The Golden Horn

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The Golden Horn Page 8

by Poul Anderson

  "It might indeed," said Harald. He could not altogether hide the eagerness that sprang forth in him.

  Georgios broke into one of his rare smiles. "Well, I shall issue such an order, then. In a way, I must admire your willfulness. Bootlickers are too common among us."

  Harald felt a swift liking for this lonely, short-tempered man, who must stand against not only the Saracens but his own auxiliaries and the court at home. He thrust out his hand. "If we are together again, Kyrios Maniakes," he said, using the title for an equal, "I hope we can come to better agreement."

  "You may have grown up somewhat by that time," growled the Byzantine, but with little sting in his words.

  A few days later, the Varangians marched east to do their own warring. Save for a few Greek officers, who chiefly did the paperwork for him, Harald was now his own master.

  Through the stark brown summer, he campaigned with much success. Moslem cavalry ran into the grounded pikes of his men; Moslem camps were plundered, towns brought under submission, booty and ransom gathered. Harald's share was making him rich. In the fall, perhaps as a punishment, the Varangians were not ordered back to Constantinople but were sent to winter quarters in the Thrakesian theme. Ulf cursed loudly, he had looked forward to a season's debauch, but Harald was not unhappy to be spared court expenses.

  In the spring they were finally summoned back to Miklagardh. Any anger at Harald seemed forgotten, and his victories of the year before were rewarded with high honor. After long negotiation, the caliph in Egypt had finally agreed to let the Byzantines rebuild, in Jerusalem, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, which the Moslems had destroyed twenty-five years ago. Harald and his corps would guard the artisans sent upon this sacred task.

  He was less joyful than he dared admit. If he went in peace, there could be no gains of war and indeed he must make rich gifts to the shrines. Outwardly, of course, he could only bend the knee and kiss the Emperor's ring in vast thankfulness.

  Michael was growing ever more zealous to do holy works. All men knew he was haunted by the treachery and murder which gave him the throne. His flesh was wasting, he was often fevered, and the falling sickness smote him like God's curse.

  While he readied his folk for the trip, Harald learned from a Russian merchant that Svein Knutsson and his mother were thrown out of Norway. The boy Magnus Olafsson was now king. It had happened only a short time after Harald left Novgorod.

  "So do you wish to go back and claim your share?" Ulf asked.

  "Not yet," said Harald. He paced the floor, restlessly. "Best to see how it goes for a while."

  And to win still more wealth, he thought, so that he might raise a goodly host on his return. He would never knuckle under to a beardless boy, not even to the son of Olaf. He bore too many plans in him for building the greatness of a backward country.

  Presently he fared off to the Holy Land. The Moslem noblemen received him well during this truce. They were as interested in learning about him as he was in them. He visited the sacred sites, bathed in the Jordan and performed the pious work of helping clear out bandits from the pilgrim highways. That fall he returned to Constantinople with his fame richly grown.

  * * *

  The news from the North was that King Knut was dead, struck down by illness. Mstislav of Chernigov had also died and Jaroslav, his heir, now dwelt at Kiev to be nearer the heart of his enlarged realm.

  So there was his greatest foe out of the way, and his greatest friend become a still more valuable ally. Time was working nobly for Harald Sigurdharson, he thought. He moved into a dwelling near the Brazen House and lived as quietly as a man of his standing could. Better to learn more of government than roister about with Ulf. He was often at court, being required to head the Varangians himself on any great occasion. When they had a tawny seven-foot prince in their lead, it doubled the Imperial splendor.

  Indeed Michael needed bolstering. The old aristocracy sneered at him behind his back contemptuous of a Paphlagonian money changer squatting on the throne of Justinian! And his brother John was hated as much as feared; Harald remembered the lion, tamer in the theater. Spies of the Orphanotrophos were in every corner. The Senate was filled with his creatures; all high offices went to his kinsmen. Of these, the best-known were: John's brother, the eunuch Constantine, first made Duke of Antioch and then Grand Domestikos in the palace, almost as ruthless and adroit as the monk; his brother-in-law Stephen, a great epicure, grand admiral of the fleet; and Stephen's son Michael, a good-looking, insolent young fellow who had a name for vigor and ability which Harald could not see was deserved. The Emperor Michael appointed him Caesar: colleague and heir apparent.

