Wildflower Wedding

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Wildflower Wedding Page 4

by LuAnn McLane

  Although her life hadn’t gone in the direction she’d expected, the exhilarating rush of freedom from an overbearing jerk was well worth the occasional bouts of loneliness. A table for one really sucked sometimes, but it was a helluva lot better than sharing it with someone who simply didn’t care. Plus, she had Maggie, who was a shining example of how you didn’t have to become boring at midlife but could actually get better. Her friend was not only busy with her real estate projects but also married to a famous rock star. Sweet Maggie and a rock and roll legend! Life was just crazy. “Why can’t something really cool like that happen to me?” she wondered aloud, then shrugged. Hey, who knows, maybe it would? It certainly could.

  When she heard Digger’s deep bark, she rushed over to the window feeling like a giddy schoolgirl, but hey, she needed to take what she could get. She should really do the adult thing and introduce herself, but as Anthony jogged closer she could see the trickle of sweat sliding down his tanned chest. Oh boy, he had a nice covering of dark hair leading to an enticing line pointing south.

  Trish heard a groan and realized the sound had come from her throat. How long had it been since she’d experienced a long, hot kiss? Would she feel the strong arms of a man wrapped around her ever again? “I need to get my groove back,” she said firmly.

  Anthony paused at the edge of the patio leading to his rear door, and with his back to Trish he doubled over with his hands on his knees, giving her a very nice view of his very fine butt. She angled her head, admiring the view. She’d bet the farm that sexy Anthony would be a tiger in the sack. After a moment he picked up a tennis ball and tossed it in the air for a very happy Digger.

  “This is silly,” Trish mumbled. She was not only his neighbor but his landlord and she really should just open the door, march out there, and introduce herself. She couldn’t locate his lease, so all she knew was the name he signed on the rent checks. Steve had initially rented it through Maggie’s real estate company, so perhaps Maggie could give her a copy of the lease. She made a mental note to ask her friend. She certainly wasn’t about to interact with her ex-husband and ask him for them.

  Trish took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. She fluffed her hair and actually had her hand on the doorknob when her phone rang. Telling herself the call could be important, she hurried over to answer. Damn, meeting her hot neighbor would have to wait.

  Looking at the caller ID, Trish smiled. “Hi, Maggie. What’s up?”

  “I’ve got a job for you!”

  Trish gripped the phone tighter. Maggie had been pushing her to follow her dreams, but could she really have found her a writing job? “Really? What?”

  “Well, our local newspaper, the Cricket Creek Courier, had fallen on hard times and was about to fold, but Clyde and Clovis Camden, twin brothers who live in Whisper’s Edge, bought it! A few of the Whisper’s Edge residents are going to help staff the paper, but they’re in need of a reporter for the Life and Travel section, so I suggested you.”

  “Oh, that’s wonderful, Maggie. Thanks so much.”

  “I’ll e-mail you where to send your résumé, but I’m pretty certain you’ll get the job. If you want it. I know it won’t pay much, but it should be fun and perhaps lead to some other freelance work.”

  “Oh, I’ll get right on it. I’m thrilled!” After ending the call she did a little jig. Sure, the Cricket Creek Courier was a small press in a small town, but Trish didn’t care. She wanted the job. With determination, she maneuvered her way past boxes that still needed unpacking to her small office where she had set up her computer and printer. This could be the fresh start, the new beginning she desperately needed to turn her life around and find some much deserved joy.

  “Who needs a man, right?” she mumbled, but her traitorous thoughts immediately conjured up a vision of her superhot, shirtless neighbor. Trish fanned her face and then grinned. “Apparently, I do.” She’d forgotten to ask Maggie for his lease papers, but she wasn’t going to call back and bother her busy friend. Knowing that getting involved with her sexy neighbor wouldn’t be the smartest move, she tried to conjure up a visual of . . . somebody, anybody other than him. Brad Pitt? George Clooney? Oh, how about bad boy Colin Farrell? Come on, guys, help a girl out.

  Damn, it didn’t work.


  Rise and Shine!

