The Highlander Who Saved Me (Heart of a Highlander Collection Book 2)

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The Highlander Who Saved Me (Heart of a Highlander Collection Book 2) Page 16

by Allie Palomino

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The celebration was one to befit royalty. Maddie had never seen such energy, music, and dancing before then. The food was spectacular. It was a veritable feast. Succulent pheasant and boar were served. Thick, herby mutton stew was piping hot. Warm black breads were cut into chunks, and honey and jams were available to drizzle and spread on them. A variety of cheeses and sweet fruits were spread around. Fruit tarts glistened with honeyed coatings.

  “This is all so much, Connor. The ladies outdid themselves.”

  He piled more food onto her plate. “Aye, it’s delectable and tasty,” he said licking his fingers.

  “I can’t eat that much!”

  He smiled and said, “Aye, ye can and will. I’ll nay have my bairns wanting more food in yer womb,” he said looking at her.

  “Bairns?” she whispered smiling, eyes wide and hopeful.

  He laughed as the candlelight danced in his eyes. “Aye, bairns. Ye doona want any?”

  Her smile was vibrant, and stretched from ear to ear. “Aye, Connor. I would love to have bairns, and more than anything, yours,” she said grabbing his hand.

  Connor looked at her intently and leaned in for a kiss. It was brief, but it promised much. When he pulled away, the crowd cheered. Maddie blushed and Connor laughed. His warm gaze didn’t leave her flushed face.

  “Why are ye staring at me?”

  He raised his cupped right palm to her face. “Because I canna believe that ye’re mine.”

  Maddie leaned in smiling, and touched her forehead to his. It was such a small act, but it humbled him.

  Father Dircan cleared his throat.

  “We must give thanks,” he announced to all.

  Maddie beamed.

  “At last! Yes, Father! I always tell Connor that we must give thanks, but he always seems to forget. We have many things to be grateful for.”

  “It’s tradition, Connor,” Malcolm prodded.

  Connor rolled his eyes heavenward.

  “What is tradition?” Maddie asked.

  “The newly married laird must be the one to speak,” Malcolm said chuckling.

  “Let’s get on with it, Connor. Everyone’s waiting for yer poetic words,” Iain said, humor alight in his eyes.

  Connor gave him a disgruntled look.

  “We thank our Lord for the blessings bestowed upon us, for our vitality and well-being, and for those who surround us. I thank our Lord for the greatest of all gifts entrusted to me this day. My golden-eyed bride is as kind as she is beautiful, and I am grateful for her love, a love that I doona deserve but will spend the remainder of my days proving my worth.”

  Maddie looked up at him intently as the cheers erupted around them. Cups went up in toasts and everyone drank merrily. They shared a brief lingering kiss.

  When Malcolm and Connor’s brothers came over to talk him, Maddie started to chat with Katie and Miriam. Minutes later, the entertainment began. Music and merriment rang through the air. Maddie’s face lit up and Connor’s attention never wavered from her. Although this wasn’t the first time he’d attended celebrations such as this, it was like experiencing everything again for the first time with her. Her smile and her laughter warmed him through.

  The music stopped and the guests beckoned for their laird and lady to come down and gift them with a dance. Maddie shook her head when Connor took her hand. He thought she looked beautiful with her bashful gaze and red cheeks. Connor managed to coax her to let loose. Finally, Maddie gave in and let Connor guide her down the steps. The floor was cleared and the music started. Maddie soon became lost in a whirlwind of music, and was captivated by his eyes.

  A slow song was played first and Connor guided Maddie across the floor. The guests began to throw flower petals. As far as Maddie was concerned, she thought of it as faerie dust and mentioned that to Connor. He laughed and leaned down to kiss her. A faster song was next, and everyone joined them. Maddie and Connor danced so fast her head was spinning, but she laughed all the way through it.

  Maddie lost count as to how many songs she and Connor danced. She had never experienced anything like this. It was the most fun she’d ever had. Maddie was thirsty and she ascended the stairs to get some water. When she returned, Connor was dancing with Miriam. Iain appeared at her side and asked for a dance. She obliged.

