Fusion (Explosive #5)

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Fusion (Explosive #5) Page 20

by Tessa Teevan

  "It's beautiful. Like a warm love sanctuary beckoning for my offering. And all I want to do is fill you up."

  Even though I knew he was trying to be sweet, I couldn't help the giggle that escaped. "A love sanctuary?"

  His eyes darkened as a wicked grin played at his lips. "My love sanctuary. Now, let me worship you."

  As his head dipped back down, I closed my eyes and did as he’d asked. And I'm proud to report that he's the most excellent worshipper. His tongue worked its magic as he made his way down to my entrance and then back up again, circling my clit with expert precision. The way Jeremy sucked and licked and savored had me writhing beneath him. And when he added pressure to my clit with his thumb? I was done for. As my orgasm crested, my fingers tangled in hair and I couldn't help the way I tugged while I writhed beneath him.

  My body was already spent and the night was just beginning. I wanted to lie there, basking in the afterglow of my orgasm, but I couldn't. This was only the beginning, and I wanted to get Jeremy as primed and ready as he’d gotten me.

  So, as I begrudgingly came down from my high, I slowly untangled my fingers from his hair. I whimpered when he withdrew his fingers from me and then watched in fascination as he placed them on his lips and leisurely sucked each one into his mouth as if he were savoring the taste of me. It was incredibly arousing, and I was eager to get my own taste of him.

  Mustering up every ounce of confidence I had, I rose to my knees. My hands reached out and grasped Jeremy's, pulling him up with me. As I curled my arms around his neck, his erection rested on my belly. One hand slid up and curled in his hair, forcing his head down and allowing me to capture his lips. For the very first time, I tasted myself. My lips licked up the sweet, salty, exotic taste, and when I slipped my tongue into his mouth, I attacked, taking my fill in the most delicious swirling fashion. And Jeremy conceded defeat, giving me what I wanted.

  "My turn," I whispered when I broke our kiss.

  "Sierra—" he started, but I placed a finger on his lips.

  "My turn," I insisted.

  When I pushed him down onto the blanket, I gave him one last kiss on the lips before I settled in between his legs. Sure, I could've done my own exploring with my tongue, but I was more than ready, and judging by the size of his erection, so was he.

  My hand expertly found the sinewy length of him, firmly gripping as my thumb gingerly explored the silky-soft head. Jeremy groaned, and a tiny drop of pre-cum leaked from the tip. It was powerful knowing I'd caused that. Desperate to taste him, my tongue swirled and laved the evidence of his arousal. It was intoxicating to taste his essence mixing with my own. Even more so was the way he tensed and released a harsh, uneven hiss as I took him deeper, until my lips were wrapped tightly around his rigid shaft.

  Wanting to make him feel as good as he had made me, I sucked, licked, and pleasured him expertly until his hands were gripping my hair and his thighs stiffened, indicating he was achingly close to coming. With one last hollowed suck, I retreated, not ready for him to get off. At least, not when he wasn't inside me.

  Just I was about to tell him that I was ready, Jeremy surprised me. His hands came to my waist, and in a flash, I was flipped onto my back with his body stretched out over mine. He leaned down and kissed me hungrily while he fingers found my entrance again. By the time he was done with me, I was drenched, a panting, wanton mess. I was so close when, all too soon, he pulled away.

  "Jer," I breathed out in protest.

  His heated expression told me that this wasn’t over though. Not in the least.

  Nerves took flight in my belly as he reached across the blanket and dug his wallet out. He removed a condom, and when he turned back to me, his face was a mask of lust. And love.

  "Sierra, are you sure?" he asked, and for a split second, I hesitated.

  "I want you to make love to me, Jeremy. You've been my first for everything. And here and now, under the stars at our special spot, I'm giving you me. All of me."

  I smiled at him as I mustered up as much confidence as I could. I’d seen and felt the size of him up close, and I won’t lie and say that the size of it didn’t give me a twinge of nervousness. A wave of apprehension washed over me as I wondered how it was going to fit, but I pushed that thought from my mind, knowing he’d take care of me, just as he’d been doing all our lives.

