Arielle Immortal Resolve (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 8)

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Arielle Immortal Resolve (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 8) Page 10

by Lilian Roberts

“No…” he stammered, “that’s impossible!” he shook his head in disbelief. One of the faces was that of Sebastian, his best friend from centuries ago. The other was that of a beautiful girl in a white bikini with amazing sapphire eyes. He was unreservedly astonished. “Arielle,” he gasped in a barely audible voice, his jaw clenched. Her name was etched in his very soul. He inhaled deeply in absolute shock. His mind swirled wildly trying to understand the significance of this moment. He and Sebastian had been best friends, actually more like brothers. Sebastian’s family was like his own and he was sure they were all mortals. How could Sebastian emerge in this photograph that was taken over 500 years later?

  His thoughts ran wild again. After their friendship severed, he saw Sebastian a few times while he was married, if you could call it that, to Annabel. Their meetings were cordial, but never friendly. But after Sebastian finally walked out on Annabel, he never saw or heard from him again. Gaston was sure that after all these centuries, Sebastian was long dead and gone. So, who turned Sebastian to an immortal and when?

  And what about Arielle? How can she be here after 500 plus years? Was she an immortal when they met? Where was she all this time? He skimmed his finger over Arielle’s reflection and his lips trembled with emotion. He remembered how he kept his own immortality purposely secret from everyone around him. Keeping his identity from Sebastian was the most difficult decision he’d ever made. He just couldn’t take the chance. He didn’t want to be discovered and turned in to the authorities. Immortals were hunted with incredible animosity during those days. He grimaced at the thought and tried to wipe the memories away.

  Someone shifted next to him and he snapped out of his deep thoughts. He turned and glanced at the girl who was watching him intently. She had a wide smile on her face and her arm was extended toward him. A perplexed expression was spread across his face and he looked a bit confused.

  “May I have the photo,” she said softly. He blinked and immediately released it in her hand.

  “Sorry,” he stammered, apologetically. “I thought I knew one of the people in the photograph, but I was mistaken.”

  “That’s quite all right,” she replied, amused.

  Gaston felt apprehension and found it difficult to breath. He excused himself and walked outside for some fresh air. The night air was cool and the moon obscured by thick clouds. There were two lamps mounted on the wall on either side of the door dimly illuminating the entrance. He lit a cigarette and walked a few feet away and stood in the dark alone with his thoughts. He tried to flip through the piles of the painful pages in his memory book. He'd blocked out everything that created anxiety and discomfort. He winced at the ache that Arielle’s memory sparked in him. He never got the chance to spend time with her. Her rejection was vivid in his mind and he groaned painfully, as he drew in a deep breath. He’d never believed in love at first sight until their eyes met. He lapsed into stillness as he assessed the bitter feelings stored in the back of his mind, following the severance of a treasured friendship between him and Sebastian. He’d loved Sebastian like a brother, but his decision to take Arielle from him was something he was never going to forgive.

  So, Arielle was an immortal…what a shock! He was determined to find her. His mind still astounded, told him that Annabel would be the perfect person to locate first. The intensity of the thought made his chest hurt. He closed his eyes and hauled in a deep breath. He recalled that Annabel was filled with rage and hatred when Sebastian walked out, and she'd sworn revenge until one of them was dead. He was sure that not even centuries would defuse Annabel’s rage.

  He recalled clearly that many of their friends didn’t trust Annabel. Following her separation from Sebastian she became unstable, cruel, and unreliable. Annabel seemed to be a person who spent most of her time conceiving cruel schemes to be used against her enemies. She did, however, love Gaston, and always wanted to spend time with him. It didn’t take long for Gaston to get tired of Annabel’s nasty outbursts that only worsened as time passed. He decided to distance himself, and so left France on a long quest for something more interesting that would satisfy his long immortal existence on this planet.

