Home > Paranormal > REVELATION (THE REVELATION SERIES) > Page 19

by Randi Cooley Wilson

  “What the hell are you doing?” I shout and pull back.

  Gage laughs. “Funny, that’s actually my question for you.” He gulps the last of the liquid in his glass and places the empty tumbler on the granite coffee table. “Can I get you a drink, love?”

  I shake my head. “No, thank you.” Now that he’s an inch in front of me, I wonder how I missed the distinct smell of spice and cigarette that’s all Gage running through the air of his residence.

  Taking a seat in the chair across from me, he watches me pensively and waits for an explanation. Which I don’t have.

  “Well?” he questions with a calm and curious demeanor.

  I lift my brows. “Well, what?”

  “What are you doing here, Eve?”

  I roll my eyes. “I’m not sure. One minute I was sleeping in my bed at my aunt’s house and the next I was looking out your rather large, picturesque windows of Paris.” I smirk mockingly.

  Gage contemplates my answer. “My guess is you’re either dream walking or astral projecting. Most likely, you’re astral projecting. You don’t know that you’re doing it?” he asks with disbelief.

  I shake my head. “Why are you convinced I’m not dream walking?”

  He clears his throat, annoyed with my lack of understanding. “Dream walking is when you enter someone’s mind, intrinsically manifesting in some form in a dream, normally used as a way to communicate with that person. Whoever initiates the dream walk can manipulate it to their will. Some even trap themselves in their own dream. The fact that you’re here and I’m not in a sleep state signifies that you’re able to travel outside your physical body which is astral projection.”

  “So am I really here with you?” I ask, confused.

  “Yes and no. Your body is still in your bed at your aunt’s but for whatever reason, you’ve subliminally sought me out,” he offers with his eyes twinkling.

  I shake my head. “No offense but I wasn’t even thinking about you tonight.”

  A slow, sinful smile appears on his face as he leans closer. “Actually, love, your subconscious was thinking of me. It’s the only way you’d be able to project to me.”

  Suddenly, I’m even more aware of the fact that he isn’t wearing a shirt and his beautiful body is inches away from me. Damn hormones. I look around, averting my eyes.

  “So you live in Paris?” I divert.

  He smiles knowingly and sits back in his chair. “When not in Massachusetts, yes.”

  I narrow my eyes. “You just fly back and forth?” Damn gargoyles.

  “Something like that.” He smirks secretively.

  I scan the loft. “Your home is very...grey. You like concrete?”

  He shrugs. “I’m a gargoyle. I prefer dark, cool, stone-like places.”

  “So is your stone concrete?” I ask, looking at the granite in the kitchen and other places.

  “Hematite. I see the London clan is finally providing full gargoyle disclosure to you.”

  “As I said, I believe I have all the facts now.” My tone is firm.

  He exhales roughly. “Hardly, especially noted by your lack of knowledge regarding dream walking and astral projection.”

  I sigh. “This visit has been a blast but if you would be so kind as to instruct me how to get back into my body, that would be peachy.” My sarcasm takes over.

  He laughs. “It’s normally done intuitively. I can’t send you. You pull yourself back once whatever it is you need has been taken care of. Since you’re still here with me, you obviously still have needs when it comes to me.” He drops his tone to a seductive level.

  “So I’m having an out of body experience with you because of unfinished business or something?” I ask, attempting to decipher this conversation.

  His bedroom eyes darken as he smirks sinfully. “Most women say they have an out of body experience with me. Rest assured, love, I always finish my business.”

  I roll my eyes. “You know what I am saying. So I can send myself back?”

  “Yes, you’ve astral projected yourself here. You should be able to do it to return,” he states.

  Just as I’m about to retort, there’s a harsh knock. Gage just stares at me, unmoving.

  “Are you going to get that?” The pounding has now picked up and is becoming violent.

  “Your ride back is here.” He gets up and opens the door where a very pissed off archangel is standing.

  “Gage, where is she?” Michael states coldly as he brushes past him into the living area where I’m seated.

  “Lovely to see you too, Michael. Please do come in,” Gage says in a mocking tone.