  Admiral Stephen had begun life as humbly as the rest, a shipwright; hence his son was scornfully nicknamed Michael Calaphates, the Caulker. But this was not said aloud. No noble was safe. At the first whisper he was apt to be thrown in prison and his estates confiscated. Nor were the common folk much better off. Former Emperors had seen to their welfare, but Michael's mind was wholly on his works of atonement. Moneylenders grew fat in the land, and the people began to know hunger.

  That winter brought great whirls of hailstones, glinting out of the sky, ringing on coppered roofs, breaking windows and even knocking men senseless. On several nights heaven was full of falling stars. From the provinces came word of earthquakes, pestilence and famine. Folk muttered that God was scourging a land that tolerated a murderer on its throne.

  Early in spring the Varangians, along with Greek troops, were ordered on a long sweep into Armenia, where there was border trouble, and then down into Syria. They fought several battles with good gain. What happened after one such dwelt long in Harald's memory.

  Clotted with flies, the dead lay thick in a trampled grain field, under an unmercifully hot sky. Harald and Ulf sat mounted, overlooking the scene. Some enemy leaders had been captured in the final charge of the cataphracts and their chief was now led forward. He was a young man, dressed like an Arab but with Grecian features, and he walked haughtily.

  "Get someone who knows the heathen tongue," said Harald. "I would question him."

  "That will not be needful, kyrios," said the prisoner. "I am Roman born."

  Harald shifted in the saddle. The man's eyes challenged him. "Who are you, then?"

  "I am Ibrahim ... but once they called me Doukas Dalassenos."

  That made him a member of a great family. "And you betrayed your Emperor?" said Harald. He spat. "There is a word for you."

  Doukas smiled without mirth. "Also a treatment. What will it be, death or blinding and gelding?"

  "I know not. Nor do I care. You will go back for judgment."

  "Easy enough for you, kyrios, who wields a sword for pay. I asked to be posted on this border because I had a country and a faith to defend."

  "Why did you forsake them?"

  "When a traitor sits the throne, puppet of a Paphlagonian eunuch? Do you know how much of the people's treasure goes into his coffers, Varangian? I had a brother whom I loved. He spoke one idle word about the matter. John heard of it. My brother died as no one would kill a beast. Then I went over to the Saracens." Doukas turned away. "Enough," he said harshly.

  Harald grew still. Were not the bonds of blood holy? But . . . "Take him away," he said at length. "Let me not see him again."

  Afterward he sat staring at emptiness. How the sun glimmered! Sweat soaked his underpadding. The flies buzzed and buzzed.

  "We hire out for an ill work," said Ulf.

  "I gave my oath," said Harald angrily.

  "Not that it's any affair of ours if the Emperor lets his folk fall into the claws of the usurers. It's not our best men who are being gnawed away. Nonetheless . . . John ..." Ulf's broad brown face turned dreamy. "How would you like to join me and a hot iron someday in making a memorial inscription? 'Ulf Uspaksson raised this in memory of himself, that Ulf who was in Miklagardh with Harald Sigurdharson. Thor hallow these runes' ... in burnt leather on the buttocks of an Orphanotrophos."

he thought has its merits," agreed Harald.


  After wintering again in Constantinople, the Varangians were ordered that spring to sail for Italy.

  There had been war in Sicily between two Saracen chieftains, brothers. The Byzantines had become allies of one, so successfully that the alarmed rivals made a reconciliation against them. This seemed a good moment to attack the island, regaining it for Christendom and ending the corsair raids based upon it. Georgios Maniakes, now commanding the Italian troops of the Empire, was readying for that new war, and the Northmen were sent to join him.

