Freed by Her Dragons (The Inmate of the Dreki Dragons Book 2)

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Freed by Her Dragons (The Inmate of the Dreki Dragons Book 2) Page 6

by Ginna Moran

  “Ezeerf kolraw!” The strange masculine voice booms through the room.

  Lazlo hisses and jerks his attention away from me. The distraction gives me the moment I need to concentrate, and my instincts kick on, allowing me to siphon my dragon fire from the depths of my soul.

  A wave of brilliant flames cascades over Lazlo, and he hollers and claps his hands. Blue sparks fly around him, blocking him with a wall of magic. The room quakes as the ceiling collapses. The overhead lights flicker and explode in a shower of glass. Bottles of alcohol crash to the floor, spilling their contents everywhere. Screams rip through the room, coming from somewhere next to me. The high-pitched beastly noise startles my very soul.

  “We have to run! Brace yourself, Nova. We have to snap the chain,” Rowan says, locking his hands under my arms to pull me back. “It’s going to hurt like fucking hell.”

  It’s now that I realize the flames weren’t mine. They weren’t Rowan’s either. An ear-piercing screech steals my hearing as a black and gold scaled dragon crashes its enormous head through the wall—no, not the wall. It crashes through Lazlo’s portal.

  I stare in shock, unable to get my body to work, my mind disconnecting from the rest of me. The unfamiliar, yet stunning, dragon snaps its teeth, thrashing its long neck as it attempts to crash into the tiny bar. Lazlo shouts another spell, trying his best to keep the dragon away, his attention no longer on me.

  “Hold still, Nova. This is going to hurt.” Rowan kneels in front of me, hovering his hands over the chain tethered to my collar.

  Gripping my shoulder in one hand and the chain in the other, he bellows, summoning intense fire. The shockwave of power whips through me, stealing my breath. The chain crackles and sizzles. Painful bursts of electricity snap across my skin and sink into me as the magic reacts to his strength and power.

  Rowan roars, baring his teeth. “Fuck! Come on! Break!” Rippling muscles cut across his arms as he endures the same pain I do, trying to break through the magic.

  Chaos shakes the room, sending my heart sliding into my stomach. All I know is that we need to hurry and get out of here. The only good thing about Lazlo’s arrival is that the dragon guards go after him first. Maybe now the High Council will see that it has been him all along. Maybe they will overturn my convictions. Maybe—

  “Eaf eht og nuir vitisima!” Lazlo’s sharp voice echoes through the room. A bolt of electricity lights the darkness, zooming in our direction.

  Rowan growls and envelops me in his arms protectively, willing to risk his life to save me from Lazlo. It feels as if time slows, my body and mind bracing for the end.

  “No!” A man with green, sizzling magic materializes in front of us, creating a shield to deflect Lazlo’s power. Twisting on his feet, he snatches the chain connected to my collar and twists it between his hands. Fire explodes from the dragon guard, stopping Lazlo from attacking again.

  I expect the High Council’s enforcer to finish what Lazlo fails to accomplish. I cling onto Rowan as he gathers more dragon fire, his efforts slower, his exhaustion from fighting wearing him down.

  “Please! No!” I plead, shocking myself in an attempt to break the magical chain again. “I’m innocent!”

  The warlock ignores me and adjusts his other hand around the chain, getting a good grip on it. Rowan roars, his dragon peeking through his skin. Yanking me back, he tries to snatch me away to run for it.

  “Kaerb won!” the warlock yells, his face alight with a neon glow that sharpens his features.

  Rowan yanks me again, and the chain snaps in half, sending the two of us falling back. Whipping through the air, it tangles around the man and drags him away from us. Lazlo yanks the magic chain, sending the other warlock crashing into the strange dragon’s snout. The huge beast flings the warlock forward. Lazlo can’t move fast enough, and a blade materializes in the warlock’s hand. He stabs Lazlo, surprising him. With a clap of his hands, the High Council enforcer sends sparks through the room. Two more figures materialize in the bar, arriving in a flash of his green light.

  Lazlo yells another spell, sending chairs and tables flying their way. I nearly lose my shit at the sight of Rose’s charred body crashing into the two figures. I don’t get a chance to even see who the people are or what they look like as Rowan scoops me up in his arms and spins toward the door.

