Goldest and the Kingdom of Thorns

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Goldest and the Kingdom of Thorns Page 21

by Joanne Durda

  Two rainbows, endowed with striking colors of the prism, still dripping with dew, appeared in the enchanting, crystal clear sky over the riders. One over the Kingdom of the Ladybugs and one over the Kingdom of the Gypsies, to guide the weary riders’ way with brilliant crystalline colors. The rainbows meant good fortune, luck and love to the gypsies, which spurred them onward towards their colorful bases. Each gypsy wanted to reach the base of the lustrous rainbow first; it meant that a fair maiden, standing in a heap of silver and gold coins, would be there, waiting for her man.

  The Brides

  Months later, the courtyard of the Ladybug Castle was bustling with activity, with staff trimming bushes, tending to and watering the many colorful and exotic flowers, and craftsmen, painters and artists at their work throughout the grounds. The attractive gardens were abundant with vegetables. Orchards were alluring with juicy fruit. Fields were overcome with an abundance of wheat, oats, grain, beans, potatoes, peanuts and barley. The many different animal herds were multiplying on a daily basis. The kingdom was thriving, all under the watchful eye of its Queen Goldest.

  The ornery rains had come and washed the bloody soil off the battlefield, while the blue grass and clover grew in thick abundance and covered up the scars that the rains could not wash away – all was finally forgotten.

  That early afternoon, Savagio was at one end of the courtyard inspecting newly crafted swords, which were brought to him by the swordsmith. Ushi was at the other end of the courtyard inspecting newly bought horses, which were brought in by placid visiting herdsmen not belonging to any kingdom. The herdsmen visiting were known as wanderers, who multiplied their strong herds by moving them around the many different kingdoms and letting them munch on the various grasses and clovers of the land. Many kingdoms had different textures and flavors to their grasses and fields of clover, much to the delight of the horses and other animal herds. Their diet consisted of the very best and most nourishing pasturage.

  The wanderers would set up colorful tents filled with woven blankets and rugs. They would spend most of their time watching their herds multiply and grow strong.

  The gates to the castle and its grounds were always open to welcome new strangers and visitors to the kingdom – all were welcome, no matter what their trade was. Today, visitors approached the gates and hesitated briefly, then went on in. The entourage consisted of the Tooth Fairy Princess and Floriana, with a small band of the Gypsy Warriors as escorts. Both were riding sidesaddle, looking the essence of elegance.

  The princess was dressed in a dark blue silk gown full of white ruffles in the bodice of the dress, in the sleeves and around the bottom of her gown. Blue topaz stones graced her neck, ears and finger. Her long white blonde hair was braided with blue topaz stones entwined throughout. She was stunning, with the blue bringing out the fullness of color in her almond-shaped blue eyes.

  Floriana wore a gown of dark green, which fitted tightly in the bodice, and made her figure look even more voluptuous than usual. A belt of gold coins graced her small waist. An emerald necklace graced her neck and emeralds hung from both her ears. She was striking, with the green bringing out the magnificence of color in her green eyes. Her long dark hair was entwined with emeralds and gold coins to match her gold coin belt. They reined in their horses.

  The two beautiful females drew the attention of the entire courtyard and all activity stopped. All eyes were upon the two arresting beauties.

  Both Savagio and Ushi had stopped their inspections and their eyes were set on the two alluring females. The straight-faced princess looked first at Ushi, then at Savagio. She nudged her horse towards Ushi. She rode up to him with a smile. Ushi returned the smiled and helped her to dismount. His fingers tingled as he put his hands around her small, delicate waist.

  Savagio knew immediately that she had made her choice. It was meant to be, thought Savagio to himself, trying to lessen the blow he’d just felt. There will be others, he told himself in consolation.

  “And might I ask what brings this fair maiden to the Ladybug Castle?” Ushi asked her in jest.

  “Why, no other than yourself, my Lord,” she teased him back.

  Ushi raised an eyebrow at the princess. It was time to get serious.