  Michael turns to me, his face angry. “What are you doing here, Eve?” His voice is disappointed.

  Eyes widened, I shrug. “Truthfully, I have no idea. I’m not even sure how I got here.”

  Michael sighs. “Well, then we need to work on that. In the meantime, please take my hand and I’ll return you.”

  I turn to Gage. “Thanks. Sorry for barging in on you.”

  “Anytime, love.” He stands with his arms crossed and eyes narrowed at Michael. “You will be taking her back to her aunt’s, right, Michael?”

  “That is none of your concern, gargoyle.” With that, Michael takes my hand and astral projects me back to my body.

  I jolt awake to find myself in my bed. It’s still dark outside as my eyes slide to Abby and McKenna still sleeping next to me. I get up and head to the bathroom to splash cold water on my face. When I open the door, I jump back, startled.

  “Shit. What are you doing here?” I whisper shout to Michael while my heart pounds in my chest.

  He is standing with his arms folded like an angry parent. Why do I feel like I’m in trouble?

  “Making sure you returned to your body. It is not safe for you to be astral projecting, Eve.”

  I roll my eyes. “It’s not like I did it on purpose. None of these abilities are under my control.”

  Asher walks out of his room, looking pretty ticked off. “Where the he—” He stops, looking at Michael then clinching his jaw. “Where have you been?” His voice is laced with anger and concern.

  Michael turns to Asher. “Astral projecting but I caught her. We need to commence training as soon as you return home.”

  “Agreed. Are you alright?” Asher asks, arms folded as his jaw muscles tick.

  I nod. “How did you know I was gone?”

  “I can feel you so when you pulled away, I thought you went realm jumping and I followed.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t realize I could astral project too,” I say, trying not to laugh. This is the weirdest conversation I’ve ever had.

  Asher exhales in annoyance. “Alright. I’ll see you in the morning.” With that, he returns to his room.

  I turn to Michael. “Why didn’t you tell him you found me at Gage’s?” I ask with curiosity.

  “The gargoyle’s concern with where you were is not necessary, just that you were not present in your body,” Michael states.

  I smile. “Thanks for keeping that quiet. He would have really blown a gasket.”

  Michael smirks. “Yes, he would. Let me be clear. He is your protector, Eve. That’s all. You are a child of Heaven and he is your gargoyle sentinel. There are rules,” he reminds me.

  I nod. “Oh, I’m aware.” My voice sounds tired.

  “Alright. Get some rest. I will see you at training soon.” With that, he’s gone as my eyes shift to Asher’s closed door.

  18 The Declan Clan

  The light snowflakes twist and turn while falling from the sky, reminding me of a shaken snow globe. Keegan pulls the SUV onto the ferry to head back to the manor. I smile to myself, feeling more relaxed and at ease with my aunt, and believe it or not, the situation I’ve now found myself in.

  My eyes slide to see Asher is watching me. He leans in as my body instinctively inclines toward the warmth radiating between us. All I want to do is climb onto his lap and stay there forever.

  “You look beauti
ful when you smile, siren. You should do it more often,” he barely whispers.

  “Alright, kids, the ferry has launched. Forty minutes and we’ll be back on dry land again. Thank grace,” Callan says with a sigh of dread.

  “Did you take the dramamine?” Abby asks him.

  Callan nods.

  “Aw, does the big bad gargoyle get sea sick?” I tease him and laugh.

  He shoots me the death glare. “Say what you will but boats are evil.”

  We all make our way to the deserted seating area. After my astral projecting incident last night, forcing a second visit from Michael, it was decided we would go back to the manor tonight and start my training tomorrow. Since it’s Christmas Day, the boat is almost empty.

  Still feeling restless, I stand and head over to the glass window. “Your aunt seems great. You two have a special relationship. It’s nice that you’re so close,” McKenna says quietly from beside me. I hadn’t even noticed her approach.

  Unsure of how to respond to her, I keep my focus forward to the choppy water. “Yeah, I’m glad we were able to work it all out. She’s the closest thing I have to a mom. I would have hated to lose that.”

  McKenna looks out the window in reflection and then sighs. “I miss mine every day. Family is important, Eve.” Then she walks back to sit beside Keegan.