  “Connor, I need to prepare Maddie for this evening. I’m certain no one’s spoken to her about what goes on between a man and woman. Her experience with that man doesna count,” Miriam said.

  “Aye, Mother. I think that would be good,” Connor agreed, leading his mother.

  “Where is Maddie?”

  “Dancing with Iain. Nay, I’m wrong. Now she’s dancing with Kiel.”

  Connor danced with his mother for two more songs before switching to dance with Katie. Maddie, he noticed, was no longer shy about dancing. For every song, she had a new partner. The men were lining up to dance with her and she was now red from exertion instead of embarrassment.

  Connor danced with some of his cousins. Malcolm handed Miriam over when he had to speak with a guest, and Connor began dancing with his mother again. She noticed his head was turned away. Maddie was now dancing with Bruce, Connor took note. Aye, she had already danced with Iain, Kiel, Kirk, and Hugh.

  “What has ye distracted, Connor?” she asked when he almost stepped on her foot.

  “Nothing Mother. Just looking at Maddie dancing,” he said nonchalantly. She looked over at Maddie and smiled. She wasn’t fooled by his indifferent attitude.

  After a few more songs, Connor was starting to feel the fatigue of the last few days. He could only imagine that Maddie was already sitting at the table with heavy eyelids.

  “Maddie must be verra tired, Mother. Perhaps ye should have that discussion with her now. She’s probably falling asleep,” he said, smiling.

  Miriam shook her head.

  “I believe ye’re wrong.”

  “What do ye mean?”

  “She’s now dancing with Patrick. Before Patrick, she was dancing with Sean, Kildan, and Andrew,” Miriam said, hiding a smile when she saw her son’s cheeks redden.

  “What? Who hasna she danced with?” he asked, turning to look for her. He saw her laughing and smiling with Patrick, and then looked past her to the queue of warriors waiting to dance with her.

  “I canna believe they are lined up to dance with my wife!” Connor ground out.

  Miriam tried hard to hide her smile. She had never seen her son so jealous and it warmed her. He truly did love his precious Maddie.

  “Well, ye arena dancing with her, are ye? Besides look at her eyes. She may be laughing but…”

  “She’s not enjoying herself. I hadna noticed her eyes. I was noticing the insufferable lot of warriors waiting to dance with my bride. Mother, excuse me,” Connor said and she nodded, watching her son stalk towards his wife.

  Miriam snickered and Malcolm came over.

  “What has ye so amused, love?”

  She indicated Connor with a raised eyebrow and slight nod of her head, and Malcolm turned. His smile was immediate.

  “Ah, I see.” He joined in her laughter.

  Connor appeared behind Maddie. Since Connor was at least a good foot taller than her, he appeared to be an ominous statue looming over her. Her dance partner of the moment was Dylan, and he looked up at his laird slowly. His steps faltered.

  “Are you alright, Dylan?” Maddie asked him. Although strangers wouldn’t notice, Connor heard the weariness in her voice.

  Maddie saw the line of soldiers dismantle. “Why are the men leaving? I must be a horrible dancer,” she said laughing.

  Dylan shook his head as he stepped back. “‘Tis yer husband, milady,” Dylan said, looking up at Connor.

  “What about him? He’s dancing with Lady Miriam.”

  “Yer husband is right behind ye. Does he also have to stand in line or will ye gift him with a dance without drawing lots?” Connor said and Maddie jumped, turning around.
/>   “Connor. I didn’t know you were there!” The smile she gave him was brilliant. His heart sped up at the warm light that entered her tired eyes.

  “Apparently not, for ye have been quite the dancer this evening,” he said in a low growl.

  She laughed. She actually laughed. Connor grew irritated that he was the only one bothered by their brief separation.

  “Connor, I couldn’t very well say no to your warriors. ‘Twould be rude,” she said, lifting her hand up to his neck. He looked into her eyes and knew she was tired.

  Connor leaned down and gave her a possessive kiss. His hands splayed behind her and he dipped her back. Her hand grasped his neck tightly to brace herself as he deepened the kiss. When he brought her up again, the guests cheered and whistled. Maddie gave Connor a stern look, but her eyes betrayed her façade. His eyes glittered with amusement.

