The Highlander Who Saved Me (Heart of a Highlander Collection Book 2)

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The Highlander Who Saved Me (Heart of a Highlander Collection Book 2) Page 8

by Allie Palomino

  Malcolm and Miriam laughed harder.

  “Well, Connor. As it turns out, Katie was picking flowers and Maddie was picking weeds. The-”

  “Picking weeds?”

  Malcolm held up a hand and continued, “The children were playing in the field, saw them, and went over. Well, as Katie put it, Maddie was lost again in one of her hair-raising stories. The children were enthralled and giggling, and that’s when Maddie turned around and realized she had an audience. Katie said they were hanging on every word she said. From then on, she’s taken time out of her cleaning,” Malcolm stopped as they all shared a laugh, “to play with the children.”

  “What do they do?” Iain asked.

  “She tells them stories. They play games. When ye came just now, she and Katie were playing with their puppets,” Miriam said.

  “Puppets?” Connor asked.

  Miriam smiled, “Aye, puppets. She and Katie made them.” Miriam grew serious and stared at her oldest son intently.

  “I’m grateful to her Connor. She has truly saved Katie for us. I dread the day her father comes and takes her back,” Miriam smiled sadly. She looked down and looked up again. “She told me her mother died birthing her and when I told her mine did as well, she was surprised and asked if I thought I’d be saved.”

  “Be saved?” Malcolm and Iain repeated afterwards.

  Connor nodded his head.

  “After our evening meal, the day before I left, she ran from the room upset, saying that we would never be saved.”

  “Why was she upset, Connor?” Miriam’s voice rose a little.

  “Never mind, Mother,” Connor said, avoiding a confession about the kiss they’d shared.

  “What do ye think all this ‘saved’ talk is about?” Miriam asked.

  “She wants to join a convent,” Connor explained.

  “A convent!”

  “Aye. She feels her life should be dedicated to serving our Lord as well as others.”

  “Doesn’t she want to marry and have children?” Miriam asked.

  “She says she’s too old and never had any suitors call upon her,” Connor responded.

  “No suitors! That’s absurd. Maddie is beautiful. I would call on her,” Iain said, smirking.

  Connor flashed him a warning glance and said, “Over my dead body.” He paused, then continued. “Aye, she is beautiful. ‘Tis not for ye to notice, however.” Iain grinned at Connor. Connor continued after the pause. “She doesna think she is. She was told that she wasna attractive.”

  “What in the world are ye talking about, Connor? Who told her that lie?” Miriam asked.

  “She was told when she was ten.”

  “By whom? She was just a girl!”

  “I know, Mother. It was her father and her brothers. They-”

  “Father and brothers?” She repeated.

  Connor nodded his head. Miriam’s face mirrored sympathy and anger.

  “When are they coming for her? When will we lose Maddie?” she asked.

  Connor was taken aback. He hadn’t realized how fond his mother had grown of Maddie. In the beginning of this charade, he hadn’t wanted anyone in his family to grow attached to Maddie. Now, though, he found that he didn’t mind it so much.

  “Perhaps in a fortnight. I’m nay sure.”

  Katie popped her head in.

  “Mother, ye’re needed downstairs. Bess has questions about something or another. I suppose it’s about the food this evening,” Katie said.

  Curious gazes stayed on Miriam.

  Miriam smiled at Katie and said, “Yes, Katie. Tell her I’ll be right down.”

  Once Katie shut the door, Miriam explained.

  “Maddie has arranged for a special meal. She wanted to wait until ye were back,” Miriam said, signaling Iain and Connor. “She knew we hadna sat down as a family in a long while because of Katie, and she wanted us to have a special surprise meal. Katie doesna know about it.”

  “Does she know about Katie?” Connor asked.

  “Nay, she doesna. She knew Katie wasna well and hasna asked why. Katie, I’m sure, will tell her if and when she wants to, and Maddie will respect Katie’s desire to keep things private until then.”

  “Ye sound like ye know her well, Mother,” Iain said.

  She paused before opening the door.