  DIGGER DROPPED THE TENNIS BALL AT TONY’S FEET AND sat back on his haunches. “Do you ever get tired?” Tony asked. Digger answered by giving the yellow ball a nudge with his nose. Tony chuckled at his panting dog, whose tongue lolled out the side of his mouth. Exhausted, Digger still begged for more. When Tony turned and headed toward the back patio, Digger barked a protest.

  “Come on, Dig, I’ll get you a treat,” Tony promised, knowing Digger would follow at his heels. They could both use a big drink of cold water. Tony glanced up at the kitchen window of his neighbor. He thought he’d seen the curtains flutter earlier, indicating she’d been looking out. Her red Cadillac SRX Crossover sat in the apron in front of the detached garage, so he knew she must be home and it was about time he introduced himself to his neighbor who was also his landlord. Reaching up, he swiped at some sweat with his forearm. First, he needed a shower.

  When Tony opened the back door, Digger bounded past him and then danced in a circle in front of the glass jar holding doggie treats shaped like bacon. Tony tossed Digger one and then added an extra, feeling terrible that he’d been neglecting his trusty companion who had been by his side ever since he found him half-starved and digging in the Dumpster in the alley behind Marino Pizza. Gloria had protested keeping the sorry-looking dog, but all it took was one look into Digger’s soulful eyes and Tony’d been a goner. When he’d first considered the apartment, the lease had said no pets. Tony was going to look elsewhere, but Maggie McMillan apparently knew his landlady and he was relieved when she agreed to allow him to keep his dog.

  Tony filled Digger’s big water dish and then pulled a sports drink from the fridge, downing the blue liquid so fast that his head hurt. When Digger looked up at him with adoring eyes, Tony reached down and scratched behind his ears. Digger had remained a calming factor in Tony’s chaotic year from hell. And thank God for Reese, who had been a voice of reason when anger at Gloria threatened to consume Tony.

  “Dude, she fucked you over, but don’t let her ruin your life,” Reese had said.

  “Easier said than done,” Tony mumbled, and then shoved his fingers through his damp hair. He’d waited until his midthirties until getting married, wanting to be sure before taking the plunge. Too many of his friends had gone through tough divorces and he didn’t want to join those ranks. In the beginning, his marriage had been everything he’d dreamed of and then some. Gloria was passionate and loving until the recession hit. When she could no longer spend money freely and when Tony had to devote most of his time trying to save Marino Pizza, she became sullen. Bitchy.


  Ten years of marriage with only half of them being happy cost Tony a business that had been in his family for nearly fifty years. He’d been too blinded by his adoration and so sure of their love that he hadn’t even considered a prenup. What a dumb-ass he’d been.

  “Ah, don’t go there,” Tony growled, drawing Digger’s attention. He did that little dog eyebrow questioningly thing, making Tony laugh. He really needed to thank his landlady, but first he needed a shower. Digger followed Tony up the stairs to the master bedroom. Being furnished was one of the other draws of the two-family house. Until Tony had signed a year lease, the two-bedroom unit could be rented on a weekly or monthly basis as a vacation getaway because of the close proximity to the river. Fishing and boating were supposed to be pretty good at this wide section of the Ohio River—not that Tony would get the chance to find out anytime soon.

  The hot water sluicing down his tired body felt heavenly. Tony had started running when Reese suggested exercise would help clear his head and st
rengthen his body. Reese was right. Tony suddenly found himself in the best shape he’d been in since he could remember. With a groan of pleasure Tony lathered up and took a leisurely shower instead of the quick in-and-out he usually performed each morning. Twisting the showerhead to massage mode, he turned and braced his hands against the smooth tile, allowing the thick shots of water to pelt his neck and back. He would have stayed in the spacious stall longer, but a cold beer was calling his name followed by flopping on the couch to watch a baseball game or an action flick. Oh, and greeting his landlord.

  After toweling dry he had to chuckle when he found Digger sleeping in the big bed. He didn’t have the heart to wake him with a scolding for getting up on the mattress, something Tony only allowed when invited. Damn, the bed looked inviting. Maybe he’d stretch out for a quick nap. Yeah, he’d just take a fifteen-minute quickie, getting just enough rest to enjoy the lazy evening he had planned.

