the imprecation of wizards

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the imprecation of wizards Page 9

by Shahram Azad

  They started to move again while they were looking around. All of them were tired for their battle, but they should continue their way. Finally they reach to a tree which was on it a circle and Eliza said, “We must separate from each other until find the lake.”

  They separated and started to search, until finally Weston could find it and he whistled three time. The others came quickly toward him and looked at the lake which was among tall grass. Eliza stopped near it and took out of her pocket three very small, metal globes. She threw one of those globes inside the water and waited.

  After a few moments, the water started to become turbulent and then something came out of under the water. That was a small room like an elevator room. When the room stopped, its door started to open slowly. Eliza looked at them and said, “We should hurry.”

  They hid their weapons among the grass and swam toward the room and they went inside it as there was small for them. After a few moments, the door started to close and then the room went slowly down. There was quite dark and the sound of elevator was hearing. After a few seconds, the elevator stopped and its door opened and they saw a small corridor which was reaching to a large room. They went toward the room, but when they arrived to the carpet, suddenly they heard a mannish voice who said, “Wait. You are wet.”

  There was almost great and had simple stuff. Carpet, sofa, chair, bed were on one side and kitchen stuff were in the corner of the room. In the room ceiling was a big luminous globe. Their clothes were completely wet and water was dripping from it. They were looking carefully at the room. In the room one person was on a wooden chair. The chair was near a small library and it was moving slowly and they could just see a white hair from behind it. First of all Jasper wanted to move but they heard again same voice which said, “I told you wait! Why don't you listen?!”

  Soon an old man called Iakovos rose. He had a kindly face and had worn green robe and in his hand was a beautiful, blue wand. Iakovos went toward them as suddenly a strange wind started around them and they dried soon. Weston gave hand with him and said, “Hello my Lord.”

  Iakovos looked at them carefully and said, “I told you, you must send several survivors!”

  Weston, “I'm a survivor my Lord.”

  Iakovos smiled and said, “I know. But they are ordinary!”

  Eliza who had became angry, said, “how you understood?!”

  Iakovose went toward his chair and said, “Because I knew that they will not send their survivors, and he said I'm a survivor.”

  All looked at Weston and he went quickly toward Iakovos and said, “Please my Lord. We lost our men for this deal.”

  Iakovos turned his chair toward them and said, “Please sit.”

  They entered the room and Jasper sat beside Eliza and Catlin sat beside Weston as Iakovos was looking them. He took a deep breath and said, “I'm sorry for your friends. But when you lose your men for find me, so think, what will happen if you go for a dangerous work?!”

  Weston, “You are right my Lord. We just came for a deal.”

  Iakovos, “But you don't have time, and your Lord must hurry.”

  Weston, “Ok.”

  Iakovos, “I know where the key is. But you must kill Key Holder of the Green village.”

  Weston said surprisedly, “Do you mean, you want to give us the key for kill a wizard?!!!”

  Iakovos smiled and said, “You are a child yet and you don't know anything!”

  Weston, “But I'm a fifth year.”

  Iakovos laughed and said, “Oh my white witch! Do you can disappear?”

  But Weston had not any answer and said ashamedly, “I will learn this year.”

  Iakovos continued, “Do you can become smoke?”

  Weston said angrily, “This is a black magic!”

  Iakovos took a deep breath and said sadly, “Your Lords are very coward. I can't understand them! They think the world is in the peace and you are just an ordinary student! The black wizards are our enemy, and they are black magic! How you want to fight with them when you don't know the black magic?!”

  Iakovos became silent and Weston looked at the others and said, “You out of the group for this minds! We are not like them.”

  Iakovos looked at them and said, “Never mind. You utterly don’t know anything! I tell you, what I want. So you can go and you must do it until before noon of tomorrow. Otherwise this deal will be invalid.”

  Weston got up and said, “He will die before noon.”

  The others got up and Iakovos looked at Weston and said, “Well, open the door.”

