ROMANCE: Time of the Werebears (Scottish Historical Time Travel Shifter Romance) (Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance)

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ROMANCE: Time of the Werebears (Scottish Historical Time Travel Shifter Romance) (Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) Page 57

by Sky Winters

  Back in the carriage the bunks had already started to be prepared for the sleeping accommodation. Their former seats had now been converted into a lower and upper bunk and a curtain had been pulled across the entrance for privacy. A tired looking porter stood guard.

  “Miss Parker is getting changed Miss. She thought it more appropriate if she take the bunk below yours, seeing as you are travelling alone”

  He looked awkwardly at James.

  “She thought perhaps the young man could join the other gentlemen in the beds on the opposite side of the carriage?”

  He looked weary and had already suffered an earful from the old battleaxe.

  “Well, I suppose this is where I say goodnight then.”

  James took her hand and bringing it to his lips, kissed it gently.

  “Au revoir, until the morning” and he crossed over to where the men were preparing for sleep.

  Isabelle’s heart thudded loudly in her chest and she glanced around expecting the others to hear.

  She had never felt so wonderful in all of her life. Her head was light from the champagne and she touched her hand delicately over the place where his lips had softly kissed her. Just a few weeks ago she had been crying over her future and now here she was feeling...what was she feeling?

  The pounding of her heart told her only one thing, she was falling in love with James McArthur.

  The old lady was soon in bed and the porter drew back the curtains to allow her access to the bunk above.

  The snoring from the bunk below kept her awake for several hours but she did not mind. When she closed her eyes all she could see was James’s face smiling down at her.

  A jolt to the carriage woke her. All was dark in the compartment and for a moment all was quiet except for the snoring of her still sleeping partner below.

  The sound of guns firing outside made her sit up, suddenly wide awake. She could hear shouting and raised voices towards the front of the train and a wave of fear passed over her.

  Passengers had already started to stir in the carriage on hearing the sounds and there were calls to the porter to find out what was happening.

  Wrapping a shawl around her shoulders she stepped out of the bunk and peered from behind the heavy velvet curtain.

  Lights were being turned on as men emerged from their beds dressed in a variety of assorted night attire. The scene would have looked comical had there not been a sense of unease amongst them.

  The porter rushed in looking bemused; obviously just woken from his precious few hours of rest. He promised to find out what was happening and left the carriage to walk to the front of the train.

  Isabelle caught sight of James and shouted over to him. He wore the same clothes as in the daytime and had a look of concern on his face.

  “Did you hear the shots?”

  He nodded thoughtfully.

  “I’ll follow the porter to check what is happening. You better wait here for me. As a precaution you better get dressed as quickly as you can in some warm clothing and pack a few essentials.”

  Before she had time to question he had followed the porter to the front of the train.

  She did as she was told. She dressed as the old woman slept on. Isabelle wondered if she should wake her but decided to let her sleep.

  As she was tying her shoe laces the curtain opened and James rushed in.

  “Get your coat and bag and follow me quickly, there’s no time to explain”

  The old lady had woken at the sound of his voice and was now sitting up, almost choking on the fact that a young man was standing so near to her bed.

  “Excuse me Ma’m”

  He bowed politely before pulling Isabelle urgently by the hand and headed for the carriage door.

  “Be quiet and follow me”

  James opened the carriage door and jumped out into the cold night before turning to help her. His arms wrapped firmly around her slim waist as she clung on tightly around his neck.

  “Now keep you head down and follow me”

  The two set out carefully amongst the undergrowth and did not stop until they were a reasonable distance from the train and they could rest for a while.

  “What on earths happening?”

  Isabelle had trusted enough to follow him but now required an explanation.


  The word put fear into her heart. She had heard stories about the gangs in these parts but had never imagined that she would be in any danger.

  “Their ransacking the train as we speak. They’ve shot the driver and one of the guards; as far as I can tell they are only wounded but I didn’t stop for explanations. They’re holding the poor old porter too. I just managed to get back before they spotted me. There must be about 10 of them on horseback and they will be making their way down the train. No doubt they will only be interested in any cargo the train is carrying and robbing the rich folks in the First Class carriages – that’s why we needed to get away in a hurry.”

  Isabelle could hardly believe what was happening and wondered if she was dreaming. She shivered slightly in the cold.

  “Here, take my coat. We need to find somewhere to shelter for the night or you will freeze to death. I’m not sure whereabouts we are but it is still a half a day’s ride to California. We can’t be too far from civilisation.”

  He was being hopeful but didn’t want to worry Isabelle with his concerns. The country out here was wild and hostile and sometimes there wasn’t a town for miles.

  Luckily the night was bright and the moon lit their path. She was cold and afraid at first but the further they moved away from the train the more she relaxed. James made her feel safe and although they walked on in silence she felt close to him.

  After several hours of walking; Isabelle struggled to keep up with James, her shoes were not made for rough walking and her feet were cold and damp. They paused on the brow of a hill and surveyed the landscape. Fields and hedgerows spread out before them with no sign of any towns or villages. James pointed to a black shape in a field below.