  “You are the devil,” she said and broke out in a laugh.

  He leaned down and nuzzled her neck.

  “If I am the devil, ye are the devil’s temptress.”

  After she laughed as he kissed her neck, Connor looked in her eyes again and stepped back.

  “Would ye give me the pleasure of this last dance, my beautiful bride?” he said, offering his hand.

  “‘Twould be my pleasure, my handsome groom,” Maddie said, taking his hand.

  Their dance was magical and so was the music. Maddie was lost in a wonderland. He spun her and twirled her, and she had never experienced such pure happiness in her life. Couples stopped dancing as they saw their laird and lady in an enchanting duet. When the dance ended, Maddie and Connor stared at one another and the electricity ignited between them. Connor leaned down for a kiss and greedily drank from her lips as if he would die of thirst.

  Miriam touched her son’s shoulder and Connor pulled back, otherwise the kiss would have gone on forever.

  “I need to prepare yer bride, Connor.”

  Maddie’s head was muddled from Connor’s kisses and she didn’t understand what was going on.

  “Why? Where are we going, Miriam?” Maddie asked breathlessly.

  “I have to get ye ready, Maddie. For the,” Miriam cleared her throat, not knowing how to put this delicately, “for the night.”

  Maddie shook her head in confusion and then it dawned on her. Looking everywhere, except at Miriam and Connor, Maddie nodded her head.

  Connor stood silently as he saw his mother take his bride upstairs. He smiled, thinking about the passion they would share tonight. Once he saw them disappear, his father caught his attention and they began to converse.


  “Are ye nervous?” Miriam asked.

  Maddie swallowed and nodded. They were in front of Connor’s room and Miriam entered it.

  “I brought ye a gift, Maddie. It is a beautiful shift for ye to wear tonight,” Miriam said walking over to the bed and holding it up.

  Maddie visibly paled.

  “Doona worry, Maddie. Everything will be all right.”

  Maddie looked down and her ring caught her attention.

  “It’s beautiful, isna it? It’s been passed down for a verra long time. Only verra special women get to wear it, Maddie,” Miriam said, lovingly stroking Maddie’s back. “I coulda be happier that ‘tis ye.”

  “Why me, Miriam? For days now, I thought Connor was betrothed to another. I was devastated, and now, I’m his wife.”

  “Aye. It was hard to see ye upset, Maddie, but we wanted to keep it a surprise. I almost told ye today. I couldna see ye so upset. We knew that if ye had any inclination as to what we were planning, though, ye wouldna get the rest that ye needed.”

  “I couldn’t be happier, Miriam,” Maddie whispered.

  Miriam gave her a hug and pulled back.

  “I know that ye havena had anyone to guide ye Maddie, a woman that is. Do ye know what happens on the eve of a woman’s wedding?”

  Maddie awkwardly nodded her head.

  “Well, there’s a lot of kissing and touching. It is beautiful, Maddie. Ye and Connor will not only share yer lives now, but yer bodies and souls. It is a magical and moving experience, and although ye will be scared, it will be wonderful,” Miriam paused and Maddie looked up at her. Miriam smiled and said, “I was scared. I wanted a mother to explain it to me, but I didna have one. Malcolm was gentle with me, though, and Connor will be with ye,” Miriam said, bringing Maddie in for a hug.

  “No one spoke to ye like ye’re speaking to me?” Maddie asked.

  Miriam shook her head. “Nay. Although Aimee’s mother, Bethel, Lord rest her soul, did try to help. In times like these, though, a mother is irreplaceable.”

  Maddie hugged Miriam tightly as tears gathered in her eyes.

  “Thank you, Miriam. Thank you for welcoming me here and for being a mother to me. I would have never known love if Connor hadn’t brought me here.”

  “Thank ye, Maddie. Now I have two daughters whom I love verra much. Ye are Connor’s equal, Maddie. I used to hope he would find a woman like ye. I was worried he’d fulfill his promise never to marry, but once I saw ye, I knew it.”

  “Knew what?”