  Weston, who had become scorn, aimed his wand toward the door and it became open. They went out as Iakovos was looking them sadly. When they came out of the water, went toward their guns and they went from there as the rain had finished and the air was dark. Catlin took out four flashlights from her bag and gave to them. Jasper became close to Weston and said, “What you want to do, now?!”

  Weston said as was moving, “We must report to Lord Elgin. But I know that he don't trust to any traitor survivor.”

  Eliza, “Do you mean this mission will be canceled?!”

  Weston, “May be.”

  Catlin said angrily, “No! We can kill a wizard. We lost my friends and must not disregard their blood.”

  Eliza, “Be calm sister. First we should go to the garrison.”

  Jasper, “She is right.”

  Weston looked at them and said, “We should separate.”

  Catlin, “For what?!”

  Weston, “When we are alone, we will have more chance for passing from here.”

  Eliza looked at him and said, “No! We must be two.”

  Weston thought and said, “Ok. I and Catlin, Jasper and you.”

  Eliza looked at him and said, “This is better.”

  Catlin looked at her sister surprisedly and did not say anything. Weston took a deep breath and said, “We must hurry.”

  Eliza went toward Jasper and said, “We will meet each other at the garrison.”

  Weston, “Ok. Go.”

  Eliza and Jasper ran as Catlin was looking to them. Eliza was looking around carefully while Jasper was looking to her. After a while, they heard something and turned off their flashlight and continued their way at the dark. But running was hard as Eliza hit to something and fell into a pit. Jasper stopped quickly and tried to find her. He called her lowly and Eliza said lowly, “I'm here inside a pit.”

  Jasper sat on the ground and went toward the pit as had put his hand on the ground. Finally he found it and looked at there, but he could not see anything and said, “Are you ok?!”

  Eliza turned on her flashlight as had gotten it toward the ground and said, “Yes.”

  She had fallen in a pit which was almost deep and some water was inside it. Jasper went inside the pit carefully because the pit was narrow. When he reached to Eliza, looked at her and said, “Do you hurt?”

  Eliza looked at down and said, “I guess something went inside my trousers.”

  Jasper looked at her add said, “Can I do?!”

  Eliza thought a little and said dubiously, “Ok. But don't touch the other place!”

  Jasper became ashamed and said. “Of course! Which leg?”

  Eliza, “Right.”

  Jasper sat and inserted his hand inside her trousers while Eliza had gazed at him. After a few seconds, Jasper took out a little frog and showed him to Eliza as she had become shudder and said, “Please throw him out!”

  Jasper threw him and said, “Ok. Now, are you fine?”

  Eliza smiled and said, “Yes. Promise to me, you never say this to nobody!”

  Jasper smiled and said, “Which?!”

  Eliza hit slowly to his chest and said, “Shut up! Help me.”

  Jasper locked his fingers to each other and Eliza put her feet on it and went up and then Jasper went up hardly. Eliza got his hand and said, “We must hurry, so turn on your flashlight.”

  He turned on his flashlight and they ran toward outside the forest. Fi
nally when they came out of the forest, they ran toward a hill which was almost far from there. Around the hill was green and there had tall grass. Eliza went toward the grass and searched until she found a motorcycle and said angrily, “Wicked! Why you take two motorcycles?! ”

  Jasper went toward her and said, “If you want.”

  But Eliza stared at his eyes and said, “Please shut up! You drive.”

  Jasper smiled and said, “Ok.”

  Eliza sat behind him and said, “Don't become intimate soon!”

  Jasper moved and said, “Ok. As you wish.”

  Chapter eight:

  The lounge saloon was quiet and empty, and there was bright by many lamps. The floor of saloon was black and four black sofas were in there which had distance from each others. Two big pillars were at opposite the sofas which on each of those pillars was a painting of a very big snake which had wreathed around the pillar. One of the snakes was black and the other was red. The roof of saloon was curved which was a painting of a violent battle between the mature hybrids and the ordinary people on it. The hybrids were the shape of hyena and wolf.

