Arielle Immortal Resolve (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 8)

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Arielle Immortal Resolve (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 8) Page 18

by Lilian Roberts

  Sebastian’s wretchedness ran intensely within his very soul. As an immortal he had never before experienced this mind-blowing, sheering pain. Eva had promised to call him as soon as she was able to resume contact with Arielle. He drew in a deep breath and dragged himself out of that sofa. He needed some air; he was suffocating in his horrifying thoughts.

  Loren sprang out of her seat to follow Sebastian. When she stepped into the kitchen her jaw dropped and her body stiffened. “What in bloody hell happened here?” she cried out, glaring at the countless pieces of bloody sharp glass that were spread across the floor.

  Sebastian gazed back at Loren for a short moment; eyes filled with despair, hands clenched into tight fists, but remained silent. He finally muttered something inaudible and, turning around, he disappeared through the door leading into the garden.

  He walked through the trees and with a few long strides, reached the edge of the property and stood under a large Hawthorn tree. He leaned against its trunk, focusing his gaze toward the fine line where the sky met the ocean. He wanted to be alone; he wanted to reflect and get his thoughts in order. The revelation that Gaston was the person who’d placed Sebastian’s life into a crushing cyclone wasn’t a big surprise. What was astounding was Gaston’s boldness to strike inside their home. His lips twisted and his stomach clenched, as every muscle in his body turned hard as steel. The fury was so intense that he could've crashed a bolder into fine dust.

  He was pondering scenarios of confrontation when suddenly Arielle’s shockingly blue, blue sapphires emerged in front of him and his breath held in his throat. He growled angrily at the thought of Gaston being in close proximity of Arielle’s soft satin skin, elegant curves, flawless face, and sensuous lips. His arms ached for her, his senses painfully consumed by the mere thought of her. At this point there was nothing he wanted more than to have her home safe. He was sure that Gaston was unaware of Arielle’s gifts and her ability to mentally communicate with Eva. He had no idea about all the spells Arielle had learned attending the secret society with his mother and how to use those spells to help her in difficult circumstances. Those abilities were a plus for Arielle and a disaster for Gaston.

  All that Sebastian needed was Eva’s word as to where Gaston took Arielle. Armed with that information, he would contact all their friends, and have them assist in getting her home. He decided to text the guys just to give them advance warning about the situation. He pulled his mobile out of his jean pocket and text a few words to Pierre, his oldest and dearest friend.

  “Pierre, I need your help.”

  It took but a couple of minutes before he received a reply.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “An old friend from my mortal years has kidnapped Arielle. He’s utterly obsessed with her.”

  “Do you know where she is?”

  “No, not yet, but I’m in the process of finding out.”

  He was startled when his phone rang.

  “Hello!” he answered anxiously. Pierre’s voice was on the other end.

  “How about if I contact the others and we come to Brighton to be with you? I think more brains will bring better results. After all, I need the break.”

  “I welcome your offer, old friend,” Sebastian replied. “I need a few more ideas. If you want to come, I’ll be grateful.”

  “All right Sebastian, don’t worry, man, we’ll find her.”

  “Thanks,” he said, closed the phone. and slipped it into his pocket. A little while later he heard back from Jacques, Antonius, Giani, Gerard, and Jon. They were all on the way. Hope filled Sebastian’s lungs and hauled in a deep breath.

  Loren looked out the window and saw him leaning against the tree and felt a painful twitch in her gut. She studied his expression and was sure that she understood the anxiety sheering his very existence. She chose to leave him alone and decided to clean the mess off the kitchen floor. She needed to give him time to cool down and come back inside. By the time she put the broom away Sebastian walked in and she ran to him. She put her arms around him and held him close.

  “We’ll find her Sebastian, please don’t worry,” she said. He held her and they stood in a warm embrace trying to find comfort in each other.

  “Please don’t say anything to mother,” he said quietly. “I don’t want her to worry.”

  “I won’t, but what about Arielle’s parents? What if they call?”

  “They're away for 10 days with Gabrielle’s parents and Eva’s mother. They usually don’t call when they're away.”

  “Oh, that’s good!”

