Muse Unexpected

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Muse Unexpected Page 24

by V. C. Birlidis

  “Don’t insult Tammy. Miranda is worse than a Harpy. Get the Furies in here, I have a job for them,” Sophie said, throwing on her sandals.

  “What are you going to do?” Angela said.

  “As per the skank, we have breakfast in ten minutes. Can’t be late for breakfast.”

  “I meant about Bennett,” Angela said. “You know he didn’t do it. She’s playing mind games.”

  “Let me say this,” Sophie began. “I find it strange that out of all of the Muses, literally thousands that Georgia could pick, she picks Miranda.”

  “That would be just like her.”

  “My mother warned me about Georgia’s motives a long time ago. I’m sure she has some sort of plan on who she thinks I should be mated with.” Sophie grabbed her hairbrush off her dresser and brushed out her hair. As her emotions rushed through her mind and heart, Sophie could feel an even larger tear in Georgia’s spell.

  I can’t think about it now. Now I’m pissed.

  “And Bennett?”

  “I’ll give him every opportunity to mention kissing the Gone with the Wind slut. If the Minotaur thinks I’m a fool, he’s got a surprise coming to him.”

  “Why don’t you just ask him?” Angela asked. “If you ask him about it—”

  “And have me look like the desperate girlfriend? So not going to happen. I am, after all, my mother’s daughter.”

  Sophie’s bedroom door crashed open as the three Furies walked in with some eagerness.

  “May we?” Bonnie asked, but frowned knowing the answer already as the three woman followed Angela and Sophie down the hall.

  Chapter 33

  Sophie walked into the ballroom, grateful to be Fury-less, to find Callie smiling at her.

  “Want to skip rehearsal and have some quality time with your mother?”

  “I love you.” Sophie exclaimed. “If I have to curtsy one more time, I’ll scream.”

  The two women returned to Sophie’s room and sat next to each other on her bed.

  “I’m sorry I haven’t had a lot of time to spend with you.”

  “It’s okay, Mom. Angela and I kept ourselves from going crazy.”

  “I like her,” Callie said. “You know, I used to have a good friend. We were about as close as you and Angela are. She even served as my second for my introduction ceremony, just like Angela will do for you. The fun we had. So many nights of long conversations. It was a shame.”

  “What happened to her?”

  “Well,” Callie said, standing up and examining the dress Sophie planned on wearing. “Your father happened. I fell in love and all of my attentions were focused on him. It didn’t sit well with her. I also began to suspect there was more to her than meets the eye. Nasty accidents were happening and I suspected she might be behind it.”

  “Kind of like what is happening in the village, the things no one will talk about?”

  “No, they weren’t that bad. Even though someone got hurt, the accidents were childish pranks and I kept pushing the thought out of my mind that my friend was responsible. I loved her like a sister and I felt sorry for her because she wasn’t a Muse. She had a diluted Demigod family heritage. I believed she was some sort of Siren. The only thing she had was the whole social status of being the best friend to the daughter of the Vasilikós leader. But then, the incident happened.”

  “Incident?” Sophie asked.

  “Winnie’s husband died under mysterious circumstances and an investigation was launched. It involved all Nine Vasilikós and a body of independent Demigods. All facts pointed to my friend and she was exiled to the edge of the Underworld. It became clear she was insane and not what she'd always appeared to be. She was a goddess in Demigod clothing. Her real name was Pandora.”


  “Remember the myth I told you about the girl made out of clay? This kind of demonstrates how vicious the gods were. They created this girl out of clay and made her so beautiful nobody could resist her. But inside she was ugly. She was a liar, a manipulator and I’m guessing today they would have called her a sociopath. She was to be the ultimate mortal punishment. They gave her a beautiful box but told her she could never open it. Well, telling Pandora not to do something was like telling a two year old not to touch a hot stove. So, she opened the box and let out creatures that continue to plague Man to this very day. What she didn’t realize was that she also damned herself to being chained to the horrors she unleashed. But what I’m talking about is ancient history and we’ve got to get you ready.”

