held or foretold
the graduated sweetness of an impasse
swindle, cant, ribs cut out
episodes O! O! O!
the reporter is lonely in Istanbul?
carpets, tea, blue glass, bridge
perfect these
household gods
eyes against envy, beads against expectation
more stones, letters
and so
the symmetry of good windows set
recall, in distant times,
how facts
looked blank, under thrall
of prerequisite doubt.
Nothing defraged there, only terse contractions
enjoyed up close
riddle, whim
clear-eyed, yes, but something
seduces even the greatest soldier
to minor treason—
tables slanted up, legs raised
a motion of tears
quotidian exhaled
a farewell of sorts
under logic, under guess, where the bug
without much left
its all
too small
diligent marker
shipwrecked encyclopedia
coyote racing across a graveyard toward a flock of wild turkeys.
OK, so
here is rain’s
insistent oblique
elderly contest
she who would have seemed
before this task
had resembled, but now
abstract, global
an abbreviated cost
there will be no generals
in our army of thieves
and the big library
will discover little poems
there is always violence
and clean elaboration of such.
What? What?
You want to ask what?
Unjust equation night is night
closes on a simple thing
recurrent in the kneeling air
collapse of particulars say leaf say drip
what is required is attached at the outer rim
we in our love
also indicted
because the frame extends only so far
then around a corner then descent
gradual glide into viscous air.
Up again? Is this another never,
another cell, another impossible procedure, another
X, another unsayable,
thread lifted from a wall
steel arc leaning in the public arena
surface wax
doctrinal silence
huge installation of the instant
hardly any water
eyes of the rat
where there was rain.
Unmanageable clock partition murmur
sincere, sincere what is it you want?
beyond delusion’s skin, the characteristic eye
staring out again
fractured road glossy ravenous with suction
images among graves
apart from what you were saying
the tie looms
contaminated by what is not
sullied by sport
slender hands of the brute
dusting his lapels
unmoved enchantment as myth
unpinned fallen as wound
sojourn of the various ablaze a cloister exhumed
a cradle dumped
darkened then darkened entrance glued to endurance
you had to mention the will
were led away
doorstep forbidden
disestablished strip of the radiant plenum
bare-shouldered, strapless, sky.
Reverence for that dust.
The scale is overwhelming. I
cannot envision this ever getting done.
They took a lot away from us.
World rattles its harness.
Among, within us, too many injuries
as if in caves in mountains in snow. The train
whistled, a thing of air,
and the chorale also ceased.
Night took over even as the moon
came up blushing and round to lead us on.
The philosopher with the poker was in a rage.
Sebald perished in a crash. I looked up
to find the stars rambling across the sky and
that morning the starlings,
the starlings, I have nothing to say about starlings.
The body does not appear; enthusiastically, the guitar strums.
Shoes wander; vertiginous ascent, pathology of disorder
in which nothing is under the overlay
of a high-velocity near. The kids are on their snowmobiles.
I could kill them. I could speak of killing the kids
and not mean it. I could kill the snowmobiles
and ask the kids to look at the copulating
dolls hung from threads
and then at solace.
If form is recurrence, who sighs at the
spoken? Ah ah ah, the anecdotal takes
sunset and moonrise into a regime.
To speak outside the retro-fit of
a target’s eye, blinking, hands waving as the ship pulls out,
empathy like a shadow on an object’s pyre,
the object’s stench
as the crowd presses
to climb the platform, snap the shutter,
watch it burn.
Duration slit open?
Whiplash speed rising over the skull
as an idea, any idea, say a mask,
and the shreds now
catapulting our pleasure
into this
fissure or slit through which the eye
perpetuates its claim
and all it sees is
limitless enunciation, limitless screen,
undone by the actual yet called up by
readiness: cloth, snow, page,
trees at dusk ready to disappear.
The monochrome tugs at its frame.
The news will not assuage, greets
the about-turn reckoned
as victory’s norm
or sample contingent: in wartime,
reporters eat in or at the house of the vanquished.
And then the threshold’s disobedient ink
traces the surprise of reproduction
to an adamant closure:
a child hides in dust.
As appetite subsides
intention is obscure. The blinds buzz.
Bald branches twitch.
Nature casts doubt onto the thing,
its rueful target begets a toy.
Kill! cries the child, practicing,
as the globe
spins into vagrant cosmology.
Coming toward herself
mumbling they would say
the occupied nude
and the wretched antecedent
hair on white linen
the calibrated source
waving as she had waved
a flag or a scarf
and had fainted into dew
the stains of dew.
Once water had carried
the photon crypt
its surplus song
a riot of figuration
because she had come to rest
or was blinded or woke up.
Filtered through the cast of happiness so that
evening has the weight of unconditional assent
beyond the debris
The days are beaut
The days are beautiful.
I know what days are.
The other is weather.
I know what weather is.
The days are beautiful.
Things are incidental.
Someone is weeping.
I weep for the incidental.
The days are beautiful.
Where is tomorrow?
Everyone will weep.
Tomorrow was yesterday.
The days are beautiful.
Tomorrow was yesterday.
Today is weather.
The sound of the weather
is everyone weeping.
Everyone is incidental.
Everyone weeps.
The tears of today
will put out tomorrow.
The rain is ashes.
The days are beautiful.
The rain falls down.
The sound is falling.
The sky is a cloud.
The days are beautiful.
The sky is dust.
The weather is yesterday.
The weather is yesterday.
