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Canary Page 7

by Nathan Aldyne

  “Sean?” B.J. interrupted. “That bartender? Cute, clean shaven…”

  Clarisse nodded.

  “Haven’t seen him,” said B.J. “I’d have remembered it if I came across that one tonight. Especially at this party.” B.J. twirled her leather bra about her hand. “It was an intimate affair.”

  “I got rope burns.” Ruder held up his arms, pushing his wrists a couple of inches out of his jacket. “Got ’em on my ankles, too.”

  “Oh…” Clarisse blinked. “I see…” She turned back distractedly to the float. “Excuse me, but I have to get this finished.”

  The sound of rock music erupted from down the street. Both B.J. and her companions swiveled their heads in that direction.

  “Sounds like a party,” Ruder said vaguely. “Somebody’s having a party down there somewhere.”

  “Let’s go find out,” Cruder said. “I’m still speeding, anyway.”

  “Why not?” B.J. added. “It’s Saturday now. Who’s holding the Quaaludes?”

  The trio wandered away into the darkness, and Clarisse worked steadily and uninterrupted for the next two hours. The street grew quieter at last, though the temperature seemed to rise and the air grew more sultry. The sky began to lighten, and the streetlights flickered off. Clarisse could see the colored tissues in natural light. They would have looked wonderful, she decided, if they had not already begun to wilt so badly.

  She finally finished the float at eight o’clock and was suddenly aware of the ringing of a distant bell marking the hour. She took this to be a good omen. Stretching and yawning, she decided she was too tired to climb the stairs to her apartment and did not want to leave the float unattended. Instead, she climbed into the cab of the truck, rolled down the windows, stretched out as best she could across the seat, and fell asleep.

  Chapter Eight

  CLARISSE DIDN’T IMMEDIATELY open her eyes. As she awoke she tried to figure out where she was. She heard many voices in conversation and laughter. She heard a badly amplified woman’s voice singing from a distance. She smelled hot dogs and shish kebab.

  Her legs itched badly, and whatever she was lying on was hard and lumpy. As she opened her eyes gradually, she saw green leaves high above her. “Hmm,” she said.

  “Welcome back,” Valentine said.

  She turned her head in the direction of his voice. “Oh,” she groaned.

  “What’s the matter?”

  Clarisse eased herself up and scooted back slightly to lean against the linden tree next to Valentine. She looked around. They were on the grassy knoll on the Charles Street side of the Boston Common. All about them the Gay Pride Rally was in full swing. From where she sat, Clarisse judged there were fifteen to twenty thousand people. She yawned and stretched, sitting up to arch her back. “I feel rested. How long have I been asleep?” She dropped her hands into her lap.

  “Two hours. It’s nearly four o’clock.”

  The parade, originating in Copley Square, had wound a couple of miles along Boston’s narrow streets, along the same official route the march had taken for the past ten years, before spilling finally into the Common for an afternoon of entertainment and political speeches. Many thousands had lined the streets as cheerers-on, as bemused spectators, or even in some cases as hecklers. The bars’ floats were considered a great success. It was led off by Chaps’ tribute to dance—a life-sized revolving figure of Michael Jackson with blaring music to back it up. The Eagle float, representing gay culinary achievements—an enormous spinach salad, quiche, and bottle of Perrier water—followed this. One of the more popular floats was the one from Buddies—which had chosen great music. The bartenders of Buddies had constructed an enormous skyline of Oz with a rainbow arched above it. A yellow road led out of Oz, in the middle of which was a slowly turning medallion displaying the profile of Judy Garland as “Over the Rainbow” played repeatedly. Next to last was Graystone’s tribute to gay literature—Gertrude Stein and Walt Whitman shaking hands across a lavender ocean. With Clarisse nervously driving the baby Toyota, the engine temperature indicator always hovering in the danger zone, Slate’s blow-dryer brought up the rear.

  After parking the Toyota truck, Valentine and Clarisse had trudged up the knoll toward the Civil War Memorial and settled themselves beneath the first unoccupied linden they found.

  Clarisse got unsteadily to her feet and looked around. “It’s still going great guns.”