  “That he didna have a chance. He would have no defenses against yer honesty, goodness, and beauty. I knew that he would have never brought ye here if he didna feel something for ye.” Miriam paused to smile. She squeezed Maddie’s hands. “Let’s get ye ready, Maddie. Connor can be an impatient man, and considering how he reacted when he saw the men lined up to dance with ye, he’ll be eager to reunite with ye. He canna spend more than a minute apart from ye,” Miriam said, and Maddie burst out laughing.

  Miriam helped Maddie into the shift, and after some encouraging words, she left the room.

  Maddie’s curiosity was aroused. She hadn’t seen Connor’s room before now, or any other man’s for that matter. Her father never let her into his room, and her brothers also kept their rooms closed to her.

  There was an anteroom when first entering in through the doorway. It was a rather large area with a desk, chairs, and settee. The colors were a muted but lovely. She most definitely hadn’t expected light blues and hues of lavender.

  The door that led to the chamber was directly across from the hallway’s antechamber entrance. Maddie entered back into the bedroom, leaving the door open as she walked the length of the room. Trunks were placed around and a settee was against the left wall. Miriam had lit candles, and placed them throughout the room. She’d said that the night needed to be special. Maddie blushed. There were three windows, and Maddie was happy about that. She loved the light that windows let into a room. Maddie looked over to Connor’s massive bed. It was enormous. Well, he was a giant and needed a bed just as big, she laughed nervously. A beautiful muted quilt covered the bed, and the sheets had been let back to make it appear as if the bed was inviting its new mistress into its warmth. It had four tall posts at the four corners.

  Maddie continued to walk around, passing her fingertips on all the surfaces. She noticed another door to the left and went in. It was an empty room.

  How odd.

  Her confusion lifted when she realized it would be a room to use as a nursery. Her hands flew to her stomach and she smiled. She couldn’t wait to have Connor’s child.

  Maddie looked up when she felt current strike her. Connor stood at the doorway, transfixed. He slowly came in and shut the door, never taking his eyes off her. Her night shift was practically transparent. He looked down to where her hand splayed across her belly.

  “I canna get ye with child unless we make love,” he murmured, his gaze slowly touching her whole body.

  Maddie’s blush grew deeper. Her hands dropped down to her sides, but not before he noticed them shake. He walked over to her, grabbed them, and kissed them.

  “I’ll be gentle, Maddie. I wouldna hurt ye on purpose,” he said, kissing her hands. “Ever.”

  Her smile was uneven; her nervousness was apparent. “I know, Connor. I’ve never been in a man’s room before now. This is nice,�
� she said innocently, trying to grasp at any subject she could.

  “I hope not,” he mumbled and stared down at her.

  She smiled in response.

  His bride was amazing, and he couldn’t believe his fortune. She was honest, pure, intelligent, giving, and beautiful. His stare never wavered from her face as she kept her eyes averted.

  Wondering when he would stop inspecting her, she asked, “Why do you stare at me?” She finally met his stare with veiled eyes.

  His hand cupped the side of her face.

  “Because ye’re beautiful. Because I want ye,” he said, watching in fascination as her pupils dilated slightly. “Because I canna believe that ye’re finally mine.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Connor’s head dipped down and kissed her. She was timid at first and then responded enthusiastically as she had downstairs. He pulled her tightly against him. Passion and fire erupted between them. His tongue rubbed hers and began a cat and mouse game. Her moans were low but as the passion grew, so did their volume.

  Maddie’s hands delved into his thick soft mane, and pulled him closer yet. A growl of satisfaction rumbled in the back of his throat. Connor’s hands roamed all over her back and curves. His hands slipped to her backside and she pulled back, gasping. Connor took the opportunity to kiss her neck.

  Maddie was breathless. Her moans were driving him crazy. She smelled so good, he almost lost control. He kissed one side of her neck and moved to the other, while his hands grabbed and massaged her backside.

  “Connor…” she breathed, her voice thick with passion and wonder.

  “Yes, Maddie?” he said in between kisses.

  “I can’t catch my breath.”

  “Let me remedy that.”

  Connor leaned down and lifted her up. She placed her hands around his neck and stared into his blue eyes. They were now a smoldering blue. Maddie’s eyes were a rich honey color, twinkling gold as the candlelight flickered.


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