  My legs inadvertently clenched together in anticipation of his touch, but he wasn't having it. When he pushed his knee down to separate my legs, I complied. One lone finger traced along my slit, and his eyes became hooded. I was primed and ready for him, and he wasn’t going to make me wait any longer.

  He positioned himself at my entrance then laid his body down on top of mine. His left hand brushed the bangs out of my face before he cupped the side of my head. His eyes bored down into mine, and as he slowly slid the tip of his cock inside me, his eyes fluttered closed.

  "I love you, Sierra," he whispered. "I love you."

  My hands gripped his back and I held on for dear life, waiting for the pain to come. But he didn't move.

  "Jeremy, what are you doing?" I asked, my fingers tapping on his back.

  He lifted his head, opening his eyes, which were brimming with love and devotion. "You. This. Us. It's just… It's overwhelming. I had no idea how incredible it would feel to be inside you. And now that I am, I want to bury myself until I have no idea where I end and you begin. But damn, baby…I don't want to hurt you."

  Tears pricked my eyes. Not from pain, but from love.

  "It's going to hurt,” I said. “At least a little bit. I'm prepared for that."

  "I'm not."

  I smiled up at him. "Jeremy…it'll be worth it. I know. Now, shut up and make love to me."

  And make love to me he did. Did it hurt? Of course. Was it worth it? Absofreakinglutely.

  I learned that night that sex didn't have to be carnal and dirty or bring on ten orgasms. Sure, sex like that would come, and it’d be amazing, but that night? That isn’t what we experienced. The night Jeremy and I had sex for the first time was us connecting ourselves in the most intimate way possible. We were giving ourselves to each other. I was showing him that I trusted him with my whole self—heart, body, and soul—and in turn, he was showing me he'd always take care of me. Always protect me and put my needs first. Always love me.

  It was everything I’d never imagined. In fact, it was kind of the complete opposite. Instead of spine-tingling, toe-curling passion, it was over quicker than expected, and the pain was more intense than the pleasure. But, with every stroke of Jeremy’s fingers, every steady departure and hesitant thrust, his movements emanated the love he had for me. The utter devotion, the cautious, tender way he touched and took me. It was absolute perfection. It was exactly what every girl's first time should be like.

  And, afterwards, we lay in silence on the blanket, listening to the sounds of nature and staring up at the stars. Side by side, we held hands, half clothed, whole hearted. He’d thrown his shorts on, and I’d put my T-shirt on, but that was as far as we’d gotten before collapsing back onto the blanket in a post-sex fog. Thankfully, he’d packed a second blanket, so we were covered from prying eyes and cool temperatures.

  “Did I hurt you?” he asked, finally breaking the silence. His voice was laced with worry.

  I shifted until I was resting on his chest, gazing up at him. His eyebrows were drawn tight, and his jaw was clenched. It was endearing.

  “Honestly? A little bit. Especially at first. I mean, you’ve been using your fingers for two years.” I took his hand and toyed with his fingers. “And these things are pretty big. But they have nothing on your cock, so yeah, it hurt a little bit. But it didn’t last long.”

  “My what?” he asked.

  “Your cock.”

  “What?” he repeated. “I couldn’t hear you over the waves.”

  I grinned. “More like you couldn’t hear me over the size of your ego swelling.”

  “Actually, I just really wanted to hear
you say cock again. It’s sexy as hell, Sierra. Where’ve you been hiding that dirty mouth?”

  I leaned up to kiss him. “I guess you just bring the best out of me,” I whispered. “And now that you’ve officially made me a woman, who knows what’s going to happen next?”

  He pressed a kiss to my lips then rolled us until we were on our sides. His arm slipped around my waist, and he held me close to him. “Lucky for me, I have the rest of my life to find out.” His expression softened, and his eyes darted back and forth between mine. “Thank you, Sierra.”

  My eyebrows furrowed. “Why are you thanking me?” I asked, because after the way he had made me feel that night, I should’ve been the one thanking him.

  “For having good taste in mutant reptiles.”

