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Riding Magyk

Page 19

by Allyson Young

  She rose to her feet from between their exhausted forms and ran her hands from her breasts to her hips and marveled at the feel of the burgeoning changes beneath her skin. The twins rolled over to their backs and blinked up at her, the sweat shining on their bodies, their sated cocks still wet with her juices and their own. As their essence flowed from her and onto her thighs Jolene leapt across the small clearing, jumping and spinning with the joy of discovering dancing again. She obeyed the compelling urge to spin and whirled like a top, casting as she revolved, her arms reaching ever higher above her head, her hair whirling about her. This then was why she’d learned to dance. It was both to assuage her witchy needs and to prepare her for this moment. And her body responded. Jolene was Ipotane.

  * * * *

  Xander stared in utter amazement as his mate slowly ceased to spin and her form gradually came into perspective once again. He beheld a creature of beauty and grace, with a shining, dappled gray coat and a long, flowing tail of chocolate brown shot with silver. Her four well-turned legs ended in dainty hooves. Jolene’s beautiful face and long chestnut hair above her full, round breasts and graceful arms assured him it was indeed her, although her silver eyes looked wild and foreign. The mating marks pulsed gently on her shoulders, near the base of her neck. Sulie made a choked sound beside him and struggled to his feet, although apparently needed the support of the nearest tree to stay standing. Xander didn’t know if he even had the strength to rise. Their coupling, the mating, had truly been a mind-altering experience, not to mention the mind-blowing physical pleasure. Xander’s balls ached dully from the enormity of his release, and he knew his soul and Sulieman’s had been infused with Jolene’s magyk. She would now be of no unintentional physical threat to him or his brother, and their times together would be intensely pleasurable without the risk of being fried like a flatbread on the fire. Xander reminded himself they had yet to mate with her in Ipotane form, and he, as the oldest would take her first. While his cock twitched in weak response to the thought, Xander wondered if he would actually be up to it in the near future. No pun intended.

  Jolene abruptly wheeled around and trotted off, her gait increasing to extend into a full gallop, her mane of hair and flowing tail streaming out behind her. She made the most beautiful, wild picture. Xander felt his jaw drop even as she faded from his view, her hoof beats muffled by the thickness of the matter on the forest floor.

  “Chiron!” Sulie’s appeal to the pride of the Centaurs pulled Xander from his reverie. He managed to stand, and his human legs grudgingly bore his weight.

  “It seems we need to chase our mate down,” Sulie commented wryly. “If I even have the strength to transform!”

  Xander snorted and stared at his twin. “Have you ever seen the like? Even the ancient teachings and Arion’s explanations could never have prepared me for what we witnessed. And I fear Jolene is not quite herself. Her eyes…”

  Sulie nodded gravely. “I saw them. She appears wild, like an untried female, and I doubt she knows herself. Not that I worry about her safety here. No other will touch her with our marks upon her, and it is unlikely any harm would come to her. Perhaps we should just let her run. She will come back to us.”

  Xander shook his head. “Damn it, Sulie! You are too soft. Jolene simply cannot continue to walk away from us. Or in this case, run.”

  “Relax, Xander. She did not leave this time because of your actions, or mine. She ran because she is Ipotane and probably entranced with her new form but also likely confused and overwhelmed! You are too possessive!”

  It was their age-old disagreement over females. Xander demanded obedience, and Sulie was more lenient. Xander forced himself to swallow his need to control Jolene and nodded at his brother. Jolene was not like their other females. She was special and wonderfully different and theirs, forever.

  “I’m going to find her, regardless,” he announced. “I can’t tolerate being without her!”

  “And that, my brother, is the truth,” Sulie replied. “It will never be about her walking away, but rather, being without her.”

  The transforming spell took some time and not a little energy, but when once again Ipotane their strength returned, seemingly twofold. Jolene had left a very visible magykal trail to follow, tiny shards of fracturing light glimmering in the depths of the ancestral forest, had they needed it. They did not because she was bound to them, as they were to her, and would know where she was, anywhere. They cantered along in companionable silence, going ever deeper into the woods, along the winding trails, leaping babbling brooks, and passing the small woodland creatures still crouching in awe of who had already passed. Then they found her. She lay under yet another massive tree, her legs tucked beneath her and her head pillowed upon her arms, sound asleep. Sulie and Xander dropped down beside her and rested in preparation for her awakening.

  She stirred in a short while and raised her head, her silver eyes no longer a stranger’s, the wildness tamed. She stared at them both and smiled in sensual recognition. Xander went from feeling quiet, if possessive, contentment, to experiencing total arousal in an instant, and felt his brother react in the same way. The very air thickened with sexual tension and intense want.

  Xander, as with most Ipotanes, enjoyed languorous lovemaking, but the mating was different. It took place in an intricate and driving flurry of movement, and Xander was upon Jolene the moment she stood to run, forgoing the opportunity to chase her down in foreplay, unable to hold back. He took her without the need to ensure she was ready for him, knowing she would be, without question, and the fervor of their coupling echoed their earlier one in human form. Xander marked her in nearly the same place when he found his release, and Jolene stood, shivering with the intensity of the act, as he pulled from her. Sulie took his place almost immediately, and it was a reflection of his twin’s need that Sulie did not gentle his actions as was his wont with their other females. Jolene welcomed him, her resilience very apparent, but fell to her knees once Sulie, too, set his teeth in her and withdrew from her body.

  They supported her exhausted form together. Jolene panted against them from the intensity of her release, and Xander’s ego swelled in response. They had greatly pleased her, in Ipotane form, as Ipotanes. Once again her power wrapped around them, this time with a softly pulsing sensation that soothed and gentled, at odds with the fury of their mating. Jolene transformed in the shelter of their arms, and they held her naked, human body with reverence.

  She murmured as Xander swept her up to carry her back to their home and their future, and he and Sulie bent to listen.

  “It’s like riding magyk.”




  Allyson Young lives in cottage country in Manitoba, Canada, with her husband of many years and numerous pets. She worked in the human services all across Canada and has seen the best and worst of what people bring to the table. Allyson has written for years, mostly short stories and poetry, published in small newspapers and the like, although her work appeared in her high school yearbooks, too! After reading an erotic romance, quite by accident, she decided to try her hand at penning erotica.

  Allyson will write until whatever she has inside her is satisfied—when all the heroes man up and all the heroines get what they deserve. Love isn’t always sweet, and Allyson favours the dark side of romance.

  For all titleS by Allyson YounG, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.



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