Need You (The Winters Family Series Book 2)

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Need You (The Winters Family Series Book 2) Page 4

by Terra Kelly

  Stu came into the kitchen. “Hey, how are we out of bri...? Ummmm, sorry, I will head outside now.”

  Alex was still so close to Alyssa and she didn’t want him to move. They both looked at each other. Alyssa put her hand on his chest, then just stood there.

  Alex asked without hesitation. “Go to dinner with me tonight?”

  Alyssa wanted to say no, then she wanted to say yes. “I don’t know, Alex.”

  “Just give it a go, you may end up having a blast, right?”

  Alyssa laughed. “Fair enough!”

  “So, is that a yes?”


  Anna was sitting on Alyssa’s bed with Lexie snuggled on her lap. Alyssa was trying to find something to wear. She would pull something from the rack, look at it, then mumble something incoherent and throw it on the bed. Anna and Lexie were just watching and almost in fits of giggles.

  Lexie leaned up and whispered in Anna’s ear, “Momma is funny.”

  Anna let out a full belly laugh. “Yes, she is, sweet girl.”

  Alyssa stopped with a dress in one hand and her other hand resting on her hip. “Why am I so funny?”

  Lexie giggled. “What was the word you used Aunt Anna? She is ne... ne...”

  “Nervous. And yes she is, Lexie darling.”

  “Okay you both pick out something for me,” she said, throwing her hands up. “Otherwise we will be here all night.”

  Anna lifted Lexie in her arms and walked to the closet. Lexie had her finger on her lips and was in deep thought. “That one. Right, Aunt Anna?”


  Lexie had picked out a bright blue and green sundress with a simple white sweater to throw over her shoulders. She handed the ensemble to her mom to try on. When Alyssa finished adjusting and felt comfortable. She turned in a full circle for her daughter and dear friend.

  Lexie squealed with delight. “So pretty, Momma! Yay!”

  Anna sighed. “Yup, Lexie is right. You look gorgeous, darling.”

  Alyssa seemed nervous again. “I don’t know. Should I even go on a date?”

  “Honey, if anyone deserves this, it’s you,” Anna said, grabbing her friends hand. “Go have fun and try to relax.”

  Just then the doorbell rang. Alyssa turned to Anna and Lexie. “Is it already 6:00?” She felt her whole body shake with nerves. She took a deep breath and headed to the door. Little Lexie was fast on her heels.

  When Alyssa opened the door, Lexie jumped up and down yelling, “Hi Alex!”

  In between laughing, Alyssa looked at Alex. “Hi!”

  Alex loved hearing her laugh. “Hi there!” He looked at her face, then moved his eyes down the length of her body. “You look beautiful!”

  Excited and tugging on his hand, Lexie said, “Aunt Anna and I picked her pretty dress out!”

  “You did? Well, you both have great taste.”

  Then Alex bent down to Lexie, she matter-of-factly said, “You have fun. Momma loves fun stuff, k?”

  Alex put out his hand to shake hers. “You have a deal, only fun stuff.”

  Alyssa was still unsure about this whole date thing. She bent down to Lexie “Be good for Aunt Anna okay, baby girl?” she said, touching her daughters face. “I’ll give you kisses when I get home.”

  Lexie reached forward and placed both of her little hands on Alyssa’s cheeks. “Fun, k, Momma?”

  “Yes, ma’am!” she said, nodding. Then she leaned in for a big bear hug. Alyssa then stood and turned toward the door. Alex placed his hand on the small of her back to let her go ahead of him. At that moment, Alyssa forgot about the word unsure. Instead, her body ignited from just his soft touch. She walked outside, but made one last look back at Lexie and Anna. Lexie was waving with her whole body. Alex had turned to guide them to the truck.

  Anna nodded to Alyssa and mouthed, “Have fun!” Alyssa gave an ever so slight nod, then turned and walked to the truck.

  Alex was always so polite. Now, here he was opening her door and helping her onto the seat. The pickup truck was up on suspensions, so she had to hold on to him to get in. “Any higher and you would have to lift me up,” she teased.

