did you let this happen?” I yell.

  Gage takes it like a champ. He knows me well enough to know I mean business. “We didn’t let it happen. We were coming back from the drop when a tank comes charging out of our depository.”

  I shake my head. That rat mother fucker.

  There is another knock on the door. This time I’m pissed off. I don’t want to be bothered by this bull shit right now. “Who is it?”

  Vera pokes her head in with tears streaming down her eyes. Her friend is holding her shoulders as they shake.

  I instantly spring into action. “What happened?” I demand. I have murder on my mind after my products got stolen and now Vera is so visibly upset.

  Her friend is the one that speaks up. “Vera’s car was set on fire. Someone moved it and set it on fire towards the end of the lot.”

  Alki Baros doesn’t fuck around. Too bad for him because I’m coming to win. He’s not going to beat me at this game.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I can't help but know why this happened. My father wanted to set a point, and he did it. I’m no longer protected by the family and he had to show me that somehow.

  Standing in front of my car which is burned to the crisp at home, I know what happened. My father is pissed off at me for sleeping with the enemy. It isn’t as if I ask for a family tree before sleeping with someone. It happened. I know I shouldn’t have slept with him again, but he’s delicious.

  You know when you’ve been dieting for a long time- or maybe just a day- and the dessert menu gets dropped off at your table? You know you should politely decline but that cake looks so good. What’s one little piece going to do to you? It is only a little piece. So what if you are going to hate yourself in the morning for having to jump up and down to get your thighs in those skinny jeans. You only live once, right? So you splurge and get the cake.

  The next morning you realize how fat and dumb that decision was. There is no turning it back. However, the next time you are at the restaurant, you fall in the same trap.

  Octavious is that delicious piece of cake. The yummy piece of cake you should say no to but you don’t.

  “What the fuck, Vera?” Iago almost screams at me to get me to wake up from my nightmare.

  There is no waking me up from my nightmare.

  “He’s going to destroy me, isn’t he? I’m totally fucked,” I mutter to myself. My father is really going to try and wipe me off the earth just because I slept with Octavious.

  My revengeful side is telling me to share all of my dad’s secrets, but I don’t. Even though I have been disowned, I’m not completely a fuck up.

  “Can you take me back to the ski lodge?” I ask my friend.

  The longer I stare at my car, the more I have realized how fucked up my dad is. If he is going to do this to someone he supposedly loves, who is to say he wouldn't do it to someone else?

  I want to see Octavious. I want to make sure nothing happened to him.

  “Yes, peaches. Let’s take you back to your lover.”

  I smile it off. There is no way I’m able to tell my friend how hurt I am.

  By the time we get to the ski lodge, the tears start to flow for the first time in this whole ordeal. I’m not crying because I’m going to miss my father or the protection he provided. I’m crying because of everything else.

  It is a difficult thing to explain it to someone.

  I am all but run out of the car to get my hands on Octavious. I need to draw his strength from him.

  “What happened?” Octavious demands as soon as he sees my tear-streaked face. His angry faces look around at his friends’ faces then back to mine. “Either someone starts talking or someone’s about to die!”

  Iago fills Octavious in and my lover squeezes me to his chest. I can smell his amazing cologne and the unique scent
of the powerful man.

  “I’m okay, I’m okay.”

  Octavious shakes with rage. “Your father is behind this. I know it.”

  I nod.

  Chapter Nineteen


  My anger doesn’t dissipate and I cancel dinner plans. I need to work on our next strike.

  I hand over a pair of keys to one of the emergency vehicles I always drive around with. It is hard to believe I just met this woman and I care about her this much already.

  “I can’t take the keys,” she mutters with her jaw dropped.

  Balak chuckles under his breath. “He has a lot of cars. He can afford it.”

  I want to punch him in the face for sharing about my wealth but it’s true. I can afford to throw her the keys to a vehicle.

  “Baby, it is the white Mercedes SUV at the end of the lot. Go get us some dinner and then we will eat it.”

  As she leaves, I look over at my men. “We gotta strike next. He’s hit our shipment and now struck against his own daughter. We gotta get him next.”

  Miklos says something in Hungarian before translating it into Greek. “I found out where he took the shipment and then where he has all of his money stashed.”

  He rattles off the address and I write it down. “Call all of our guys in and I want you guys flooding the warehouse.”

  Everyone nods and starts making the calls needed to get the guys in. I hate when I feel like someone has the one-up on me. This situation is not different, especially with Vera’s safety on the line.

  “Uh, boss,” Milo mumbles from the doorway. “You have a phone call from Alki Baros.”

  “Put him through to my phone,” I growl. I can’t wait to talk to him.

  The phone rings from the office phone and I casually stroll over to it to answer it. I’m not going to let him think he has me by the balls. I’m not playing games with him.


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