  “Am I hearing right, but did the princess just make her final decision?”

  The princess looked seriously at Ushi and explained herself to him. “My heart missed you greatly and wept for your safety, Ushi. I was worried that the worst would happen to you when Imbecile came to the castle to seek help from Savagio. I’ve come to realize how much you mean to me, and that you’re the one I’ll always love to love. My dreams were empty without you. Now is the time to make my happiness happen.”

  The Willow Warriors around Ushi heard her delicate spoken words. They gathered around Ushi and slapped him on the shoulder. Then with wide grins, they bowed each in turn to the princess.

  Floriana then rode up and Ushi helped her to dismount. He groaned, as she felt heavy with all her gold coins draped around her. Just like a gypsy woman, thought Ushi with a smile. He escorted both women into the castle, where Goldest fondly put her arms around each and welcomed them. Both women were truly shocked to see how golden Goldest really was as a woman. Floriana was delighted that Goldest was now her true self, which she already knew was going to happen eventually. And she was even more thrilled to find out that her and Esbri were to be united as one. To have captured a roving, conniving heart of a lady’s man like Esbri, was a true victory won by any female. Floriana always knew that Goldest was special and that some day she would recover her true form again, finding the happiness that had so eluded her in life. Her heart was happy for her, and she wept tears of joy, wanting all her dreams to come true. But, my goodness! She never expected to find Goldest that much of a beauty. Why, she is more beautiful than the Tooth Fairy Princess, thought Floriana secretly to herself. It was a bad omen, and unwise for Floriana to make enemies, so she decided never to speak what she thought to anyone.

  The Tooth Fairy Princess was ecstatic that Goldest was marrying, because it meant that she would have Ushi to herself and not have to share him with his friend, Goldest. She breathed a sigh of relief hearing how much Goldest was madly in love with Esbri. Her favorite choice would not have been Esbri for the golden Queen, but some warrior held in high esteem like Savagio. She deserved to have a mate with more worth rule by her side – someone more respected and admired, a more praiseworthy character. However, they and their hearts would grow together, dream together, sing together, and happiness would be theirs forever, thought a wise princess to herself with satisfaction.

  “It’s about time you made up your mind about Ushi,” Goldest tartly informed the princess. “I thought about snatching him away from you myself!”

  The princess knew Goldest had bad feelings for her because she had toyed with both Ushi and Savagio. She hoped Goldest would soon forget about it and leave it in the past now that she had Esbri to think about. She also hoped Goldest would concentrate on her own life with him. The princess knew that Esbri had a passionate, roving heart and was an itinerant wolf, and that Goldest would have her hands full with him for a while until he settled down.

  “Leave it to Goldest to fall in love with an impassioned flame,” she whispered to Floriana, who giggled at the remark.

  The Queen of the Willows was quite pleased to have two more females of royal blood join them in the castle. “How exciting!” she exclaimed when she saw them. “Parties, parties, parties!”

  Augean was aglow to have them stay with them for a while. She was happy for Ushi and always thought Ushi deserved the Tooth Fairy Princess, no matter what Goldest thought.

  It soon became known to all that Ushi and the princess would be united, also. The whole kingdom was ecstatic about the double wedding. That meant more festivities!

  So, Goldest, the Queen of the Willows, Augean, the princess and Floriana, with Sabira and her daughter, Sunsette, began to plan a double wedding. The princess had g
ladly brought Sabira and Sunsette with her. They were attendants now to her, and she had grown quite fond of them both, as they had of her. She had hoped that everything would go well with her coming to the Kingdom of the Ladybugs. She had planned on them helping her with her wedding attire.

  It was a gay time at dinner that evening in the main dining hall at the long table with Ushi and his princess, and Goldest with her Esbri.

