The Bucklin Wolves Next Generation: Revelations

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The Bucklin Wolves Next Generation: Revelations Page 5

by Jessica Ryan

  “You lie!” Rowan boomed, rushing forward. Seth put his hands up to defend himself but Rowan went low, punching Seth in the stomach with all his might. Seth tried to throw Rowan off of him, but his older brother was bigger and stronger. Instead, Rowan’s fist slammed into Seth’s mouth, bringing the familiar taste of blood. He collapsed to one knee as Rowan stood before him.

  “Please, brother,” Seth said, his eyes on the ground as he sat on one knee. “Please, just listen to reason.”

  “Liar!” Rowan screamed, rushing forward to deliver a final knee to Seth’s face, which was in the perfect position for the killing blow.

  But Seth reacted this time, preparing to defend himself. He nimbly dodged back and spun, sweeping his other leg around. It caught Rowan’s foot right on the heel, sending it into the air and Rowan flat onto his back. Seth used all of his quickness to flip forward, springing into the air and coming down with his knees on Rowan’s stomach, driving the air out of his older brother.

  Seth rolled away as Rowan tried to collect himself from the sudden assault. “Please, Rowan. If you doubt me, then ask Aster! He knows the whole truth. I’m sorry to come to you like this, but it’s the truth. I’m your half-brother. Luke had me several years after you were born.”

  “If you’re my own brother, then why have I never met you?” Rowan asked, struggling to his feet. Seth’s blow would have crushed the ribs of a lesser man, but for Rowan it was just a nasty cramp that he could shake off.

  “Luke didn’t want anyone to know about his shame. He disavowed all knowledge of me. William of the Red Moon pack counseled me and provided my mother with the means to raise me.”

  “William?” Rowan asked, laughing sarcastically. “So you come to me with lies straight from the sire of the Blood Moon dogs?”

  “Red Moon,” Seth corrected him. “William isn’t like his son, Rowan.”

  “Which one of his sons?” Rowan asked. “Crow or you? You’re just as treacherous as your brother.”

  Shit, Seth thought. He thinks I’m another one of the Red Moon’s plots.

  “Please listen to reason,” Seth said. “I’m the alpha of Bucklin now. We’re in danger. You’re in danger.”

  “They don’t mean us any harm, Rowan,” a female’s voice said from behind Seth. He spun around to find a human female wearing nothing but a bathrobe and a pair of tennis shoes walking up with Maribel. The human female held a shotgun in her hand, but it was pointed at the ground like there was no threat.

  Rowan growled at Maribel as she walked up and Seth turned back towards him with venom in his voice. “I am not acting unkindly toward your mate, brother. I suggest you don’t growl at mine.”

  He turned back to Maribel, who hadn’t even reacted to his comment about her being his mate. She was looking at the ground with her mouth hanging open. It was obvious she was overwhelmed by the situation–it just wasn’t something human females normally had to deal with. Meanwhile Eva was acting like this was just another day at the office.

  She was quite stunning. Her breasts were full and perky, hidden just behind her robe, which did nothing to conceal the long, thick legs that protruded from underneath. Her blonde hair was short, but kept well for someone who had obviously been sleeping. She was beautiful and he could see why Rowan had lusted after her so hard and had eventually claimed her. Of course, she didn’t hold a candle to Maribel in Seth’s eyes.

  “What are you talking about?” Rowan asked, finally breaking his string of grunts and growls. “Who the hell is this woman?”

  “Her name is Maribel,” Eva said. “And she’s with Seth over here. They’ve come to talk to you.”

  “You were supposed to capture her,” Rowan spat.

  “She’s here, babe,” Eva said, making a sweeping motion toward Maribel. “And she’s not going anywhere. But she’s a very sweet and very scared girl, so drop the tough guy act.”

  “You learned all of that from talking to her for two minutes?” Rowan asked.

  “Call it woman’s intuition if you want, babe. She’s cool.”

  “And what about this liar, here?” Rowan asked, pointing at Seth.