  • • •

  The sound of an engine rumbling followed by the hiss of brakes interrupted Tony’s slumber. He rolled to his side, opened his eyes, and blinked at the digital clock on the nightstand. “Seven o’clock? In the morning?” He sat up and shoved his fingers through his hair, waking Digger.

  “How the hell did that happen?” When he heard the sound of a thump followed by a female yelp, he hurried over to the window. “Holy shit . . . ,” Tony said. Digger joined Tony, putting his paws up on the windowsill. They watched neighbor Trish drag a big trash can with one hand while she attempted to hurry down the gravel path leading to the front road where a garbage truck stopped. She waved her free hand as if asking them to wait. They did and Tony couldn’t blame them.

  Trish wore a red silky robe that hit midthigh, and if Tony wasn’t mistaken there wasn’t much underneath. The plastic wheels on the trash can didn’t take well to the gravel and bumped along, swinging wildly sideways a couple of times when hitting a larger rock. She must have hit something sharp, because she yelped again, paused slightly, and then soldiered on until she reached the end of the driveway. The city worker made quick work of dumping her trash into the truck, but when Trish turned away and started back up the gravel drive at a slower pace, Tony didn’t like when the truck failed to move on down the road. He knew why. They were doing what he was doing . . . enjoying the view.

  Just when Tony considered yelling something out the window, the truck rumbled on down the road. Trish decided to move from the gravel to the grass and pulled the empty can behind her. Tony decided that he should be a gentleman and stop watching her in the sexy red robe, but just when he was going to turn away from the window, the lid from the can blew off. She gave her leg an angry smack and chased it. He chuckled but then swallowed hard when she bent over, revealing a quick glimpse of red panties.

  But he suddenly remembered he was naked and standing in full view at the window. “Damn it!” He quickly stepped back and his mood shifted from amusement to agitation with Trish’s reminder that it had been a long-ass time since he’d felt his blood stir at the sight of a woman. Tony turned away sternly, reminding himself that he needed to concentrate on his restaurant not only for his sake but for Reese’s and Tessa’s sake as well. Any kind of romantic entanglement would just get in the way of his goal, and he seriously doubted that his gorgeous neighbor would want a one-night stand.

  Digger gave him that I-have-to-go-out whine, breaking into his thoughts. “Okay, Dig, give me a few minutes to gather my wits about me and get dressed.”

  A short while later he located a pair of gym shorts and then led the way down the stairs. “Don’t go too far,” he warned, but as luck would have it just as Tony let Digger out, a rabbit hopped across the yard. Totally ignoring his need to pee, Digger chased the bunny making a beeline for the woods. “Digger!” Muttering a curse, Tony pushed the screen door open and ran outside, stubbing his toe in the process. He hopped for a moment and then started running across the back lawn. He rounded the garage but suddenly tripped over a knee-high garden hose that seemed to come out of nowhere. Taking a swan dive, he face-planted into the grass, rolled, and then scrambled to his feet, only to be doused with freezing cold water.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Tony shouted. He looked up into wide blue eyes.

  “W-watering my roses.”

  “I’m not a rose,” Tony growled, and swiped at the water running down his face.

  “Well, you certainly have thorns.”

  He wasn’t amused. “Can you blame me?”

  “I can try.”

  Tony flashed her a grumpy look and then scrambled to his feet.

  “Look, I’m really sorry. I . . . I didn’t see you coming. I just turned the water on and was pulling the hose around to my rose garden that I recently planted.” Trish swiveled to demonstrate and shot him with another cold spray. “Sorry! I water before the heat of the sunshine,” she added with an apologetic wince. “It was getting late, so I was in a bit of a rush or I would have seen you, I guess.” She shrugged. “You did come out of nowhere.”

  “I came out of the house.”

  “Well, again, sorry. I was sort of in a zone, trying to decide what flowers to plant next. Oh, by the way, I’m Trish Daniels.” She stuck out her hand. She gave him a friendly smile. The red robe had been replaced with jeans and a loose T-shirt, but her feet were bare with pink-painted toenails and he somehow found that little detail sexy. It was a good thing he’d just been hosed down with cold water.