The sound is weeping.
What is this dust?
The weather is nothing.
The days are beautiful.
The towers are yesterday.
The towers are incidental.
What are these ashes?
Here is the hat
that does not travel.
Here is the robe
that smells of the night.
Here are the words
retired to their books.
Here are the stones
loosed from their settings.
Here is the bridge
over the water.
Here is the place
where the sun came up.
Here is a season
dry in the fireplace.
Here are the ashes.
The days are beautiful.
Guess again at the brown bird’s cue. It is dry.
It is dry again, and so also still dry. So dry
it could be a French repetition, not weather at all.
These filmic follies. These skirmishes/décor
of the flat-chested actress with thin lips.
Enhancement of the singular does not count
or else this is an event among thieves
and the women who belong to the thieves.
So dry, so many, so common. The twilight brown bird.
The accretion of musical numbers. Counting, so.
But garden! Only hymns and slight poems to praise you
to your grave? But garden! We were there, we listened.
Michael had been invited to a convocation. He is
adored in other countries.
Michael! Only hymns and slight poems.
Only counted stones.
But garden!
And yet, in the heady nomenclature of the newly dead
there are forgotten words. Hollyhock, cornflower, foxglove.
I dare you. I dare you to unplant the daisies
under glass. Only white flowers grow. But Michael!
Mais jardin, Angel. Is a season
coming next or easily stranded
with the worried bird?
The brown bird, twilight, the white flame.
Is reason coming? Is this your curtain?
To be so lovingly displayed as Michael’s worth
(lilies, Queen Anne’s lace)
with the night-eyed ghost.
Planted these. Is it your garden?
Stone arch, bed, broken root.
Is it your garden? Your twilight?
The roses were stolen from China, with tea.
in memory of Margaret Schaffer
The dream modifies not you but your hand
across the anomaly
between question and answer
neither to say nor to write betrayals.
But the end of day is
also unsayable, and so
I think
this is not funny, or I do not find it funny, and
you may wonder what this or it might be.
To come upon the bird at its bath.
To say
I love you
to find or think I love you
where you and I are not here
in the way the bird is not here and cannot know this love.
So we inscribe that which is
she was weeping
at what made
father and mother? Those?
I said these words
but which body?
The world’s voices?
Plural wandering a thief has stolen files
along with the headset
another synecdoche one thing stands for another or for all
the deer’s antlers
painted as branches the black painting the violent colors “sunset”
mythic proportions so that we can say Icarus
or tell of the lover or tell of the tower or tell of the father
fires sending smoke to our sun
plural wandering
as if the stones might know
how the brow of the hill
the bedrock
cropping out from vintage grass like a head
a fossil of
To be on the ship to have been on the island
to encounter the island
to suggest the island
a conceptual accident a version no more than a version
of sunset.
And so we come across the credentials of the moon.
An insubstantial but visible more
its augmented sum
another guide or force
the difference between a guide and a force might be
between science and myth
or a teacher and wind.
I am thinking this after Garrett came on his motorcycle
and headed back down to the city toward the end of day
I had said if we omit the subject
and speak only the language of form
if the girl painting knows paint
and the boy writing knows words
but she has nothing to paint and he has nothing to say
how can meaning be made?
Form is responsive to subject
or subject to form
when they merge, content is made, content
is the merger of subject with form.
If subject remains only subject
if form is only form
there is no content, and no meaning
can come to those who look
or those who listen or to those who read.
These are necessary attachments.
to Garrett Kalleberg
Not the law
abiding here, embodied, decorative
end-papers resembling Jackson Pollock’s Painting No. 2 but
unfinished, pausing on the trek up the mountain for honey
an error on the dial and so
the person who no longer kisses on the mouth
the reason for that
visitor, as we are, moving through
but not wind
astonished at
wild fire this is an image of direction
so the songs go and so
some ashes on paper, the sun
yellowish on its way down it has no sound the heat
abating is local
without spectacle
but the roads
but the roads are cool
traversing the expectant
one has witnessed it
it and other its all those
licensed to
from what speaks to what is the homily endorsed and heat
in the home stretch unmitigated by lost immunity
and the also lost injuncti
on to protest
on the day reserved for protests, yesterday,
in the thrall of June
when we waited for the call,
words easily assayed in the forgiven, by way
of local trade: I love you, I love you too
as if this were a fact with the consequences of fact
where one might quote Arendt, her dissertation on Augustine,
By desiring and depending on things ‘outside myself,’ that is, on the very
things I am
not, I lose the unity that holds me together by virtue of which I can say ‘I am.’
Or one of the texts garnered from the ancients,
something from Thomas, the disciple whose gospel was lost,
who wanted to put his finger in the Wound, who
pulled the beam from water.
Jesus said: If you bring forth that which is within yourselves,
That which you have will save you.
If you do not have that within yourselves,
That which you do not have within you will kill you.
When I was young I began to draw.
This was after the incomprehensible occurred.
A drawing of a creature with enflamed wings. I believed it could fly.
Pulled against a gaudy predicament gaudy a lance or trap
up from the sequel not to point exactly but give direction from the underworld
gaudy an appraisal from above looking down at oceans lit or at her great ring on its envy finger
“predicament” as was being said before the talk after the ease coming up against this
maw of shine, abundant also in a direction
where you could say form is what repeats itself
or what inhabits the sign of its meaning
predictable, yes, the graveyard only a stone’s throw from my throat
glad to be smiled upon even by those
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