  Harald landed at Reggio Calabria and led an escort of his axmen toward headquarters. The city boiled with soldiers, men from every theme of the Empire and mercenaries from a dozen other nations. Here a Greek officer rode by, arrogant in gilt armor, the lances of his guards nodding behind him; there a scarred Catalan grinned and snatched at a girl on the arm of a bearded Bulgar, suddenly knives were out and the girl screamed avidly; nearby a legless beggar whined appeal to a turbaned Persian who damned him for a Nazarene—bustle and clamor, clashing metal and bawling voices, heavy feet. The town bristled with weaponed men. Out in the harbor, ships lay jammed together. At their backs rose the mountains of Sicily, blue menace across the straits.

  Harald entered a palace scarred and littered by the haste of war and found the chamber where Georgios was. The Greek looked wearily up from his endless papers. "Oh, Captain Araltes. Enter, be seated, we've much to talk about." Three years had changed him little, he was still a short-spoken stout man in peasantish garments, a sword belted at his waist even as he sat.

  Harald lowered his bulk to a chair that creaked under him. "My folk are marching to quarters . . . kyrios."

  Georgios watched him for a long minute. "Think you we can work together better this time than last?"

  "The ground may not be so marshy here," said Harald.

  Georgios chuckled. "Oh, I'll unleash you when I can, but first we must seize Messina. Once we have that for a port, we can spread out. I must own that the records of your campaigns make good reading." He bridged his fingers and stared intently across them. "I want you to lead not only your own corps, but three hundred Norman mercenaries. Know you the Frankish tongue?'

  "No, but I can learn the needful words soon enough. 'Up on your feet, soldier! Forward! About face! Stand where you are or I'll see your liver!' "

  Georgios nodded. "You'll need such phrases. The Normans are a wild and filthy folk. Stand ready to cuff them down, they are used to stern overlords at home."

  "When shall we cross over to Messina?"

  "In two or three weeks, however long we need to make ready. I'll have you in later with our other captains to hammer out the plans. Meanwhile, go arrange for the Normans to be quartered and drilled with your Varangians." Georgios went into details. Having ended his explanation, he asked, "Do you understand? Good day, then." Immediately he returned to his paperwork.

  Harald went out and sought the Norman chief. Odo Fitz Maurice sat in a house drinking with a dozen cronies. They had nearly wrecked the place, tapestries hung ragged and tables were hacked and a peacock mosaic had been used for crossbow practice. Guards in hauberk and long surcoats admitted Harald, who ducked his head as he came into the dining hall.

  Odo glanced about. He was a lean, richly clad man, his black hair cropped short and shaven at the back, his features hard and blue-chinned. "Well, a giant to add to the circus!" he said in broken Greek.

  "Speak more respectfully." Harald tossed the parchment given him by Georgios onto the table. "I am your new captain. There are the orders."

  "So." Odo studied him for a space. A drunken mumble ran among his fellows.

  "We had best talk of this," said Harald mildly.

  "Quite so." Odo's tone was sour. "Be seated."

  Harald cocked his left brow still higher. "I belong at the head of the table," he said. His backbone prickled.

  Odo made some remark in French. His men guffawed.

  "That will do!" Harald stepped over in one stride, seized Odo and lifted him in the air. A moment he held the squirming, cursing man aloft, then flung him to the floor and sat down in his chair.

  Odo leaped up, spitting like a cat. A dagger flamed in his hand. The other Normans were on their feet, roaring. Harald stared at him. "Be seated," he said.

  "You whoreson outlander!" Odo sprang. Harald snatched a massive silver goblet from the table and hurled it with deadly aim. Odo went down with a smashed nose, his face one mask of blood.

  Harald drew his sword and struck the table with the flat so wood and metal boomed. "Before God, I am the chief here!" he bellowed. "Does anyone else care to dispute it?"

  Still he remained seated, but they remembered his height and drew back, snarling at him. "Who is the next in command among you?" he barked.

  "I . . .I am," said one unsurely.

  "Then you are in charge, under me. Odo what's-his-name will mend his ways on bread and water until we sail. The next such insubordination means a beheading." Harald put the horn at his hip to his mouth and blew.

  His escort shoved in past the sentries, axes aloft, grinning at the Normans. Harald jerked a thumb toward the half-conscious Odo. "Put that dog in irons, Ulf. And now, friends, shall we talk of plans?"