  “Tony Marino,” he responded briskly, and gripped her hand briefly. “I’ve got to go get my dog before I go to work.” He jammed his thumb over his head and felt a flash of guilt when her smile faded. He knew he was being a complete ass and so added, “Uh, nice to meet you.”

  “Sorry about your scraped knee and shoulder. If you need Band-Aids, I can run in and get you some.”

  Tony glanced down at his knee. “I’ll be fine.”

  “Suit yourself.” At his brisk tone she nodded and turned away. There was something about the set of her shoulders that almost made him walk over and apologize. It wasn’t her fault that she’d awakened a longing that he wanted to keep at bay. But instead, Tony pivoted away and started walking toward the woods. And then he felt it . . . a blast of cold water hit him in the ass.

  “Sorry, my bad,” she called to him, but then giggled. Her feminine laughter washed over him and for a moment he felt himself smile. He missed that kind of laughter and he paused, almost turned around. But instead, he walked toward the woods and whistled for Digger, telling himself to keep his distance. If she thought he was a jerk she’d keep her distance too. He’d already felt a strong pull of attraction. It was better that way.

  He felt his damp ass and chuckled. It wasn’t going to be easy.


  Bringing Sexy Back

  GABBY TAPPED HER TOES TO HER PLAYLIST AND THEN gave the wrist corsage a critical once-over. “Needs more baby’s breath.” She reached for a sprig and then separated the pink rosebuds. “Much better.” She nodded but then rolled her shoulders to get the kinks out. Listening to lively pop music helped keep her moving through the large order of corsages and boutonnieres for the seniors’ prom at Whisper’s Edge. The theme was early 1950s, re-creating the era when most of the residents were in high school. Proceeds from the prom would go to local charities, so Gabby had given them a good price in exchange for some much-needed publicity. Gabby sang along with the refrain as she danced her way to the cooler to store the corsage.

  “Nice moves, Gabby.”

  Gabby froze and then looked over at Reese standing in the doorway. “Thanks.” She hoped her light response hid her embarrassment. “I try.”

  “Don’t stop on my account.”

  “I’m not,” Gabby responded nonchalantly but felt heat creep into her cheeks and silently cursed her fair skin. She hoped he didn’t notice.

  “I could join you.” When Reese walked toward her Gabby wonde
red how he could make merely walking somehow look sexy. “I have some moves of my own,” he added. “How’s this?” he asked, and did a silly little dance spin.

  “Simply amazing.” Gabby tried not to grin but failed. She really needed to stop cranking up the music so she could hear the bell ding over the front door. She shrugged as if Reese’s appearance didn’t create a flutter in her stomach. Although she often had to wear sweaters, she was suddenly grateful that she had to keep the store pretty cold for the health of the flowers, because she could certainly use a cooldown just from looking at him. She barely refrained from fanning her face. Was it possible that Reese had gotten even hotter in just a couple of days?

  Apparently, it was. . . .

  Maybe her stomach fluttered because Reese looked so darned masculine in the midst of all the flowers, Gabby reasoned, but then she had to go and compare her reaction to that of seeing Drew.

  “So, what are you working on?” Reese walked closer and nodded toward the long table littered with snips of colorful ribbons, discarded leaves, and stem wire.

  “Seniors’ prom,” Gabby replied. When her music shuffled to Bruno Mars crooning a sexy song, she hurried over and clicked Pandora off.

  “Ah . . . senior prom?” Reese leaned a jean-clad hip against the front counter. “It still stings that you turned me down.”

  “Going to the prom?” Gabby sputtered. “Are you serious?”

  “I asked.”

  “I didn’t have a date. You were simply poking fun. Joking.”

  “What? I wouldn’t make fun of you, Gabby.” Reese frowned. “Why would you think that?”

  Gabby raised her hands skyward. “Because you were supercool and I was a nerd.” She hadn’t fit in with the rougher crowd or the middle-class students either. Instead, she sat at the lunch table full of misfits who became her friends. Gabby didn’t care about clothes she couldn’t afford or meaningless trends. Well, most of the time, anyway.


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