  I laughed, snuggling up to him to steal some of his warmth. He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on the top of my head.

  “I love you, Jeremy. More than I ever thought possible.”

  “I love you, too, baby. I have from the moment you stood on the top of that step. I’ve never stopped. I never will.”

  We held each other close as sleep overtook us.

  Jeremy was right. Even though we’d spent a decade loving each other, our lives were about to begin, and they’d never be the same. And they were going to twist and turn and change in ways we’d never imagine. But, if we held on to each other, held on to our love, we could get through anything. There was no question about it.

  I mean, we were Jeremy and Sierra. I loved all of those fictional characters, but the truth was no one had anything on us. And they never would.

  WHEN I WAS EIGHT years old, I met the girl I knew I was going to marry. You’ve heard this already a time or two, so I’ll save you the long-winded speech about how pretty I thought her freckles were or how excited I was to meet a girl who liked Michelangelo as much as I did.

  What I hadn’t known was that, ten years later, I’d be making love to that girl in the very spot in which we’d met.

  What I hadn’t known was how terrified I’d be when that moment finally came.

  What I’d had no clue of was that, as soon as I sank into Sierra’s sweet depths, I would be a man renewed.

  I’d had hopes of going all the way with Sierra on graduation night. Not because it was a momentous occasion, but because she’d been dropping me hints here and there. So I’d packed up a picnic basket filled with champagne, fruit, and my boom box, ready to spend the night with my girl listening to the smooth sounds of soulful ’90s R&B music that could put anyone in the mood. And in the mood, it put us.

  As soon as Sierra’s tight walls clamped around my dick, I knew that this is what I’d been waiting for. I hadn’t wanted a quick, frantic fuck in my bedroom, hurrying to be done before our parents got home. I hadn’t wanted the cliché hotel room on prom night, with fumbling fingers. I hadn’t known what I wanted.

  I knew now.

  It was Sierra telling me that she was ready, that she wanted to give herself to me. All of herself. It was holding the tip of my erection just inside her, gazing down into the depths of her beautiful eyes as I tried to convey just how much I loved her. Words would never have been enough. I had to show her with my actions, and even still, I was so frantic with worry that I’d hurt her that I had a hard time moving forward.

  At least, I did until my sweet Sierra slid her fingertips up my spine and asked me to make love to her.

  So I did.

  I went as slowly as possible even though I had the primal urge to slam into her over and over and over again. The time would come for that, but at that point in time, there was no way in hell I was doing anything to hurt her.

  Eventually, her whimpers turned into soft moans, and it wasn’t long before I was releasing into the condom, my face in her neck as I muttered her name.

  The fond memory was one I’d always remember. It had been three weeks since we’d lost our virginities to each other, and the following three weeks were equally as, if not more, incredible than that first night. Sierra had needed a few days before she was ready to go again, and I can proudly announce that, during our second time together, my name was on her lips when she came. Since then, she’d become ravenous, as if she were trying to make up for lost time whenever we could sneak down to the beach or found ourselves alone in one of our houses.

  I didn’t mind one bit. In fact, I was on my way to get her so we could take an overnight camping trip to Defuniak Springs, where I was looking forward to making love to Sierra in the very tent we used to sleep in when we were kids.

  What could I say? She’d unleashed a monster.

  As I crossed the yard to Sierra's house, I was nearly plowed over by a tear-stained and grief-stricken Lexi. When I called out to her to try to stop her, the only response was a hiccupping sob. A frown formed on my lips as she took off in a full sprint towards the neighborhood gazebo.

  With a shrug, I turned back to the house and gave a short knock before entering. The second I walked in, I knew something was wrong. At the time, I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but the reaction from Lexi and the blanched, guilty looks on Sierra's parents’ faces caused my heart to skip a beat—and not in a good way.

  Sierra was sitting on the edge of the couch, biting her lip. She wasn't looking at me. In fact, no one was. It was as if I'd interrupted some sort of family meeting.

  "Who died?" I asked jovially, trying to make light of whatever I'd just walked into.

