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Menace Page 4

by Laramie Briscoe

  When they put his little body into my shaking hands, he looked up at me, eyes wide, nose scrunched and I lost my heart to him in that moment. I knew without a doubt, at sixteen-years-old I would do whatever it took to make this boy of mine a success. It’s been a hard eighteen years. We’ve faced struggles that neither of us were prepared for, crazy days of happiness, and lows that took us to the depths of anything we’d ever gone through. We’ve persevered, though, and I’ve done it all without Maggie’s help. Together we’ve been a unit that no one could break, and in the summer that’s exactly what’s going to happen. He’s going to leave and start a whole new life without me. Which means it’s time for me to figure out what I’m going to do with mine for the next thirty years.

  “What did that box of cereal do to you?”

  Surprised, I turn around, seeing Caleb come through the garage door of our house. “I thought you were working tonight.”

  “Super slow.” He leans into the fridge and grabs out one of the already-made salads I bought at the store. “Like literally in the two hours I was there, I waited a total of two tables. We called Ernie and he told us to go ahead and close for the night. Too cold.” He shrugs off his hoodie, before opening a bottle of salad dressing, pouring some on, and then closes the lid on the salad. I watch as he shakes it around, something he’s done since he started eating them, a smile ghosting across my face, before he sets it down, pops the container, and starts to chow down. Probably what I’m going to miss the most are the little quirks that are his, the ones that are familiar. Like the way he leaves his shoes at the front door, just slightly in the way so I trip over them at least twice a day. The way he will use the last of the shampoo and not tell me, but let me find out by grabbing the bottle and it being empty.

  Empty-nest syndrome will hit me like a ton of bricks. That’s one thing I can say for certain. I already know it, can already feel it.

  “Hungry? I haven’t eaten yet, I could cook.”

  He picks up the cell phone, flipping it over to check the time. “Nah, fix whatever you want. This’ll be good for me. I don’t need to eat again until tomorrow morning; this’ll be my last meal. I didn’t train today.”

  If there’s one thing this kid is serious about, it’s his training, and I thought he went right after school. “Did they cancel it?”

  Caleb keeps his gaze on the food in front of him as he shakes his head. “Nah, I took Jess home, she didn’t have a ride and missed the bus.”

  Two major things have happened to my son since Christmas. I bought him a truck, it isn’t much but it gets him from point a to point b without me having worry about how he’s getting there, and Jess. Jess kinda took me by surprise, but she’s a senior heading to Ole Miss on a cheerleading scholarship the same time he leaves. The way his cheeks tinge pink, I wonder if taking her home is all he did.

  “Took her home, huh? Shoulda left you at least an hour to get some training in.” I mentally calculate the time in my head.

  I can’t help giving him shit. Hell, if he followed in my footsteps, I’d already be a grandfather. Every day I thank God he has more sense than I ever did.

  “We just hung out.” He shrugs, working really hard to swallow the bite of food he’s taken.

  Giving him a look, I can’t help the grin that tugs on my lips. “Yeah, I’m sure you just hung out. You’re so full of shit.”

  He sighs, refusing to meet my eyes. “Dad, she’s hot and she likes me. It’s nothing serious, we’re both leaving in a few months.”

  “Just be smart about it.” I open the fridge and grab out the other salad, doing the same thing Caleb did to get mine ready to eat.

  “No kids until I got a ring on this finger.” He holds up his ring finger, wagging it at me.

  “Definitely, kiddo, make sure the girl makes an honest man out of you first.”

  Together we look at each other, smiles playing on both of our faces as we start laughing loudly. Damn, I’m gonna miss these moments when he moves away.



  One more class to go. That’s what I keep telling myself as this day drags on, longer and longer. I’ve been hit on by two men and one woman already, thanks to the parents coming in to tell us about their jobs. It’s all for the good of the kids. My mantra since this day started. They need the real-world experience that I hadn’t had. I want this for them, so I’ll make the best of whatever else we have coming our way today.