  Alex was leaning against her seat with his hand on her knee. He took in a deep breath at that moment. The thought of holding Alyssa close to him was enough to take him over the edge. With a cheeky grin. “Maybe I should hike it up more, then.”

  They both just stared at each other. Alyssa reached her hand to Alex and placed it on the side of his face. Alex leaned into her touch.

  That was the first-time Alyssa had touched a man in a long time. The feel of his soft skin against her hand warmed her all the way to her core. She pulled her hand away and rested it on her lap.

  They had been looking right into each other’s eyes. When Alyssa pulled her hand away, somehow that bond broke.

  Alex squeezed her knee. “You ready to have fun?”

  “Yes, I believe I am!”

  Once Alex settled in his seat, Alyssa turned toward him. “So, what kind of fun do you have planned for tonight?”

  “Well Ms. Benson, how does games, golf, and delicious food sound?” he said, starting the engine and putting the truck in drive.

  “Are we going to State Street Arcade? I haven’t been there in ages.”

  “Since Alexandra said to have fun, it seemed like the perfect place to explore.”

  Alyssa looked at Alex and wanted to take his hand in hers. She wanted to lean forward and brush the lock of hair away from his eye. Then her mind made her have the desire to lean forward and kiss his cheek. Instead, she took in a deep breath and kept both hands clasped together in front of her.

  “The arcade sounds perfect!”

  When they arrived, the parking lot was packed. Alex glanced around, everyone was out having fun on a Friday night. Working in the food industry, Friday nights were not that important. Especially because you still always ended up working on a Saturday- like early Saturday. He found a spot in the far back corner of the parking lot.

  Alex shrugged. “Not ideal.”

  “It’s perfect. Thank goodness I’m wearing my walking shoes.”

  He laughed as he turned and opened his door to get out. Then walked around to Alyssa to help her out. Instead, she jumping down from her seat as he approached her door. “You’re too quick for me to show good chivalry,” he teased.

  Alyssa smiled. “Do they still call it chivalry? It’s the 21st century now.”

  Shaking his head. “Okay, okay, being a gentleman! You ready to get your butt kicked at Skee-ball?” Then he headed toward the building.

  “What? No way, Lexie has taught me how to cheat.”

  They both were laughing as they walked through the parking lot. The lights were bright outside and loud sounds of laughter could be heard coming from inside the building.

  After they collected tokens to play the games, they both stopped and took in their surroundings. Kids of all ages were running around or yelling with excitement at each game. Alex pointed to Skee-ball and in a Shakespearean voice, “Best of five games mi-lady?”

  “You’re on!”

  After Alyssa won three of the five games at Skee-ball. They raced against each other in an Indy Car race. Alex beat her, but by inches. He found it was easy to be around Alyssa, laugh with her, and just talk. He loved Alyssa’s laugh, it was infectious. As the night moved on, Alex noticed Alyssa seemed relaxed and would touch his arm or hands.

  Alyssa couldn’t remember the last time she felt this happy. She was having so much fun with Alex. He made conversations together comfortable. She loved touching him. Every time she touched his skin, her body would feel an electric jolt.

  When they finished playing Pac-Man and Alyssa had won for the second time. Alex decided it was time to eat. “How does hotdogs and salt and vinegar fries sound for dinner?”

  Alyssa moaned. “I love salt and vinegar fries!”

  Alex held his arm out for her to take. Alyssa didn’t plan on saying no to any opportunity
to touch Alex again. She put her arm through his and leaned into his touch. They walked together to the little diner attached to the arcade. Alyssa grabbed a table in the back, away from all the screaming children.

  Ten minutes later, Alex was walking back to their table with an armful of food. Hanging around his neck was rope licorice. Alyssa laughed. “I see you brought dessert, too?”

  “Well everybody needs rope licorice in their life. Plus, it was calling my name.” He sat everything down and took a seat across from her.

  “I don’t buy candy or soda. Lexie doesn’t even know how fun rope licorice is or cotton candy.”

  “We should take her to a county fair around here,” he said, grabbing a fry. “Then I can introduce her to all the sugary happiness.”