  “But, I thought—”

  “Yeah, I’ve decided to break with tradition. I’ve always thought it was kind of creepy standing around in your bra and panties while a group of Muses dressed you. I’ve already told Georgia not to expect us for her meeting, so we can take a little longer to prepare,” Callie said, walking into Sophie’s dressing room and returning with her own outfit for the occasion and Sophie’s own dress.

  Angela joined Callie and Sophie and the three women walked down the main staircase in the Entry Hall fifteen minutes early. Most of the welcoming committee already had assembled and Georgia was speaking with Winnie, who was dressed in her tweed suit jacket and a long, tartan print skirt that pooled slightly on the ground. Her frizzy mop of hair was now arranged into flattering curls and Sophie made it a point of telling her how pretty she looked today.

  “Well, you can only do so much with what the Lord has given you to work with. But, thank you, dear. Very kind of you to say so,” Winnie replied.

  The front door opened and Bennett walked in, accompanied by two other men who Sophie knew were his Honor Guard and would be available to Sophie, Bennett and Angela if help was needed. Bennett was dressed in a dark charcoal pinstriped suit.

  Sophie wanted to walk over and kiss him, but then remembered what Miranda said and her blood boiled. Her hands grew warm and tingled. After a few deep breaths, Sophie managed to keep her blood at a low simmer.

  Neville the Hob walked in with a tall staff, which he handed to Bennett. Bennett in turn handed it to one member of his Honor Guard. This man took his place on the first landing of the grand staircase.

  When he got the signal, Bennett walked over to Sophie. His remaining Honor Guard offered his hand to Angela, which she accepted with a smile.

  The man paired with Angela was a Demigod who was part Merman. Angela had mentioned to Sophie that she had always been attracted to him and made it a point to attend all of his home swim meets, but never had the nerve to talk to him. After admitting her crush to Sophie, Sophie made a special request for him to be part of Bennett’s Honor Guard and Callie made sure it was granted.

  Sophie almost laughed when she saw her normally confident friend become nervous and tongue-tied. She imagined it was because even though the Merman wore a suit, Angela couldn’t stop picturing him in his tight bathing suit.

  Bennett reached Sophie and couldn’t stop smiling. “You…look,” he said.

  Sophie’s eyes watered a bit. She looked up into his eyes and then down to his lips, the image of Miranda kissing him flashing across her mind. “Kissable?” she said.

  “Very, but I was going to say…breathtaking.”

  Damn, you would say that. He’s so beautiful. How could I doubt him? He couldn’t have kissed her. Maybe Angela was right. Maybe it was all made up.

  She took his hand as he led the way to their positions. It was two minutes before one p.m.

  The Honor Guard on the stairs banged his staff down three times. Angela had mentioned to Sophie his name was Stavros and he was a rare male Siren.

  “Attention!” His voice drew the attention of the gathered welcoming committee. “Attention.”

  The clock struck one and everyone was silent as the first of the eight mirrors began to glow and then ripple.

  “The Vasilikós of Europe,” the Siren said. “Helena, Grand Duchess to the Vasilikós of Europe and Member of the Order of Helios.”

  A large entourage exited from the mirror, led by a b
eautiful, tall blond woman with delicate features. Her mouth was pressed with a disapproving air and she carried a walking stick with a golden sun on its handle. She and Georgia exchanged a few clearly forced niceties.

  Sophie and Bennett walked forward and Bennett bowed while Sophie curtsied low. After she told Sophie to rise, Helena and her group exited the room.

  Angela leaned over to Sophie. “One down, seven more to go.”

  “Attention!” The Siren called again. “Attention! The Vasilikós of Russia. Elena, Grand Duchess to the Vasilikós of Russia and Member of the Order of Boreas.”

  A large group exited the second mirror, led by a woman wearing a long velvet coat with fur cuffs and lapels. The train of her coat seemed endless.

  Elena approached Sophie, but appeared to be more interested in Bennett, who kept his eyes forward, appearing to ignore Elena’s stare.

  “Charming,” Elena remarked to Sophie as the Russian’s group exited the room. Sophie wasn’t sure if she meant her or Bennett.

  “Attention!” Stavros shouted. “Attention! The Inspirational Assembly of the United States. Rhonda, Representative for The Inspirational Assembly of the United States of America and Member of the Order of Hermes.”

