Running Away

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Running Away Page 12

by Jen Andrews

  Oh Jesus, what I wouldn’t do to see them.

  She put her hands over mine to stop me, and together we tugged the ribbons loose. I felt her panties fall open at her hips.

  “Jeremy, please . . . touch me,” she begged. “Just for tonight.”

  Oh God, my body was betraying me. I wanted to be inside her so badly I was about to burst. She rocked her hips forward, rubbing herself along my fully hardened dick. Fuck, I cannot do this. I cannot mess this up.

  I wasn’t going to have sex with her, but there was no reason not to give her what she was asking for. I slid my hand between her legs and slowly began stroking her. She was hot and so, so wet.

  She was sitting up, straddling me, and looked so perfect. Her long, red hair spilling all around her, with her chin tilted down toward me, her eyes closed.

  It was exactly like my dreams about her.

  “Teagan, you’re so beautiful,” I said as I plunged my finger inside her.

  She panted with each thrust from my finger. “No I’m not,” she whispered. Her bright, green eyes opened and she sucked her bottom lip between her teeth.

  Why would she say that? Does she not see how perfect she is? “You’re the most stunning woman I’ve ever met.” Knowing I needed her to finish before I did something stupid like have sex with her, I slid a second finger in and she hummed in pleasure. Her eyes closed and her brows furrowed as she rocked her hips, moving herself against my hand.

  Oh fuck, now she was riding me. She was moving back and forth across my dick and it felt amazing even over my clothes. My free hand slid around to her ass. I gripped it tightly and guided her hips to move just a bit faster. The sounds that came from her mouth astounded me. She was practically purring like a cat.

  God, please do not let me do something stupid.

  Teagan quickened her pace, so I did too, moving my fingers in and out, now rubbing my thumb in circles over her clit. She was making the sexiest moaning noises, and I was barely able to contain myself.

  Her eyes shot open and her green eyes stared down into mine. When I felt her body tightening, she slowed her movement down, never looking away. She threw her head back and let out a long, breathy moan as her body pulsed around my fingers.

  I loved the weight of her small body on mine, and her hair falling over her shoulders. She rode out her orgasm then fell forward on top of me, resting her cheek against mine. Her breath was quick and warm against my ear, but still it sent chills right through me.

  With the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen draped over me, I laid on the floor of my new house unable to believe what had just happened. Teagan moved down and pressed her cheek against my chest, and I wondered if she could feel how fast my heart was beating for her.

  Easing my hand away from her, I let it fall to the floor beside me, as my other hand moved slowly up and down the soft skin under the back of her shirt. Eventually, her breathing slowed and I thanked God she had fallen asleep.

  That definitely stopped me from doing anything else with her. I maneuvered her off me to the floor, and stood. I slipped off my shoes, walked quietly to my bedroom, and pulled back the blankets on the bed then grabbed a T-shirt and some boxers out of a moving box for her.

  Back in the living room, I carefully picked her up and took her to my room. I set her on the edge of the bed and woke her long enough for her to strip out of her clothes. She did as I asked, and slipped into my T-shirt and boxers.

  My eyes were closed the entire time, because seeing her completely naked would be my undoing. I was not going to screw this up.

  When she was dressed, she curled up on my bed and I pulled the covers over her. I wished then that I’d had her take some ibuprofen. She was going to have one hell of a hangover tomorrow.

  I turned off the light and laid on the bed fully clothed. I needed to keep my distance, so I didn’t get under the covers with her, but I wanted to stay with her in case she woke up and needed something, or got sick.

  Tomorrow, we would have a long discussion about how to deal with the Cammie situation. When she curled her body into mine, all I could do was hold her close and breathe her in. Whispering goodnight, I kissed her sweet lips and closed my eyes.

  My body jerked in my sleep and instinctively braced itself for impact. It was one of those dreams where you felt like you were falling and woke up just before you landed. It wasn’t a good dream to have when you already felt like you’d been hit by a bus.