  I just made an escape to the restroom, to wash my hands after one overzealous father shook it so hard, he left his sweat on me. Not one of the finer moments of my life. That’s for damn sure. Typically, I’m speaking to students as I walk through the halls, but today, I just want to get this over with, go home, and indulge in an entire bottle of wine.

  “Hey, Ms. Holland, my dad’s here, is it okay if I go get him?” Caleb asks as I pass him in the hallway heading for our room.

  Checking my watch, I see the bell is about to ring, but give him the permission he’s seeking. “Sure, just make it quick. We’re anxious to see what he’s got for us.”

  Caleb gives me a salute and heads toward the office. I steel my reserves and head for my classroom. One more class to go.

  * * *

  I feel it the second he steps over the threshold. The hair on the back of my neck stands and I feel goosebumps along my forearms. The awareness in my body, the spark that ignited between us is still there. Even after me trying to ignore it since we found it. Chances are I’ll always feel this spark, I will forever know when he’s entered a room I’m in. I sit up straight from the slouch I had been in, as every part of my femininity stands at attention.

  “Ms. Holland, this is my dad.” Caleb brings him over to my desk, and I know before I look up who this is. I just know. And then our eyes meet, and I’m taken back to that night. His dark eyes clash with mine, and it’s like he’s stripped me naked in front of my classroom.

  “Mason.” He sticks out his hand for me to shake it, which is the very last thing I want to do. I want him to devour me, show me everything he showed me in the backseat of his Jeep. Screw this class I’m supposed to pay attention to. All I want to do is pay attention to the two of us.

  I clear my throat, because I’m finding it a little hard to concentrate. “Karina,” I answer back as I finally do shake the hand outstretched to me.

  For longer than I care to admit, we stare at one another. “Class, please welcome Caleb’s dad and listen as he speaks about what he does all day.”

  I watch as Mason waves to the class and every girl in the room eyes him like a piece of meat. Never mind that he’s too old for every single one of them. A part of me wants to tell them to back off, I’ve had this man, and he’s way too much for any of them.

  “Hi, I’m Officer Mason Harrison with the Laurel Springs Police Department, and I’m also known as Menace with the Moonshine Task Force.”

  Fuck me, this guy is a cop. No wonder his body is to die for and he made me open up so easily on our date. I wish I could tell you that I paid attention to everything he said in the next forty-five minutes, but the truth is I don’t. I just listen to his voice, watch his amazing ass, and try to figure out how to tell him I want to see him again. Every excuse I’ve given myself is now out the window. Now that I’ve had a chance to see him, touch him, and look into those amazing eyes of his again. I’m done running, done hiding. I want it all.

  When the bell rings, I don’t even bother to dismiss the class, all I want for them to do is get out so I can be alone with him. Part of me is excited, and part of me is scared when that exact scenario presents itself to us.


  The bell rings, and with it being the last class of the day, they file out quickly. Caleb doesn’t speak to me, but he gives me a wave. These days I know where he’s going. Straight to The Café, and then he’ll hit the gym by himself. Conditioning will be important for him when he gets to Tuscaloosa, even if it is mid-January right now. There’s a slim possibility he�
�ll give Jess a ride home, but I try not to think about that. The aftermath of them filing out leaves me alone with Karina Holland, star of every dream I’ve had since the date we went out on.

  The door shuts and the two of us lock eyes. The tension and chemistry is enough to explode the entire school, much less this room. From where I stand, I can see her pulse throbbing at her neck. Her tongue swipes against her upper lip in a full lick before pulling the bottom one between her teeth. Her eyes break from mine, traveling down my chest, stopping at my hand, zeroing in on my fingers.

  Oh Karina, I know exactly what you’re remembering, and with the electricity literally popping between us, I know how you feel.

  A smile spreads across my face, as I hold up one of the fingers she’s staring at so hard. Many of the guys say I have no swagger, cause I’m older than they are, because I’ve been out of the game longer than they have, but they have another thing coming. I’ve got a lot of alphaness that’s built up over my years of being alone, I’m nothing if not a hardass. Strutting over to the classroom door, I shut it, flipping the lock and closing the blinds.