  Rhonda stepped out with several members of her group walking along with her.

  “She walks with her group to signal equality,” Angela commented to Sophie under her breath.

  Rhonda was an attractive woman and looked like she was either a Congresswoman or the First Lady of the United States.

  “Representative,” Georgia said, shaking Rhonda’s hand. “So glad you could join us.”

  “Georgia, I wouldn’t have missed this for the world. Callie, it has been ages, though I must say we were pleased to have you living stateside.”

  “It was my pleasure, Representative. Thank you for taking care of the necessary immigration paperwork.”

  “No thanks necessary. You are family and it is the least I could do.” She addressed Sophie. “Oh, my, just look at this little one. She is a precious and welcome addition.” Rhonda glanced at Bennett.

  “And what is your name, son?” Rhonda asked Bennett.

  “Bennett, Representative,” Bennett answered.

  “Fine, strapping boy. Were you raised on a farm?”

  Georgia interrupted. “Sorry, Rhonda, if you would have your group make their way to the Dining Hall where luncheon will be served shortly.”

  “Oops, I’m holding up the line,” Rhonda said.

  “Attention.” Stavros shouted. “Attention. The Vasilikós of Asia. Qiaohui, Grand Duchess to the Vasilikós of Asia and Member of the Order of Hesychia.”

  Qiaohui and her group stepped out of the mirror, Georgia rushed forward and the women warmly embraced. Qiaohui was an older woman, her hair was down, snowy white and straight, a single black blossom adorned it.

  Sophie stepped forward and was surprised when Qiaohui presented her with the black flower and without saying a word to Sophie, exited the room.

  As she passed Winnie, Qiaohui asked her if she was still making those delicious Celtic Spiral Cookies.

  Winnie curtsied several times, stumbling a little. “My pleasure, Your Grace. You will find a tin of them in your room. The tin will be replenished for Your Grace’s entire stay.”

  “As always, dearest Winnie, you never cease to amaze me with your dedication to this Vasilikós and attention to detail.”

  “Thank you, Your Grace. I am humbled by your….gracious comments, Your Grace.”

  Sophie was grateful that meeting the Vasilikós of Africa, the Middle East, the Northern Territories and Australia went without issue. Her legs were screaming and she wanted to get something in her stomach.

  Georgia dismissed the staff to join those already prepping for the luncheon. She walked towards Callie, Sophie, Bennett and Angela.

  “That went adequately,” Georgia said. “Now we have the marathon luncheon. Remember, Sophie with Bennett and Angela, myself with Callie. We need to circulate and give equal attention to everyone. Do not expect to eat. You can do your eating later.”

  They all groaned.


  Sophie woke up the next morning feeling trapped. As tradition dictated, like a bride before her wedding, no one could see her, except her Lady in Waiting and her mother and grandmother. The Furies had been sent back to the Underworld, to handle some sort of situation that wasn’t explained to Sophie. Sophie was enjoying not having to be babysat. Callie and Angela stopped in for breakfast and the three women went through the breakdown of the evening then moved onto more important items like the fried eggs, bacon, biscuits, sausage gravy, and pancakes Callie had somehow smuggled in.

  “Don’t stuff yourself,” Callie said. “Taking your dress out is not an option.”

  “My dress, my dress, my dress. I haven’t gained a pound since I got here.” Sophie glanced behind her mother, got up and walked toward her dressing room. “Mom, where is my dress?” Sophie said, walking out of her closet chomping on a piece of bacon.

  “Well, it was right…” Callie got up and went through her daughter’s closet. “Hmmm. Maybe it’s over…”

  “Maybe nothing. And that isn’t the breakfast I sent up,” Georgia said, walking in with two huge garment bags and motioning for the Hob behind her to remove the breakfast immediately. Two Hobs followed behind pushing a dress dummy. “There’s been a change of plans. I didn’t like the first dress. You will be wearing the dress I wore when I became a member of this Vasilikós.”

  Georgia and the Hobs walked into the sitting room area. The Hobs laid down their loads and closed the dividing drapes to the sitting room, cutting off any view of what they were doing.