  My head was throbbing and felt too heavy when I tried to lift it. I slowly opened one eye and had no idea where I was. I stretched and took in a deep breath through my nose. It didn’t smell like I was in my bedroom at my parents’ house.

  I smelled the faint scent of cologne and freshly washed sheets. Cologne? Why do I smell men’s cologne? I opened both eyes and let them adjust to the darkened room.

  Once my eyes adjusted, I turned my head and saw the silhouette of someone lying next to me. If it weren’t for the windowed French doors, the room would be too dark inside to see anything.

  Think Teagan . . . think! Dub’s, Jackie, Nat, Shannen . . . Tequila . . . lots and lots of tequila. Blue eyes . . .

  Oh, crap. Jeremy. Kissing him, being on top of him, sliding my hands under his shirt, his hands up my skirt. All extremely pleasurable memories . . . but . . .

  This was not happening. Oh my God, what had I done? I had sex with Jeremy . . . I think. I didn’t do one-night stands. Obviously, I did with the way it appeared right now. I looked again at the man sleeping next to me and groaned.

  Getting my bearings, I took a quick look around and found a digital clock on a nightstand next to me. Its glowing red numbers told me it was five thirty-two in the morning. I had to be to work at eight, had a hangover from hell, and no idea where I was.

  Except I was in a bed with Jeremy. The man who was the cause of all the crap I had been forced to endure at work. I shouldn’t be here.

  Careful not to wake him, I eased the covers back and found I was at least wearing clothes. They were, however, not mine. They appeared to be his. As I sat up, I felt my hair snag on something. I ran my hand down the thick section of trapped hair until it bumped another hand.

  Jeremy had a thick lock of my hair curled around his fingers. As I tried to free it, he stirred and gripped it tighter. Crap.

  “You’re not trying to make your escape are you?” he murmured, half asleep.

  I could hear the smile in his voice and the breath caught in my throat at the sound. Dang, he was sexy. But it didn’t make up for all the things that had happened since I’d met him.

  “Um, I need to use your bathroom,” I whispered. It was partly true. I did need to pee, but I also needed him to go back to sleep so I could get the hell out of here. Gently, I pried his fingers from my hair.

  He let go of my hair but not my hand. He brought my hand to his lips and kissed it.

  My stomach fluttered from the sweetness of it.

  “Bathroom’s the door on the left,” he said then released my hand. “Hurry back.”

  It was light enough that I caught sight of two doors at the other end of the room. I assumed the other door was a closet. I sat up slowly, lowering my feet to the floor, and let my foggy brain catch up to the rest of my body before I stood.

  Once I was up, I walked across the cool hardwood floor and went through the door on the left. I quietly shut it behind me and felt around on the wall for a light switch. When I found it, I flipped it on and immediately wanted to shut it back off as I caught sight of my reflection in the mirror.

  I looked like hell. My hair was a rat’s nest and my eye makeup was running down my face. I looked like a crazy, redheaded raccoon.

  I used the facilities then washed my hands and face with the hand soap on the counter. When I finger-combed my hair, long strands came out in small chunks. What the heck? As I combed, I pulled against a knot, and my scalp felt tender.

  That’s when it hit me. Tammy. No, Cammie. I’d attacked her.

  Memories were comin
g back from last night. I screwed up . . . bad.

  All because the man in the other room couldn’t keep his pants on. Not that I had room to talk. It appeared that he was able to coax me out of mine, and I didn’t remember a thing about it.

  I shut off the light and stepped out of the bathroom. “Jeremy?” I said it loud enough to wake him. He didn’t answer, so I said it again, much louder this time. After he gave no response, I assumed he’d fallen back to sleep.

  Not wasting any time, I searched around for my clothes, and found them draped over the footboard of the bed. Making my escape from his bedroom, I found my purse and then cringed when I located my panties on the living room floor. My shoes were nowhere to be found and I wasn’t going back to his bedroom to look for them. His living room was empty of furniture, but there were stacks of moving boxes lining the opposite wall.

