the imprecation of wizards

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the imprecation of wizards Page 2

by Shahram Azad

  His father kissed him and said, “When the letter reached to your aunt, then you will see him.”

  Mikhail, “When?!”

  Kenton, “When you are twenty years old.”

  Mikhail, “Why so late?!”

  Kenton, “Because I promised, my son. Just, never forget one thing. We love you very much.”

  Mikhail hugged his father and said, “I love you very much too.”

  His father pressed him in his arms and said, “I know my son, I know.”

  Kenton removed the letter which was written with a beautiful, big, red envelope which was old (the same envelop which was in Gary’s hand) and went out of there. But he returned very soon and he removed the photograph which was on the library and he put it inside the envelope and then kissed Mikhail and he went out of the room.


  Mikhail woke up by the sound of dog. The dog had stood near his head and was barking. Mikhail sighed and got up slowly and said, “I know, I know, I have to come back to that Hell!”

  Mikhail looked at the sky. It was near sunset. He was lucky because he was the cows' shepherd. They knew way back and Gary's dog helped so much to him. Mikhail removed his wreath and he moved. When he arrived to the big stone, stopped and looked at his hand. He sighed and brought out his gloves from his hands and he kissed sadly the ring. He took out the ring reluctantly while was becoming sad. When he did it the color of jewel changed and became slowly white again. Mikhail put the ring and glove inside the hole and he moved again.

  Everything changed again and Mikhail's feel became bad. His smile disappeared of his lips and sadness engulfed him again. In the way back he looked at the hamlet. There was dark and silent, but beyond the hamlet, on the grass, two things had sat on the ground again as he could not see them. Of course he had no any interest to see them and he guided the cows toward to the village.

  After a while they arrived at the farms. The village men were working at the farmlands. When they saw Mikhail they returned their head with hate. Mikhail regardless to them approached to the rivulet. When he arrived at the rivulet the scream reverberated in his ears again. But this time, Mikhail was just crying and he endured his pain. He stared at the wreath and kissed it sadly. He knew that the others aren’t watching him and it was good for him. Mikhail threw the wreath inside the water as was sending a kiss for the wreath and he closed his eyes and passed from the water.

  He entered slowly into the village. The people were outside the homes and it was unpleasant for him. The women were insulting to him and their children were worse than their mothers. They were throwing the stone for him and they were insulting to him loudly, but he did not anything and he was just enduring their work while was very much angry. Gary's dog left him in the way and Mikhail took loneliness the cows toward the home.

  After a while he arrived to Anahita's home. This time, Anahita with a beautiful dress with her beautiful, tall friend called Jill had stood outside the home. Jill's dress unlike Anahita was short as some of her body was naked and she was older than Anahita. When they saw him, they glowered contemptuously to him. Jill looked at Anahita and said, “It is better we go inside the house until this accursed animal pass.”

  But, whereas Anahita was bringing out some pebble from her pocket said, “I have a better idea.”

  Anahita and Jill started to throw pebbles and they were laughing. But it wasn't important for Mikhail and he passed from there without looking at them. When Jill finished her pebbles said sadly, “You must was bringing the bigger stones.”

  But Anahita said as she had stared sadly at Mikhail yet, “We do not want to kill him! We just want to molest him.”

  Jill, “Good for you, you do this every day.”

  Finally Mikhail arrived home as he had not good sensation. The door was open and he took the cows to the barn and went quickly to the roof. The air was almost cold and the wind was blowing gently. Mikhail's work had finished and nobody had work with him anymore. Mikhail was hungry but he knew that he should not wait for dinner. After a while he heard the old woman's voice who was grumbling, but this was a good mark because he knew that he could go now.

  Mikhail jumped slowly down from the roof and he moved from between the garden which was near the home. He continued his way from the gardens because the people were still outside of their houses he did not like that somebody see him. However he after passing from several gardens reached to a house which its walls were almost ruined and traces of burn was on them. Outside the garden was a narrow alley which was empty and the door of home had a big lock and Mikhail after looking at there came back toward the tumbledown wall and entered to the house.