  “Did you know about this?” Sophie asked.

  “Do you see the expression on my face?” Callie said, and all three sat down to wait for the unveiling.

  After about fifteen minutes, Sophie was worried and nudged her mom to do something.

  “Georgia?” Callie said.

  The air became still and Sophie could feel the electricity building in the air. Right before she was ready to rush the curtains out of concern they opened and a burst of tiny twinkling sparks drifted down from the ceiling, leaving everyone in the room speechless. The strapless white organdy gown had a tight, close-fitting bodice. White elbow-length gloves with crystal buttons hung from the dress form. A white and silver beaded mask with delicate chinchilla coque feathers lay on the nearest table.

  “Yiayia,” Sophie said, placing both hands on her heart. “That’s not a dress. It’s a ball gown. I…” Sophie didn’t know what to say.

  Why does she always do this? Every time I have her figured out, Georgia pulls something so incredibly sweet. I don’t think I’ll ever figure her out.

  “You don’t like it?” Georgia said in shock. “I’ll have you know this dress was created by Angela’s mother Euryale. There are plenty of young girls who would be honored to wear such a dress.”

  “No, Yiayia, you don’t understand. I love it.”

  “Will it fit?” Callie asked.

  “It has been altered by Euryale, to Sophia’s specific measurements. I was more blessed in the figure area, but it should fit her like a glove.”

  And there’s the Georgia I know. Nothing like a backhanded compliment to get the day started on the right foot.

  Georgia walked over and took a velvet box from the Hob closest to her.

  “This was given to me a long time ago, as a gift to celebrate my induction into our world. Hades himself gave them to me. The stones were mined from the Underworld, which is why they sparkle so when the light hits them. When he gave them to me he said, ‘For your daughter.’ Callista had not been born yet, but he intended for me to give them to her when she was of age. I’m giving these to you, Callista, after the ball, but for tonight they are yours, Sophia.”

  Callie gasped. “No, Mama.”

  “It had been my intention to give them to you on your wedding day, but things didn’t work out th
e way I thought they should,” Georgia said. “Apparently, you can’t control everything. You can always try, but Fate always seems to get in the way. I blame Rose, Callista, for the road she created for you.”

  Sophie opened up the box. Inside of it was a diamond choker with hanging diamond teardrops that swayed with each movement, catching the light. A matching bracelet, large hair comb and two large studs completed the collection.

  “I don’t know what to say,” Sophie said as she handed the box back to the Hob.

  “Maybe words aren’t necessary,” Georgia said. Sophie rushed forward and gave Georgia a hug. Georgia began to pull away, but Sophie held her and for the briefest of moments she felt Georgia tighten her arms around her.

  “Practice your curtseys,” Georgia said, stepping away. “They were a bit sloppy yesterday morning.” She exited with the Hobs.

  “She’s trying, Sophie,” Callie said.

  “I know, mom,” Sophie said.

  “I’ve got a few final things to check on. Are you going to be okay for a while?”

  “Yeah,” Sophie said. “I’ve got my curtsies to practice.” Sophie heard the door close and rushed to her new dress. She loved it.

  I feel like Cinderella.

  She squeaked out in excitement, as she glanced at the mask and elbow length gloves. Sophie unpinned the dress from the dummy and held it out in front of her, glancing at her reflection in the floor length mirror. There was no doubt about it; this was the most beautiful dress she had ever seen.

  I am Cinderella. I have a prince, whom I’m in love with. It’s all so wonderful.

  Several raised voices and the sound of a group of people running past her door made her almost open the door into the hallway. She stopped when she heard Georgia’s commanding voice drift in through her open terrace door.

  Still carrying the dress, Sophie walked out to her balcony. Impaled on the many sharp spikes of the vineyard's gate was an object. Sophie couldn’t make it out, but from the way it hung, it wasn’t any sort of decoration. She judged by Georgia’s reaction it wasn’t meant to be there. There were several black birds picking at it and Sophie remembered her biology class and how it discussed in detail the concept of the food chain. Those birds ate dead things. Sophie took a few steps back and hid herself behind a pillar where she could still get a decent view without anyone seeing her.


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