  “She’s not difficult to understand. Ye just have to know what questions to ask. More importantly, ye need to ask,” Miriam said quietly and left the room. Although Iain had posed the question, she’d looked at Connor.

  “What went on at Wynton’s?” Malcolm asked after Miriam left.

  Connor and Iain both informed their father about the guard and her family.

  “Ye should have been there to see the castle, Father. Ye wouldna believe that someone as vibrant as Maddie lived there,” Iain said.

  “No guards? Is he mad? He has a daughter to care for,” Malcolm said heatedly.

  Mother wasn’t the only person growing fond of Maddie, Connor thought.

  “He didna care about her abduction. He only wanted her back pure or not at all, and that’s because he sold her,” Connor elaborated.

  “Sold her?” Malcolm’s temper was flaring.

  Connor nodded his head. “He accepted coins for her. The younger brother kept saying odd things I havena been able to figure out. He said that we might as well keep her because she was our responsibility and said that Maddie wasna pure.”

  “Not pure? Has she been with this man she’s promised to?”

  “Nay. She is pure, Father,” Connor said and Malcolm studied his son carefully. Connor didn’t meet his father’s inquisitive gaze.

  “He said not to lay hands on her because she would have a Scots bastard touched by the devil’s hands,” Iain chimed in.

  “He is a vile man.”

  “So many things about her are confusing, Father. She called herself a mistake. She also said that no one ever defended her the way I did when she was first kidnapped. Verra odd, indeed,” Connor said, puzzled. “I suppose after seeing her brothers and father, I can understand why she said she’s never been defended.”

  “Connor, leave her alone. Do not seduce her. She’s an innocent,” Malcolm said, looking sternly at Connor. “It seems to me that she hasna had it as easy as ye thought she had.”

  Connor ignored his father’s comment. “A fortnight. I gave him a fortnight.”

  A thought just struck Malcolm. “Why do ye think the Kerrs were trying to take her?”

  Connor shrugged. “They said they were going to ransom her. Father, ye said that there was a spy for McLean in Wynton’s castle?”

  Malcolm nodded his head. “Aye. He was a distant relative of McLean. He was a relative through marriage. It worked out well because he spoke like an Englishman, but had loyalty as strong as any Scot’s. He was one of Wynton’s trusted men. He’s no longer there.”

  “After Wynton gives his response, I would like to speak to this man,” Connor said.

  The men left the room. After checking in on Kiel, Connor headed downstairs. He wondered where Maddie was. He looked around but she was no where. He grew a little alarmed, wondering what he would find her up to now.

  Connor went in the sitting room and only saw an arm hanging off the side of the settee. He went over and smiled. She was fast asleep- and snoring. It was a soft snore, but nonetheless a snore it was.

  He stood in front of the chair.


  She didn’t stir. He noticed the dark circles underneath her eyes and frowned. He remembered her having them before but not as pronounced as now. Was she not sleeping at night? He remembered what she had told him. She had been afraid of the dark. Ramsay, her hound, had helped her to sleep at night.

  “Maddie,” he said again, and she didn’t stir. She gave another little snore.

  His touch against the side of her face was as light as a feather. She looked so at peace and innocent. His mother was right. She did look like an angel. Nay, he corrected himself, s
he was an angel.

  Connor continued to stare at her. Just as he was going to say her name again, her head jerked to the side. She mumbled something under her breath. He saw where Kiel slapped her. Her lip was evidence of it. It had angered him but he knew that his brother had not been in possession of his mind. It didn’t help that Maddie was a tiny thing. He needed to remember how delicate she was.

  “No!” her head jerked again.

  She was panting. There was a grim set to her lips and her brow was wrinkled with stress lines. Her cheeks were damp with fresh tears.

  “No, Henry!”

  Connor stopped breathing. She said his name.


  She woke up startled, her hands shielding her face.

  “‘Tis ok, Maddie. It’s Connor.”

  She visibly relaxed.

  “I’m sorry. I must have napped.” She looked around her, disoriented. After a moment, she said, “I have so much to do!”

  Connor shook his head.

  “Ye have to rest, Maddie! Will I have to tie ye to a chair?”

  He tried to provoke her temper. Anything was better than her tears.