  “That looks promising, let’s take a look”

  Holding onto her hand he helped her down the steep slope and across the land. He had been correct; a large barn stood in the middle of the field and they quickly ran inside.

  The barn was empty of animals but piled high with straw.

  “This will do us for the night. We can’t be too far away from a farm and I can go out exploring in the morning. The main thing is to let you rest and try and get warm. Come on, I will make you a bed in the straw”

  Pushing two of the bales together he took the coat from her shoulders and placed it on top of the straw for her to lie on. He had stuffed one of the blankets from the Pullman into his bag and placed that on top of the coat.

  “There you are Madame.”

  She smiled gracefully and tried to make herself comfortable but shivered underneath the blanket tucking up her knees and bringing her frozen feet underneath the blanket.

  He reached forward and began to unlace her shoes. Her stockings were damp and her feet chilled to the bone.

  “You will have to take your stockings off or you will catch you death. You can wear these for tonight.”

  Reaching into his bag he pulled out a pair of knitted woollen socks.

  “It’s OK they’re clean.”

  He rubbed her cold feet with his hands to warm them; her toes were as ice and eventually she started to feel the blood circulate, throbbing with the heat from his fingers.

  Still she shivered and wrapped the blanket more tightly around her shoulders.

  James looked concerned. She would catch a chill or worse if he couldn’t get her warm. There was only one thing for it.

  “There is only one way to keep you warm Isabelle and that is with the heat from my body. Don’t worry; I’m not suggesting anything improper. But just that I lie closely next to you beneath the blanket; that should keep you warm all night.”

  Isabelle looked across at him with large; in
nocent eyes. She had never really thought of it before now, but here she was alone with a man; a virtual stranger. She would have to trust him. Besides, it was so cold and she would have to get warm soon.

  She nodded in agreement.

  As he climbed beneath the blanket she turned over, her back towards him. It was easier not to face him and she felt her face blushing.

  At first he lay still and close; almost touching but not quite. She started to feel warmer but still her hands and feet were very cold. After a few minutes of lying stiffly together she began to relax and moved closer until she was cradled against him; their bodies fitting perfectly together. James could feel her coldness permeate his clothes and reaching his arm over, he gathered her to him. He could feel her heart beat faster, like a captured bird at his closeness, but eventually her breathing relaxed into a gentle rhythm and soon she was asleep.

  He lay awake for a while in the darkness, feeling the gentle fall and rise of her body as she slept. James knew he was falling in love and his heart ached. He could never be worthy of such a wealthy young lady.

  With a heavy heart he eventually slept; for a time content that they were at least together.

  Isabelle wondered if she was still dreaming as she started to wake.

  His strong arms were wrapped around her and during her sleep she had turned to face him, and now too her arms were entwined with his.

  It seemed so natural, so easy that she did not panic. She watched him sleep; he looked so young, so handsome. A golden curl fell across his brow and his slightly downy cheeks were flushed with sleep.

  Her face was close to his that she could feel his soft breath fall gently upon her. His lips were soft and red and partly open and she had a sudden impulse to kiss him but dare not.

  Eventually he started to stir, and as his green eyes slowly opened and focussed upon her; he smiled.

  She looked away; suddenly feeling shy but they remained locked in each other’s arms.

  His voice was full of sleep and husky.

  “Good morning Miss Adams. I hope you slept well?”

  Her eyes were the bluest he had ever seen and the full mouth gave a slight quiver.

  An urgent need to kiss her took hold of him, and reaching forwards his lips met hers. She did not resist.

  It was her first kiss and her heart thought it would burst with the emotion that flooded her body. He pulled away; she was crying.”

  “Isabelle, forgive me, I shouldn’t have. I don’t know what came over me...”

  It was not the kiss that had upset her; it was the thought of Mr Calhoun waiting in California to marry her.

  “Oh James, everything is wrong. I’m so sorry!”

  “I should never have been so bold as to kiss to you, it should be me that is sorry, can you ever forgive me? I was a fool to think that you could ever feel the same way as I do. I love you Isabelle?”

  Isabelle looked up into his honest green eyes and the tears came thicker and faster.

  “I love you too James but it can never be.”

  Isabelle had no choice but to tell James all about her arranged marriage. Telling him the whole story between sobs, he held her closely as he listened. His face now pale as she explained.

  “So you see, there is nothing else that I can do. My family desperately need the money and there is no other way, is there?” It was a statement rather than a question, but she looked hopefully into his eyes.

  James heart sank. He could have kicked himself for being so reckless and selling up the family business. At least he would have had something to share with her. Now all he had was a claim to a piece of ground in North California that might or might not yield gold. He felt so helpless.

  Wiping her eyes she sat up; there was no time for weeping. Her family came before everything and there was nothing she could do to change the situation, even if she wanted to.

  “We must find the nearest farm and try and arrange some transport quickly”, she tried to sound brusque and business like while all the time her heart was aching. It was impossible to meet his gaze.


  He reached for her hand but she turned away. There was no point in upsetting themselves. Destiny had already carved out her path.