  There was almost like the house which he had seen in his dream. The house had become ruined, now. Soon tears came down from his eyes and he started to cry. Mikhail went inside one of the rooms which had not door and he sat in the dark. There was his home which had become empty and cold and the dark had surrounded it. Mikhail was crying like a child while he tried to hold his voice down until somebody could not hear his cry. It seemed that his sadness had not any end and he was crying unceasingly.

  After almost two hour that Mikhail had become languid, a voice was heard from inside the courtyard. But Mikhail did not realize and soon he saw a light which was approaching to the room. When Mikhail raised his head he saw somebody who was entering to the room with a flashlight. She was Anahita who had gazed to him as she was sad and inside her hand was a food pot. She put down the flashlight and Mikhail approached to her while his eyes were wet yet and said, “Why you come?!”

  Anahita cleaned his tears and said sadly, “I brought your dinner.”

  Mikhail looked at the pot and took a deep breath and said, “I told you don't do it. I don't want food.”

  Anahita put down the pot and said angrily, “Why are you disputing with me every night?! When you want to become a man?!

  Mikhail looked at himself surprisedly and Anahita hit to his head and said, “Fool!! I meet you for three years, but you don't understand why, yet!!!”

  Mikhail looked her and said, “Because you are gentle.”

  Anahita hit sadly with fist to his chest like a tiny child and said, “You make me sad. I imperil my life for you. But you are very stupid! ”

  Mikhail looked at her eyes and said sadly, “well, I had told you don't come to see me! I don't want.”

  But Anahita put her finger on his mouth and said, “Don’t say anything. You break my heart always. Some time, I think you have another one. But I know that you are very silly and nobody like you.” Anahita looked at him sadly and continued, “And you don’t like anybody, too!”

  Mikhail became sad and said, “But I don't have right to like somebody, because she will die.”

  Anahita spoiled herself and said sadly, “Do you mean you have not any feeling about me?!”

  Mikhail thought a little and said, “You are very beautiful and you give me a strange feeling which I don't know what is that?!”

  Anahita smiled and looked at his eyes and said, “Because you are fool!”

  Anahita got his hand and they sat and she opened the door of pot. Inside it was some meat and she put one of those inside Mikhail's mouth as he was ashamed but ate it. Anahita thought a little and said, “Do you have this feeling about Jill, too?!”

  Mikhail looked her surprisedly and said, “No! Never! She hates me.”

  Anahita became angry and said, “Do you want to say, if she had liked you, you would have liked her?!”

  Mikhail looked at her eyes aghast and said, “I don't have any feeling about her, even if she liked me.”

  Anahita smiled and fondled his hair and said, “This is good. So you like me?”

  Mikhail became silent a little and said, “Everybody likes you.”

  But suddenly Anahita became very angry and pushed him as he fell on the ground and she sat on his belly and got his hair angrily and said, “Why are you so fool?! You must not say this! ”

  Mikhail gazed to her aghast and he d
id not know what he should say. For a few seconds, they gazed together and then Anahita closed slowly her head to him and smiled as Mikhail was just looking her face. Anahita kissed his lips but she raised quickly her head while had become angry and said, “Why don't you kiss me?!”

  Mikhail became silent again and then said surprisedly, “Can you tell me, why you want to kiss my lips?!”

  Anahita became angry again and slapped him and got up sadly and she went out quickly of the room. When she entered to the courtyard she saw two young boys who were inebriated and they were still drinking. Anahita did not know that what she must do. When the boys saw her, they got up quickly and ran toward her happily as the lust had blinded their eyes.

  Anahita screamed and she wanted to escape but they caught her. They wanted to denude her as Anahita was trying frightened to rescue herself. At once, she heard a sound and the boys fell on the ground. Anahita looked aghast to up while was gasping badly. Mikhail had stood near Anahita as he had a stone inside his hand which was bloody and his eyes were completely red as its white wasn't evident. He was very angry as was breathing hardly. When he became calm a little, he sat beside Anahita and hugged her. Anahita hugged him aghast and started to cry loudly. Mikhail opened his mouth hardly and said, “I told you, I was telling you every night, but you don't listen to me. I am worried about you always, because you are so kindly and so stupid. You know that I am an accursed. You must not come again. ”

  Anahita looked at him with her wet eyes and said, “I'm not stupid, I, I lo... I can't!”