  “What are you doing, Mason?” The question is breathless. With anticipation? Maybe. Or remembrance of how we heated up the backseat of my Jeep. It doesn’t matter to me, all that matters is I get a chance to make her miss me. To show her again what the two of us shared.

  Not uttering a word, I advance on her. When I get to within arm’s reach, I stop. Lifting an eyebrow, the permission I ask her for is silent. She’s given plenty of time to walk away, but she doesn’t. That’s when I invite myself to get all up in her business.

  Pushing her against the desk, I shove my thigh between hers, propping her up against the edge, barely taking her feet off the floor. Leaning in, I plant my hands on the wood, surrounding her with my body. My lips next to her ear, in this position; I tilt my neck and speak softly.

  “Is there a reason you didn’t return my calls, Karina? Why you didn’t answer my texts? Why you all but ran from me in the goddamn grocery store two days ago?”

  Her breath is hot against my neck. I can feel it coming in short pants against my skin. Can almost feel her arousal through the way her mouth opens, then closes, opens again as she gusts a breath against my flesh.

  “I…I…I don’t know,” she stutters.

  Taking my left hand off the desk, I pull back slightly so I can see her face. With my middle and index finger extended and the rest tucked into my palm, I run them against her lips, barely pressing on the moist flesh. Without much prompting she sucks, taking them up to the first knuckle. When I attempt to extricate them, she sucks harder.

  “You like to try my patience.” My voice is deep as I take my other hand off the desk, reaching up to her jaw. Softly I exert pressure, getting her to lessen the force enough so I can withdraw.

  “Mmmm,” she moans at the loss, chasing me as I pull away.

  “Now tell me why you didn’t return my attempts to get in touch with you.”

  She closes her eyes, leaning her head back on her shoulders. Taking the two fingers she slickened for me, I sneak my hand up the skirt she’s wearing, bypass her lace panties, and thrust them into the heat I remember. She sighs heavily, bringing her head back up straight, before leaning it on my shoulder.

  “Why?” I question again, going after her pleasure, knowing I don’t have much time. Wanting her to feel everything we did that night.

  “This scared me.” She grips my ass in her hands, pulling my body close as she thrusts against my invasion.

  “Me?” I take hold of the opening she left at her neck, pushing my lips against the tendons, working the skin with my lips.

  “The way you–,” she shoves against my fingers, chasing them when I withdraw again, breathing hard, twisting her hips, “–the way you, make me–” she opens her mouth, whining when I press in, then withdraw, anchoring her body with the weight of mine, not letting up with my teeth and tongue. “The way you make me feel,” she finally rushes out in a tumble of words and breath, jumbled up as she thrusts hard against my fingers.

  Lifting my mouth up from her neck, I grasp her earlobe between my teeth, nipping as I add my thumb to the mix down below. She’s shoving against my fingers, trying to get purchase on her heels, but I’m still holding her just out of reach. “How do I make you feel?” I let my free hand drift up from her neck, grasping her hair tightly in my fist, positioning her how I want her.

  “Out. Of. Control.” She squirms against my ministrations. “Hot. Sexy. Horny,” she finishes, kicking the heels off, planting her ass completely on the desk, and wrapping her legs around my waist as tightly as our position allows.

  “Lose control for me then, Wild Girl, show me.” I open my mouth against her neck, sucking harshly, as I feel her tighten around my fingers.

  “Mason.” She grabs hold of my shirt. “Don’t stop, please don’t stop.”

  The cramp in my forearm tells me I should, but I don’t listen. I started this and now I’ll finish it.

  “Yes!” She pitches herself against my body, and I feel her let go against me.

  This woman will never be able to fake an orgasm. Never. When she comes, her whole body is into it, and it leaves me with a big smile on my face. She’s panting as I withdraw my fingers from her pussy and then attempt to straighten her out.