  “No way!” she said, laughing. She had this look like she was thinking. “I don’t think Idaho believes in county fairs.”

  “See, now that, I know, is so not true!” he teased, snatching a few of her fries.

  They ended up laughing more than talking and Alyssa felt so content. There was a little part of her that was screaming for her to stop. That little part still wanted to see her sad. She tried to ignore her emotions, but they kept creeping up to the forefront of her mind.

  Alyssa seemed tense. Just a moment ago she was relaxed, laughing, and making jokes. Now all Alex could see was worry in her eyes. What could she be worried about?

  They headed out after they ate. Alex was driving, but glanced over. “We should bring Lexie here together sometime?”

  “Sure,” Alyssa said, absentmindedly.

  Alyssa was quiet for the rest of the drive home. Alex didn’t want to push her; he knew he had to take things slow. When they pulled up to Alyssa’s house only the living room light was on. Alex turned off the headlights and turned toward Alyssa. “I had a great time tonight, thank you.”

  Alyssa had her head bent, then looked up at Alex. She had a small smile on her face but it never reached her eyes. “I had a great time, too, Alex. I guess I will see you tomorrow sometime. Lexie and I have a few errands to run in the morning.”

  “Alyssa, are you okay? Did I say something to upset you?”

  “What? No, no, everything’s fine. I think I’m just exhausted.”

  She reached over to grab the door handle. Alex stopped her by covering her hand with his. His face was mere inches from hers. He reached his hand up and moved a lock of her hair behind her ear. “Alyssa, I can’t stop thinking about you,” he said, reaching up and putting his hand on the back her neck. Her breathing increased with each touch. Then he leaned in and kissed her soft, delicious lips.

  At first Alyssa wanted to say no, then with every touch she wanted more. When his lips contacted hers, she about exploded inside. Then her uncertainty came rushing back. She needed to get out of the truck. She opened the door and walked to the house.

  Alex jumped out and ran up to her. “Are you okay?” he asked, trying to keep up with her. “I’m sorry if I was out of line back there, it won’t happen again.” She stayed silent and pulled her keys out. “Alyssa, please, talk to me.”

  Alyssa unlocked her door, then turned and looked right into Alex’s eyes. “I’m sorry, Alex. I can’t do this. I thought I could handle everything, but I can’t.” She opened the door, then looking back. “Thank you for the lovely night.”

  Alex was speechless, he stood there looking at her closed door. As he turned to head back to his truck, the front door opened. He turned to find Anna emerging from house, so he walked back to Anna. “Is Alyssa okay?”

  Anna smiled and looped her arm into his, they walked to his truck together. “Sweetie, there is a lot that Alyssa hasn’t shared with you yet. Things that are almost too painful for her to even think about. It has been two years and yet she struggles with her emotions, feelings, and life. Alexandra is the one thing that keeps her grounded. Give her some time, she will come around. But don’t give up on her, okay?”

  Alex just looked at the older woman. “So, it’s not anything I said or did?”

  “Not at all, love,” she said, patting his arm.

  “Will you tell her good night for me, and that I look forward to seeing her again when she’s ready.”

  “You got it. Now please, don’t let yourself lose any sleep. You go home and get rest, okay?”

  Alex had a feeling until he could talk to her, he would have several restless nights.

  Chapter 5

  It was three days since their date and Alex had not seen Alyssa once. His schedule seemed busier than normal which was fine. Alyssa usually stopped in at least once a day and sometimes even worked an eight-hour shift. He felt uncomfortable asking about Alyssa to anybody in the kitchen since he was still the “new guy.” It seemed easier to just leave it be.

  Alex arrived at the cafe about 1:00 a.m. to start the wood smoking process. He was on the patio taking care of some beef brisket which took several hours to smoke. He was making enough for both the breakfast and lunch shifts.

  At 4:00 a.m., Anna arrived to set up her station. She headed over to the patio doorway. “You’re here bright and early?”

  Alex was adding wood to the coals. “We sold more than normal on the beef brisket yesterday, so I just wanted to make sure we’re stocked,” he said, brushing his hands on his apron. “How are you this fine morning?”