  After I shoved my clothes inside my purse, I bolted out the front door with plans to call a taxi once I’d figured out where the heck I was. I jogged barefoot down the sidewalk toward the street and had the strangest feeling of déjà vu.

  Once I reached the end of the sidewalk, I noticed the white picket fence around the yard. I stepped through the gate and looked back at the house.

  Jeremy was the new owner of my favorite house and lived only three blocks away from my parents. What are the odds?

  While I stared at the house in surprise, a light came on inside. Jeremy was awake and probably looking for me. Crap, gotta run!

  At least I knew where I was now and didn’t have far to go to get home. I jogged down the sidewalk toward my street. Once home, I went straight to the bathroom and into the shower. I hoped nobody had seen me running through the neighborhood with no shoes, while wearing a man’s shirt and boxer briefs.

  Jesus, I had been wearing Jeremy’s freaking underwear. The boxers were light gray, with narrow, dark gray stripes and very, very sexy. I imagined him wearing them and nothing else. The visual of that alone made me sigh.

  Oh, and I’d kicked his ex-girlfriend’s ass. That made me smile, but only because of the crap she had pulled on me.

  Who are you and what did you do with Teagan? I smirked at my dumb joke as more hair came out while I washed it. Cammie must have really been yanking on it hard.

  I stepped out of the shower, wrapped my hair in a towel, and pulled on my robe. I rummaged through the medicine cabinet for some ibuprofen then swallowed four of them with a cupped handful of water from the tap.

  I picked up Jeremy’s clothes from the floor and took them to my bedroom. I tossed them into my laundry hamper along with the clothes I’d worn the night before.

  Crap, I was going to miss the shoes I left at his place. I’d splurged on them when I lived in Denver, and they were my favorite pair.

  I was getting dressed when there was a quiet knock on my door. “Teags?”

  “Come in,” I called.

  Shannen stepped inside my room and shut the door behind her. “Holy shit, Teagan. What the hell got in to you last night?” She sprawled across my bed, making herself comfortable.

  I shrugged. “I’m still having a hard time remembering everything, honestly. Did I really hit that girl?” I asked then said, “Oh, thanks for bringing my car home.”

  Shannen nodded, “Yeah, yeah. No prob,” then grinned. “You didn’t hit her, you beat her ass, and the bitch deserved it. From what John was saying, she’s been calling and texting Jeremy since he broke up with her.”

  Great. I flopped down on my bed and hugged my knees to my chest. “I think I had sex with him,” I blurted out.

  Shannen shot up to a sitting position. “I’m sorry . . . you what? What do you mean you think? Either you did, or you didn’t. I can say that if you had sex, I’m gonna kick his ass because he told me you’d be safe with him. That means he’s not supposed to have sex with you!”

  I frowned. “I really don’t know. I woke up in his bed, wearing his clothes and I found my panties on the living room floor.”

  Shannen’s mouth dropped open, and her eyes grew big. “Teagan, do you like him? Like, really like him?”

  Did I? Without a doubt, yes. “I do, a lot. I can’t trust him though. I’ve heard too many bad things about him and with all the problems at work . . . I can’t deal with that. I have two strikes against me now, and I can’t lose my job.”

  “What are you talking about, Teagan?”

  I hadn’t told her about the disciplinary meeting at work, so I explained my visit to HR and then told her Jeremy had sent me the flowers, not Cammie. We talked until it was nearly time for me to leave for work.

  “I really don’t know what to say, sis. I know those girls were saying and doing some nasty things, but it’s not really his fault. Cammie got what was coming to her last night, so maybe she’ll stop screwing with you.”

  She was right. Technically, it wasn’t his fault. However, because of my non-relationship with him, they’d made my life a living hell.