  I cling onto him with my whole body, praying to the universe that I’m not suddenly dragged away and back into the madness. I pray that the street outside this old bar remains empty and not crowded with a dozen guards here to arrest me on behalf of the High Council. I pray just to survive everything threatening us in this moment.

  Ramming his shoulder into the door, Rowan carries me outside. Cool, fresh air engulfs us, and I gasp in a deep breath, my body begging and craving to breathe something besides the smoke from dragon fire and warlock magic colliding.

  “Maddox is coming,” Rowan says, tightening his grip on me. “We’re going to be ok—”

  Bright green light ignites the world in front of us, stopping Rowan in his tracks. I instinctively summon my dragon fire, the effort easier by the second with my wild emotions. There is no fucking way I’m going down without the fight of my life. I can’t—no, I won’t—go back to the Maximum Magical Penitentiary. I won’t. I don’t deserve to be there. I would rather fight and die than return to that hellhole.

  “Fates, is she feisty,” a smooth, velvety rich voice says. Green electricity buzzes before me, shielding the two guys from the heat of my wrath. “You weren’t kidding in your assessment.”

  “You know I never joke. I knew my mate would be a firecracker,” the other man says, stepping through the force field of magical energy separating him from us. Messy black hair dances with sparking static over the guy’s head, staying out of his face. Obsidian lashes shadow the man’s jade green eyes, shining against his flawless sepia-toned skin. His angular jaw twitches with his smile, and the bastard winks at me.

  I gape in surprise and confusion. Enforcers don’t wink. They don’t smile either, not when they’re on a mission to take down a criminal.

  Rowan growls again and sets me on my feet, nudging me behind him. Straightening his shoulders, he stands erect and on defense, shielding me from the men. With the building and the crackling power, running isn’t exactly an option. We’ll have to fight. “Fuck, they’re not from the High Council.”

  “Then who are they?” I ask, squinting through the haze of magic at the man before us, the details of his shadowed body clearing as he steps closer and out of the magic fogging the air.

  And holy fucking shit.

  He’s naked, tatted, that a dick piercing? The silver jewelry glints in the light from the magic, making it look as if his cock winks at me. And by the size of dick, now growing to intimidating proportions under my scrutiny, I can tell he’s definitely a dragon.

  “My mate approves,” the man says to the warlock. He grins at me, his straight, white teeth encouraging me to smile back like he dares me to resist. Swiveling his hips, he gives me a new view of his body and flexes his arms, showing off his chiseled muscles. “I can smell her delicious reaction.”

  His what? He what? Just...what?

  “Get ready, Nova,” Rowan whispers. “Don’t let your guard down. They want to take you from us.”

  I stiffen and peer around, looking for a way to escape, feeling trapped as the warlock blocks the rest of the world out with his magic. Where is Maddox? Shouldn’t he have heard Rowan’s calls? Rowan said he was coming.

  “The fates have aligned,” the warlock says, sweeping his gaze over me, drawing my attention to him. “Everything is as it should be. All you need to do is say the words.”

  “What words?” I ask, forcing my voice to work. “Who the fuck are you? What do you want?” My soul screams, panic rushing through me. Maybe Maddox can’t get here because the warlock shields us.

  “Hurry, Theo. We must start now,” the warlock says, ignoring my question. And Theo? I’ve never known
anyone by that name before.

  Craning his neck, Rowan meets my gaze. “Nova, run. Go now. I’ll catch up.” He scowls, summoning dragon fire into his palm. Releasing a roar, he prepares to blast it at the strange dragon and the warlock.

  An explosion quakes the ground, and pieces of the roof fall around us. Rowan pushes me out of the way before something hits me. The earth shakes with an ear-piercing boom. Reaching out for Rowan, I try to grab onto him, but the asphalt cracks, splitting us apart.

  “Nova, run!” Rowan repeats, bracing a light pole to steady himself. “Run and don’t stop. Kash and Maddox are coming.” Dragon fire billows from his hand, scorching against the magical barrier the warlock holds in place.

  My legs refuse to move. It’s like I’m trapped in some sort of force field. I know I should listen to Rowan. All my good reason screams at me to get my ass in gear and make a run for it. Why can’t the rest of me listen? Why can’t...damn it. My body does want to run but I physically can’t. I’m trapped.

