Strays (Red Kings MC Book 1)

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Strays (Red Kings MC Book 1) Page 14

by Eliza Marsh

  The Macon charter arrived in Lakeside a few hours later, much to the relief of everyone in the group. Their brief stop to get gas was filled with tension, and Jackie and Dean avoided each other at all costs.

  After the standard greetings and introductions at the clubhouse, Tyler had quickly been whisked off by Finn, who had taken a liking to the young man when they first met. TJ and Jackie were by the line of bikes as Jagger tried to convince them that he'd come up with the perfect design for the artist to paint onto the tank of his machine.

  Further down the lot, under the shade of the clubhouse's metal canopy, Dean stood with Vic and Bianca, the charter's ruling pair. The MC president was of average height and build, and didn't look much like a biker at first glance. His dark hair was graying and peppered with white strands, hinting that he was a bit on the older side. His face was friendly, and his blue eyes warm, a stark contrast from the Macon charter president.

  Vic’s leading lady complimented him nicely. Bianca was about the same height as her husband, with a small frame and slim figure. Not looking a day over thirty-five, her long dark hair was perfectly styled to match her fashion-forward outfit. She looked like she had just stepped off the pages of a magazine, the perfect biker queen. Her strong, guarded expression said that she was clearly the one people needed to impress in order to last around here.

  The royal pair were eager to hear more about the favor they were doing for the usually private Macon enforcer.

  “So, what's her story?” Vic asked, puffing on a cigar as he leaned against a picnic table.

  “Her and the prospect grew up together, been traveling for a while. Somehow got from Chicago to Macon.”

  “She gonna bring me any shit?”

  Dean shook his head, dark eyes glued to the woman laughing across the lot. “She's pretty harmless. Got a bit of a mouth on her sometimes.”

  Vic rolled his eyes and grinned. “Just what I need, another diva.”

  Bianca smacked him as he snickered. “Asshole,” she muttered as he gave her a quick peck on the lips before heading inside the clubhouse. She smiled as Dean continued to watch Jackie horse around with Jagger and TJ.

  “So, that's your little lady, huh? She's cute.” Dean sent an empty glare to the biker queen, who merely scoffed at his reaction. “Don't even think about lying to me. Jagger told me all about her. What's going on with you two? I'm assuming the apartment was for her, but I haven't heard anything about you transferring down here.”

  She pinned him with the motherly look that got him every time. He sat on top of the picnic table and sighed, looking down at his hands as he rested his elbows against his knees. “I have to do it, B. My responsibility first and foremost is to the club. And I can't focus on that when I'm around her. She's all I can think about.”

  “And you think sending her here is going to change that?” Bianca wasn't sure what to think about the killer's new-found heart, but for his sake, she hoped this woman wasn't as stupid as the biker in front of her. Although, judging by the fact that they were in this situation to begin with, her hopes didn't go far.

  “I have to try.” Dean looked up at her, his expression vulnerable for only a split second before returning to his usual stony mask. “This is what's best. For everyone.” He stood up and turned to leave, only to be stopped a moment later by a hand on his forearm.

  “You want to be an idiot about this? That's fine with me. But when you come looking for her in three months because you've decided that you can't live without her, don't say I didn't tell you so.” She released his arm and smirked up at him, covering her eyes with a pair of dark sunglasses. “Did you ever think that maybe it's time to add to your responsibilities a little bit? Instead of throwing it all out the window?” With that, she turned and headed across the lot to the woman in question, who was still talking with Jagger and TJ. “C'mon, sweetheart. Let me show you your new apartment.”

  Jackie looked at the older woman with wide eyes, her initial fear of the woman still firmly present. “I'm sorry, what?”

  “You didn't think they'd make you find your own place, did you?” Jagger grinned down at a confused Jackie.

  “The club has empty apartments, in case we ever need beds for more people than we can fit in the clubhouse.” Bianca crossed her arms over her chest as she stared down the smaller woman. “And seeing as the guys in Macon find you rather important, you get the luxury of moving into one. You don't even have to pay rent. Isn't that nice?” She gave Jackie a sarcastic smile and headed across the lot to her car.