  “Yes, it actually is. It’s one less thing to worry about right now,” he said, letting go off Loren and walking to the fridge to get another glass of Salve.

  “God…I wish Eva would call,” he groaned. He twirl the glass in his hand and for a long moment watched the red liquid swirl.

  “She will, Sebastian, I’m sure she will,” Loren said, pursing her lips, gut filled with anxiety.

  Oh, please, God, Loren, thought. I can’t stand watching Sebastian. He’s in so much pain.

  The clock ticked away as Sebastian settled into his large chair to wait for Eva’s call. Thoughts of Arielle surged into his head and his lips slowly curved. She’d dropped into his life full of vigor and determination for the future—their future— together. She filled his bewildered existence with passion for life, tenderness, and heart-pounding exhilaration. Her striking splendor focused his life toward a path of pure ecstasy. He just couldn’t believe that an intangible eye-connection on that beautiful August day at the beach of St Jean De Luz turned to an astounding heart-pounding affirmation that he'd found the one. He wanted to anchor the rest of his existence right next to the girl who enveloped him with a palpable thirst for life. What a significant moment that was! His breath caught at the thought.


  It was 1:30 in the afternoon when Eva and Ian drove home lost in weighty thoughts. Ian wondered how far Gaston was going to take this game with Arielle and Eva was overwhelmed with wretchedness. She was eager to reach out to Arielle, as soon as she regained consciousness. She was sure that Gaston was keeping her sedated in order to make it easier for him to move her as far away from Sebastian as possible. She was convinced he would try to seduce her, hoping that in the long run, he'd win her over. He wanted Arielle in the worst way. Eva felt his fervent kiss on her lips, through Arielle’s mind. She felt his passionate touch on Arielle’s body that alerted her very essence. Gaston was up to no good. She frowned and the atmosphere in the little car deepened considerably.

  Ian helped Eva out of the car and pulled her into his arms tenderly. He bent down and brushed his lips seductively against hers and Eva blinked, a hot sensation rippling across her muscles. She reacted instantaneously by wrapping her arms around his neck and deepening the kiss to sweltering. Ian’s arms closed around her and pulled her even closer.

  “I love you, Eva,” he murmured through the kiss.

  “Mmm,” was her reply, eyes closed, searing heat coursing through every nerve, every muscle. She reluctantly pulled from the kiss and gazed into his loving eyes. “I need to connect with Arielle, baby,” she said, pressing her lips anxiously.


  In the house, Eva laid on the sofa closing her eyes, waiting impatiently for Arielle to give her a small sign that she was alert again. Ian settled in the large recliner with a book, trying hard to keep Eva out of his thoughts. He thumbed boringly through several pages totally uninterested in reading. His eyes moved slowly and focused on Eva as she shifted and changed positions trying to get comfortable on the sofa. He dragged in a deep breath, and yanked his gaze away fighting hard the urge to lie next to her and take her in his arms. He failed miserably as he gaze moved back on her and his eyes traced lustfully every little curve of her body that moved, tensed and relaxed over and over again.

  His muscles tensed and he bit his lower lip fighting to keep calm. Unknowingly Eva was sending waves of intoxicating desire his way and heat coursed qu
ickly through every muscle in his body. Eva kept her eyes shut but she felt the heavy weight of his gaze and turning around she met his blistering gaze. Passion surged through her and Ian lost it. He leapt out of his chair using his immortal speed and, picking up Eva, he carried her to bed. His mouth covered hers fervently and ripples of exhilaration coursed through their bodies. The passion that enveloped them was beyond human grasp. They lay motionless for a long time, smoldering in the aftermath of their amazing encounter. They laid quietly for what it seemed to be a century. The sound of the clock in the foyer stroke 3 times and Ian turned to his side. Eva opened her eyes and looked over at Ian sending him a warm smile. Ian gathered Eva in his arms and she pulled herself even closer serenely.

  “Eva,” Ian whispered trapping her gaze. “I’m hurting for Sebastian,” he murmured. “I can’t even fathom being without you, not even for a moment. I’d have to kill someone,” he said seriously. He held Eva tighter, voice filled with emotion.