  He was now determined to look for the one person who would get him close to Sebastian; Annabel. Her visage emerged out of the dusty memories in his head and he smiled wide. What a wonderful surprise! After all these centuries, he'd found the girl who’d etched her name in his soul. The girl who’d turned his life upside down. The girl who’d disappeared from his life in one short evening never to return. He was filled with exhilaration and unbelievable desire. He was willing to break every immortal code in his power to make Arielle his own. Compulsion was forbidden by the strict immortal code. He wasn't sure he could obey that code if Arielle refused to be with him. Vengeance was the only thought he had for Sebastian. He threw the cigarette away with a sudden move and walked back inside to find Cinzia. She was still chatting away and having fun. He waited until they were alone in the car, before he asked his question.

  “Cinzia, do you know Annabel Draper?” the question came awkwardly to his lips. She turned and her eyes lingered on his face. She tried to get a feel for his thoughts. He didn’t wait for an answer.

  “She was once married to Sebastian Gaulle,” he said, holding his breath anxiously. Cinzia held his gaze to hers, and recognizing Gaston’s suspense, chuckled with amusement.

  “I don’t know Sebastian Gaulle, but everybody knows Annabel,” she said, and gave an insinuating chuckle.

  “Do you know how to get ahold of her?” he asked obsessively. There was some hesitation on her part.

  “No, not exactly, but I know people who do, but why are you asking about someone like Annabel?” she asked wryly.

  “She and I used to be quite close back in the late 1500s, and then I lost track of her. Her name came up the other day, and I thought I’d ask around. I’d like to see her again if I could,” he said.

  “Gaston!” Cinzia muttered, and pressed her lips together. “Annabel has a very dark reputation…” her voice trailed off.

  “What are you saying?” he asked, probing.

  “I don’t know what type of person she was back then, but today she's known for being a nasty bitch completely out of control. I do believe she's psychotic.”

  Gaston chuckled. Annabel didn’t sound much different today than what he remembered.

  “It’s not funny,” Cinzia frowned. “Rumor has it that she’s insane. She was madly in love with that Sebastian you mentioned who left her after a two-year marriage and she was utterly humiliated.”

  Gaston flinched at the sound of Sebastian’s name.

  Cinzia continued, oblivious to Gaston’s thoughts. “The hurt and disgrace were so deep, that even after all these centuries, she’s still seeking revenge. I personally think she’ll succeed in killing this poor Sebastian. However, until she finds him, she seems to have the urge to punish every new man in her life, as if he was Sebastian,” she murmured. Her lips tightened and she took a deep breath.

  “What else have you heard?” Gaston asked, amused.

  “She and her best friend, Giovanna, dated a lot of young foolish men, and when they got bored with them, the guys would disappear into thin air. Then, new guys would come in the picture, and the cycle would start over again. I couldn’t even begin to visualize what happened to those poor young men.” Her voice lowered almost to a whisper. “The rumors about that would drive chills through your bones. It’s said that they had those poor boys murdered and their body parts spread across the land for animals to feed on.” She shook in fright, wrapping her arms around her body, and pressed her lips together.

  “Who’s Giovanna?” he asked curiously.

  “She was another sick bitch but nobody's seen her for over a year now. Maybe she’s dead and maybe she’s moved somewhere else to torture other poor souls. Gaston, you need to keep away from Annabel. She’s a sick, disgusting bitch, and needs help, however nobody has the guts to tell her. She’s very rich and very vicious
. She has a lot of scums who do her dirty work and she pays them very well.”

  Gaston stared at Cinzia and caution flickered in his eyes. A long silence fell between them.

  He remembered extremely well the moment Sebastian walked out of Annabel’s life and never came back. Gaston was Annabel’s friend and confidant at the time, because they shared the secret of immortality. He recalled Annabel confiding in him that Sebastian never shared her bed in the two years they were married. Their marriage was never consummated. She told him that she never thought Sebastian would leave her the way he did. She was never going to forgive the humiliation he bestowed upon her. Shame enveloped her like a heavy metal blanket that she had to carry for the rest of her life. She was overwhelmed with rage and vowed revenge on Sebastian for centuries to come. Gaston and Annabel parted ways a couple of years later, and lost track of each other.