  Only, this time, no one laughed. Hell, I didn't even get a smile. Not one crack. Instead, Sierra's lower lip trembled and a wave of unease washed over me.

  Fuck. Had someone actually died?

  My eyes raced from my girlfriend to her parents, hoping for some sort of tell. I got nothing. They still weren’t looking at me.

  "Okay, Sullivans. You're freaking me out a little bit. What's going on?" I asked.

  Sierra sighed deeply and swallowed hard before rising to her feet. Her eyes flicked to her parents and then back to me. She had the same tear stains on her face.

  "We're moving."

  Talk about ripping the Band-Aid off.

  I blinked.

  I swallowed.

  I blinked again.

  All the while my heart was racing and my blood pressure was rising.

  Sierra bit her cheek as she watched me, waiting for my response.

  Well. Hell.

  This was certainly unexpected.

  "We are?" I finally asked, not missing the way both of her parents’ heads snapped in my direction. They obviously hadn’t been expecting that response.

  Her eyebrows furrowed, but she didn't answer me.

  "Where to?" I inquired.

  Sierra's jaw fell open as if she were in shock. Why, I wasn't sure. I stared back, locking eyes with her. We were in some sort of weird, silent standoff, neither of us saying a word.

  A throat cleared, and I broke my gaze from Sierra to see her father watching us, a stern, albeit apologetic look on his face.

  "We'll let you two talk," he said before leading her mom out of the living room.

  When my eyes fell back on Sierra, she had tears running down her cheeks. I crossed the room in two quick strides and stopped directly in front of her. Lifting my hands, I cupped her soft cheeks and used my thumbs to wipe the moisture away.

  "Baby, why are you crying?"

  She started blubbering and shaking her head, speaking rapidly. It was hard to make out, but I got the gist of it. Still, I wanted to be sure.

  "Your dad's company is transferring him?"

  She nodded.

  "Your grandma's health has taken a turn for the worse?"

  Another nod.

  "And you don't want to leave me, but you don't want to leave your family, either?"

  This time, a sigh accompanied her small nod. She tore her eyes away from me, seemingly ashamed. "This should be an easy decision, Jeremy. A no-freaking brainer. But the truth is I'm torn," she said, sounding defeated.

  I didn’t really know why. It
wasn’t like I was going to let her go alone. I could’ve been freaking out, running around, making plans and changes for my future, but the truth was, as long as she was in that future, I would take whatever came my way. I just needed to make that clear.

  I lifted her chin and leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. When I pulled back, her lashes fluttered until she was looking up at me.

  "Hey," I whispered. "Who says you have to choose?"

  Her eyes widened as she shook her head. "You have plans, Jeremy. You've already been accepted to Alabama. Long distance would've sucked, but it was different when we were only going to be a few hours apart. Now, if I decide to go with them, we’ll be twelve hours away and we’ll never see each other!” She sobbed into my shirt.

  It dawned on me that I still hadn’t told her about my plans to switch to UWF. Sex had apparently fucked with my memory.

  I shrugged. "I didn't have plans, Sierra. We did. And plans change. You adapt. Hell, look at McAllister. He was set to play baseball for the Tide, but then he decided he’d rather spend his life serving his country. It happens all the time. I’ll adapt.”

  Her face fell. "God, don't even bring up Jace around Lexi. She had a freaking fit as soon as she heard the news."

  I winced, knowing how big of a crush she had on the guy. "Yeah, I saw her take off down towards the gazebo looking pretty upset. From having to leave Jace?”

  She nodded and let out a heavy sigh. "I should probably go see if she's okay." She rose up on her tiptoes, and her lips brushed mine. "We'll talk about this later, okay?"


  As she started to walk away, I grabbed her hand and yanked her hard, causing her to crush into my chest.

  "Sierra, you have me. You always have. You always will. I don't care if we're in Florida, Georgia, or freaking Norway. Where you go, I go, and that will never change."

  "Jeremy—" she began, but I held a finger to her lips, silencing her.

  "I love you, Sierra. We'll figure it out. Together."

  She smiled softly and nodded. "I love, you, too. I don’t know what I’d do without you."


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