  “I know…” her voice trailed off. “I wish there was something we could do, but until Arielle decides to connect with me, we are at a loss,” she said. Slowly Eva eased herself away from Ian’s embrace and sat up, taking a deep breath.

  “Where are you going baby?” Ian asked.

  “I’d like a glass of Salve, would you like me to bring you some?”

  “No, I’m good,” he said, with a deep sigh, sending Eva a warm smile. Eva swung her legs over the side of the bed and set her feet on the floor. Ian watched her with a wide smile on his face, but Eva didn’t stand up, she sat there totally unmoved. She looked frozen in place. He frowned, as he waited for a short moment and when Eva didn’t give a sign of movement, he sat up, and moved across the bed quietly. He sat next to her placing his arm about her.

  “What is it, Eva?” he murmured, softly. Eva’s gaze was surging into a distant unsettling place. “Is it Arielle?” he asked, voice barely audible. Eva nodded without replying.

  “Come on, Arielle!” she urged, pushing her hair away from her face and stifling a growl. “Give me something,” she pleaded, and letting out a deep sigh, she halted at the end of the bed totally unmoved.

  “What’s going on?” Ian asked eagerly.

  “We're connected. She’s aware of me and she’s letting me enter her thoughts to see what is going on. They’re getting out of the boat,” she murmured. “She’s trying to get her bearings, looking for something to help us find her.” Eva was piercing through the empty space, her eyes moving wildly from one side to the other, searching the empty space in their room. She reached over and clasped Ian hand. “She's asking Gaston where they are,” Eva said.

  “What's he saying?” Ian asked.

  “He says it’s a surprise,” Eva whispered, pressing her lips together. “Oh, Ian, she’s very frightened,” Eva dragged in a deep breath. “They’re walking up a poorly-lit pier…” Eva furthered. “Gaston and another man are right behind her. She doesn’t know the other man; she has never seen him before.”

  “Where in bloody hell are they?” Ian asked anxiously.

  “She isn’t sure,” Eva replied. “It’s very dark and hard to see.”

  “It’s dark? But it’s only 3 o’clock in the afternoon,” Ian said, astoundingly.

  “It’s dark at the place they've arrived,” Eva said. Ian closed his eyes, trying to consider all the places that would be several hours later than Brighton. Unfortunately he was fooling himself, as he knew that they could be just about anywhere in the world where it was nighttime. He let out an exasperated breath, as his mind whirled wildly, accepting the fact that without Arielle’s help, it’ll be near impossible to locate her.

  “Wait! Wait! I think I see something coming up in the distance,” Eva exclaimed pressing Ian’s hand harder. “A light of some sort.” Eva’s eyes were searching the empty space again wildly. “Oh, no…” she added, disappointingly. “They’re headlights, a car is waiting for them,” she murmured. “Arielle's trying desperately to see a sign, something she can give me.” A long silence fell in the bedroom. Ian got out of bed to retrieve his book from the recliner, and coming back, he laid down in bed next to Eva, waiting for something they could take to Sebastian.

  “Arielle’s letting me know that she can’t see a thing outside the car. Gaston is sitting next to her, his arm about her, whispering to her that he’s not going to hurt her.” Eva’s breathing picked up speed as she could feel Gaston’s arm tightening around Arielle. Ian noticed and, putting the book down, he moved even closer.

  “What is it, baby?”

  “It’s Gaston, he’s holding her and Arielle hates it.”

  “Still in the car?”

  “Yes, but it’s very strange. Through her mind, I can see that there is an eerie darkness outside the car. No lights, no street signs, no traffic. Where in bloody hell is he taking her?” Eva stood up and started to pace. “She's having a hard time concentrating until she gets away from Gaston,” Eva grimaced, looking into the empty space in front of her. Suddenly she stopped, her cold gaze fixed on something in the distance.

  “What? What?” Ian asked noticing the icy look on Eva’s face.