  Thereafter the Normans obeyed him. When next he saw Georgios, the Archestrategos remarked, "I heard how you tamed your wolf pack. You like not mutiny, do you?"

  "Indeed not," said Harald.

  "Suppose I had tried to so likewise to you, three years ago?"

  "Well, kyrios, you did not."

  Georgios laughed.


  How Gyrgi Was Angered


  Harald was two years in Sicily.

  Having taken Messina by a hard and bloody fight, Georgios Maniakes swiftly subdued the larger part of the island and built citadels to keep the folk tame. But this rugged land had many chiefs who from their castles ruled like small kings and must be subdued one by one. Harald and his men, with some Greeks to help as engineers and in other skilled work, were sent out on this task.

  The castles he must overcome were well-stocked fortresses surrounded by turreted stone walls, not lightly to be seized. Harald conquered his first one by a clever strategy. He had spread nets and lime to catch birds; it was still the nesting season. Splinters of wood smeared with wax and sulfur were bound to the birds and set alight; the birds flew back to their nests and started fires throughout the buildings. The defenders gave in. As was the common practice, Harald granted quarter and did not loot the place. He took tribute and waited until Georgios sent a garrison.

  Summer was well along when he came to the next stronghold, so he could not use the same trick, nor did he have luck with fire arrows. He settled down as for a siege. The castle stood on a flat plain baked hard by the sun; a nearby stream ran low between its banks. Thus a tunnel could be dug, unseen by the Saracens, with the water carrying away the dirt. When it was finished, Harald led his warriors crawling through. They broke out into a hall where men sat at meat, expecting no such uninvited guests. When the gates were opened the rest of the Varangians came in, and that was that.

  The third castle was very large, with moats around it that forbade sapping even had there been a river so handily close. Harald ringed it with tents and camp-fires but made no move to attack. When some days had gone by, the defenders were jeering, often throwing open their gates. Those who knew Greek shouted to the Varangians to come in and be killed like the poultry they were.

  Ulf sought Harald in his tent. 'When will we strike?" he asked. "'The men are grumbling, and you know how readily sickness breaks out when folk stay camped for a long time."

  "I know," said Harald. He sat resting his chin in one hand, eyes half closed. Outside, the sun danced in a haze of heat.

  "We could wade across the ditch," said Ulf.

  "And be slain under the walls," answered Harald. "They have but to throw spears and boiling water down on us."

>   Ulf caught a louse and cracked it between his teeth. "Well, I would be glad of a bath," he said and laughed.

  "No," said Harald, "tell the men we'll give the foe back his mockery. Tell them to play games every day, just beyond bowshot, and leave off their weapons when they do, to show how little we fear yonder heathen."

  Ulf snorted, but seeing Harald's look he did not argue further.

  As the days dragged by, Harald's men amusing themselves with ball games and wrestling matches, he saw how the defenders had lost their wariness. His Northmen clearly were making a long siege. The Saracens began to dawdle about on the walls, unarmed, watching the sport; their gates remained open for the sake of the breeze. They knew they could close the fortress and take up arms long before a real assault could be mounted.

  When he thought the time was ripe, Harald summoned Halldor. "Now we can go to work," he said.

  The Icelander was astonished. "Have you decided to try storming them after all?" he asked.

  "Yes, with a trick I could not speak of erenow, lest the secret leak out. Tomorrow let a number of the Varangians go forth to play as always, but let them have swords under their cloaks and helmets under their hats. Work as close as you can to the main gate, and then attack. I'll bring the rest of our lads after you."

  Halldor looked doubtful, but pride would not let him protest. "I'll gather fifty trustworthy men," he said.

  No others could yet be told.

  Harald slept little that night, but in the morning, Halldor's band were out tossing a ball between two teams. Their shouts, that sounded like mirth, were orders in the Norse tongue. No shot was loosed at them even when they reached the moat's edge.

  Then Halldor winded his horn. The Varangians whipped forth their swords, wrapped cloaks around their left arms and surged into the ditch. Splashing through the green-scummed water, they were in the gateway before winches could be activated to shut them out.


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