  Seth was between the women and Rowan. He had to turn back to his half-brother to speak to him, effectively putting his back to the shotgun. “Stop calling me a liar. Take in my scent, look me over, do whatever you need to do. Your wolf will know I’m not lying.”

  “Shift,” Rowan said.

  “We’re not fighting again,” Seth said.

  “Not yet,” Rowan said. “Now shift if you want me to trust you.”

  Seth wasn’t sure what was about to happen. He hadn’t spent a lot of time around wild shifters and Rowan was one of the baddest. Still, it had only been two years since he had shifted to a wild lifestyle—and judging by the construction that was underway, he was melding the best of both worlds into one. He wasn’t a true wild shifter; he didn’t even have a den.

  Seth complied with his wishes nonetheless. He quickly shifted into his monstrous wolf form. He had thought Rowan was big earlier, but as he stared at his brother he realized that in wolf form they stood eye to eye. He wasn’t sure how big of a shadow he cast over his half-brother, but he couldn’t have been too much smaller. Rowan was the true heir to the Bucklin throne, but in pure strength Seth was finding himself right up there with him. This was a pleasant surprise and one that invigorated him even more to lead his people.

  Rowan moved around Seth, sniffing every inch of his body. He glanced back at Maribel, who had the strangest expression on her face, like she was watching something she wasn’t meant to. Eva wasn’t fazed at all by what was happening; she just leaned on the shotgun like it was a cane and looked bored.

  Seth’s wolf was bristling at this intrusion and the hair all over his body was standing up, but he remained in control of the beast as Rowan slowly and methodically did what he had to do to vet his half-brother and make sure he was who he’d said he was.

  Finally Rowan stepped away and gave a low growl before shifting. “The stink of William is all over you, as is the stink of another that I can’t recognize. But I still found your true scent.” He bowed his head for a second before looking back up with sadness in his eyes. “You are my brother, and my father… well, he’s not the man I thought he was.”

  Seth quickly shifted and tried to stop Rowan, but he was already too upset. He pushed Seth away and began to walk towards the trailer with his head down, leaving Seth and the two women standing in the field alone.

  Seth shrugged his shoulders and tried to call out to Rowan, but he kept walking. Finally he turned back to Eva. “What’s his deal? I need to talk to him.”

  “Down, boy” Eva said, drawing a surprised expression from Maribel. “You just destroyed the image he had of his hero.”

  “I didn’t destroy anything,” Seth protested. “Luke is still the man he thought he was. He was an alpha wolf. He still had some of the old ways in him.”

  “You mean whoring and fathering bastards?” Eva asked. “I supposed that’s what an alpha does, if Aster was any indication before he got Leena back.”

  Maribel looked up at Seth and he knew exactly what she was thinking. No, babe, he thought, like he was communicating to her telepathically. I’m nothing like them.

  “It kind of shatters my image of wolves,” Eva said. “Rowan always assured me they were more loyal than any man would ever be.”

  “Most of them are,” Seth said, growing exasperated with the conversation. He hadn’t shown up here to answer for every alpha before him needing to get their dicks wet. “But Rowan’s not and I sure as hell am not.”

  “And you’re an alpha?” Eva asked.

  “Who do you think took over Bucklin after you guys abandoned it?” Seth asked.

  “Good to know,” Eva said. She was quite the bold human. He had never met one who wanted to stand up and challenge him like this. He was sure Eva wouldn’t have been afraid to try, but she would’ve eventually cowed, like all other humans. “Just give him som
e time. Why don’t you put some pants on and come inside with me?”

  Seth turned to see Rowan. If he was going inside, maybe he would overhear Seth explaining things to Eva. Instead he had changed directions and headed for the half-constructed house.

  “No,” Seth said. “You girls go on ahead. I’m going to go talk to my brother.”

  Chapter 7

  “Sorry about the shotgun,” Eva said as Maribel settled down at the kitchen table. “You can never be too careful out here so far removed from civilization. Normal girls like you and me don’t have big fangs or claws to protect us out here.”

  “It’s okay,” Maribel said. “I probably would have done the same. Although gun accidents go up eighty-three percent when you cock the gun. I’m just glad we didn’t become another statistic.”