  In reality, the situation was nothing like that. Bianca had to do a bit of searching and a lot of threatening to get this apartment on such short notice. Dean was also currently giving Vic a large sum of money to pay for it. Young love, how sweet.

  “She hates me,” Jackie whined, staring desperately up at Jagger.

  “Ah, just a little. She kind of hates everyone. It's nothing personal.” He paused momentarily, as if deep in thought. “Well, you are fucking one of her favorite guys. It might be a tiny bit personal.” She glared at his response before walking back to her tuck. “I was just kidding!” Jagger called after her. “Sort of...”


  After a night of partying as only the Lakeside boys knew how, the returning members of the Georgia charter were standing in the lot saying their goodbyes. Jackie was glad that she had decided to head to her new home early last night because the men were looking quite a bit worse for wear. She had spent a little time getting better acquainted with the new apartment that she and Tyler would share, which was much nicer than the cheap one in Macon. She wished she was still sleeping safely in her room, as the tension between her and Dean was thick, even though they continued to stay on opposite ends of the parking lot.

  Near the bikes, Dean was having an uncharacteristic heart-to-heart with his closest Lakeside friend.

  “I need a big favor.”

  “Anything, brother.”

  Dean ran his hands through his messy hair and sighed, still not sure that he was doing the right thing. “I need you to look after Jackie.”

  “You know I will. Won't let her out of my sight.” Jagger clapped his friend on the shoulder and took in his ragged state. “You positive you want to leave your lady here?”

  “No.” Dean didn't bother denying his thoughts to the man that understood him better than anyone. “I'm quite fucking sure it's a terrible, selfish idea. But I don't know what else to do.”

  “Have you tried talking to Jackie?”

  He was shaking his head before Jagger even finished his question. “I blew up at her. Told her exactly what I do for this club. We're not on speaking terms anymore because she saw me beat the shit out of some guy. I couldn't fix it even if I wanted to. Besides, why the hell does a girl like that need to be with a guy like me?”

  “Yeah, well, you hooked her in somehow. You'll be back to get her in no time.”

  “Why does everyone keep saying that?”

  “Cause we know what we're talking about, and we know you. Now, are we done with the sappy shit?” Both men nodded, an unspoken vow of silence to keep the conversation between them, and went about saying their farewells to the rest of the group.

  On the other side of the parking lot, Jackie was saying goodbye to the Macon bikers.

  “It's been fun, cupcake.” TJ threw a bulky arm around her shoulders and crushed her to his chest. “I know you're going to miss this fine piece of ass. But you'll just have to move on and find somebody else as insanely hilarious and devilishly good-looking as I am. Good luck with that, though. I don't think anyone more amazing than me exists.”

  Jackie laughed but didn't let go of the man. “What am I going to do without you, TJ?”

  “Live a slow, miserable life with no amusement whatsoever and have a general sucky rest of your existence?” She glared playfully up at him before kissing his cheek and giving him a final squeeze. “You take care of yourself, Jack,” he said seriously as he released the girl.

“You too,” she replied, smiling at the man that had welcomed her with open arms the first time they met. He had never doubted her place in their world and had always been honest and sincere with her. In the biker way of life, that meant a lot.

  She moved to Nash, teary-eyed before she had even reached the biker. He smiled as the woman hugged him fiercely, wrapping his own arms around her.

  “I miss you already.”

  Nash laughed and looked down at her. "I'll come visit, I promise." Jackie met his eyes and smiled up at him. "You've got my number," he said gravely, pulling back from her to make sure that she was hearing him. "You need anything, you call me." She nodded as he continued. “I'm serious. You need me, I'll be here in four hours. Probably three, if I speed.”

  Jackie grinned at his mischievous look and hugged him once again. Nash was a bit stunned by how hard this was on him. In the time they had known each other, the woman had really grown on him. Even more so in the past few weeks. Life in Macon was going to be quite different without her and Tyler.