  Key Holder had sat on one of the sofas with his black robe and was thinking while he had not his cane. He was alone at there and he was very edgy as was playing constantly with his fingers. There were two doors which gender of the entrance door was wooden and it was at his right side and the other was golden which was at his left side and the shape of two beautiful women had become carving on it and the women were beckoning to the knob. The soporific space of there was bringing the pasts to his memory.


  Ten-years-old Key Holder was beside his fifty-years-old father and they had sat on one of the sofas in the lounge saloon. There was simpler than its future. Karman had worn a red robe and on his hat were seven golden ribbons. He looked to Key Holder as was smiling to him and said, “What you have feeling?”

  Key Holder, “Is the king of the kings behind the door?!”

  Karman, “There is not any strange man. He is just a wizard like me.”

  Key Holder, “Do you mean he is not stronger than you?!”

  Karman, “No. But he is powerful, and the people must believe it. They must believe that he is not a human and he is an agent from the great wizard.”

  Key Holder, “Do you can become the king?!”

  Karman kissed him and said, “I no. But I try for you until you can become the king one day. But it is not easy at all, because everyone wants it and they are doing everything for it, everything, even war.”

  Key Holder, “I want to become the king.”


  At this time an old man who had worn black clothes came toward Key Holder and said, “The king of the kings admits you.”

  Key Holder took a deep breath and got up and he went after the old man. The old man opened the golden door and Key Holder passed from the door. Behind the door was a very big, princely room. There was a very princely throne that the king of the kings had sat on it and was looking at him. He almost had seventy-years-old and he had worn a green robe which had become decoration with gold and finally he had a black crown which had become inlay with gold.

  His throne had made with many skulls of humans which a dreadful countenance had given to it. At around the king were many mature hybrids who were the shape of hyena and wolf. Key Holder lied down with fear on the ground and kissed the floor and then he got up and bowed and said, “The king of the kings be alive.”

  The king looked at him unwillingly and said, “Well, Mr. Key Holder, the son of the deceased lawmaker. You are not clever like your father. I see, you only have one ribbon after many years! Now, tell me, what you want?”

  Key Holder said with fear, “My king, my hybrids went to the accursed hamlet when they want to catch four rebels.”

  The king became angry and shouted, “What?! How you could allow it?! Where you were?! Everybody knows the accursed hamlet is forbidden for us!”

  Key Holder bowed and said frightened, “Forgives me my king. They disgraced me.”

  The king took several breaths and said, “Your prestige is nothing for us, but prestige of your father is very important for all of us. We don't want nobody can affront to your father just for your silliness. I tell to Excellency teacher that send two hybrids for you. You are a disgrace for your great family. Go and never come back again.”

  Key Holder went back as had bowed and he went out of the room. The old man had stood in a corner of the saloon when Key Holder came out. He moved toward the entrance door and waited. Key Holder went toward the door and the old man opened it. Behind the door was a quite dark space. Key Holder entered to it while was very angry. After a few moments he appeared in a great courtyard which belonged to a very princely palace.

  In the center of courtyard was a great statue which had made with gold and a big, black sword was in his right hand and in his left hand was a strange, black wand which was the shape of a viper with open mouth and under his feet were many skulls of humans. The sky was half cloudy and moon was behind black clouds and many people with colored robes were in the courtyard and all of them were man. At under the statue had written {the great wizard}.

  Key Holder went toward the entrance gate and he got his cane from the guardroom. He entered to the main street which many cars were in it. Key Holder walked in the sidewalk until he stopped in an empty alley and hit his cane to the ground and disappeared and he appeared in another alley. He did it several times until finally he appeared in a big street which was in a residential area and all of houses were costly and princely.

  Key Holder looked to those houses with chagrin and got his head down and continued his way till finally he reached to a very great, princely house. At the front of house were two mature hybrids the shape of wolf. When they saw Key Holder, they stood on his feet and one of them went toward him and said, “What do you want?”