  I’m not sure what’s more surprising. The fact that she called me by my name or that she just had a normal conversation with me. I return my focus to the large window and trace the snowflakes with my finger.

  “You want to take a walk and get some fresh air?” Asher asks from behind me.

  I nod my response. We walk out to the deck. The fog has picked up and is becoming thick, blanketing us. The lighthouses on the shoreline are scanning but the mist is so heavy, the illumination isn’t doing much in the darkness. I’m not sure why, but unease begins to seep into my soul, maybe because it’s so dark and dreary out.

  The smell of salt and the cold nip from the air isn’t comforting me the way it normally does, though it’s refreshing on my skin. The snow falls steadier now, and my breath is coming out in a solid, cloud-like form in front of me.

  Asher and I walk to the side of the deck in silence. “The Vineyard is really pretty,” he says, nodding to the water's edge. “It’s very charming. Thanks for allowing us to come.”

  I give him a small smile. “It is special and I think my aunt enjoyed having everyone over. It’s usually just the two of us and pretty quiet.”

  “I’m happy things worked out with her. You need her in your life,” he says offhandedly.

  “Me too,” I agree, happy that she’s still in it. “I really need you in it too.” I keep my focus on the shore, knowing that if I look at him, I’ll break down and jump into his arms, breaking the friend rule, though we haven’t been very good at abiding by those lines.

  “I didn’t mention this earlier, but you look lovely today, siren” he says softly.

  I turn to face him. He’s standing close to me and our arms brush one another. Michael’s warning echoes in my ear and I pull my arm back.

  “Thanks.” I try to keep my voice even.

  “I meant to give you your Christmas gift earlier, but didn’t have the chance. I’d like to now, if you’re okay with that?” Asher reaches in his pocket and searches for something but comes up empty. “Wait here. I might have left it in my bag, which is in the car.” He turns and goes inside.

  I bite the inside of my cheek in anticipation. As I’m waiting, I imagine swirling in the snowflake flurry on the boat deck. I narrow my eyes to see if they’re playing tricks with me. They’re not, the snow is actually swirling. I move toward the twister to see what it is. Then it calls me. “Evvveeee…” I stop. Frozen. My intuition is warning me that talking twirling snow can’t be good. Crap.

  The spinning flurry morphs itself into a man as I stand motionless and completely terrified. He’s wearing black dress pants and a black dress shirt that’s unbuttoned. Odd. Isn’t he freezing? His powerfully endowed body is covered in various tattoos and he stands tall, stretching as if he’s been sitting in the car too long and his muscles ache.

  He must be over six feet. His black hair is buzzed short and his eyes shine a dark shade of brown that seems black in the night. He stretches his tattoo-covered neck to the right then the left as he stares at me. A sinister smile plays on his lips.

  Two additional swirls of mist appear. One materializes into a girl with mocha skin and chocolate eyes and her long, dark brown hair curls at her waist. She’s petite, but looks viscous. The second form is another man. He stands just as tall as the first with dark black, shaggy hair hanging into his evil looking dark brown eyes. He’s also lean and muscular like the first guy. They’re all smirking maliciously at me. Crap, this isn’t going to end well.

  “Eve Collins. Unprotected, I see,” the first guy speaks to me.

  Curbing my tenseness, I inhale through my nose, standing straight as I tip my chin up and puff out my chest. I’m attempting to show I’m not afraid, although I’m quivering inside. “Who are you?” I inquire with a strong voice.

  Open shirt guy begins to button up his shirt, unaffected by the frigid temperatures. “Deacon, leader of the Declan clan. My mate, Jade,” he motions to the pretty girl and then to the boy, “and my brother, Kaiden.”

  “What is it I can do for you, Deacon?” Fear runs down my spine right into my soul.

  A cruel laugh filters out of his mouth as he rolls up his sleeves, showing off more tattoos on his arms. “Are your gargoyles playing hide and seek?”

  I stare at him, arms folded.

  “Cat got your tongue, little girl?” Deacon steps into my space. His foul breath blows in my face. “I am to deliver you to Lucifer. His interest in you is, unsuitable, at best.” He sneers at me.