  “I'll see you around, kid.”

  After saying goodbye to Tyler, Nash crossed the lot and got on his bike, TJ and Dean quickly following his lead. Jackie was very excited to have escaped any sort of awkward farewell with the tattooed biker. It seemed he had no intention of having a final conversation, and that was fine with her.

  Just as the words had finished flitting across her mind, Dean met her eyes for what could be the last time. They stared at each other, neither one able to bring themselves to break the connection. The gaze seemed to say so much.

  I'm sorry it went down like this.

  You deserve better.

  I'll miss you.

  I love you.

  Tears filled Jackie's eyes once again as Dean nodded to her in farewell. The men shouted final goodbyes, then started their bikes and headed out. Tyler stepped up behind Jackie and wrapped his arms around her, knowing it was hard for both of them to watch their family ride away.


  Three days.

  That’s the amount of time she had spent in this small Florida town. Three days and she was already going crazy. Moving wasn’t new to Jackie, that’s what she and Tyler had done ever since they left Chicago. The only difference was that, this time, she hadn’t wanted to leave. She had a family of sorts in Macon, a job, her own place. Her life had been looking up.

  She was now in a new town with no family except Tyler and no job. She had spent the last three days decorating the new apartment and looking for employment. Her search had proven futile, as there were no jobs for an artist, and the local diners and restaurants had more waitresses than they needed.

  All in all, her situation was looking pretty grim.

  Currently, Jackie was dressed in an old shirt and was painting, trying not to think of her problems. Tyler was already fitting in with the charter, and she was glad; he had been really upset about leaving Macon. Jackie was happy about seeing Johnny and Jagger, as the two bikers were decidedly great company, and the stories Jagger told never failed to make her laugh.

  Letting a smile cross her face at the thought of the mellow biker, she brushed back a stubborn piece of hair that had fallen into her eyes. The knocking on her door was unexpected, but she welcomed the sudden break in monotony.

  “It’s open!”

  Entering the apartment, Jagger raised one of his eyebrows at her appearance and leaned against the frame of the door to the living room.

  “You know the front door is here so you can lock it, right sweetcheeks?”

  Jackie rolled her eyes at him, but other than that, completely ignored his question. “Did you need something?”

  “Nah, just came to see how you were settling in.” He examined her painting, whistling low. “You sure have that artsy thing goin' for ya. That looks nice.”

  “Thanks.” She smiled at him, beaming. “It would be better if there was somewhere in Lakeside I could sell it, make some cash.” She eyed him curiously. “You wouldn’t happen to know of anywhere, would you?”

  Jagger pointed at himself after her question, a disbelieving look on his face. “Who, me? Baby, I wouldn’t know an art gallery if it hit me in the face.” Complimenting the girl on her painting was his way of being polite, when in truth, he didn't know shit about art. She could have been painting like a third grader for all he knew. “Benz might, though. He likes this sort of…” He paused, searching for the right word. “…stuff.”

  “Oh…” Jonathan Reece, affectionately known as Benz, was a military veteran and one of the sweetest club members she'd met thus far. As surprising as it was that anyone in this merry band of men knew anything about art whatsoever, she could see how Benz was her man. His slightly more refined tastes and knowledge shined through his biker exterior. “Can you ask him?” Jackie wasn’t a master at the puppy-dog stare, but she gave it a try. She really did need the income.

  “Sure, I’ll ask for ya.” Chuckling, Jagger put on his sunglasses and made a move to exit the apartment. “Well, if you’re getting along fine, I’ll be going.”

  “So soon?” Tyler hadn’t been around much the last three days, and Jagger was the first familiar face she had seen in a while.

  Making his way to the door, he turned to look at her. “Club’s calling, sweetheart. We’ll talk more at dinner, yeah?”

  “What dinner?”

  “Prospect didn’t tell you?” Jackie shook her head, and he frowned. “What an idiot.”