  A large, quiet group of women was gathered on blankets and towels before the bandstand, listening to two very short women singing a duet about walking hand in hand in the rain in Vermont. The AIDS Action Committee hot-air balloon was vainly trying to make another ascension from the softball field—five dollars for a perfect view of Boston. Moving through the crowd was a well-built, mustached man wearing a black half mask, green silk cape, tank top, and green-and-white-striped silk shorts. Bold red lettering across his chest read: Captain Condom. Close beside the captain was a shorter man dressed in flesh-colored spandex and resurrected Hula-Hoops, fashioned into a recognizable likeness of a condom. The two of them together represented a community health clinic with a large gay clientele. As they moved about, they distributed pamphlets on “safe sex.”

  Many clustered about the dozen stands offering a wide variety of foods from hamburgers and hot dogs to exotic Greek and Eastern fare. Most of the men gave only cursory but longing glances over a table selling homemade desserts but flocked to a stand vending pita pocket bread overflowing with lettuce, fresh meat, and raw vegetables. Since the afternoon was sunny and hot, a lot of men and women simply lay on the grass, picnicked, or milled about. Cameramen and reporters from several television stations were searching for something peculiar or embarrassing to record.

  Clarisse got the attention of a woman selling cold cans of Coke and bought two. She unsnapped them both and handed one to Valentine as she sat down again.

  “Stop looking at those two Italian muscle boys, Val,” she said. “Looking isn’t getting.”

  “Speak for yourself,” he said as he took the cola from her. “I already got a wink from the little one and a nasty glare from his friend.” He took a swallow and pushed himself nearer Clarisse.

  All of the entered floats, except the one from Slate, were parked on the far side of the softball-field grandstand facing toward the knoll. The Slate entry was parked on Charles Street. The large hair dryer was now no more than a piled tangle of twisted chicken wire and tissues, looking as if a small bomb had been exploded inside the float.

  “You know,” said Clarisse, “our float was a real crowd pleaser—until you misjudged those low-hanging oak branches on Beacon Street.”

  “People love to see parade floats get destroyed,” Valentine said defensively. “The same as they like seeing Miss America trip on the runway.”

  “Well, they certainly cheered loudly enough…” She sipped her cola and then asked, “Did I miss anything while I was asleep?”

  “You missed the Radical Lesbian Feminist Revolutionary Guerrilla Comedy Troupe. They did a very funny skit on Nancy Reagan and her gynecologist. You also missed—I’m happy to say—Mr. William Tunney’s speech.”


  “The ex-communicated altar boy who’s rabidly anti-organized religion. Last year he read a speech called ‘Mutual Masturbation as a Revolutionary Act.’ Remember?”

  “Vaguely. And this year…?” Clarisse prompted.

  “This year, when he came up to the podium, he was wearing a black cassock and carrying a Bible. He read all the anti-homosexual passages from Leviticus and St. Paul. After that, two friends brought on a flaming hibachi. Mr. Tunney ripped Leviticus and St. Paul out of the Bible and flung them into the flames. Then Mr. Tunney and his two friends applauded the smoke—no one else did, I’m happy to say.”

  Clarisse closed her eyes, shook her head, and then opened them again. The Captain swept past with the condom wobbling behind, valiantly trying to keep his footing on the slope. “Guess what we’re going to see on the televi
sion news reports tonight,” Clarisse said as she watched the departing couple. “Guess whose picture is going to be on the front page of the Herald tomorrow morning.”

  “Not those two you won’t. The reading and viewing audiences of the greater Boston area are definitely not ready to look at a living, breathing prophylactic over their morning coffee. I’ve been watching them, and even the photographers from the gay papers are bending backward not to get them in frame.” Valentine glanced at his watch. “We promised Niobe we’d be back at the bar by five, and we have to get the keys to the truck back to Sean.”

  “Didn’t he come to the parade?” asked Clarisse as she stood up.

  “I called him while you were sleeping. He said he was still working on his tapes.”