  “Luos etam mailk eht Theo fo eht Darkonian Clan!” the warlock raises his hands toward the sky. “Luos etam mailk eht Delphia fo eht Litendrake Clan!”

  Oh shit. I might not understand most of his spell, but I sure as shit recognize Darkonian and my birth-given name. Hearing the dragon clan name clicks my scattered thoughts together. This isn’t some random dragon trying to catch me. It’s the Darkonians Quillon said were searching for me.

  The dick piercing man, Theo, steps through the second magic barrier separating me from Rowan. He strides in my direction like his sole purpose in life is to close the space to me as quickly as possible. My skin buzzes as static caresses my body and lifts my hair in a magical breeze. Silence blankets the world around me, cutting me and Theo off from the rest of the universe. He straightens his back and towers over me, looking down with a strange expression softening his features. Searching my eyes, he glides his tongue across his bottom lip and then smiles, his green eyes devouring me like I’m the best thing he’s ever seen.

  “Hello, my firecracker,” he murmurs and glides his finger across my jaw. “Do you know who I am?”

  I should be terrified.

  I shouldn’t like the way he looks at me so much.

  Why can’t I pull my gaze away from him? My throat dries, my mind whirling with a dozen thoughts.

  I shake my head. “No,” I whisper.

  He tilts his head, leaning closer. “You don’t have to be frightened. I’m your mate, Theo, from the Darkonian Clan and Prince of the Mountain Lands. I’ve been blessed by the stars and powers of Magaelorum to have the honor to claim you as mine. I’ve been waiting my entire life for this moment, Delphia. You are the most magnificent woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. My soul feels as if it finally has returned to my body.” Extending his arm, he holds his hand out for me. “I’m sorry it took us so long to find you. Ambrose wanted to get things right and ensure you would be ready. The traitor heir—”

  The door to the bar flies off its hinges, clattering in the street. It kicks the world around us back into action. Rowan’s yells cut through the fog of my mind, and I whip my attention to him. He doesn’t have time to react as another hulking naked man rushes outside, his body smoking from the heat of his body on this crisp night.

  Wait, another man? The new guy looks identical to Theo, except his hair hangs to his shoulders, and he sports a full beard. I can’t see the details of his tattoos, and he turns too quickly to get a look at his...damn it. Why do I always glance at naked guys’ cocks?

  His muscles ripple across his broad, glistening back tattooed with an intricate pattern that stops at his bubble-shaped ass. The asshole summons dragon fire and thrusts it at Rowan. Rowan flies off his feet and into the empty street. I suck in a breath, fear gripping me. A hot hand locks onto my wrist and hoists me from the ground.

  “Let me help you, Delphia,” Theo says, not even caring that his junk grazes my hip. “It’s time to go home. Ambrose will see to it. He’s the most powerful warlock I’ve had the pleasure to call my guard.” The bastard warlock—Ambrose—has another thing coming to him if he thinks I’ll just submit and go willingly. The Darkonians too.

  Anger ignites inside me, stabbing at my dragon heart. It snaps me out of my strange haze, clouding my mind with curious attraction. I gather my senses and meet his eyes, capturing him with my own stare. He doesn’t even see my next move coming.

  “I’m not going with you. Now let me go!” I yell.

  Swinging my arm, I slap the fucker in his bejeweled hard cock with enough force that he drops me. He shouts and clutches his junk, gathering fire in his other palm. I’m too slow to catch myself, hitting my ass on the hard concrete. I somersault backward and scramble to stand, holding my hands up protectively. Theo doesn’t throw his fire at me, his face lining in confusion like fighting back against him was the last thing he expected.

  “Clavosi notato nogard, Delphia!” Ambrose shouts, sending a bolt of green power at me.

  It strikes me in the chest, knocking the air from my lungs. I stumble and hit my back to the wall of the smoldering building. My body tenses. Warmth builds in my core, traveling to the rest of me. I shudder at the sensation—all-consuming and strangely satisfying as it devours me in a cocoon of comforting heat. Pressing my back against the wall, I brace through another bout of trembles, my muscles spasming and aching.

  The scales blooming on my arm tell me what’s happening.