  She reaches down to the erection tenting my tactical pants. Grabbing both her hands in one of mine, I stop her from making contact.

  “While I’d love for you to reciprocate, Rina, I gotta get back to work.”

  Her dark eyes are bright with desire as she gives me a steamy smile. “You sure?”

  I give her a wink before shoving the fingers I had inside her into my own mouth, making a presentation of licking them clean. My voice is raw when I answer. “Not what I wanna do, but I’ll go back with your scent in my nose and your taste on my tongue. Maybe I’ll see you tonight? Ya know, if you answer my call or text?”

  She’s still sitting on the desk when I get to the door, unlock it, and adjust my pants before I exit. I can see her reflection in the glass.


  “Yeah?” I turn around.

  “Text me again. This time I’ll answer.”

  Nodding, I smirk as I leave. Damn right she will.



  I’m on my second glass of wine tonight, and my mind is still completely blown that Mason is Caleb Harrison’s dad. I’m also still trying to recover from the way I orgasmed in my classroom. This man makes me do things I could lose my job over, but that fear pales in comparison to the way he makes me feel. Dear God, my face gets red as I think about it, body heats up as I relive it. I’m five minutes into the best daydream I’ve ever had when my phone rings. Glancing at the caller ID, I see that it’s my mom.

  “Hey Mom,” I answer, sitting up straight and setting my wine over to the side. I’m doing my best to appear like I’m not half-way tipsy, but I’m not sure how well it’s working.

  “Hey,” she answers, and I can hear the smile in her voice. “How’s it going down south? We miss you.”

  I know she does. Every time she calls me, she doesn’t necessarily lay on a guilt trip, but she lets me know how much they miss me at home. I haven’t yet told her Philly doesn’t feel like home anymore or that I’m happier in Laurel Springs than I ever was there. “It’s going good. My students are getting restless, they’re itching to graduate.” I try to keep the topics we discuss safe. No way I can tell her what happened in my classroom today.

  “Ready to get away from home, huh?”

  Her words are met with my sigh. “Mom, I’m happy here. I know I’m far away, and I know that worries you, but I’m making friends and a new life here. I love it, even if it’s not where you think I should be.”

  The disapproval is coming through the phone line, feeling like a boulder between us because of her judgement. “I just don’t want you to forget you have a family here.”

  I’m glad she ca
n’t see my eye roll. “I’m not going to forget it, just please respect the fact that I have a new life here. I’m happy in Alabama.”

  The strained silence on the line is one of the reasons I left in the first place, but I can’t tell her that. Just as I’m about to make my excuses and get off the phone call, she talks.

  “Karina, there’s something I need to tell you. I don’t even know if you care anymore, but I feel like you need to know.”

  “Just spit it out, whatever it is, I’ll deal with it.”

  She struggles, I can tell because it takes her longer than normal to lay whatever boom this is down on me. “Braxton and Sofie are getting married.”

  Those names are my ex-fiancé and my ex-best friend. I knew it had to do with them by the way she was beating around the bush. “Good for them.” I let out a breath I hadn’t been aware I was holding.

  “This has to hurt, Karina.” She keeps talking, but I stop listening.

  In actuality, the pain I’d always assumed would be there when I found out this news isn’t there. If they found love and they were able to keep it going, good on them. Not everyone can find someone to make them happy, and not everyone can make a commitment. I just hope Braxton doesn’t do to her what he did to me. Either way, that’s none of my business now.

  “Are you okay, Karina?”

  “I’m great, I’m happy for them. Mom, I’ve moved on.”

  “Have you met someone?”

  Right now I’m not sure what Mason and I are, so I don’t really want to talk about it with her. “It’s very new, Mom. If it gets serious, I’ll introduce you.”

  “I just want you to be happy.”

  “Mom, I am happy.” And I realize I am. Back when I’d first moved here, I wasn’t. The way I’d run had been a form of self-preservation, but now I’m in a place I love, teaching kids I love, and nothing else could be better.


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