  “The car has stopped. He's helping her out and they're walking up a large staircase. I can see a large double door held wide open by a tall young woman. She’s smiling at them and greeting Gaston warmly.” Eva was immovable staring through Arielle’s eyes, trying to inspect the inside of the house. “I can see a lot of wall paintings, portraying ocean sceneries. There are rich decorations, elegant details, and large windows, reflecting total darkness outside. Oh…Ian…there are no signs anywhere to show where she is. I feel her anxiety. Gaston is telling the woman to show Arielle to her room. I can see her going up a long staircase and walking down a long corridor with many doors on either side. They're now standing at the very end of that corridor. The woman opens the door and, stepping aside, she is letting Arielle inside. She’s now gone and Arielle is left alone. She's crying!” Eva says through clenched teeth. “She's plummeted on the bed sobbing uncontrollably.”

  “Talk to her, Eva,” Ian pushed anxiously. Eva blinked and drew a deep breath.

  “Arielle, Arielle,”

  “Yes,” Arielle thought anxiously.

  “We’re all here, ready to come and help you. Don’t be frighten, he’s not going to hurt you. Don’t look directly in his eyes, try to buy time.”

  “How is Sebastian?” Arielle’s emotions were shattered.

  “He’s devastated,” Eva passed the thought to her and bit her lower lip. “Try to look around and find something, even a little piece of paper, or a book, or a sign, something that might give you the name of the place.”

  “I’ll try.”

  “I’ll be here waiting for anything you can give me to help us find you.”

  “Tell Sebastian I love him and I’m sorry for missing our wedding day.” Arielle whimpered.

  “You’re not going to miss your wedding day. We’re going to find you way before then.”

  “I love you, Eva,” Arielle said.

  “I love you, too,” Eva replied, feeling a heavy rock sitting in the pit of her stomach. “Go take a shower and rest. That’ll keep Gaston away from you for a while if he tries to come in your room.”

  “But where do I look for signs?” she asked Eva.

  “Check any place in the room, every corner, every closet, and finally the surroundings when you get to go outside. There has to be something like a name or landmark that'll help us find you sooner. Gaston isn’t aware of our ability to communicate, so he has no reason to hide anything from you now.”

  “I hate him, Eva,” Arielle’s thought came across forcefully. “And Eva, one more thing. Tell Sebastian that everyone here is an immortal. I haven’t seen a single human.”

  “Arielle, don’t worry about that, go and take a shower and then get in bed, you do need to rest. I’ll update Sebastian, let him know that you are all right, and I’ll wait to hear from you. Again, look through everything in your room. Chec
k the corners of the closet, the drawers, you might notice something that will give us an idea, a start.”

  “All right, Eva, I will,” Arielle conveyed to Eva, trying to keep her thoughts steady even though she was shattered inside. Eva however smiled, sure that they’d find something. Her connection with Arielle was clear and their communication a relief to both of them. Once she knew their connection was broken for the time being, she picked up the phone and called Sebastian. He picked up on the first ring.

  “Eva, anything?”

  “Yes, I communicated with Arielle. She’s fine, just a little frighten. She told me to tell you that she loves you.” A loud groan followed on the other side of the phone and Sebastian let out a low curse. “Sebastian, it’ll be okay. She’s going to try and get something, a name, a tag, anything that will tell us where she is. When they arrived, wherever that place is, it was dark and couldn’t see any signs, traffic, car tags or anything like that. She was picked up and taken to a very large home. Gaston had an immortal woman show her to her room. He didn’t tell her where they were, even though she did ask him several times.”

  “Son of a bitch,” Sebastian cursed again. His voice was filled with pain and anticipation. “Eva, this is way worse that when the Russians took her for those horrifying two days. This is a different scenario. These are immortals and capable of disappearing at a moment’s notice to any corner of the earth.”

  “Sebastian, I know, that’s why you need to get ahold of yourself and try to move slowly and carefully. Arielle's smart and she’s going to find that particular something that'll help us locate her.” Eva’s voice was tender and reassuring.

  “Call me as soon as you have something,” Sebastian said.

  Eva woke in the middle of the night, muddled by sleep, eyes shut, mind confused, and a strong sensation of unease spread across her body. She struggled to understand. Her head was pounding and, lifting her hands, she pressed them tightly against her temples. Slowly she tried to think and was abruptly jolted to consciousness. She sat up on the bed and pushed the covers away. She realized that Arielle was trying to connect with her mind. She swallowed hard shaking her head, trying to get her bearings.


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