  I didn’t know what to believe about him, but I did know I wasn’t going to live my life being put through that kind of hell because of someone else’s actions. I wanted to be in a relationship where I didn’t have to worry about lying, cheating, crazy ex-girlfriends, or losing my job. Being in a relationship wasn’t worth that type of stress or drama.

  After I was ready for work, I tossed a salad together for lunch and put it in a plastic grocery bag. My stolen lime-green lunch bag was still missing, and I wasn’t expecting to see it again. It was probably in a landfill somewhere by now.

  I arrived at work early and was the first person in line to clock in. As I was heading toward the floor where I’d be working today, I ran in to Nat and stopped to chat in the hallway.

  “Wait till you see Tammy today,” she said. “She looks so pretty.”

  I knew she was being sarcastic, and it really made me want to see what I had done to her.

  “I found out last night her name is Cammie. I guess she is Jeremy’s ex-girlfriend. They broke up a while back,” I said.

  Nat rolled her eyes. “That explains a lot then. Nice job kicking her ass last night.” Nat snorted and laughed. “Can we still call them the two T’s?”

  My brows rose in question. “Why?”

  “Because the initial still fits,” she said, and continued, “they’re both twats.”

  I nodded. “Abso-freaking-lutely.”

  We made plans to meet for lunch and headed our separate ways.

  For a change, I spent the morning working ordinary nursing rounds. It was rather nice not running around the ER from one emergency to the next. After attaching a new IV bag to a stand for a patient, I stepped out of the room, and my cell vibrated in my pocket. I snuck into the bathroom and entered an empty stall, locking the door behind me. I couldn’t risk getting caught texting someone. I pulled my cell out and found a text from Shannen.

  10:15 AM- You didn’t have sex with Jeremy. FYI.

  What? How the hell would she know that? I texted her back.

  10:16 AM- And you know this how?

  10:18 AM- He told me. He also wants me to tell you he’s mad at you for leaving before he talked to you.

  She spoke to him?

  10:19 AM- Why are you talking to him?

  10:20 AM- Because I knew you wouldn’t, but you should.

  Yep, my little sister . . . big pain in the ass.

  10:25 AM- Tell him thank you for taking care of me last night, and we’re even now. He’ll understand what I mean.

  I’d taken care of him in the ER, and he had returned the courtesy by taking care of me when I was drunk. Questions ran through my mind. If I didn’t have sex with him, why were my panties on the living room floor? How did I get in his clothes? Where had he put my shoes?

  Ugh, who cares? It was all over now. I could get on with my life and try to keep my job. I shut off my phone, shoved it back inside my pocket, and went back to work.

  At lunchtime, I took the stairwell down to the first floor to meet Nat and Jackie. I found my lun
ch still carefully hidden where I stashed it in the fridge, so that made me happy.

  I took a seat to wait for my friends and pulled my cell out of my pocket. Once I turned it back on, I had eight new texts from my sister.

  I scrolled to the oldest and read them in order.

  10:28 AM- He says you are not getting away that easy, and he wants your number.

  10:30 AM- Gonna give him your number if you don’t text me back, bitch.

  10:36 AM- Now he wants to know why you don’t like him. I told him it’s not true, and you do like him.

  10:45 AM- Where did you go?

  10:47 AM- Teags, this guy really, really likes you. Give him a chance.

  10:53 AM- He wants you to go to a barbecue with him later.

  11:00 AM- Don’t believe everything you hear. Only believe what you see for yourself.

  11:15 AM- I’m done being the go-between. Text me back when you can.

  Holy crap, my sister had become BFF’s with him. I tapped reply on my phone and texted her back.

  11:30 AM- I’m saying no. I can’t deal with all the ex-girlfriend drama.

  She replied to me within a minute.

  11:31 AM- You’re already dealing with it. At least go out with him to see if he’s worth the trouble. You might be surprised.

  She was relentless. Now I was frustrated, so I didn’t respond to her. There was a lot to think about and I wasn’t about to do it with a hangover.


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