  Mikhail cleaned her tears and said, “But, if somebody hurt you then what I should do?!”

  Anahita stared his eyes and said lowly, “Just love me.”

  Mikhail, “Love?! I can’t! I can’t do something which harms you! I don’t want to destroy your future!”

  But Anahita got up sadly and said, “I don’t want future.”

  Mikhail slapped slowly to her and said, “Don’t say this! I have not any future, but you must have. My love is nothing!”

  Anahita looked at the boys and said, “What you want to do with them?”

  Mikhail took a deep breath and said, “They must die. Nobody have right to hurt you.”

  Anahita said anxiety, “No! They will kill you! ”

  Mikhail smiled and said, “I already died. Don’t worry. He wants me alive.”

  Anahita smiled sadly and put her hand on his chest and closed her eyes for few seconds and opened her eyes again and said, “You are my fool.”

  Mikhail got her hand and they went toward the outside. Anahita kissed his cheek and went while she was worry about him. Mikhail waited for a few seconds until Anahita became far enough from the home, then he went toward the boys as he was very angry again. He stood near one of them and removed his stone and said, “You shouldn't be alive.”

  Chapter two:

  Train station was not crowded and only a few families were waiting for the train. The night air was almost cool and a bland breeze was blowing. A middle aged man called Chiram was on one of the benches in the station. He had a puerile smiling face as was showing him like a simpleton. Chiram had worn a big black coat and he had a beautiful bouquet in his hand while was gazing at a young girl who had reclined to a pillar and had a short skirt that Chiram could not close his eyes for a moment. In front of the girl were her parents and they were watching the train route. After a few seconds, when she realized that Chiram had gazed to her with his stupid face, she sulked to him and went toward her family but Chiram was still staring at her from behind.

  At another corner of the station was an old man guard who was watching carefully Chiram and he was angry of him. A big clock was in the station which was showing seven o'clock and beside the clock was a big picture of the face of an old man who had a loving smile and his big white beard was showing him dignified. The old man had a black crown which had become inlay with gold. Over Chiram's head was a big cloth which another photo of the same old man was on it and a text had written on it.

  {Obedience of the King of the kings admittedly is obedience of the great wizard}

  Finally, the train whistle was heard from afar and all happily moved to the station platform, everybody except Chiram who was still looking at the girl. When the train stopped at the station, the passengers came out slowly. The number of passengers was scant and everyone was going toward his family, some of them were moving loneliness toward the exit.

  The young girl ran happily toward a young boy and hugged him and kissed him. Chiram got up happily and he approached to them a few steps. The young boy gave hand with the others and all moved toward the exit while Chiram was still staring at them. At this moment, a beautiful, nineteen-years-old girl called Mitra who had worn a stunning yellow dress alighted from the train with golden color shoes as her hue was like a golden angel and her hair was long and yellow and she had a big, expensive, yellow bag in her hand which had taken it on her short skirt.

  The people who were at the station were fascinated by the beauty of Mitra. But Chiram was still looking at the young girl. Mitra had a pretty serious face and she was staring at Chiram with her beautiful eyes. Suddenly Chiram turned his head and when he saw Mitra, became happy and went toward her as had opened his hands to hug her with his puerile smile.

  But Mitra with a fast move, grabed his fingers by her right hand and she pressed them until Chiram sat on the ground on his knees and he shouted. The others looked at Chiram and the old man laughed loudly while was applauding for her. Mitra approached a little her head to Chiram and said: “I don't care who you are. Know this, you should never touch me. Do you understand?”

  Chiram shook his head and said: “Yes, yes. I understand honey. ”

  But Mitra pressed his fingers again and said angrily: “I'm not your honey, rascal!”

  Mitra left him and she smiled to the guard and then she looked at Chiram again and said, “Get up.”