  Oh. Fucking. Shit.

  “Nova!” Rowan yells, fighting against Theo’s twin, the two of them punching each other and fighting fire with fire. “Stop! Don’t transform!”

  But I can’t help it. I’ve lost control of my beast and she thrashes wildly, yearning to break free.

  Ambrose uses his magic against me, unleashing my dragon. The world shifts with my transformation, my body screaming in pain and relief. I crash into the building, smashing the smoldering wall under my heavy weight. I try to push on the ground to get up, but instead, I spread my wings and knock Ambrose and Theo’s twin off their feet.

  Everyone stops fighting and stares at me in awe.

  A low whistle cuts through the air, the melodious sound snatching my attention away from my hysterical, foggy thoughts. The world surrounding Pierced Dick Man Theo shimmers with a golden light, turning him from intimidating to almost angelic. And gorgeous. Hot.

  Why do I have the sudden urge to lick him?

  I stretch my long neck, lowering down to his level. If sexy has a taste, I’m sure as hell about to find out. My dragon form is acting like a total out-of-control beast, confusing my human rational with these awkward desires.

  “It’s okay, Delphia. That’s your soul wanting to learn everything about me, knowing that we’ve been cheated of a life of getting to know each other on every level. But don’t worry. I’m here now. I got you. My brother and I will take care of you.” His velvety voice hums through my mind, coaxing me closer.

  An odd, purr-like sound escapes my snout, and I puff a breath of smoke through my nostrils. Tranquility pours through me under his intense light green gaze. Bowing forward, I bow my long neck and get at his eye level. My red and orange scales glimmer with a pearlescent sheen, reflecting to me from his glassy gaze.

  “Allow me to introduce you to Tiernan.” Theo motions at his twin with a smile. “May he approach? We both want to get a better look at our beautiful mate.” We? I knew clans claimed females to share, but the idea of this other guy—Tiernan? No. Something’s not right.

  I whimper, wishing with everything that my body will let me transform back into my human form. “I—I don’t want him to.” My soft voice trickles through my mind.

  Theo raises his palm to his brother. “She isn’t ready.”

  “And she won’t be until I complete their union,” Ambrose says, raising his chin.

  I growl at him, baring my fangs.

  “Easy now, firecracker. He’s right. You won’t feel better until he does.” Theo raises his hands and rests his warm palms un
der my chin, gently cradling my big head. “You won’t feel as you should. Like me. Praise the fates. I’ve never felt so complete. Your clan will be thrilled that we’ve finally found you after all this time. Rhett stayed true to his word.”

  My heart stalls at the sound of Rhett’s name. Theo’s comment catches up to me as a dozen thoughts blast through my mind. I stand and swing my body around, whipping my tail across a building. If I don’t fight my dragon’s control over my humanity, I might lose myself completely. I could jeopardize the life I want with the Drekis—with my true mates.

  Thunder booms overhead, startling me, and I stretch my wings out, my body craving to launch from the ground. I imagine jumping up and taking flight. I imagine it to be as easy as breathing, yet my dragon refuses to cooperate. I can’t do it. The battle inside me grows too intense.

  “Brother, watch out!” Tiernan hollers, summoning an orb of crackling, dancing flames.

  Kash’s familiar screech rings through the air above us, sending my heart into overdrive. Lifting my head, I catch sight of his magnificent dragon form, gold and green, glittering even without being drenched in sunlight. He swoops down, nosediving so fast that his form blurs. Slowing as he gets closer to the ground, Kash spreads his huge wings. Maddox drops from his claws and lands in a crouch only a few feet away.

  “Get away from our mate, asshole,” Maddox snaps, unsheathing a gleaming sword from a strap on his back. Where did he get the weapon? I wonder if he beat up Quillon for it. “Five seconds before you lose your head. Delphia is ours.”

  Theo releases a guttural sound from deep in his throat. Spinning on his feet, he summons a basketball-sized amount of dragon fire. He draws his hands back to chuck it, and I knock my snout into his back, sending him reeling.

  “Don’t touch him!” My dragon’s roar echoes through the night, louder than the noise of Kash’s booming wings as he circles above or the growls and popping flames as Maddox and Rowan prepare to go to battle against the Darkonians in my honor.


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