  A strangled laugh comes out of me. “You’re kidding, right? There’s no way in hell I’m going anywhere with you or your little minions.” I tip my head toward Kaiden and Jade.

  Deacon’s narrowed eyes shoot to mine. “I didn’t ask. Force is my forte.” His large, cold hand grabs my upper arm, holding it so tightly that he’s bruising it as I futility try to escape his hold.

  “Let go of me, you nasty son of a bitch,” I say, attempting to sound cold but it just comes out furious and whiney.

  Deacon pulls his hand out and backhands me across the face. The sound of the collision echoes in the cold night air. “Don’t insult my mother. It’s unflattering of you.”

  My eyes involuntary water and my cheek begins to sting from the impact of his hand, which felt like a brick of ice against my skin. I try to regain my composure after the shock of being slapped.

  “Let her go, Deacon.” Asher’s voice comes out callous and deep.

  I swallow as I watch Asher coming toward us. He looks menacing with Keegan and Callan flanking his sides. Abby and McKenna are behind him. They all have their gargoyle wings out, and their eyes are glowing blue as if prepared for battle.

  “The dark prince graces us. Upset I’m toying with your pet?” Deacon’s raspy voice comes out with spite.

  “I said, let her go,” Asher grits out through tight teeth.

  Deacon increases the tight hold on me. I wince from the pain, knowing it’s leaving a bruise. He’s so strong, there’s no way I can break out of his clutch. Crap, I’m screwed.

  The Declan clan protrudes their wings, which are a dull grey color. Their dark brown eyes glow almost black as they take a fighting stance.

  “No. You’ve had your fun. Now it’s my turn to play with her,” Deacon taunts as his grip tightens and he pulls me back behind him like a rag doll.

  “I am not a toy to be played with. Let me go.” I seethe.

  “Shut up.” As he raises his hand to me again, I flinch, waiting for impact.

  “Touch her again and I’ll kill you.” Asher’s face is deadly as he pulls his black granite sword out. His voice cuts right through me, the threat real.

  Deacon sighs, bored
as he throws me at Kaiden, who grabs me hard and pulls me taut to his chest. Sniffing the back of my hair, he groans in excitement as I squirm. Gross.

  “Enough talking. We are delivering her to Lucifer.” Deacon’s voice sounds low, like a growl.

  “Leave her. But you, go now, Deacon, while I still allow it,” Asher says with finality in his tone.

  The snow and wind have picked up, making the water choppy and the boat deck slippery. The rocking motion of the boat is starting to make my head spin, along with the tight hold from Kaiden. All I can see in front of me is the darkness from the night. I focus on Asher’s face, trying to calm my nerves. He looks so deadly. All I feel is coldness inside and out.

  Deacon pulls out his grey steel sword and points it at Asher. “You want her? Come get her.”

  Asher steps forward at a slow and methodical pace. “She is human, Deacon. Even you with your lack of morals know the penalty for harming a human.”

  My eyes scan the rest of the London clan. They’re focused on Deacon and his cronies. Unmoving but prepared to jump into battle at any moment.

  “Deacon, baby, I’ve had enough. Let’s just flash her out of here and be done with this,” the girl he called Jade says seductively to him.

  “Anywhere you take her, anywhere in the world, I will hunt you down and kill you on the spot. You know I’m a man of my word,” Asher states slow and callously.

  “That’s just it,” he insults, “you’re not a man. You’re a gargoyle.”

  “As are you, Deacon. If you injure her, I will end you after I torture your mate,” Asher promises in a low, deep rumble before he turns to Jade. With lightening speed, he grabs her, forcing his granite sword against her throat as it sears her skin. The rancid smell of burnt skin wafts over as my gag reflexes kick in. The rest of the London clan flinches, but stays locked in position and focus.

  Kaiden sees Jade’s discomfort and lessens his grip. Confusion crosses his face as indecision floats through him to hold onto me or save Jade.

  Seeing Asher act so cruel causes goose bumps to cover my skin. The reality of what he is sinks in. My body begins trembling because I know the Declan clan can poof away and take me with them at any moment.


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