  Chiram got up and he wanted to give her the bouquet but soon repented of it and he moved toward the exit while Mitra was following him slowly. When Chiram reached to the guard he said happily, “It was your punishment.”

  Chiram passed sadly from him and the guard removed his hat respectfully for Mitra and she also thanked him with a short smile. A great street was outside the station which few taxis were there. Mitra followed Chiram by her eyes until he went toward a motorcycle which a wagon had adjoined to it and inside it was a lot of shopping of restaurant. Mitra went toward Chiram with surprise and said, “What's this?!”

  Chiram, “This is my work's device.”

  Mitra said aghast, “Do you really expect me to ride this junk?!”

  Chiram, “But I don't have another thing!”

  Mitra said angrily, “Take a taxi for me, now.”

  Chiram went sadly toward the street and he got a taxi for Mitra. She got in the taxi and Chiram left there with his motorcycle. The taxi driver looked at Mitra with smile from the mirror and said, “Do you come new to the capital?”

  Mitra said coldly as had not mood for conversation, “It's not my first time.”

  The driver was looking at her breast which its fissure was visible. Mitra was looking at the street and wasn't heedful. The driver smiled and said, “He was your father?”

  Mitra without looking said, “No.”

  Driver, “I guessed. You are very beautiful and cute. How old are you?”

  Mitra looked at him and when saw his smile, frowned and said, “I'm equal with your daughter.”

  Driver smiled and said, “But my daughter is not hot, like you.”

  Suddenly Mitra put her hand under his neck and said angrily, “Stop!”

  Inside her hand was a beautiful, small, yellow knife. The driver, who was scared, stopped and said, “I just wanted to tell you, you are welcome!”

  Mitra said angrily, “I know that!”

  She came down from the taxi and got another taxi. The taxi passed between the streets of the capital while wasn’t crowded and the most of people had not ca
r and they had motorcycle, bicycle. This time Mitra had sat where the driver could not see her and after a while they went out of the city.

  After one hour, they arrived in a small two storey restaurant which was written on it {Delicious Food}. The taxi stopped near a bus in front of the restaurant and Mitra dismounted of it. She went toward the restaurant and entered it. Some of passengers were eating in there and two waiter young girls were serving to the customers. A young man called Kaveh was behind the counter and and he was serving to other customers.

  When Mitra entered the most of them were fascinated by the new golden girl. Mitra without attending to them went toward Kaveh and said, “Hello.”

  At the first time, Kaveh didn't understand but when he raised his head, became happy with seeing Mitra and said, “Oh, Mitra! When you come? I didn't hear the voice of Chiram's motorcycle! ”

  Mitra gave hand with him and said, “You really expected me to ride that junk?!”

  Kaveh smiled and said, “Of course no.” Kaveh came out of behind the counter and said happily, “I prepared you room. Follow me.”

  Mitra looked at there and said, “But, here?!”

  Kaveh smiled and said, “Don’t worry, the girls are here.”

  They went toward the top storey together and Kaveh moved happily toward a room which was in the end of the corridor and he opened the door while with his hand was inviting of her to enter the room. Mitra looked at inside the room which had tidied with the special attention and said, “You are very kindly like always. Thanks. Could I borrow your motorcycle?”

  Kaveh shook his head and said, “Of course, it is yours.”

  Kaveh went down and he removed his motorcycle's key from behind the counter. At this moment, Chiram entered and he went toward Kaveh and said, “Where is she?”

  Kaveh said with displeasure, “In her room. I want to give her my key.”

  Chiram grabbed the key and as he was going to the top storey said, “Go and empty the motorcycle, now.”

  Kaveh went out sadly from there. When Chiram reached to the top storey he opened happily the door of Mitra's room without knocking. At once the sound of Mitra's scream was heard and a black sporting shoe struck to Chiram's face and he fell on the floor. After a few moments, Chiram got up as his face was hurting. Mitra came out furiously from the room while she had worn a beautiful black dress and had her knife in her hand. She put it on Chiram's neck and pushed him to the wall and said, “If do it another time, I will kill you.”


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