  They made their way down the knoll through the mass of people, crossed Charles Street, and ambled into the Public Garden. On the bridge spanning the duck pond they leaned against the railing for a few moments. Small groups of people reclined on the grass about the perimeter of the pond and beneath the thriving willows and dying elms. Tourists milled in protective groups along the pathways among the vibrantly colored flowerbeds. The elegant swan boats glided lazily about the circumference of the pond. The noise from the rally on the nearby Common was surprisingly muted and vague.

  They strolled on, out of the Garden and down the tree-lined mall bisecting Commonwealth Avenue, until they reached an apartment building at the corner of Exeter Street. They went up the stoop. Clarisse pressed the buzzer beneath the mailbox with Sean Alexander’s name taped to it. They waited but got no reply. Valentine hit the button again, holding it for a long moment. Again they got no response.

  “He’s probably got the music cranked way up,” Valentine said discontentedly. “And he said he had to have the key by six.”

  “Leave this one to me,” said Clarisse, lightly nudging him aside.

  She pushed the button at the end for a top-floor apartment. Receiving no reply, she immediately pressed the next button in line.

  A scratchy voice came through the intercom speaker. “Yeah?”

  “Sorry,” Clarisse said into the speaker. “I pushed the wrong button. Sorry.”

  “Lovelace, what are you doing?”

  Clarisse pressed a button for an apartment on the third floor. This time no voice came over the speaker, but the main door buzzed as the latch was released. Smiling triumphantly, Clarisse turned the knob and pushed open the door. “It never fails. There’s always one tenant in every building willing to buzz anybody in, sight unseen. It’s why there are so many rapes, robberies, and murders in these places.”

  They crossed the small foyer and went up the wide carpeted steps to the second landing. Sean’s apartment was at the back of the building. As they approached his door, they glanced at one another. Quiet music was playing inside. They could even hear that Sean was whistling along with the melody. Valentine knocked on the door. They heard footsteps inside, but no one came to the door. Valentine knocked again and called out, “Sean!” Inside the apartment the telephone rang. Sean answered it, and they heard his voice and after a moment his laughter. Clarisse rapped her knuckles on the door. “Sean?” she called out.

  Inside, Sean continued to talk on the telephone.

  “I don’t get it,” Clarisse said to Valentine. “I know he hears us.”

  “Maybe he doesn’t answer for anybody who doesn’t call first.” Valentine took the truck keys out of his pocket. “What do I do about these?”

  “Give them to me,” said Sean, coming up the stairs of the building with a bag of groceries.

  Clarisse and Valentine turned around quickly. She glanced at the apartment door and then back to Sean. Clarisse’s features were streaked with questions.

  “My guard dog,” Sean offered with a grin.

  Valentine was about to ask Sean to explain. Then he and Clarisse saw that Sean wasn’t alone. A tall man wearing a Boston Gas Company uniform was coming up the stairs directly behind him. The man was broadly built, with severely short dark hair and a dark trimmed mustache. His uniform overalls were unzipped nearly to his navel, displaying thick hair curling on his chest.

  “How you been, Daniel?” said the gas man.

  “Hello, Bander,” Valentine answered coolly.

  “Bander,” Sean said, “this is Clarisse.”

  “Hello,” Clarisse replied politely.

  “I ran into Bander over at DeLuca’s,” Sean explained, pushing his apartment key into the lock and turning it.

  “We dropped by to give you the Toyota keys,” Valentine said. “It’s parked on Charles by the Common.”

  Sean motioned for them to come inside. “How’d it go today?”

  “We’ll tell you all about it later,” Valentine said hesitantly. “Niobe’s holding down the fort alone. As soon as the rally starts to break up, half the South End’ll head over to Slate. I hate to strand her.”

  “Oh, come on, Val. Just for a few minutes,” Clarisse said. “Besides, I’ve never seen Sean’s apartment.”

  Valentine said nothing, but his silence was clearly a reluctant acquiescence.

  “My guard dog,” Sean said again once all four of them were inside. The sound of his voice talking on the telephone was on tape, playing through two speakers.

  He crossed the room and snapped off the taped conversation. He leaned to another tape machine and turned it on so that music filled the room.

  “I recorded a typical evening at home. Whenever I leave the apartment, I play it back. Sounds just like somebody’s in here. I can’t afford a real security system, but this seems to work—I’ve never been broken into.”