  Anna laughed. “Is it fine, it’s too dark to tell?”

  He chuckled and finished tending to the brisket, then walked over to Anna. “I haven’t seen Alyssa in here, is she doing okay?”

  Anna moved away from the door and headed to her station. “She’s fine. I think she’s getting caught up on housework and such. Now you’re here she can get other stuff done,” she said, putting her apron on. Then she collected all the different ingredients and dishes she would need for the morning. “I’m sure she’ll stop by in the next few days. Alyssa likes to be in control and Lexie always begs to come by the cafe.”

  “Well, I hope she stops by on my shift. I would love to see her. Things ended so weird the other night. When the evening started, we were laughing and having so much fun.”

  Anna put down two large mixing bowls. “Sweetie, like I said the other night, just give her time. Alyssa has a lot of ghosts in her closet. Most days I worry about her.”

  Alex leaned against Anna’s table. “She’s very lucky to have you in her life.”

  “Okay mister, I need to get going on today’s treats,” she said, struggling to hold back tears.

  Eleven days had passed from the time Alex had talked to Anna. Two full weeks and no sign of Alyssa at the cafe when he was there. He was patient long enough, now he had to find out what was going on.

  On Friday, his shift was almost over and he decided the eleven day stretch needed to end. Instead of talking to Anna again, he planned to just head over to Alyssa’s house and surprise them.

  He packed up his knife set, placed his apron in the dirty laundry basket, and headed to the front of the restaurant. He said goodnight to everyone. Missy, Anna’s daughter had been up front checking out a customer, so he waved to her and continued to his truck.

  On the way to Alyssa’s place, he felt worried that she would slam the door in his face. He pulled into the driveway, turned off the lights, and took a deep breath before heading to her door. He lifted his hand to knock when the door flew open and little Lexie threw herself at his legs.

  “Alex, I missed you!” With her hands up and confusion on her face. “Where you been?”

  He laughed. “Working lots. Where have you been?”

  Alyssa came out of a room and was walking toward him. “Hi, Alex!” she said, brushing her hand through her hair. Glancing down at Lexie. “Sweetie, what did I say about answering the door without Momma?” With a questioning look. “I didn’t hear the doorbell ring or even a knock?”

  Lexie giggled. “I sorry, Momma. I was looking out the window watching birdies, then suddenly Alex was there.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a big bear
hug. Then wiggled out of his embrace and disappeared down the hallway.

  Alex and Alyssa were left standing there alone in the doorway. There seemed to be this awkward silence. Alex spoke first. “Sorry I showed up unannounced. I’ve talked to Anna and asked about you a few times. The last time I asked, she thought of an interesting reason for your absence. So, here I am, hoping to talk to you myself,” he admitted, putting his hands in his pockets.

  Alyssa tried to keep calm. “Want something to drink? I may need wine,” she teased, heading toward the kitchen. Stopping in the doorway to turn toward him. She was holding her hands together and rubbing them back and forth. “How does dinner, drinks, and me sharing a few things with you sound? It’s time to talk, but you need to understand it’s difficult for me.”

  Alex moved closer and put his hand on the side of her face. “Alyssa, all I want is to see you and Lexie. I don’t want to upset you in any way, but I’ve found myself happier when you’re around. Lexie warms my heart, so whatever you can offer me tonight is perfect.”

  Alyssa leaned into his touch, closed her eyes, and tried to fight the urge to wrap her arms around him. She smiled. “Well then, let’s start with a Lexie favorite. How does pizza sound? Or, her other favorite is mac n’ cheese?” She moved away and headed into the kitchen to grab a bottle of wine and a beer from the fridge. She handed him the beer and then poured a very tall glass of wine for herself.

  Lexie came running in at that moment. “What’s for dinner Momma? Pizza?”

  Alyssa and Alex exchanged glances, and said, “Pizza it is!”

  Lexie jumped up and down with excitement. “What kind, what kind? A mac n’ cheese pizza?”

  “I think she may be on to something.”

  “And in love with carbs. How about instead we make a veggie and meat pizza?”

  Lexie turned her head to the side. “With mac n’ cheese?”


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