  Key Holder, “I have an appointment with Excellency lawmaker.”

  Key Holder stood there until the hybrid went and talked with a vocal globe which was inside the wall near the entrance gate and then he came back toward Key Holder and said, “Follow me.”

  Key Holder entered to the house after the hybrid. Courtyard of house was so large and green as Key Holder had become dumbstruck and stood at his place. After a moment, an ordinary hybrid came toward them as he had worn a plushy, houseman clothes. The ordinary hybrid stood near Key Holder and said, “Please follow me.”

  Key Holder went after him as was looking sadly to around. After a few seconds, they reached to a big pool that three children had swum inside it and near it thirty-five-years-old Heaton had sat on a chair and he had a red, luxurious robe and on his head was a cylindrical hat which six golden ribbons were on it. When they reached to Heaton bowed and the hybrid went from there. Key Holder looked to him and said, “Excellency lawmaker be alive.”

  Heaton said unwillingly, “Sit.”

  Key Holder sat on a chair and said, “Congratulate to you. Finally you became the lawmaker. I want to speak with you about red dream.”

  Heaton laughed loudly and said, “You only have red dream yet?!! You are not like your father at all! If he had been, he would have made several imprecations at thirteen years.”

  Key Holder sad angrily, “But you know that he did not allow me to make any imprecation!”

  Heaton said seriously, “Be calm. I'm the proponent of making imprecation, but, first I must see it in my place.”

  Key Holder said surprisedly, “For what?!”

  Heaton smiled and said, “For certainty.”

  Key Holder, “But he already have red dream thirteen years!”

  Heaton laughed and said, “I know that he have confines talisman so he can't escape, and he is alive yet, presumably for revenge.”

  Key Holder became angry again and said, “Never! He is nothing.”

  Heaton, “Stop! I will send my men for him tonight so erase his talisman. I want to see his reaction after your imprecation.”

  Key Holde
r, “Ok. I don't have any fear of it, because I'm sure from my imprecation.”

  Heaton smiled and said, “Well, go fast to your village and prepare him.”

  Key Holder got up and bowed and then he went out of the house as shame, hate and anger were apparent in his face. He started to disappear and appear again till after a while he appeared outside of the city in an empty place. He hit his cane to the ground and his flying broom appeared in his hand. He embarked on the broom and flew quickly toward the village.

  When he finally arrived to the village he went toward Gary's house and landed in the courtyard. Gary's mother was inside the courtyard and she was sweeping. When she saw Key Holder, bowed frantic and said, “Excellency Key Holder be alive.”

  But Key Holder said angrily, “Where is Gary?”

  At this time Gary came out quickly from a room and bowed. Key Holder said quickly, “Go and bring him very soon.”

  Gary said anxiously, “What happened?!”

  Key Holder slapped him and said, “How dare you ask me?!”

  Gary's father hit him with his leg and hustled him until he became far from Key Holder. Gary embarked quickly on His motorcycle and went out of the house as he had become very anxious. When Gary arrived to the old woman's house, he stopped and knocked repeatedly to the door. Soon the old woman opened the door and said, “What happened?!”

  Gary, “I want to take him.”

  The old woman went back and Gary ran toward the roof. But when he did not see Mikhail, he looked at around and suddenly he understood something and said loudly, “Jump rubbish.”

  Gary ran toward down as the old woman was looking to him happily. Gary embarked on his motorcycle and moved toward Mikhail's house. At the other side, Mikhail and Anahita were in the dark room while Anahita had lied down on the ground as her head was on Mikhail's thigh. Anahita had a flashlight which had put on her belly and its light was toward her face and Mikhail was fondling her hair. Anahita was happy and Mikhail was looking to her happily, Anahita said without looking him, “I'm very happy tonight. You became sane now! After all this years, finally you learnt that what you should do when I’m sad!”


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