  “Very clever,” Clarisse said, genuinely impressed. She looked about the room.

  Sean went down the connecting hallway and disappeared into the kitchen.

  The apartment was a spacious one bedroom, with high ceilings and polished bare oak floors. The walls of the living room were nearly concealed by recording equipment—various sizes and makes of tape decks, amplifiers, and speakers. Several sets of headphones were lined up neatly on a counter, next to several piles of audiophile magazines. Wires and cords ran all around the room, at baseboard and at nearly ceiling level, as well. The only furniture was an overstuffed oatmeal-colored sofa and two comfortable-looking wingback chairs grouped about a massive glass coffee table. In one corner of the room was a large video receiver, three videocassette recorders, and four high stacks of cassette tapes on a small table beside it. In one of the barred windows overlooking the back alley hung a withered and dust-covered spider plant.

  As soon as Sean was out of the room, the gas man made himself at home. Before he dropped into one of the wingback armchairs, he turned the music up louder. “Anybody want to share a joint?” he asked, pulling one out of his pocket.

  “No, thank you,” Clarisse said amiably.

  Valentine simply shook his head no without looking at the man. He was studying the titles on the videocassette tapes. After a moment he walked over and turned down the volume of the music.

  “Long time no see, Daniel,” said Bander, lighting the joint.

  Valentine looked around at the man but remained silent. Clarisse watched both men with growing curiosity.

  Sean came in, bringing with him a tray bearing four glasses of iced lemonade.

  “Many thanks,” said Clarisse, taking a glass before she seated herself on the couch. “It looks to me as if you could open your own recording studio right here in this apartment.”

  “That’s exactly what I plan to do within the next year if I can swing it, but not here, of course.”

  Valentine, with a little groan, sank onto the end of the sofa opposite Clarisse. “Does this mean I’m going to have to search for another bartender?”

  “No.” Sean handed Valentine a glass of the lemonade. “I like working at Slate. I wouldn’t want to give that up. Not unless Warner Records comes after me with a multimillion-dollar contract for my services.”

  Clarisse watched the gas-compa
ny repairman as Valentine and Sean talked. The man seemed at ease, though he didn’t make the least effort to join in the conversation. He drank off the lemonade in one long swallow and returned to his joint. He kept time to the music with one bobbing foot thrown over the arm of the chair. Bander turned suddenly and caught Clarisse off guard, evaluating him. “Is this talent show your bar’s sponsoring tonight going to be another tired drag show or what?” he asked. “I hate tacky queens who get done up in gold lamé and cheap wigs and lip-sync ‘I Am What I Am’ for the two hundred zillionth time. It makes me want to—how do you say?—puke.”

  “Then don’t come,” snapped Valentine.

  “Last time I went to a talent show,” Bander went on, “it was emceed by this big fat drag queen wearing earrings made out of VISA credit cards and a red-glittered toilet seat for a necklace. You getting something like that to emcee your show? Some fat tacky drag queen who wears earrings made out of credit cards?”

  “I am emceeing the show tonight,” Clarisse replied coldly, “and I will not be wearing credit cards or a toilet seat.”

  Bander shrugged, unperturbed. He looked at Valentine. “You think you’ll draw a crowd tonight? Lots of talk about your bar around town. Lots of people not going there anymore.”

  “What talk?” Sean asked.

  “You know. People saying you ought to rename the place ‘The Terminal Bar.’ Have a new advertising slogan—‘Drop In/Drop Dead.’ Start selling T-shirts with ‘I Tricked Out of Slate and Lived’ printed on ’em.”

  “Our business,” Clarisse said tightly, “is fine.”

  Bander grinned, one eyebrow arched. “So gay men like to live dangerously. So what’s new?”

  “Anybody for some more lemonade?” Sean offered suddenly.

  “No,” Valentine said. “We have to leave.”

  “My condolences to your customers,” Bander said.

  Sean walked Valentine and Clarisse to the door and stepped out into the hall with them. “I don’t know what all that was about in there, but I’m sorry. But, well, I like Bander.”


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