  Gaston evoked the magical night he met Arielle and the feel of her soft luscious lips. He’d looked for her everywhere to no avail, and he gave in to the only thing left, the struggle to forget her. He failed to succeed in scraping off the etching of her name from his very core. The thought of Arielle made Gaston anxious again and his mouth tightened. He ran his tongue over dry lips. Now he needed to find Annabel. He was sure she knew Sebastian’s whereabouts. If he found Sebastian he was certain to find Arielle. He smiled wide filled with eagerness and desire.

  Cinzia was now watching Gaston. She was sure by the expression on his face that he was evoking past times. He finally shook his head feeling hopeful.

  “Will you spend the night with me?” Cinzia asked softly. She reached over, took his hand, and placed it on her breasts. Gaston chuckled and, gazing in her beautiful green eyes, leaned in and pressed his lips on hers fondly. Any other night he would've said yes, but tonight his mind and soul were filled with Arielle.

  “Maybe another night,” he murmured, pulling his hand back and holding her to that kiss. “I’ve a prior commitment. I hope you’ll forgive me,” he said. Cinzia pouted for a moment and then smiled softly. She was crazy about Gaston, but she wasn't going to confess her feelings. He was a stunning man, six feet tall with clear beautiful blue eyes, perfect features, and a muscular body to kill for. She sighed, wishing he was hers, but Gaston was a well-known playboy with many women in his life who were more than happy to be on his beck and call.

  “Will you get Annabel’s number for me?” he asked, just before he dropped her off at her house.

  “Yes, I’ll call you tomorrow,” she said as she stepped out of the car. She turned and, leaning over the seat, asked for another kiss. She kissed him with hunger this time and he responded to her kiss with a chuckle.

  The next day he anxiously waited for Cinzia’s call. It didn’t come until late that afternoon and he was going out of his mind. He thanked her and told her he'd call her soon. Eagerly he dialed Annabel’s mobile. He thought his chest would burst from sheer excitement. He was getting closer to his quest for Arielle.

  “Hello?” he heard a soft voice on the other end.

  “Is this Annabel?” he asked.

  “Who wants to know?” Her voice was quite abrupt.

  “It’s Gaston.”

  “Gaston!” she exclaimed. “Where are you?” Her voice was filled with excitement.

  “I’m in Salerno for the summer. Where are you?”

  “So am I!” she cried in sheer bliss. “When can I see you?” she asked eagerly. His instinct urged him to have this meeting as soon as possible.

  “Can we meet today?” he asked.

  “Right now would be just fine with me,” she replied.

  “Tell me exactly where you are and I’ll come over.” She gave him her location, and they hung up. The drive wasn't long and soon he was knocking at her door. He was startled as she threw the door wide open and fell in his arms in pure pleasure.

  “Oh, Gaston, you look just as stunning as ever!”

  “And you’re just a beautiful as ever, Annabel, how have you been? I heard you’re still breaking hearts left and right.” She looked delighted with his comment and laughed aloud in joy.

  “Well, you know me. More men more fun. How about you? Is there a permanent girl in your life? Or are you still looking?”

  “Still looking,” he chuckled. “Do you see any of our old acquaintances?” he asked and noticed a dark flash that crossed her eyes.

  “Yes,” she murmured, her eyes narrowed to slits. “Many of the people we knew back then are still around. A few have moved to other countries and some were killed in stupid fights.”

  Gaston nodded. His heart pounded while trying to find a way to get around to Sebastian. He pulled his gaze away from Annabel’s and looked around.

  “This is a beautiful home,” he complimented. She followed his gaze around the room.

  “It’s just a place for the summer,” she replied.

  “Do you spent a lot of time in Italy?” he asked.

  “No, not really. I move around a lot.”

  “Why is that?”

  “I guess I like to change the view every now and then,” she chuckled, bitterly. “But enough about me. What've you been doing? I haven’t seen you for nearly 500 years,” she said, watching him intently. Gaston could tell she was troubled and avoiding his question.

  “What do you want to know?” he asked softly.

  “I want to know where you’ve been for all this time. What have you been doing with your life?” She kept a pleasant look on her face.