  Tidying themselves up the best they could, the two set off across the fields. The sun shone brightly down on the pair as they walked in silence; each with their own thoughts. Very soon a farmhouse came into view and they hurried towards civilisation.

  The farmer and his wife were friendly people and soon the pair were sat in the warm kitchen and eating a hearty breakfast.

  After freshening up the farmer agreed to take them to the nearest train station. If they were quick they would catch the midday train. The farmer’s wife had taken them for newlyweds and they didn’t argue.

  “It’s nice to see such a lovely young couple. Its St Valentine’s today too. Me and old Jo were married on this day 30 years ago, isn’t that right Jo?”

  The old farmer grunted.

  Isabelle closed her eyes. It was St Valentine’s Day already, the day of her wedding. She would be late. The train had been due to arrive early morning and the ceremony planned for late afternoon. She would need to hurry.

  The station was bustling. The hijacked train had caused a delay to services and the train due at midday was packed full. It was impossible to sit together and Isabelle’s heart sank; she was hoping that they could have least shared the last few hours of travelling together. Soon they would be in California and she would be another man’s wife.

  He walked her to a spare seat in the carriage and as he turned away she caught his arm.

  “Oh James, this is horrible. I wish there was another way. Will I see you again?”

  James sadly shook his head.

  “Perhaps it’s all for the best Isabelle. You have your plans and I have mine. I will be catching the evening Stage to Santa Rosa”

  It was true. She had to meet Mr Streatham at his office and would be given instruction from there. Luckily his office was located next to the station and hoped she wouldn’t be too late.

  With a parting glance he left and disappeared into the busy carriage. She could still feel the imprint of his hand in hers, the only thing that remained. It was almost as if he had never existed.

  It was 5 o’clock before the train pulled into the station. Isabelle had hoped to catch him on the platform but she looked around in vain; there were too many people and they bumped and barged into her as she stood trying to catch a glimpse of his golden hair.

  It was useless, and carrying her small bag she walked slowly in search of the solicitor’s office.

  She found the building easily and took a deep breath before entering. She could have easily turned and ran back in search of James and it was only the thought of her five sisters that spurred her onwards and through the door.

  A fine looking gentleman sat behind a desk and she timidly approached him.

  “I’m here to see Mr. Streatham.”

  The man looked at her over his spectacles; and she suddenly realised what a picture she must look.

  “And what is your business with Mr Streatham. He is busy with some very important clients at the moment?”

  His voice was stern and aggressive.

  The matter of the marriage was too fine a subject for her to discuss with a stranger and she felt her face redden.

  “It’s a delicate and rather personal matter Sir”

  The man frowned.

  “And what prey is your name?”

  His face turned ashen as she spoke her name.

  “If you would like to take a seat for a moment Miss” and he disappeared down a dim hall towards the back of the building.

  She waited for what seemed like hours until there was a noise and the sound of footsteps approaching, it wasn’t one person but two.

  A middle aged man and woman approached wearing fine clothes. They strode passed her quickly and for a moment she thought the man looked at her. She recogni
sed him, it was Mr Calhoun. Her intended. He wore a yellow rose on his jacket.

  An older man approached and bowed graciously before her.

  “I am Mr Streatham; if you would step this way please?”

  She entered a cosy looking office and he closed the door behind her.

  “Please sit Miss Adams.”

  Isabelle sat gingerly on the seat of a large leather chair. The room smelled of whisky and cigars.

  “Oh dear; well, this is unexpected Miss Adams. I hope you are sitting comfortably? I’m afraid to tell you that there has been a change of plan. As you know from my letters Mr Calhoun had to marry today. A large inheritance depended upon it. I’m afraid that when we heard of the train robbery we feared for the worse. You were not amongst the passengers still unharmed on the train and we feared that the bandits might have taken such a lovely young girl as yourself.

  In the meantime I’m afraid that Mr Calhoun has married a distant cousin of his. She lived in the town and was amenable to the arrangement. It was they who passed you just now; on their way to the wedding dinner”

  Isabelle sat open mouthed, her face pale. So much had happened in such a short space of time that she could hardly take in his words.

  “I’m sorry my dear. This must be such a shock and you must be most disappointed. Men of Mr Calhoun’s calibre do not come along every day. Now let me pour you a brandy, you look half starved.”

  He picked up one of the large glass decanters and poured her a large measure. She took the drink, like one sleepwalking and brought the glass to her lips. The strong liquor caused her to wince as it hit the back of her throat but it was enough to bring her back to her senses.

  “Of course Mr Calhoun realises the mistake is not your own and is willing to compensate you. He has left me instruction to give you $1000 to cover any inconvenience. I hope that will settle the matter?”

  Isabelle’s head whirled. $1000! It wouldn’t be the same as $100 a month for the rest of her life but it would make a huge difference to their lives. It would mean money for the girls, the farm and help for her father.

  It would also leave her free to be with James.

  James! She had to hurry.

  “Mr Streatham. May I come back to you? There is something I need to do urgently”


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