  “Oh, be nice. He’s a bit forgetful.”

  “Forgetful my ass…” Amused at his grumbling, she laughed and joined him at the door. “Bianca’s having us all for dinner tonight. That includes you and the prospect.”

  “Okay… what time?”

  “Be there by six-thirty.” When she nodded, he took off his sunglasses and looked her in the eyes, a serious expression on his face. “Do not, under any circumstances, be late. The Red Queen hates when people are late.” He cracked a smile when he saw her swallow and patted her on the shoulder. Turning around, Jagger made his way down the hallway of the apartment building, stopping half-way to look at her. “And bring something for dessert. It'll put you in Bianca's good graces.”

  And then he was gone, leaving Jackie to stare at the empty hallway in wonder. Bring something for dessert? Looking at her watch, she saw it was nearing one in the afternoon. Sighing, she began going through the list of things she had to do before this dinner that was sure to be interesting.

  After Jagger had left her, she rushed to the store for groceries, managed to prepare enough desserts to satisfy a small army, and got all the paint out of her hair. Jackie was excited at the idea of getting to meet the bikers' families as the Macon guys had all been bachelors as far as she was aware. She hoped there would be at least one or two ladies present that were a bit more her speed.

  When six twenty-five rolled around later that night, Jackie and Tyler found themselves standing in front of the charter president's house, exchanging nervous glances. The screaming floating through the open windows overshadowed their relief of being on time.

  “Get your ass out of my kitchen, prospect, before I roast you and serve you for dinner!”

  “But I’m not a prospect anymore!”

  “You are if I say you are! Now get the hell out of here!”

  Listening to the war raging inside the house, Jackie glanced at the desserts she was holding and back up at the door. Feeding a small army, indeed.


  The female voice was heard again, full of authority. There was only one woman it could belong to and said woman scared Jackie to no end.

  She spared another glance at Tyler and found him looking at her. She wasn’t the only one the queen got to, apparently.

  “Run?” Tyler’s voice had a bit of a tremble in it. He was supposed to be a badass biker, and here he was cowering because a woman was yelling at someone else.

  Biting her lip, Jackie nodded. “Run.”

  Turning around, each of them made f
or their respective vehicles, Jackie quickly walking to her truck, and Tyler almost running to get on his bike.

  The roar of a motorcycle echoed down the street, but they both paid it no mind. They were almost out of danger, a few moments separating them from freedom.

  Luck wasn’t on their side, it seemed, as Tyler tripped on the driveway and fell flat on his face, which caused him to lose precious seconds where his escape was concerned. Jackie, too, didn’t manage to get away, as she had to drop the desserts in the passenger seat before she could get in the truck.

  By the time the pair of them were clear to go, the bike had arrived, and the King it belonged to had parked in the driveway, cutting off their escape route.


  “Leaving so soon?” The man’s cheerful voice floated over the noise coming from the house. He got off the bike and moved to Jackie’s truck, closing the driver’s side door before she could get in. “C’mon, babe. We don’t bite… unless you want us to.” He wagged his eyebrows and waited for her to get the desserts. Throwing an arm around her shoulders, he led her towards the house and yelled at the young man still standing in the driveway. “Hurry up and get inside, prospect, we don’t have all day! And close the door behind you.”

  Leading Jackie into the kitchen, Johnny gave her a push in Bianca’s direction and went to the fridge, getting a beer.

  “You better get your beer and get out of my kitchen, Johnny.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m out.” He sent a wink in Jackie’s direction and went to join his brothers in the other room.

  Jackie looked around the kitchen and exhaled in relief when she saw that she wasn’t going to be alone with Bianca. There were three other women preparing dinner and a little girl sitting at the kitchen table coloring.

  Swallowing her nerves, Jackie made her way to the queen and offered her the food she had made. “Where should I put the dessert?”

  Bianca eyed her for a second and then smiled. “Well, isn’t that nice of you. Put it in the fridge for later, sweetheart.”


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