  “That’s an interesting number,” Eva said, setting a cup of hot tea down in front of Maribel. “How do you know that?”

  “I know a lot of numbers,” Maribel said. “It’s my job.”

  “Yeah, you tried to go into that before we decided to stop the boys from killing each other,” Eva said, sitting down next to Maribel. “Tell me what’s going on.”

  “Well, I can only tell as much as I know,” she said. “I work loss assessment for Sokolov Enterprises. It’s a multi-national conglomerate run by one of the world’s most powerful vampires. He sent me here along with a co-worker and a private security force to broker a deal with Seth and the Bucklin wolves. We did that, and soon we’ll be building a casino and hotel in Bucklin.”

  Eva made a face like she had just smelled something terrible. “Things aren’t going so hot in Bucklin?”

  “The town is broke,” Maribel said. “The wolves there are going to be out on their asses if they don’t do something about it. There’s so many abandoned houses and buildings. The economy is down seventy-eight percent in Bucklin. You took fifty-two percent of the town’s population with you. Another sixteen percent have abandoned the town over the last two years and the number grows every day.”

  “Bucklin was a beautiful place,” Eva said, taking a sip of her tea and looking out the window with a faraway look in her eyes. “It was like I had been transported to post-war America. Everyone was so full of hope, so perfect.” She leaned back and shook her head with a heavy sigh. “Of course there was a dark underbelly to that place, one the tourists never saw. But overall it was a great place. I can’t believe it’s in such bad shape.”

  “It’s the perfect acquisition for Sokolov Enterprises,” Maribel said. “It’s out of the way, but beautiful. It makes a perfect tourist destination and with the population so low there will be plenty of space available to build other businesses and allow more people to move in.”

  “Where are you going to find that many wolves to move into Bucklin?” Eva asked.

  “Well, that’s just it,” Maribel said, pausing for a second. If Rowan really was the attacker, then Eva could very well be in on it. She might fly off the handle when Maribel admitted what they were doing in Bucklin. She would have to take her chances. “The town is being opened to humans.”

  “Really?” Eva seemed genuinely surprised. “Why would Seth agree to something like that?”

  “I’m not entirely sure. I think the era of the Bucklin wolves is over. It’s time for Bucklin to just be another place on the map. Another city for a weary man to hang his hat in.”

  “And Seth is in charge of all of this?” Eva asked.

  “He’s the alpha,” Maribel said. “The final call was his and he signed all the papers.”

  “Then why are you all the way out here?” Eva asked.

  “Well,” Maribel said, rubbing the back of her neck and trying not to make eye contact. “Funny story there.”

  Eva leaned forward and put her hand on Maribel’s. “You can tell me, girl. Just let it out.”

  “A wolf attacked the security team two nights ago. The mercenary leader, Jacko, is convinced it was Rowan. He sent Seth to find out. They sent me to analyze the risk and see what I think.”

  Eva leaned back in her chair and whistled while shaking her head. Maribel knew Eva would defend her mate, but thus far she didn’t see anything that would indicate Rowan would even have an interest in Bucklin. He seemed to be pretty busy out here building his own home.

  “And why would they think Rowan would do something like that?”

  “Jacko is convinced. He thinks Rowan is feeling territorial over Bucklin and he wants to stop anyone from changing it.”

  “What do you think?” Eva asked.

  “Honestly? I don’t think it was Rowan. You guys seem pretty content here, and you have your own project going. Plus it’s such a long way from here to Bucklin. I don’t see why Rowan would make a trip like that just to kill one security team member. I think Jacko is barking up the wrong tree.”

  “Of course he is,” Eva said with a confident smile. “My man has no attachment to that place anymore. It’s just us.” She reached down and rubbed her stomach. “Us and one more, actually.”

  “Are you serious?” Maribel asked. “Congratulations.”

  “Yes,” Eva said, nodding her head. “This will be our first. It’s odd for someone to be with a wolf so long without bringing some pups into the world, but we’ve decided to take it slow.”

  “I understand that.”

  “What about you?” Eva asked.

  “What about me what?”