  “Well…” his voice trailed. “You don’t want to hear my boring life story.” He gave her a quick glance and looked away. Annabel moved closer and sat right across from him.

  “Why would you think that?” she asked in surprise. “I care about you Gaston, you were always trustworthy.” Her eyes scanned his face. Silence fell between them. Gaston closed his eyes and all he could think about was Arielle. How was he going to find a way back to her? He shook his head, opened his eyes, and forced a smile.

  “Would you like a drink?” Annabel’s voice broke into his thoughts. There was quiet concern in her voice.

  “Sure, that would be nice.”

  She rose and walked over to the bar. “Scotch all right?”


  She poured a class and walked back with a smile. “That should hit the spot,” she chuckled, as if she knew something was bothering him.

  Gaston took a sip and his voice came out soft and calm. “I moved around this boring planet for a long while. When I left France, I moved to Brazil where I found a great bunch of friends and spent approximately a century there. Then a few of us ventured out to the Far East where I spend nearly 300 years. That has to be the most amazing place I've ever lived. The women are fascinating and their way of life peaceful and graceful.” He took another sip of his drink and continued. “Later I met a young lady in Singapore and we dated for a few years. I followed her to her native Russia, where we lived together for a while and when I got bored I moved to Spain.” Gaston looked over at Annabel. “Spanish women are hot!” he chuckled again and she laughed with him. “I spent a reasonable amount of time in Spain but still hadn’t found what I was looking for,” he said bitterly.

  “What is it exactly that you’re looking for?” she asked, watching him with extreme curiosity.

  “I’m not sure, Annabel, but I seem to be in quest of something.” He stared at his glass and swirled his drink around. “I have a gut feeling that I might be getting close,” he said, and bit his lip.

  “Well, I hope you find what you’re looking for,” she said, with a kind smile. “Gaston, if you need my help, remember that I’m here.” Her voice was firm. Reaching over, she gave him a soft pat on the hand.

  “Right,” he said, absentminded.

  “So how did you end up here in Italy?” she asked softly.

  “I tired eventually of being away from home, and returned to France when I connected with the old bunch and we're here for vacation. But I’ve always known that I would end up back
in France or Italy. They’re two of my most favorite places on this planet.” Gaston focused his attention somewhere in the distance. He remained silent for a long time, as memories flooded his mind like a huge title wave and he stopped breathing. Annabel cannon-balled him a stunned look.

  “Gaston,” she called out. “What’s wrong?” His blue eyes looked up at her a bit shocked.

  “Oh…I’m sorry Annabel, I just got carried away.” He smiled softly before he came out with his next question. “Why don’t you tell me a bit about what you've been doing with your life?” he asked.

  “Gaston…Gaston…” she said, shaking her head disappointedly. “My life has been a real roller coaster. Not that I would admit that to anyone else,” she gazed at him intently. “I’ve roamed this globe for over 500 years and accomplished very little.” She smiled resentfully. “I’m completely aware that I’ve screwed up most of the great opportunities that could've improved my miserable existence.”

  She tapped her fingers on the armchair and kept silent for a short while. She finally shot out of her chair and started to pace the floor nervously. Gaston was hoping that while she was in a rant, she would come around to talking about Sebastian. He was sure there was a lot to say and it didn’t take long.

  “I wish I could get rid of the awfully powerful animosity I’ve been carrying around for so very long…” her voice trailed and more silence. She finally looked at Gaston and her face went still. Her fists balled by her side and her voice turned cold, freezing cold. “I want to hurt him, I want to hurt him so bad!” her voice was filled with passion, her teeth clenched.

  “Whom are you talking about?” Gaston asked, in sheer shock with Annabel’s inconceivable fury.

  “Sebastian!” she screamed and ran her hands through her hair, utterly frustrated.

  Gaston flinched at his former best friend’s name and tried hard to hide his excitement. He wasn’t going to say anything to Annabel about the photo he’d seen and his theories.

  “Sebastian?” he said acting astonished. “I thought Sebastian would be dead and gone by now. “


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