  Maddie jumped out of the settee and onto her feet.

  “You just try, and so help me God, Connor!”

  “I could.”

  “Oh, Lord! I won’t let you!”

  “Doona use the Lord’s name that way, Maddie. ‘Tis not proper,” Connor goaded.

  “I would never do such a churlish thing!” She said, pointing a finger.

  “Ye just did! Twice.” Now he was beginning to get angry. She doesn’t even pay attention to what she says. “I thought it was bad to show a temper!”

  “It is and it’s improper to shout!” She said screaming.

  Iain and Kirk come in, staring at the two in a heated battle.

  “Then doona shout!” Connor yelled.

  “You are infuriating, Connor Ramsay! I’m delighted that my hound bears your name!”

  Iain and Kirk began laughing hysterically until Connor turned to them.

  “Doona laugh, ye fools. The hound’s name is Ramsay, nay Connor.”

  The smiles melted off their faces. Connor gave them a stern look and both men left.

  “They’ll be together in no time,” Iain said as they left, and Kirk nodded.

  “I’m leaving!” Maddie said, nearing the opening of the sitting room.

  “Oh, and Maddie?” he said and she turned around. He saw flashes of green in her golden gaze.

  “Ye snore.”

  Her mouth hung open, flabbergasted.

  “I. Do. Not. Snore. You snore!”

  “I do not, I assure ye, but if ye care for me to prove it, I shall make the arrangements for ye to sleep with me this night.”

  “You’re insufferable! You arrogant man!”

  “I thank ye for the compliment, milady, and it is my hope to return such praises to ye one day,” Connor said laughing.

  She turned around and started cursing under her breath.

  “‘Tis not right to curse either, Maddie! Yer words, not mine!”

  He started laughing when he heard her curses grow louder.

  Chapter Nine

  “Well, let us sit down. Kiel woke up and is eating in his room. I always said that the only thing that can wake him from his slumber is an empty stomach. Oh, Maddie, where is Katie?” Miriam asked in a softer tone.

  “She’s on her way, Lady Miriam,” Maddie said, looking around at the table. A frown creased her forehead. “This won’t do. Nay. We must move up and all eat in Kiel’s room. ‘Tis a family dinner and all members of the family must eat together. No one must be left out.”

  Connor stared at her silently. There was more to her words than anyone thought. He recalled her saying how she used to eat in her room alone. It had been her choice, she’d said, yet here she was saying that the family could not eat apart with one member eating alone in his room.

  “Great idea, Maddie!” Miriam said getting up. “We must hurry before Katie sees us!”

  Maddie’s smile was radiant. Connor forgot how to breathe. Her golden eyes twinkled.

  “I shall stall her,” Maddie said and hurried out of the room.

  “Go on! Take yer food!” Miriam said, taking her own and rushing out of the room.

  The family made their way up the stairs and into Kiel’s room.

  “To what do I owe this?”

  “Maddie had a wonderful idea to eat as a family. Considering all that’s happened with Katie, we havena eaten like this in a long while. It is a surprise arrangement for Katie. She-” Miriam stopped when she heard voices.

  “Come on, Katie. Kiel was asking for ye.”

  The family all looked at one another, smiles present on their faces. Excitement permeated the air. Maddie opened the door and came in. Katie walked in behind her and gasped.

  “Come in, darling. Come in.” Miriam looked happily at her daughter.

  Katie’s smile was gigantic. Maddie stared at her contentedly.

  While everyone was looking at Katie, Connor was looking at Maddie. She had a warm smile on her face. With every laugh she heard, she stepped farther away from the family. She was at the door and turning to leave when Miriam called for her.

  “Come here, Maddie. Where are ye going?”

  Maddie looked up with a blush on her cheeks.

  “I’m leaving you alone. This is a family dinner.”

  “Aye, Maddie, and we would like ye to join us. Eat with us,” Miriam urged.

  Connor saw hope and longing in her eyes. Tears formed in them.

  “I can’t, really. I have to clea-”

  “Maddie, I simply willna take no for an answer. We’ve brought up yer food.”