  The Queen of the Willows raised her eyebrows when she saw Floriana, so boldly and so blatantly flirting with Savagio. The Queen of the Willows had always believed that females of royal blood should always conduct themselves in a more reserved, becoming manner in public. She might as well throw herself at him, thought the Queen of the Willows to herself with a snort. The Queen reminded herself that gypsy females were fiery and bold. That is their way, and there is no other way with them. The Queen chuckled to herself, remembering when at a very tender, young age, she tried to be bold and tart. Her strict, royal mother and grandmother had immediately put her in her place. Memories were meant to be just that – memories, thought the Queen to herself with a smile.

  Savagio seemed not to mind, but loved the attention he was getting from this seductive, overzealous green-eyed female of royal blood. Tonight Floriana was dressed in a cream-colored gown that was cut low and showed off her endowed figure. A yellow diamond necklace graced her neck. She was quite ardently impressive and had a different, romantic look tonight, instead of looking saucy as she might have. She wore her hair long, but pulled back, away from her face. A pearl comb held her hair firmly in place where her hair had been pulled back. There would be no silver or gold coins gracing her body tonight. She wanted to look royal and romantically different, and not have the appearance of a jewelry merchant.

  The princess was dressed in a white flimsy gown with a blue robe over it. The blue robe was tied with a white ribbon sash. Diamonds graced her slim neck. She wore white ballet slippers to complete her look. She also wore her hair long, but pulled back with a diamond comb planted where her hair was tied back. She was stunning, herself – definitely self-contained and romantic. She would never allow herself to display such brash qualities as sauciness, tartness, aggressiveness, or the kind of unrefinement that was sometimes shown by Floriana and Goldest.

  When it came time to retire, all the women wanted their man to escort them to their rooms for the night, with Floriana wanting Savagio to escort her. To their disappointment, the Queen of the Willows frowned on this, and they found her escorting them all to their rooms. She appointed herself the chaperone until all were united properly. She watched over them all like a nervous hawk watching over her little ones. She even had Shadow keeping an eye on the romantics. Augean laughed at her grandmother. She would find her watching them from behind shadows, pillars, trees, bushes and potted plants. She would go so far as to sneaking behind them down the halls of the castle! Augean took notice that her grandmother’s feet were shod in felt slippers these days, so you could not hear her coming until completely seen!

  “Leave them be, Grandmother! They have their own lives to live, their own love to give!” Augean would tell her.

  The King of the Willows teased her and called her a ‘warlike prude’. “Lighten up! Leave them be. Let them live their dreams and let them love. Have you forgotten what you were like when you were so young?” the King laughed at her.

  She would then slap him on the shoulder and display haughtiness towards him, the King. The Queen of the Willows would act like a snoot for days when the King would endlessly tease her. The King was having a good time being entertained by all. He had decided to stay on to relax and enjoy himself. He was most eager to see how well things went for Goldest, the lovebirds and the kingdom, itself. The affairs of my own kingdom can lay rest for a while, thought the unconstrained King to himself. “My kingdom is a most happy one, with only light affairs to be handled,” he told himself. “I deserve to have some leisure, laughter and fun for a time.”

  As the days progressed, the Queen of the Willows, Augean, Lowilla, Goldest, the Tooth Fairy Princess, with Sabira and Sunsette, spent their afternoons selecting the materials and beading for Goldest’s and the princess’s bridal gowns. They would spend the mornings riding sidesaddle with their sweethearts, with the Queen of the Willows as chaperone, riding with them.

  Even Savagio would ride with Floriana, who always seemed to be at his side, flirting and flaunting herself at him. The Queen of the Willows had noticed how Floriana was still throwing herself at poor Savagio. “Tsk, tsk,” the Queen often mumbled to herself and Augean, feeling disgust every time she saw Floriana acting like a coin tart.

  This morning, Floriana had poured herself into an awesome bright red velvet riding outfit with a red velvet hat to match. The hat was decked with many red and pink feathers.

  “Humph!” the Queen of the Willows grumbled to herself in distaste. “Why, she looks like a sweet cherry tart who’s been overstuffed and baked!” Augean, riding sidesaddle next to her grandmother, overheard her mumbling about Floriana and laughed at her. She liked Floriana, and knew that she would be a wise choice for Savagio.