  “Have you thought about when you and Seth will have your own little brood?”

  Maribel felt a wave of panic rushing over her as she realized what Eva was asking. How could she get such an idea? “What? Not yet. I mean no. I mean we’re not… we’re not together.”

  “Really?” Eva asked. “Seth called you his mate out there.”

  He did do that, Maribel realized. She had been so shocked by the sight of two naked men wrestling on the ground that she had almost completely tuned out what was going on. Now here it was, thrown back into her face. “He wishes I was.” That sounded cocky. “I mean, there was something there. We made out and all, but I have a career to focus on and I told him that.”

  Eva was smiling from ear to ear as she watched Maribel’s face. She pointed her finger at Maribel and began to scratch the air with it as she crinkled her nose and spoke in a high-pitched voice. “You lie, little girl.”

  “I what?” Maribel asked. “I told you the truth. I told Seth there could be nothing between us.”

  “Your words may say that, but your face says something else. You’re one hundred percent smitten with Seth, you just don’t want to admit it.”

  “No,” Maribel protested, shaking her head furiously. But who the hell was she kidding? Eva had had her pegged the moment she saw her. “Well, maybe. It’s just, well, it just doesn’t seem feasible right now.”

  “That’s what I thought,” Eva said. “I had another life—a rich life. My father was a powerful man and he wanted me back. But you know what? I could never give Rowan up.”

  “That’s sweet.”

  “You’ll never be able to give Seth up, either. Trust me.”

  “I have to,” Maribel said, trying to convince herself just as much as Eva.

  “Yeah, I said that too,” Eva said, laughing and shaking her head. “Once those wolves bully their way into your heart, well, I’m sorry to say—they don’t go away.”

  The door swung open, thankfully saving Maribel from the most uncomfortable conversation of her life. In strode Rowan and Seth, both still as naked as the day they were born. Thankfully they hadn’t killed one another out there while they were talking, but neither of them looked very happy.

  Whatever, Maribel thought. At least I don’t have to hear about how hopeless my situation is anymore. God, Seth’s body looks good. He’s more cut than Rowan is and his cock looks thicker. What I wouldn’t give to….

  She shook her head and took a sip of tea, trying to banish the impure thoughts from her head as Seth looked down at her and grinned. He always seemed like he w
as in on something that she wasn’t when he smiled at her like that. Maybe he was—her body was betraying her to him again. She could barely move her legs without feeling the wetness between them.

  “Get a little sleep,” Rowan said. “Tomorrow we leave for Bucklin. We’ll travel all night and all day if we have to. We won’t stop until we’re there.”

  “Why are we going to Bucklin?” Eva asked.

  “I need to clear my name,” Rowan said. “And teach this Jacko a little lesson in respect.”

  “Don’t go and get yourself killed,” Eva scolded. “You’re going to be a father.”

  “I’m not going to do any of that,” Rowan said. “But I want to give this guy a piece of my mind. William needs a piece of it, too. I won’t be pegged as a troublemaker who needs to be eliminated. Nobody is going to smack me around except my mate!”

  Seth looked down and smiled at Maribel. He was going to clear his brother’s name after all, and hopefully he would be able to wipe that creepy smile off Jacko’s face.

  Chapter 8

  Seth found himself settling down in a tiny bed next to Maribel. He could barely fit in the bed by himself, but now he had another person to contend with for space—luckily it was the most beautiful woman on the planet.

  Eva had apologized profusely several times, telling them that she had no other beds and this was all they had in their guest bedroom. Judging by the thick layer of dust on everything and the cobwebs in the corners, they didn’t entertain too many guests—or even think about the room, for that matter.

  To his surprise Maribel had told them the room was perfectly fine and would suit their purposes. He was shocked, but was totally onboard with the idea of cuddling up next to his sexy little mathematician.

  As they lay there, with her backside pressed firmly against him, he considered asking her what the statistical probability of their having sex was when they were stuck in such a precarious position. Maybe she would answer—or maybe she would be offended. He had no idea, but he wanted to find out. At the same time he didn’t want to offend poor Maribel. She hadn’t asked for this situation, but here she was.


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