  “Y-you did?” Maddie said lifting her teary gaze to Miriam’s.

  ‘Of course. Sit! Come.”

  Maddie slowly took her food and stood in the corner farthest away from them.

  “Maddie, why are ye standing so far away in the corner?” It was Iain who asked.

  “Umm…there’s no seating and I, ah…I didn’t want to be a nuisance,” she said, flushed. It was obvious to Connor that she wasn’t used to so much attention. It made her uncomfortable.

  “Nonsense. Never. Come, there’s seating next to Connor on the chest,” Iain said grinning.

  Maddie kept fumbling for words but finally gave in and sat next to Connor. It was tight, so she had to get close to him. Connor looked at his family and their smiling faces. They had arranged it like this.

  The devious bastards.

  The conversation was lighthearted, and Maddie found herself laughing. They talked about all of the brothers’ pranks and Katie’s endless naiveté when it came to her brothers.

  “I’ve never laughed so hard,” Maddie said smiling, wiping tears away.

  “But ye havena eaten anything,” Malcolm said, concerned.

  “Oh, I couldn’t eat another bite. I’ll take this all down, though.”

  “Nay, we are capable. Go on, it will be fine,” Miriam told her.

  Maddie had a sudden sad look in her eyes. It was so brief that only Connor saw it. She looked at them all and left the room. After a couple of minutes, Connor left in search of her. He tried a few areas, but he couldn’t find her. Where had she disappeared to now?

  Connor went outside for air. He was so confused about what to do with her, and about how, and what, he felt for her. He filled his lungs with the fresh evening air. It had been growing stuffy in Kiel’s room, especially next to Maddie. Her fragrance overpowered his food, and every time he tasted his food, he wondered what she tasted like.

  His attraction for her grew to a feverish point. His self-control was dwindling. On the way to and from England, he couldn’t stop thinking about her, about the kiss they’d shared, or how she had tasted.

  His thoughts were obsessed with Madeleine Wynton.

  Iain was right. He couldn’t let her go back to England, could he?

  Connor looked over to the loch.
He saw someone swimming. Hands were coming up, out of the water. It looked like the person was struggling!

  Connor quickly removed his clothing. It would drag him down trying to rescue the person. As he prepared to enter the loch, he noticed the dress that Maddie had worn was lying on the bank. His heart stopped beating. God! Had she attempted to swim when she didn’t know how?

  Connor dove into the loch in his naked glory. He swam to where he thought he saw her but she wasn’t there. He turned every direction but didn’t see her. He wiped the water from his eyes in frustration. Connor tried to ease the panic that rose within in him. When had she become so important to him?


  No answer.



  “Maddie? Maddie!” His voice was near a roar now.

  “Hold on, Connor! I’m coming!”

  He saw her swim hurriedly to him. She stopped right in front of him and placed her right arm in a headlock around his neck.

  “I’ve got ye,” she said panting. “Don’t worry! I’ll save you, Connor!”

  Maddie struggled to pull him through the water to the bank. Connor placed his hands on her waist.

  “What are you doing? You must be delusional! Oh Lord!”

  “Maddie, I’m alright. I’m nay drowning. I thought ye were and that’s why I jumped in.”

  “I was just swimming, Connor.”

  Maddie responded in a casual, nonchalant way. Her feet slipped beneath her and she momentarily went under. She emerged from the water laughing hysterically. She looked like another woman when she did. It wasn’t that she never laughed, but when she acted so carefree, she was even more intoxicating. Her chemise, he noticed, was completely transparent.

  Maddie turned her head towards him and laughed anew. He found himself laughing and smiling with her. As the laughter quieted, he decided to ask her a question that had been nagging him.

  “Why were ye sad when ye left Kiel’s room after supper? It was when Mother told ye not to clean up after us.”

  She shook her head shyly.

  “Tell me,” he urged softly.

  “I didn’t feel needed or wanted.”

  “But why? Ye knew that my mother wanted ye there. She said that.”

  She kept her gaze downcast.

  “Or is it that ye only feel loved and wanted, Maddie, when ye’re doing things for others? Slaving after them?”


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