  “Floriana is fun-loving, full of life and love, so animated, so showy… but she’s also smart and wise,” Augean boldly told her grandmother.

  Augean, being young, sweet and innocent as she was, wanted everyone to be happy. The castle and its attendants loved her – everyone loved her. Even the shadows seemed to keep a watchful eye on her so that no harm would befall her. If anything or anyone unusual approached the little princess, the shadows of the castle would step in and shield the essence of her eyes, soul and being from whatever or whomever it was. The shadows also seemed to push the unfavorable and unwanted away.

  That morning, the group of riders jumped bushes and hedges constantly, hoping to tire out the Queen of the Willows so that she would ride back to the castle for a nap. Nothing, absolutely nothing, could tire the Queen out. She merrily jumped with them, kept up with them, and made them all tire first.

  All the riders had to take a long nap after that hardy, stressful morning ride, including the warriors who rode with them. Even Shadow stretched himself out in the sun’s rays on the front steps of the castle. Only the Queen of the Willows and the little Princess Augean went about their business, not needing a nap. This was definitely a turn of events for the morning riders, and they decided not to try again – it being fruitless!

  When the King of the Willows found out about that morning ride, he bellowed and laughed at them all. “No one could ever try to outsmart his Queen!” He then realized how proud he was of his Queen, being so animated and determined. He never teased her anymore after that incident. He showed only the most utmost respect for a very prestigious lady – his Queen.

  Later that afternoon, the women, with Sabira and Sunsette, locked themselves in a castle room as they sewed the bridal dresses together and selected the jewelry which was to be worn with the dresses, as well as other assortment of articles.

  The Queen noticed that Shadow was not at Augean’s feet all day and asked her, “And where is Shadow, Augean? It is unusual for him not to be at your feet.”

  “He is visiting with the men for a change,” Augean replied with a smile.

  “I’m sure he gets tired and bored being around us females and our frills all day, every day,” Lowilla remarked.

  Augean giggled at her mother’s remark.

  “You see, Goldest. I had told you that everything would fall into place for you someday, and it has. You are truly a lovely Queen, and will soon take on a husband to rule beside you,” the Queen of the Willows told her with indifference. She was not concerned about Goldest anymore. Her uncertainty at the present lay with the brazenfaced Floriana.

  “A most handsome warrior, schooled in battle. You chose well, Goldest,” Lowilla added with kindness to the Queen’s remark. Lowilla was very sincere and only wanted the best for Goldest. Goldest was kind and loving and came through for her and her husband, and also held a friend
ly interest in their daughter, Augean. She was a charitable person towards her family. It was only natural for Lowilla to be partial towards her.

  “You are truly flawless, Goldest, and with a golden heart to follow,” the Tooth Fairy Princess stated dreamily.

  “I always knew I was impeccable. It just took time to break that ridiculous spell!” Goldest exclaimed with a tinge of haughtiness. Goldest looked with interest at the material of her gown and remarked, “I would like to have the pearl beading on my gown.”

  “Your golden skin will cast a most beauteous sheen on the pearls, Goldest,” Lowilla remarked in agreement with her.

  “You made the right choice, Goldest,” the Queen said, agreeing also.

  “I prefer the diamonds on my gown. I have always worn diamonds and would not feel complete without them,” the princess informed the Queen of the Willows.

  The Queen looked at her and the material of her gown and remarked, “Princess, you should consider having the pink pearls along with the diamonds.”

  “Oooh! That would be so stunning!” Augean exclaimed.

  The princess contemplated for a few seconds. “Yes, I believe you are right about that. I shall add the pink pearls along with diamonds.”

  A knock at the door startled the women. They unlocked the door and saw several more seamstresses with their measuring cloths, sewing utensils and tools.

  “What intruders do we have here?” the Queen of the Willows asked, an eyebrow raised in question.

  “As late as it is, we think you might need our help. We have not much time to prepare for a double wedding!” one of the seamstresses exclaimed. The seamstresses were ushered in with welcome relief.


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